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Règlement d'exécution prévu à l'Article VIII de la Convention.

1. Dans le délai maximum de cinq années à compter de l'échange des ratifications de la Convention, la ligne du Somport sera prolongée, en Espagne, jusqu'à Villanua, et l'on terminera, en France, la section d'Oloron à Bedous.

Le plus tôt possible, et au plus tard dès l'achèvement des dites sections, les travaux du tunnel de faîte et de ses raccordements avec Villanua d'une part et Bedous de l'autre, ainsi que ceux de la ligne de Zuéra à Turuñana (Atalaya), devront être entrepris, puis poursuivis assez activement pour être entièrement terminés avant l'expiration du délai de dix ans stipulé à l'Article II de la Convention pour l'exécution de la ligne d'Oloron à Zuéra;

2. Les opérations topographiques et les autres travaux techniques relatifs aux projets des tunnels internationaux et des gares internationales seront effectués d'un commun accord par les ingénieurs des deux Gouvernements et soumis à la Commission Internationale, qui devra, lorsqu'il y aura lieu, les présenter à l'approbation des deux Gouvernements.

Les ingénieurs des deux pays dirigeront respectivement, après adjudication simultanée des travaux en France et en Espagne, la construction de la partie du tunnel du Somport comprise entre la tête située dans leur pays et le point culminant du profil en long. Ils vérifieront périodiquement, ensemble, l'alignement et les pentes des parties construites et en construction sur les deux versants du tunnel. Il sera procédé de même à l'égard du tunnel du col de Salau;

3. Les comptes généraux de dépenses prévus aux Articles IV et V de la Convention comprendront: les frais exposés à partir de la ratification de la Convention pour l'étude des ouvrages auxquels s'appliquent ces comptes; les dépenses proprement dites des travaux, qu'il s'agisse de celles prévues aux marchés d'entreprise ou des augmentations survenues en cours d'exécution, ou, encore, de celles effectuées directement en régie; les frais de surveillance; les indemnités à payer soit aux entrepreneurs, soit à des tiers; les frais de procédure, et, en général, les dépenses de toute nature se rattachant à l'exécution des dits travaux, à la seule exception des traitements et indemnités des ingénieurs et agents faisant partie du cadre permanent des travaux publics des deux pays, traitements et indemnités qui seront à la charge de leurs Gouvernements respectifs;

4. Le présent Règlement d'exécution annule et remplace celui signé à Madrid, le 13 Février, 1885, et non ratifié.

Fait à Paris, en double exemplaire, le 18 Août, 1904.



PRO1OCOL additional to the Convention between France and Spain of the 18th August, 1904, relating to Railway Communications across the Pyrenees.-Signed at Paris, March 8, 1905.

[Ratifications exchanged at Paris, January 28, 1907.]

LE Gouvernement de la République Française et le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté le Roi d'Espagne se sont mis d'accord pour compléter et rédiger ainsi qu'il suit le paragraphe 3 de l'Article II de la Convention du 18 Août, 1904* :—

"Pour la troisième, qui doit s'embrancher en Espagne, sur la ligne non encore exécutée de Lérida à la frontière par la Vallée du Noguera-Pallaresa, ce délai courra du jour de la notification par le Gouvernement Espagnol au Gouvernement Français de l'achèvement de la section de Lérida à Sort de la dite ligne, notification qui devra avoir lieu dans un délai maximum de dix ans."

En foi de quoi les Soussignés, dûment autorisés par leurs Gouvernements, ont signé le présent Protocole et l'ont revêtu de leurs cachets.

Fait en double exemplaire, le 8 Mars, 1905.



BRITISH CIRCULAR notifying the Accession of the German Netherland Telegraph Company to the International Telegraph Convention of 1875.†—London, May 31, 1905.

ARTICLE XVIII of the International Telegraph Convention requires that adhesions to that Convention should be notified to the Signatory Powers by the country in which the last Conference was held; and this duty, therefore, at present devolves upon Great Britain.

I have consequently to request you to inform the Government, with reference to Articles XVIII and XIX of the Convention, and Article 87 (2) of the International Service Regulations (London Revision, 1903), that the German Netherland Telegraph Company has declared its adhesion to the Inter

* See page 632.

+ Vol. LXVI, page 19.

national Telegraph Convention of St. Petersburgh of the 10th (22nd) July, 1875.

Foreign Office, May 31, 1905.

BRITISH CIRCULAR notifying the Accession of the East European Telegraph Company, of Cologne, to the International Telegraph Convention of 1875.*-London, July 24, 1905.

ARTICLE XVIII of the International Telegraph Convention of 1875 requires that accessions to that Convention should be notified to the Signatory Powers by the country in which the last Conference was held; and this duty, therefore, at present devolves upon Great Britain.

