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27. How many more members are there now in the Senate of the United States than there were at its first adoption?

28. What was the result of the invasion of Canada by the Americans in the last war?

29. What is chronology?

30. What are the eras most used in chronology!


1. Name the principal lakes in North America.

2. Name the principal rivers in North America.

3. Name the rivers running eastward into the Mississippi.

4. Name the rivers running westward into the Mississippi.

5. Name the States which lie upon each bank of the Mississippi, and their capitals. 6. Do the waters of Lake Erie run into Lake Ontario, or the waters of Ontario into Erie ?

7. Which is the most elevated above the level of the sea, Lake Superior or Lake Huron ?

8. Write down the boundaries of Lake Erie.

9. Quebec is (according to your maps) 4° 40′ north of Boston; Ithaca, in New York,

is 5° 30' west from Boston. Which place is farthest from Boston?

10. What is the general course of the rivers in North and South Carolina?

11. What is the general course of the rivers in Kentucky and Tennessee?

12. What is the cause of the rivers in these four contiguous States running in opposite directions?

13. Which is most accessible, in its interior parts, to ships and to commerce, Europe or Africa?

14. Name the empires of Europe. 15. Name the kingdoms of Europe.

16. Name the republics of Europe.

17. What is the nearest route from England to India, by the Cape of Good Hope or by the Red Sea !

18. What do you understand by the line of perpetual snow?'

19. On which range of mountains is the line of perpetual snow most elevated above the ocean, on the Rocky Mountains of North America or on the Cordilleras of Mexico? 20. The city of Mexico is in 20° of north latitude; the city of New Orleans is in 30° of north latitude; which has the warmest climate?

21. Name the rivers, gulfs, oceans, seas, and straits through which a vessel must pass in going from Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, to Vienna, in Austria.

22. On which bank of the Ohio is Cincinnati, on the right or left!

23. What are the principal natural and artificial productions of New England!

24. Over what continents and islands does the line of the equator pass?

25. What parts of the globe have the longest days?

26. If a merchant in Moscow dines at 3 o'clock p. m. and a merchant in Boston at 2 o'clock, which dines first?

27. Name the countries which lie around the Mediterranean Sea.

28. What countries lie around the Black Sea ?

29. What rivers flow into the Black Sea?

30. Name the principal ports of Russia on the Black Sea, on the White Sea, and on the Gulf of Finland.

31. Draw an outline map of Italy.


(1) Monotony, (2) convocation, (3) bifurcation, (4) panegyric, (5) vicegerent, (6) esplanade, (7) preternatural, (8) forum, (9) evanescence, (10) importunate, (11) in

fatuated, (12) kirk, (13) connoisseur, (14) dormant, (15) aerial, (16) sphinx, (17) rosemary, (18) thanatopsis, (19) monody, (20) anthology, (21) pother, (22) misnomer, (23) zoōnomia, (24) maniacal, (25) hallucination, (26) Machiavelli, (27) madrigals, (28) hades.


1. Parse the following sentence, and write a full account of each word: Withhold not good from them to whom it is due.

2. Parse the following: The wages of sin is death.

3. Write a short sentence, containing an active transitive verb and an objective


4. A sentence containing a neuter verb, a relative pronoun, and an adjective in the comparative degree.

5. A sentence with the verb to comfort, in the passive voice, potential mode, perfect tense, second person plural.

6. In what cases do we use a instead of an ?

7. What is the difference between an active and a neuter verb?

8. The difference between ordinal and numeral adjectives?

9. What is an allegory?

10. Punctuate the following sentences, correct all the errors you may find in them, and write out grammatically, if you think them to be ungrammatical:

Your brother was there and he said to my sister and i i am tired and must go and lay down to rest me and when he was laying down we tried to lie a vail over his face. I shall come to see you this afternoon unless it rains.

Vain man thou presumest too much neither the lion nor the tiger will bow their necks to thee.

To be or not to be that is the question.

The propriety of such rules are doubtful.


1. What is the difference between natural history and natural philosophy!

2. What is the difference between zoology and geology!

3. Define the attraction of gravitation, attraction of cohesion, and chemical attraction or affinity.

4. What do you understand by the centre of gravity in a body!

5. Define momentum.

6. What is the reason that when a coach in motion is suddenly stopped the passengers are thrown forward?

7. What is the rate of velocity of falling bodies?

8. How much farther will a body fall in ten seconds than in five?

9. What is the reason that you can cut a piece of pasteboard or hard substance more easily by holding it close up to the rivet of a pair of scissors than by holding it near the ends of the blades?

10. Why is it that when you skip a stone over the surface of water it does not sink the first time it strikes the water, since it is heavier than the water?

