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Cretani, and on the east by the Celtiberi; i. e., the modern Valladolid, south of the Douro, the provinces of Avila and Segovia, the greatest part of Guadalaxara, and most of the central part of Toledo. Cities: Toletum (Toledo), Contrebia, Segovia, etc.

Cartala, capital of the Olcades, Liv. XXI. 4. Others, however, read in that passage, Carteia, which Polybius, 3, 13, mentions as a town on the Fretum Gaditanum. Another reading still is Althea.

Carthago Nova, a city in Spain; the modern Carthagena in Murcia.

Casilinum, a city in Campania, on the river Vulturnus; the modern Capua, in the Neapolitan Province, Terra di Lavoro.

Casinum, a town of the Volsci, in Latium, on the site of which is the modern town of St. Germano. Adject. Casinas.

Castulo, a city in Spain, near the source of the river Bætis; according to Mannert, the modern Cazorla, in Jaen.

Caudina Furculæ, a mountain-pass in Samnium, on the road from Capua to Beneventum.

Celtiberia, territory of the Celtiberi, the most numerous people of Spain, who lived in the southwestern part of the modern Arragonia, in the south of Navarra, in eastern Old Castile (Prov. Soria), and northeastern New Castile (Prov. Cuença).

Cenomani, or Cenomanni, a Celtic people in Cisalpine Gaul, on the north side of the Po, in the neighborhood of the modern Brescia, Mantua, and Verona.

Cercīna, an island in the Syrtis Minor, on the coast of Africa.

Circeii, a town in Latium, on the coast, about sixty miles south of Rome
Clastidium, a town in Liguria; now Casteggio.

Clusium, an Etrurian town, northwest of Rome.

Cœlius, mons, one of the seven hills of Rome. See Plan.

Collatia, a Latin town, a little to the north of Gabii.

Collina, Porta, one of the gates of Rome

Corbio; see note, II. 39.

Corioli; see note, II. 39.

See Plan.

Corniculum, a Latin town, taken by Tarquinius Priscus.

Cortona, a city of Etruria, one and a half geographical miles northwest of Lacus Trasimenus; now Cortona, in Tuscany.

Cremona, a city on the northern bank of the Po, in Cisalpine Gaul; now

Cremonis jugum; otherwise called Alpis Graia, the modern Little St. Bernard.
See note on XXI. 38; and the Map of the Passage of Hannibal.
Croton, or Croto, or Crotona, a city in Magna Græcia, on the Gulf of Taren.
tum; now Cotrone.

Crustumerium, a town northeast of Rome, and near the sources of the Alia.
Cures, a Sabine town, on the Via Salaria.


Druentia, a river in Gaul; now the Durance.

Delphi, a town in Phocis, and the seat of the celebrated oracle of Apollo.


Ebusus insula, the largest of the islands called Pityusa, off the coast of Spain; now called Ivica; by some ranked among the Balearic islands. Emporia, or Emporium, a Greek colonial town in Spain; now Empurias in


Eneti, a people who lived in Paphlagonia, on the Parthenius.

Eryx, a mountain on the northwest coast of Sicily, now called St. Giuliano. Esquiliæ, one of the seven hills of Rome. See Plan.

Etovissa, a town of the Edetani in Spain.

Euganei, a people who lived in the north of Italy, on the southern slopes of the Alps, near the lakes Benacus, Sebinus, and Larius.


Fæsŭlæ, a city in Etruria; the modern village of Fiesole, near Florence.
Falerii, a city of the Falisci in Etruria.

Falernus ager, a district of Campania, celebrated for its wines.

Ferentinum. See note, II. 38.

Ficana, a town taken by Ancus Marcius; it was on the Via Ostiensis.

Fidenæ, now Castel Giubileo, a town northeast of Rome, near the junction of the Cremera with the Tiber.

Formiæ, a city in Latium, on the coast, near the site of which is the little town of Mola.

Fretum Siculum, the Straits between Italy and Sicily, now Faro di Messina, or Straits of Messina.


Gabii, a Latin town between Rome and Præneste.

Gades, a city in Spain, now Cadiz. In its vicinity was a celebrated temple of Hercules.

Genua, a town in Liguria; now Genua, Genoa, in the Kingdom of Sardinia. Geronium, a town in Daunia.


Heraclea, a city in Magna Græcia, near the mouth of the Liris.

Herculis Columnæ, Pillars of Hercules, two mountains on the opposite shores of the Gulf of Gibraltar; Calpe (Gibraltar), in Spain, and Abyla (Cape Serra), in Africa.

Hermandica, a city of the Vaccæi, in Spain.

Hirpini, a people of Samnium, who occupied the country which is now the Principato ulteriore of the kingdom of Naples.

Hispaniæ. Livy frequently uses this plural, in reference to Hispania citerior and Hispania ulterior; the former the eastern part of Spain, afterwards called Tarraconensis, and the latter the southern and western parts, Lusitania and Bætica.

Honosca; see Onusa.


