Demiurgus of Cerinthus I. Denials of Christ, St. Peter's, -the first in the hall of the High Priest the second at the porch of the palace......... arrangement Dialects of the East have no word for " denote," &c..... I. to the literal meaning Diodati on the prophecy of Caiaphas -'s opinion of St. Luke's preface........(Note c.).. I. monstration of that truth LLLLL LLL I. 3 15 186 -, first, why taken from the disciples of the Baptist were unfit for their office till the day of Pente- cost II. 9 3 15 Discipline, why necessary to a Church Dispensations, Jewish and Christian, for a short time Divinity of Christ taken for granted in the New Testament II. 9 2 Education and study necessary to qualify men for the office of teachers, after the cessation of miraculous gifts Eichhorn on the gift of tongues 11. 9 3 18 miraculous draught of fishes... Elder, difference between the Jewish and Christian.. II. 11 5 166 --, meaning of this word..... 158 Elders of the Church II. 13 18 415 Election, the doctrine of II. 13 13 393 Elias expected to baptize the Jews themselves..... Engedi and Eneglaim, Ezek. xlvii. 10., situation of...... Enrolment of Augustus, compelled accuracy in the tables ordered by Augustus, possibly the same as the Ephesian letters, &c. -s, Epistle to, its date, cause, &c......... Epicureans of Athens, account of.. the only form of Church-government sanc- .... I. 1 9 51 1. 1 8 49 II. 13 4 282 II. 14 10 451 II. 12 12 242 .. I. 3 7 157 number, order, preservation, &c....... ---, whether St. Paul wrote to the Corinthians before II. 12 10 215 ....... Evening divided into late and early 638 Evidence of every kind which supported the Mosaic, was afforded to confirm also the Christian dispensation ... Evil, if we are not delivered from its power, we cannot be saved from its consequences. I. 1 7 47 -, will be subdued by Christ Existence and eternity of God and Christ Family, Holy, return to Bethlehem, not to Nazareth, after the purification I. 1 13 68 Fathers, Apostolic, their testimony to the divinity of Christ I. --, the early, when their testimony is valuable and decisive .. II. 918 45 unanimous on the essential truths of Christianity II. 10 Fig tree cursed, meaning and circumstances of that event I. Fishes, kind of, with which the five thousand people were fed.. 4 4 260 Fleming on the persons who rose with Christ "Full of new wine," Markland and Lightfoot...... -- design.. most learned writer on record .. Gale called by the author of Pursuits of Literature, the Galilee, Christ began his ministry there , dialect of -, idolatry began there pointed out in the Jewish traditions as the place .... ... where the Messiah should appear ........... -, the wonderful consequences to the world of our Gamaliel, Acts v. 34. Gardiner, Colonel, on his conversion... Ganz, R. David, his mistake concerning John the Baptist I. "Gaza which is desert," opinions on this passage.... Genealogies, Jewish, so confused, that the Messiah could Gentiles, their conversion predicted by our Lord in his Gospels, many spurious works published with this title in the Church at Antioch..... Gisborne, Mr. Prebendary, on the Epistles Gleig's, Bishop, illustration of the mode of preserving the accounts of our Saviour's miracles... Gnosticism condemned by the Apostles, similar to various Gnostics, their opinions ... God, belief in his existence the foundation of all reli- -, the mighty,” (Isa. vii. 9.) rendered by Horsley, God, Gospel, its first effects to remove hatred, &c. progress compared to that of rivers II. 11 14 187 II. 12 10 211 II. 9 26 76 I. 1 1 4 II. 12 10 I. 1 2 210 II. 12 12 246 I. 1 4 34 ...... Graves, Dean, on the prayer of Solomon.... Greeks who desired to see Christ .. Guards who seized Christ struck to the ground "Habitation be desolate," meaning of ...... Hales, Dr. criticism on Matt. xxiii. 37. objected to..... --, on St. Paul's visiting Britain ... on the apostleship of St. Paul........... barren tig-tree ..... date of St. Paul's trance Epistle to Titus............ proselytes --word Remphan ....... Half-shekel for the Temple-service, on the........ Hall, Bishop, on the Transfiguration .... Hammond, Dr. on the Elders of the Church on the barren fig-tree man of sin of man the object of revelation ..... ...... 3 6 153 Harmonists principally consulted in this arrangement.... I. Hansenius on the prophecy of Caiaphas...... I. "Heard in that he feared," meaning of Hearing, and hearing not the voice, at St. Paul's conver- sion, various solutions of this difficulty................ II. Hebrews, Epistle to the, cause, date, design, &c..... --, singular allusion to, in the temple-service Heinsius, Daniel, his work too much neglected.... I. .. 1 18 82 II. 13 6 295 II. 10 2 121 II. 14 11 486 11. 15 1 636 I. 1 5 42 I. 1 5 41 I. 1 .. |