The Reformation of Rights: Law, Religion and Human Rights in Early Modern CalvinismJohn Calvin developed arresting new teachings on rights and liberties, church and state, and religion and politics that shaped the law of Protestant lands. Calvin's original teachings were periodically challenged by major crises - the French Wars of Religion, Dutch Revolt, the English Civil War, American colonization, and American Revolution. In each such crisis moment, a major Calvinist figure emerged - Theodore Beza, Johannes Althusius, John Milton, John Winthrop, John Adams, and others - who modernized Calvin's teachings and translated them into dramatic new legal and political reforms. This rendered early modern Calvinism one of the driving engines of Western constitutionalism. A number of basic Western laws on religious and political rights, social and confessional pluralism, federalism and constitutionalism, and more owe a great deal to this religious movement. This book is essential reading for scholars and students of history, law, religion, politics, ethics, human rights, and the Protestant Reformation. |
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2nd edn 3rd edn Abraham Amsterdam Boston Bratt Calvinist Canon Law Chapel Hill Chicago Christian Christopher Civil Colonial Constitution Covenant David Democracy Dieter Wyduckdel Berlin Discourse Documentary History Droit Dutch Republic Early Modern Emil England Cambridge English Revolution Essays facs Ford Lewis Battles Geneva Genève George Grand Rapids Hague Haven Herborn Himy Hotman Human Rights Indianapolis Jahrhundert Johannes Althusius John Adams John Calvin John Lilburne John Milton John Ponet John Winthrop John Witte Kingdon Krawietz and Dieter Kuyper Law and Religion Leiden libri London Mary Quarterly 3rd Massachusetts Bay Methodice Milton and Republicanism Natural Law Politica Political Order Political Thought Politische Theorie Princeton Puritan Quentin Skinner Recht Religious Liberty repr Revolution New York Richard Robert Roger Williams Separation of Church Sermon Seventeenth-Century Sixteenth Century Studies Theodore Beza Théodore de Bèze Theology Theorie des Johannes Thomas Hooker Toleration trans Werner Krawietz William & Mary William Walwyn York and Oxford