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large, and they are distinctly divided into tenths. Each degree of No. 1 occupies a space of 208 inch, and of No. 2 130 inch. The scratch upon the glass for the freezing point is very visible in both. It is difficult to say for what purpose they were originally made, but evidently for some experiments upon the freezing point of water; and if they had been expressly constructed to verify the present point, they could not have been better contrived for the purpose. The bulbs of both were plunged into pounded ice, in which they were left for half an hour, and the height of the mercury was carefully taken by two observers with the aid of magnifying glasses. The result of the examination was, that in No. 1 the freezing point upon the scale was 0.4 degree too low, and in No. 2, 0.35 degree. There can be little doubt, I think, that the right cause of the phenomenon has been assigned, viz. the change of form and capacity which the glass undergoes from the pressure of the atmosphere upon the vacuum of the tube."

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III. Notice in regard to the Temperature of Mines.

By Matthew Miller, Esq. MWS.

The late experiments on the temperature of mines made in Cornwall, and in other countries, having given rise to various speculations in regard to the distribution of heat in the crust of the earth, all of which appear to me to be unsatisfactory, I now beg leave to offer for consideration of the Society, an explanation, that does not seem liable to the objections that have been opposed to the others.

In every mine, with the exception of a few, which are level-free, the ventilation is carried on by causing the air at the surface to descend, and traverse the works, and then ascend. Now it is evident, that if a portion of air from the surface be carried down to the bottom of the mine, it will be condensed in proportion to the depth of the mine; and, in consequence of this condensation, will become heated, and the degree of heat will of course be in proportion to the depth of the mine. The air thus heated, traverses the works, and imparts its heat to the strata; it then ascends, and is succeeded by a fresh portion of air from the surface, which in the same way becomes heated, and imparts its heat to the strata, and they, in turn, communicate it all around. Thus in a long course of working in a deep mine, the air at the bottom is heated, and also the rocks to a considerable depth : and when the working ceases, the mine takes a long time to lose its temperature; and this is found to be the case, particularly when the mine becomes full of water, the water being found at first of a high temperature, and gradually to lose its heat, which is in consequence of the strata imparting theirs to the water, and as soon as they have given out all their heat, the water indicates the mean temperature nearly of the place.

The reverse takes place in an old mine when re-worked; in that case, the temperature rises gradually as the working continues; and' in those mines which are not worked, but in which the ventilation still goes on. I believe it will be found that they do not lose more of their temperature than can be placed to the abstraction of the other causes of heat in working mines, such as that produced by the men and the lights.

The exact quantity of heat given out by air in proportion to its con

densation, it is difficult to ascertain, but every day's experience proves it to be very considerable; and, I believe, this, added to the other obvious sources of heat in mines in a state of working, will be found sufficient to account for their high temperature. (Trans. Wern. Soc. vol. iv. part II. p. 466.)

IV. On the Fusion of Charcoal, Graphite, Anthracite, and the Diamond. By Professor Silliman.

In our fourth volume, N. S. at p. 121, we gave an account of Prof. Silliman's experiments on the fusion of charcoal; in vol. v. p. 314, some remarks on the same subject by Mr. W. West, of Leeds, were inserted; and more recently, at p. 73 of the present volume, we gave a notice respecting it by Prof. Griscom, of New York. Prof. Silliman having extended his experiments to the more difficultly combustible carbonaceous substances, has published several articles concerning them in the last number of his Journal, or that for May, the substance of which we here present to the reader.

The first article, p. 341, is a letter from Prof. S. to Dr. Hare, dated March 26, 1823, in which, after referring to his former papers, he proceeds to describe, in the following terms, the fusion of graphite by means of Dr. Hare's deflagrator.

"From a piece of very fine and beautiful plumbago, from North Carolina, I sawed small parallelopipeds, about one eighth of an inch in diameter, and from three fourths of an inch to one inch and a quarter in length; these were sharpened at one end, and one of them was employed to point one pole of the deflagrator, while the other was terminated by prepared charcoal. Plumbago being, in its natural state, a conductor, (although inferior to prepared charcoal,) a spark was readily obtained, but, in no instance, of half the energy which belongs to the instrument when in full activity, for the zinc coils were much corroded, and some of them had failed and dropped out; still the influence was readily conveyed, through the remaining coils. As my hopes of success, in the actual state of the instrument, were not very sanguine, I was the more gratified to find a decided result in the very first trial. To avoid repetitions I will generalise the results. The best were obtained, when the plumbago was connected with the copper, and prepared charcoal with the zinc pole. The spark was vivid, and globules of melted plumbago could be discerned, even in the midst of the ignition, forming and formed upon the edges of the focus of heat. In this region also, there was a bright scintillation, evidently owing to combustion, which went on where air had free access, but was prevented by the vapour of carbon, which occupied the highly luminous region of the focus, between the poles, and of the direct route between them. Just on and beyond the confines of the ignited portion of the plumbago, there was formed a belt of a reddish brown colour, a quarter of an inch or more in diameter, which appeared to be owing to the iron, remaining from the combustion of the carbon of that part of the piece, and which, being now oxidized to a maximum, assumed the usual colour of the peroxide of that metal.

