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that there are two persons whom I have been the means of bringing over to a saving faith. There is also a third in whom I have been allowed to sow the seeds of life, and of whom I dare hope that God in His own time will ripen them. The good man was so humble, that he thought nothing of all that he had done and undergone; and he counted that he had been abundantly rewarded by God, when, in the course of ten long years of unceasing hardship and toil, he had been enabled to bring two souls to the knowledge of their Saviour. He reckoned, not as we reckon here on earth, where two seems a poor, small number, but as the angels reckon in heaven; and he remembered that there is joy among them over one sinner that repenteth. Assuredly too he was a blessed man; and God had indeed dealt bountifully with him; inasmuch as once and again he had been enabled to accomplish that mightiest and most miraculous of works, the only human work which can gladden the angels in the presence of God. He who had hurled millions of men into the jaws of death, was discontented, and desired to hurl more after them. He, through whose means two names had been written in the Book of Life, rejoiced in the thought that his years had been thus profitably employed.

Now the graces, which were manifested so beautifully by this Moravian, are always found shedding contentment and happiness on the hearts of those who have laboured diligently in building up the House of the Lord. They count nothing of their own labour, and are always thankful to God for the harvest, whatever it may be. Thus they sow little, and bring in much. They eat; and, no matter what they eat, so that the cravings of hunger are stilled, they have enough. The same holds of their drink, and of their

clothing. If they have not where to lay their head, they call to mind that herein they are likened to their Saviour: and while their hearts burn with thankfulness to Him who was content to endure so much for their sakes, they rather rejoice than repine at being counted worthy to be admitted into the fellowship of His sufferings. Moreover the wages which they earn, they put into a bag from which they will never fall out. For they lay up their treasure in heaven; and sooner shall the sun and moon and stars drop down from the sky, than any work of love shall be forgotten by Him, through whom, and for whose sake it is wrought. They will forget it themselves, as we learn from the parable in which our Lord describes the coming of the Son of Man. But the King will never forget whatsoever has been done for the least of His brethren.

In the course of this sermon I have been led to speak more than once of the manner in which the very judgements of the Lord, sent by Him upon the Israelites, when they neglected to build His House, have been fulfilled upon England of late years; and I have said that the causes, which have brought down these judgements upon us, have been the very same, our neglecting to build the Lord's House, and our running each to build our own houses. The whole nation has been worshiping Mammon, has been serving Mammon above every other God; and hence it has come to pass that the very places which have been the chief temples of the Mammon-worshipers, have been ever and anon visited by the most deplorable distress. So it has been over and over again; and so it is now. In consequence of a stoppage in several branches of our manufactures, thousands have been thrown out of work, and, with their whole families, have been brought down to the lowest

state of suffering. Tens of thousands of human beings are said to be almost starving. Hence our gracious Queen has thought it became her to call upon the rest of her subjects to come forward and help their brethren who are in this misery. You have heard the letter I have read to you, in which she commands that a collection shall be made in every parish throughout her dominions, for the relief of the distrest Manufacturers. This is just what ought to be in a Christian country. They who have, should give to those who have not,—not to keep them in idleness, but to relieve their wants, and to preserve them from the sufferings which the chances of life may often bring even upon the most deserving. And we should all rejoice when we are able to give, when we are able to make this, the best, use of the gifts with which God supplies us. My brethren, there are thousands and tens of thousands of your fellowcountrymen, -I might say, hundreds of thousands,-who are in the most grievous misery; and your Queen calls upon you to help them. God calls upon you through His Gospel; and your Queen, according to God's commandment, has also called upon you, to shew your love to your neighbours by giving to those who are in need. Do not slight their command. Be not like the Priest and the Levite, who past by on the other side. Be like the good Samaritan, who rejoiced in healing and nourishing the unfortunate. As God has declared that the love of God cannot dwell in him who shuts up his bowels of compassion from his brother in need, be sure that you do not give this sad proof that the love of God does not dwell in you. But shew that you do love God, by rejoicing to give for the relief of his suffering people. In the Lord's House all the parts support each

other, even as they do in the human body. If they do not, if they cut themselves off from one another, caring only to keep what they have to themselves, the House will be divided against itself, and will fall. But if all the parts support each other, while they are built upon the right Foundation, then the House will be strong; and the destructive powers of Nature will not be able to harm it.



HAGGAI I. 7. 8. 12-14.

Thus saith the Lord of Hosts: Consider your ways. Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the House; and I will take pleasure in it; and I will be glorified, saith the Lord.—Then Zerubbabel, with all the remnant of the people, obeyed the voice of the Lord their God, and the words of Haggai the prophet; and the people did fear before the Lord. Then spake Haggai the Lord's messenger in the Lord's message to the people, saying, I am with you, saith the Lord. And the Lord stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people and they came and did work in the House of the Lord of Hosts, their God.

In the former Sermons on the message borne by the prophet Haggai to the Jews, when they were neglecting their work of rebuilding the House of the Lord at Jerusalem, we were led to consider how we also lie under the same duty of building the Lord's House, and in what ways it behoves us to build it,-how we also neglect this duty, while we spend our time in building what we regard as our own houses, and what excuses we bring forward for neglecting it, and lastly, how we also are perpetually warned by God in manifold ways to abandon the thankless, unprofitable work of building houses for ourselves. The prophet's words enabled us to discern the utter misery of those who, forsaking their duty of building the Lord's House, waste their lives in building houses for themselves. saw how they ever sow much, and bring in little,—how they eat, and have not enough,-how they drink, and are not


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