11. Which could you stop most easily, a railroad car weighing a ton going at the rate of 10 miles an hour, or a car weighing 100 tons creeping along at the rate of ↓ ef a mile an hour?

12. Explain the hydrostatic press.

13. What is specific gravity?

14. How high can you raise water in a common pump with a single box?

15. How high can you raise quicksilver by the same contrivance?

16. In building a cistern should it be made stronger at the top or at the bottom? Why?

17. If a grindstone should be suddenly split in pieces while whirling rapidly around would the fragments fall directly to the ground or not? Explain the principle.

18. Is a stage coach with baggage upon the top more liable to be overset than the same coach with the baggage hung under the axletree? If so, why?

19. In a small boat which is in danger of being overset should the passengers stand up or lie down in the bottom? Why?

20. Which occupies the most space, a pound of water when liquid or when in the state of ice?

1. What is the radius of a circle?

2. What is the arc of a circle?


3. How many degrees are there in the quarter of a circle?

4. Which circle contains the greater number of degrees, the Equator or Arctic circle 1

5. What do you understand by the terms zenith and nadir?

6. What is the horizon?

7. What is the axis of the horizon?

8. What is a vertical circle ?

9. What is the altitude of a heavenly body ↑

10. What is the azimuth of a heavenly body?

11. Has the earth the greatest velocity in the rotation upon its axis or the revolu tion around the sun?

12. In the diurnal revolution of the earth, who are now moving with the greatest velocity, the inhabitants of Mexico or of Boston?

13. What difference will there be in the velocity with which the inhabitants of the above named cities are moved in the annual revolution of the earth around the sun? 14. Suppose one man is on the top of a mountain, another at its foot, and a third in a deep cavern, all on the same parallel of latitude, which will pass through the greatest space in one revolution of the earth upon its axis?

15. Which moves with the least velocity?

16. At what angle is the axis of the earth inclined to the plane of its orbit?

17. Suppose the angle of the earth were perpendicular to the plane of its orbit, what effect would it have upon the order of the seasons?

18. Explain the causes of the change of seasons.

19. How many times does the moon revolve around the earth in one year!

20. How often does the moon revolve upon her axis?

21. Why is it that we see only one side of the moon?

22. What causes an eclipse of the moon?

23. What causes an eclipse of the sun?

24. How many primary planets are there in our solar system?

25. How many secondary planets?

26. How many satellites has Jupiter?

27. How many satellites has the earth?

28. Which way does the earth move around the sun, from east to west or from west to east?

29. What is the principal cause of the tides?

30. What do you understand by neap tides?

31. What do you understand by the transit of a planet i


1. How much is of of 9 hours and 18 minutes?

2. What part of 100 acres is 63 acres, 2 roods, and 7 rods?

3. What is the quotient of one ten-thousandth divided by ten thousand? Express

the answer in decimal and vulgar fractions.

of the

4. A stationer sold quills at 108. 6d. per thousand, by which he cleared price, but the quills growing scarce he raised the price to 128. per thousand. What per cent. would he clear by the latter price?

5. Suppose A owes me $100 due at the end of 3 months and $100 due at the end of 9 months, and he agrees to give me a note for $200 payable at such a time that its present worth shall be the same as the sum of the present value of the two first mentioned notes. How long after date must this note be made payable?

6. A man has a square piece of ground which contains one-quarter of an acre and a quarter, on which are trees which will make wood enough to form a pile around on the inside of the bounds of the land 3 feet high and 4 feet wide. How many cords of wood are there?

7. A sold goods for $1,500, to be paid for one-half in 6 months and one-half in 9 months. What is the present worth of the goods, interest being at 7 per cent.?

8. A merchant in New York, where interest is 7 per cent., gives his note, dated at Boston, where the interest is 6 per cent., for $5,000, payable at the Merchants' Bank, Boston, on demand. Thirty days after the date of the note, demand is made. A year after demand, $200 are paid on the note. What sum remains due at the end of 2 years from the date of the note?

9. What is the square root of § of of 4 of 3 ?

10.. The city of Boston has 120,000 inhabitants, half males, and its property liable to taxation is $100,000,000. It levies a poll tax of § of a dollar each on one-half of its male population. It taxes income to the amount of $50,000, and its whole tax is $770,000. What should a man pay whose taxable property amounts to $100,000 ↑

APPENDIX D. See page 77.




CLASS A.-Models of machines, implements, and other mechanical contrivances.

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CLASS B.-Articles other than models the value of which shall depend upon their utility.

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CLASS D.-Ornamental articles, whose chief value shall depend upon the artistic skill displayed

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(1) Freehand copy without measurements, of an outline drawing placed before

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(2) Original design in black and white for wall paper, carpet, oil cloth, centre piece, border, &c., the conventionalized unit or units to be furnished pupils:

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