A HISTORY OF PRICES, AND OF THE STATE OF THE CIRCULATION, FROM 1793 To 1837; PRECEDED BY A BRIEF SKETCH OF THE STATE OF THE CORN TRADE BY THOMAS TOOKE, ESQ. F.R.S. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS, PATERNOSTER-Row. 1838. N, conval be ation of with that comprises › imputed in raising paper and ich has just the present about to be the one emand 1814, to rise of prices SECT. 1. Variations of the cern trade in 1823, with reference to the as- serted influence of an enlarged circulation of paper in that year SECT. 2. Prices of agricultural produce from 1824 to 1827, examined - 154 SECT. 4. Speculations in foreign loans and in shares in 1824 and 1825 148 SECT. 5. Fall of the prices of goods after the spring of 1825 SECT. 6. Recoil of markets for loans and shares after the spring of SECT. 2. State of markets for produce and commodities other than SECT. 2. State of trade and manufactures, and prices of commodities, from the commencement of 1833 to the close of 1835 SECT. 3. Prices of agricultural produce in 1836 and 1837 SECT. 4. State of markets for produce other than those of agricultural SECT. 5. Joint-stock banks, and other joint-stock companies, and the speculations in the shares of these from 1833 to 1837 SECT. 6. State of the circulation from the commencement of 1833 to General view of conclusions to be derived from the pre- PART IV. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF PRICES, AND OF THE STATE OF THE CIRCULATION, FROM 1792 TO 1837. (Continued from Vol. I.) CHAPTER VI. STATE OF PRICES AND OF THE CIRCULATION, THE epoch which is now to come under consideration, embraces nearly the whole interval between the close of the war and the termination of the Bank restriction. And this interval, with that which has just passed under review, comprises nearly all the debateable ground of the imputed effects of the suspension of cash payments in raising prices beyond the difference between paper and gold. As in the instance of the epoch which has just passed, it will be found convenient in the present to make a subdivision of the interval about to be examined into two periods; namely, the one embracing the fall of prices from 1813 and 1814, to 1816 and 1817; and the other, the rise of prices from 1816 and 1817 to 1818. |