I have consequently to request you to inform the

Government, with reference to Articles XVIII and XIX of the Convention, and Article 87 (2) of the International Service Regulations (London Revision, 1903) that the East European Telegraph Company, of Cologne, who are now laying a cable from Constantza to Kilios (near Constantinople), have declared their accession to the International Telegraph Convention of St. Petersburgh of the 10th (22nd) July, 1875.

Foreign Office, July 24, 1905.

GERMAN IMPERIAL MINING ORDINANCE for German South-West Africa.-Posen, August 8, 1905.


WE, William, by the grace of God German Emperor, King of Prussia, &c., do order for the South-West African Protectorate on the basis of §§ 1, 3, 6, No. 1 of the Protectorate Law (" Reichsgesetzblatt," 1900, p. 813) in the name of the Empire, as follows:


Minerals excluded from the right of disposal of the Land-owner.

§1. The minerals hereinafter designated are excluded from the right of disposal of the land-owner. They may only be sought for and extracted in accordance with the regulations prescribed by this Ordinance.

* Vol. LXVI, page 19.

I. Precious Minerals.

(1.) Precious metals (gold, silver, and platinum), native, and as


(2.) Precious stones.

II. Common Minerals.

(1.) All metals not named above, native, and as ores:

(2.) Mica and semi-precious stones.

(3.) Coal, salt, and useful earths, viz.:

(a.) Pit coal, brown coal, and graphite;

(b.) Bitumen-in a solid, liquid, and gaseous state-especially petroleum and asphalt;

(c.) Rock salt, including those salts opening up in the same bed, and the brine springs;

(d.) Earths on account of their containing sulphur, or which are available for the production of alum, vitriol, and salt petre.

The extraction of cooking salt out of the so-called salt-pan is not subject to this Ordinance.

Mining Operations on behalf of the Exchequer.

Admission of Natives to Mining Operations.

§ 2. The seeking and acquiring of minerals on account of the Imperial or local exchequer is subject to the Regulations of this Ordinance.

Natives and other coloured persons can only obtain the right of seeking and acquiring minerals so far as they are authorized so to do by the Imperial Chancellor, or, with his consent, by the Governor. Contracts which run contrary to this Regulation are legally inoperative ("rechtsunwirksam.")

Appointment of Representatives in the Protectorate.

§3. For all judicial and non-judicial matters regarding mineral prospecting ("Schürfen ") (§ 10) and mining (§ 36) persons not having their domicile or permanent residence in the Protectorate, as well as companies which have no branch establishment there in the sense of §§ 17, 21 of the civil process Ordinance, must judicially or notarially appoint a permanent resident representative and designate the same to the mining authorities. The Governor is authorized to declare the domicile, residence, or establishment in such part of the Protectorate as is especially difficult to be reached from the seat of the mining authorities, as equivalent to a domicile, residence, or establishment outside of the Protectorate.

Until the obligation designated in the first paragraph is complied with, the Governor is authorized to appoint a representative at the expense of the party under the obligation.

Natives and other coloured persons may only be appointed as representatives with the consent of the mining authorities.

Appeal against the Decisions of the Administrative Authorities.

§4. Appeal may be made against the decisions rendered by the administrative authorities in the execution of this Ordinance, unless the same has been declared excluded. The prescriptions relative to appeals against police orders, of $$ 16 to 21 of the Imperial Ordinance of the 14th July, 1905, referring to the powers of compulsion and punishment possessed by the executive authorities in the African and South Sea Protectorates, are applicable to the appeal proceedings, so far as a different course is not prescribed by this Ordinance, with the modification that the period for filing the appeal, apart from the exceptional cases provided for in the present Ordinance, is three months, and for further appeals four weeks.

Legal Proceedings against Decisions of the Executive authorities.

§ 5. Besides the appeal (§ 4), recourse to legal proceedings is admissible against the decisions rendered on private legal claims by the executive authorities in the execution of this Ordinance, in so far as it is not expressly excluded. So far, therefore, as the course of law allows, there arises out of the said decisions upon the application of the party entitled thereto and at his risk, a preliminary compulsory execution through the Court which, according to $764, section (2), of the civil suit procedure, is competent. The execution depends upon whether the entitled party proves the deposit of a suitable security to make good the damages resulting to the other party through the execution.

The petitioner is also bound, without incurring blame, to make reparation of damages beyond the amount of the security furnished.

The liability ("Haftung ") of the security expires after the lapse of two years from the time when it was furnished, recourse to law not having been had in the meantime.

Apart from the foregoing cases, the decisions and other dispositions made by the executive authorities contemplated in this Ordinance may be executed ("vollstreckbar") under the authority of the prescriptions generally in force for the execution of orders of the executive authorities in the South-West African Protectorate.

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