"In various trials, the globules were formed very abundantly on the edge of the focus, and, in several instances, were studded around so thickly, as to resemble a string of beads, of which the largest were of

the size of the smallest shot; others were merely visible to the naked eye, and others still were microscopic. No globule ever appeared on the point of the plumbago, which had been in the focus of heat, but this point presented a hemispherical excavation, and the plumbago. there had the appearance of black scoriæ or volcanic cinders. These were the general appearances at the copper pole occupied by the plumbago.

"On the zinc pole, occupied by the prepared charcoal, there were very peculiar results. This pole was, in every instance, elongated towards the copper pole, and the black matter accumulated there, presented every appearance of fusion, not into globules, but into a fibrous and striated form, like the half flowing slag, found on the upper currents of lava. It was evidently transferred, in the state of vapour, from the plumbago of the other pole, and had been formed by the carbon taken from the hemispherical cavity. It was so different from the melted charcoal, described in my former communications, that its origin from the plumbago could admit of no reasonable doubt. I am now to state other appearances which have excited in my mind a very deep interest. On the end of the prepared charcoal, and occu. pying frequently, an area of a quarter of an inch or more in diameter, were found numerous globules of perfectly melted matter, entirely spherical in their form, having a high vitreous lustre, and a great degree of beauty. Some of them, and generally they were those most remote from the focus, were of a jet black, like the most perfect obsidian; others were brown, yellow, and topaz coloured; others still were greyish white, like pearl stones with the translucence and lustre of porcelain; and others still, limpid like flint glass, or, in some cases, like hyalite or precious opal, but without the iridescense of the latter. Few of the globules upon the zinc pole were perfectly black, while very few of those on the copper pole were otherwise. In one instance, when I used some of the very pure English plumbago, (sawed from a cabinet specimen, and believed to be from Borrowdale,) white and transparent globules were formed on the copper side.

"When the points were held vertically, and the plumbago uppermost, no globules were formed on the latter, and they were unusually numerous, and almost all black on the opposite pole. When the points were exchanged, plumbago being on the zinc, and charcoal on the copper end, very few globules were formed on the plumbago, and not one on the charcoal; this last was rapidly hollowed out into a hemispherical cavity, while the plumbago was as rapidly elongated by matter accumulating at its point, and which, when examined by the microscope, proved to be a concretion in the shape of a cauliflower, of volatilized and melted charcoal, having, in a high degree, all the characteristics which I formerly described as belonging to this substance. Indeed, I found by repetitions of the experiment, that this was the best mode of obtaining fine pieces of melted charcoal.

"In some instances, I used points of plumbago on both poles, and always obtained melted globules on both; the results were, however, not so distinct as when plumbago was on the copper and charcoal on the zinc pole; but the same elongation of the zinc and hollowing of the copper pole took place as before I detached some of the globules, and partly bedding them in a handle of wood, tried their hardness and firmness; they bore strong pressure without breaking, and

easily scratched, not only flint glass, but window glass, and even the hard green variety, which forms the aqua fortis bottles. The globules which had acquired this extraordinary hardness, were formed from plumbago which was so soft, that it was perfectly free from resistance when crushed between the thumb and finger, and covered their sur faces with a shining metallic looking coat. These globules sunk very rapidly in strong sulphuric acid-much more so than the melted char coal, but not with much more rapidity than the plumbago itself, from which they had been formed,

"The zinc of the deflagrator is now too far gone to enable me to prosecute this research any farther at present,

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April 12. Having refitted the deflagrator with new zinc coils, I have repeated the experiments related above, and have the satisfaction of stating that the results are fully confirmed and even in some respects extended. The deflagrator now acts with great energy, and in consequence I have been enabled to obtain good results when using plumbago upon both poles. Parallelopipeds of that substance, onefifth of an inch in diameter and one inch or two inches long, being screwed into the vices connecting the poles, on being brought into contact, transmitted the fluid, with intense splendour, and became fully ignited for an inch on each side; on being withdrawn a little, the usual arch of flame was formed for half an inch or more. Indeed when the instrument is in an active state, the light emitted from the plumbago points, appears to be even more intense and rich than from charcoal; so that they may be used with advantage, in class experiments, where the principal object is to exhibit the brilliancy of the light.

