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of the company for wharves, stores, &c. so long as the said bridge shall be built and be kept in good repair." They then voted to grant all the Flats to the town of EastHaven.

"March 13, 1797-Voted an enlargement of the burying ground. The north line to run straight from the northwest corner of Moses Thompson's house, running westward in a straight line and course, leaving Nehemiah Smith's house 57 feet to the south of said line." Then-" Voted that we

do give up to the Town of East-Haven all the propriety right which we now have to the common and undivided lands and highways within said Town."



Society formed; Church gathered; Ministers ordained; Meeting-houses built; Glebe property laid out and sold.

THE inhabitants on the east side of the Quinipiack, from their first settlement, attended public worship at New-Haven; but with great inconvenience, labour, and danger. They were obliged to leave home early in the morning, travel through the woods, on unmade roads, and then cross the Ferry, which was often dangerous. During the Indian wars and commotions, the women and children, on the Sabbath, were collected together at one house in the neighbourhood, under the protection of a guard, while some part of the families attended public worship at New-Haven. And for many years, the men were required by law, under the penalty of a fine, to appear at meeting, with their arms, ready for battle. Similar inconveniences attended the transaction of their business at New-Haven. It was natural for them, therefore, to anticipate advantages from being organized as a distinct parish from New-Haven. With Zeal they prosecuted this object. In the year 1678, they petitioned New-Haven for their consent to become a distinct village, and for some other privileges. Not succeeding that year, on the 18th Aug. 1679, they renewed their application, which resulted as follows:

"At a town meeting held in New-Haven, 29th Dec. 1679 and for the village on the East side, those inhabitants gave

in their propositions to the Committee, which they desired might be granted, which were

1. That they might have liberty to get a Minister amongst them for their meeting, and keep the Sabbath in a way as they ought.

2. That boundary might be granted them as high as Muddy River.

3. That they have liberty of admitting inhabitants among them, for their help in the work and maintenance of a Minister.

4. That they may have liberty to purchase some lands of the Indians, near Mr. Gregson's, if the Indians are willing to part with it.

5. That what land of the Quinipiack is within Branford stated bounds, the right of the purchase may be given them. 6. Lastly, that they may be freed from rates to the Towne when they shall have procured a Minister."

This business was referred to a committee, to report at next meeting.

"At a Town Meeting, held in New-Haven, 29th Decr. 1679-the inhabitants of Stoney River, Southend, and some others, on the East side of the River, having formerly made a motion, and for several reasons therein expressed, to have liberty among themselves, to procure a minister to preach the Word and administer ordinances among them, and several other particulars, as in their petition more fully appears; the Towne at their request appointed a Committee to examine and prepare matters against some other meeting; and after some consideration of the business, did prepare an answer, and made return to the Towne at the aforesaid meeting which is as followeth.

"1. That they be encouraged and have liberty granted to get a Minister to settle amongst them as soon as it doth appear they are in a capacity to maintaine a Minister and hold the ordinances of Christ.


"2. That when they are settled in a village way with Ministry, they have liberty to admit their own inhabitants for the future, but to attend to such cautions and considerations for the regulation of their settlement, as may consist with the interest of religion, and the Congregational way of the Churches, provided for, to be upheld.

"3. As to the purchase of land of the Indians near Mr. Gregson's farme; New-Haven being bound in covenant to supply the Indians with land for planting when they need,

how far liberty to purchase lands of them may consist with that engagement, unless with due caution, is to be consider



[The 4th article has been already quoted--see page 31.] 5. For the payment of rates to New-Haven, that they be freed from it when they are settled in a Village way with Ministry.

"6. For Commonage, that the stated Commonage be at liberty on that side of the River within their limits, for the use of New-Haven as hitherto, and what shall remain for commonage within be agreed upon.

"7. That the inhabitants of New-Haven, that live in the Towne, and have propriety in land on the Indian side, whilst they so continue, pay their rates to New-Haven as hitherto.

"8. That their bounds shall be the north side of Alling Ball's farme, by a line from the River as his line runs ontill it meets with Branford line, above Foxon's; and that the farmers above that line be left at liberty to contribute to the Ministry with them, and such not to pay to the Ministry at New-Haven, whilst they so do, untill further orders."

After the Towne had heard the considerations of the Committee in answer to the inhabitants on the East side respecting the Village; the Town approved and confirmed it to be their order by Vote.

