CREATION AND REDEMPTION, LAW AND GOSPEL, JUS- AND SENSE, HEAVEN AND EARTH. BY THE LATE REV. MR. RALPH ERSKINE, MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL AT DUNEERMLINE. ADVERTISEMENT. R 19 FEB'36 IF the number of Editions of any performance, be a mark of public approbation, Mr. Erskine's GOSPEL SONNETS have a claim to that distinction, and they may be ranked amongst those of general esteem and usefulness; few books have been so often printed in the same space of time. The present Edition, it is hoped, will be found not less worthy of public encouragement, than those that have gone before it, as confiderable attention has been paid to the correcting, by comparing it with former editions; and every thing is to be found here that has appeared in the most approved copies of the Gospel Son nets. Mr. Erskine's Poems, as Dr. Bradbury fays, are greatly to be esteemed; and above all, for that which animates the whole, the favour of > divine and experimental knowledge. |