"On examining the pieces in this, and in numerous other cases, I found them beautifully studded with numerous globules of melted plumbago. They extended from within a quarter of an inch of the point, to the distance of one-quarter or one-third of an inch all around, They were larger than before and perfectly visible to the naked eye; they exhibited all the colours before described, from perfect black, to pure white, including brown, amber, and topaz colours; among the white globules, some were perfectly limpid, and could not be distinguished by the eye from portions of diamond. In one instance only was there a globule formed on the point; it would seem as if the melted spheres of plumbago as soon as formed, rolled out of the current of flame, and congealed on the contiguous parts. In every instance, the plumbago on the copper side, was hollowed out, into a spherical cavity, and the corresponding piece on the zinc side, received an accumulation more or less considerable. In most instances, and in all when the deflagrator was very active, besides the globules of melted matter, a distinct tuft or projection was formed on the zinc pole, considerably resembling the melted charcoal, described in my former communications, but apparently denser and more compact; although resembling the melted charcoal, as one variety of volcanic slag resembles another, it could be easily distinguished by an eye familiarized to the appearances. In one experiment the cavity, and all the parts of the plumbago at the copper pole were completely melted on the surface, and covered with a black enamel. The ap pearances were somewhat varied when specimens of plumbago from different localities were used. In some instances it burnt, and even

deflagrated, being completely dissipated in brilliant scintillations; the substance was rapidly consumed and no fusion was obtained. This kind of effect occurred most distinctly when there was a plumbago piece on the copper side, and a piece of charcoal on the zinc side. I have already mentioned the curious result which is obtained when this arrangement is reversed, the charcoal on the copper, and the plumbago on the zinc side; this effect was now particularly distinct and remarkable, the charcoal on the copper side was rapidly volatilized, a deep cavity was formed, and the charcoal taken from it, was instantly accumulated upon the plumbago point, forming a most beautiful protuberance, completely distinguishable from the plumbago, and presenting when viewed by the microscope, a congeries of aggregated spheres, with every mark of perfect fusion, and with a perfect metallic ·lustre. I would again recommend this arrangement when the object is to attain fine pieces of melted charcoal.


April 14-In repeating the experiments to-day, I have obtained even finer results than before. The spheres of melted plumbago were in some instances so thickly arranged as to resemble shot lying side by side; in one case they completely covered the plumbago, in the part contiguous to the point on the zinc side, and were without exception white, like minute delicate concretions of mammillary chalcedony; among a great number there was not one of a dark colour except that when detached by the knife they exhibited slight shades of brown at the place where they were united with the general mass of plumbago. They appeared to me to be formed by the condensation of a white vapour which in all the experiments, where an active power was employed, I had observed to be exhaled between the poles and partly to pass from the copper to the zinc pole, and partly to rise vertically in an abundant fume like that of the oxide proceeding from the combustion of various metals. I mentioned this circumstance in the report of my first experiments, but did not then make any trial to ascertain the nature of the substance. Although its abundance rendered the idea improbable, I thought it possible that it might contain alkali derived from the charcoal. It is easily condensed by inverting a glass over the fume as it rises, when it soon renders the glass opaque with a white lining. Although there was a distinct and peculiar odour in the fume, I found that the condensed matter was tasteless, and that it did not effervesce with acids, or affect the test colours for alkalies. Besides, as it is produced apparently in greater quantity, when both poles are terminated by plumbago, it seems possible that it is white volatilized carbon, giving origin, by its condensation, in a state of greater or less purity, to the grey, white, and perhaps to the limpid globules. "The deflagrator having been refitted only at the moment when a part of this paper had already gone to the press, and the remainder is called for, I am precluded by these circumstances from trying the decisive experiment of heating this white matter by means of the solar focus in a jar of pure oxygen gas, to ascertain whether it will produce carbonic acid gas.

"This trial I have this morning made upon the coloured globules obtained in former experiments; they were easily detached from the plumbago by the slightest touch from the point of a knife, and when collected in a white porcelain dish, they rolled about like shot, when the vessel was turned one way and another. To detach any portions

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