Agreeable to this grant, the Village applied to the General Court for a law to locate and incorporate them as a Society. That transaction will appear from the following documents. So early as May, 1667, they had requested this privilege of the General Assembly, when they Resolved, "Upon the Motion of the Deputies of New-Haven, this Court grants the Towne liberty to make a Village on the East side of the East River, if they see it capable for such a thing, provided they settle a Village there within four years from May next."

"A General Court of Election held at Hartford, 13th May, 1680. In answer to the petition of John Potter, Samuel Heminway and Eliakim Hitchcock, that they might have liberty (they having obtayned consent of New-Haven) to become a Village and to set up a distinct Congregation there, with liberty to invite and settle an orthodox Minister amongst them.

*This Court considering the great difficulties they have met withall in their passage to attend the publique worship of God hitherto, and upon hopes that they may be capable to set up and mayntaine the publique worship of God in that place, as a particular Society of themselves, doe grant them free liberty, if they do find themselves able, to proceed and carry on the worke in the best way they can, and for their encouragement therein and towards erecting a place for publique worship, this Court will free them from country rates for three yeares; the time to commence when they have a Minister amongst them, and then they are also to be free from the payment of rates to New-Haven, and not before; and this Court doe desire Mr. Jones, Mr. Bishop and Capt. Nash, to treat with their neighbours of Branford to grant the said Village what enlargement they can upon the account of good neighbourhood, and the necessity of the case, and New-Haven purchase; and this Court shall be ready to grant them what encouragement they may, as it shall be desired of them for the future; and it is also ordered that if upon tryall they shall find themselves able to goe thorow such a worke as mayntayning a settled Ministry amongst them, and are destitute of one, they shall return to their first station to New-Haven till they shall be able to goe thorow the worke."-[Col. Rec.]

According to this grant the Village immediately proceeded in making arrangements to obtain a preacher.

"17th January, 1681, They appointed John Thompson and Samuel Heminway to speak with Mr. James Alling to know his mind in reference to his settling with us in the worke of the ministry."

"At the same meeting the Village granted 100 acres of land to the encouragement of the Ministry amongst them. The one half of which they give to the first minister that shall settle with them in that worke. And the other half for the standing use of the Ministry here forever. And that this last fifty acres, given to the Ministry, shall not be given away to any, either by major vote or otherwise."

The Committee applied to Mr. Alling, who served them several months, but contemplating a long journey, he declined their invitation to stay longer with them. The Committee reported this to the Village meeting, and "they then agreed to look out some other meet person, to carry on the worke of the ministry here. They directed their Committee to renew their application to Mr. Alling, and if unsuc

cessful, then goe to Mr. Harriman, and treat with him, and desire his help in the Ministry amongst us, and further, to give him an invitation to a settlement in the worke of the ministry amongst us. It was also ordered that Matthew Moulthrop, and John Potter doe set out five acres of the land upon the Green, formerly granted, the one half for the Ministry, and one half for the first Minister that shall settle with us, and they are to leave the spring clear, for a watering place for cattle. It is also agreed that the 95 acres to the Ministry, and the minister that shall settle with us, the one half of it shall be laid as near home as may be, and the other half upon Stoney River."

This land was laid out as follows: Five acres on the South-east corner of the Green, on which Mr. Heminway's house was built. 12 acres beyond the bridge swamp. 31 acres lying at the Solitary Cove-this lot lies between the paths that goe to the Cove Meadow. 12 acres near John Luddington's home lot-16 acres by the road leading to Southend-48 acres under Indian Grave hill. And a 100 rods in breadth from the path that leads from Foxon's to Capt. Alling Ball's-and 30 acres on the half mile when that was divided."


A part of this land was sold to Rev. J. Heminway, to pay the arrears of his salary. And some of it was sold to defray the expenses incurred for building the first meetinghouse. And 50 acres was given to Mr. Hemin way as the first minister. In 1739, the parsonage lands were all resurveyed, and another piece was added, south of Samuel Hotchkiss's farm. "And all the above parcels of land, were by vote, sequestered and set apart to be improved for upholding the Presbyterian Ministry in this Society forever."--And entered on New-Haven records.

Mr. Harriman was employed, and the Village raised by tax £50 for his support" current money with the merchant." And they gave him a formal call in November,


"They also voted to proceed immediately to build a house for the minister, and to finish it in a year." This they attempted to accomplish by a subscription, which is a specimen of the public spirit of the Village at that period.

"A Catalogue of the persons, together with the several sums they (this day) promise freely to contribute towards building the minister's house and fencing the home lot, which are as follows:"

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