Ibērus, the Ebro, river in Spain. Ilergavonenses, or Lergavonenses, or Пlercaonenses, a people in Spain, east of the Edetani, on both sides of the Ebro, and near its mouth. llergetes, the most extensive people living between the Ebro and the Pyrenees. They occupied nearly the whole of what is now called Arragonia, together with Lerida.

Iliberri, a town in Gaul; now Elne.

Insubres, a people in Cisalpine Gaul, whose territory extended southward to the Po, on the west to the river Sesia, and on the north to the Alps. Chief city, Medioalnum, now Milan.

Isara, Isère, river in France.


Janiculum, a hill not included in the seven on which Rome was built; on the west side of the Tiber. See Plan of Rome.


Lacetania, territory of the Lacetani, extending from the Pyrenees down towards the Ebro, and embracing the northern half of the modern Catalonia.

Lacus Trasimenus. See Trasimenus.

Lanuvium, a town in Latium, now the village of Civita Lavigna.

Larinum, a town in the territory of the Frentani; now Larino in the Neapoli tan Province Capitanata.

Laurens ager, the territory of Laurentum, on the coast of Latium, not far from the mouth of the Tiber.

Lavici; see note, II. 39.

Libui Galli, a tribe in Cisalpine Gaul; according to Mannert, in the neighborhood of the modern Bergamo and Brescia; according to others, the same as the Libici, who lived near Vercelli, on both sides of the Sesia. Ligures, inhabitants of Liguria, a country extending along the Mare Ligus ticum (Gulf of Genoa); now Genoa, Piedmont, and Nice.

Lilybæum, a city on the western coast of Sicily, where is now the city of Marsala.

Liparæ insulæ, also Æoliæ or Vulcaniæ Insulæ, islands north of Sicily. Liternum, or Linternum, a city in Campania, north of the mouth of the river Liternus; now Patria.

Locri, or Locrenses Epizephyrii, inhabitants of the town of Locri, and the surrounding country in Bruttium.

Longuntica, a city in Spain south of the Ebro, on the sea-coast.
Luca, Lucca, city in Etruria; now Lucca.

Lucani, a tribe in Lower Italy, separated from Campania and Apulia by the rivers Silărus and Bradānus, and from Bruttium by the Laus and Sybaris.

Luceria, a city in Daunian Apulia; now Lucera.

Lusitania; this name belonged first to the country between the Durius and the Tagus, from the sea as far as the eastern border of modern Portugal. Afterwards, as a Roman province, it embraced all of Portugal south of the Douro, Salamanca, the largest part of Estremadura, and the western extremity of the province of Toledo.


Mæsia, the name of a wood, probably between Rome and the sea.

Marrucini, a people who lived in the country which is now the Hither Abruzzo (Abruzzo citeriore) of the kingdom of Naples, on the right bank of the Aternus. Capital, Teate, now Chieti.

Marsi, a people in Samnium, north of Lacus Fucinus.

Massicus mons, a range of hills on the borders of Latium and Campania, cele brated for the wines grown there.

Massilia, a city in southern Gaul, now Marseilles.
Medullia, an Alban town, northeast of Rome.

Melita, or Melite; the island of Malta.

Menix or Meninx insula, an island in the Syrtis Minor, on the coast of Africa Messana, a city in Sicily; Messina.

Metapontum, a city in Magna Græcia, on the Gulf of Tarentum.
Mutina, a Roman city in Cisalpine Gaul; now Modena.

Neapolis, Naples.


Nova Classis, a place in Spain, whose exact situation is unknown.

Nuricus, a river of Latium.

Numidæ, a people living on the north coast of Africa.


Oriculum, the last southern city in Umbria, on the Tiber.

Olcădes, a people in Spain, near the sources of the Anas, probably in the southern part of the modern Cuença, in the mountains of Ortospeda. Onusa, a city in Spain, south of the Ebro, on the sea-coast; according to some, the modern village of Joyosa in Valencia.

Oretani, a tribe in Spain, whose territory probably corresponded to the eastern part of Estremadura, most of the central part of La Mancha, the eastern extremity of Jaen, and the northern extremity of Granada. Ostia, a town in Latium, not far from the mouth of the Tiber.

Padus, the Po, chief river of Italy.


Pæstum, or Posidonia, a town in Lucania, near the mouth of the Silărus.
Pallanteum, an ancient Arcadian city.

Pedum; see note, II. 39.

Peligni, a people in Samnium, whose territory corresponded to the modern Abruzzo citeriore, in the kingdom of Naples.

Pœninus (mons), the modern Great St. Bernard.

Pentri, a Samnite people, whose capital was Bovianum.

Picenum, a district of Italy, nearly corresponding to the modern Mark An cona, in the Papal States.

Pisa, a city in Etruria, at the junction of the Arnus (Arno) and the Auser (Serchio); now Pisa.

Placentia, a city on the Po; now Piacenza.

Politorium, a Latin town, south of Rome.

Pometia, a town of Latium, at one time the capital of the Volsci; called also Suessa, and Suessa Pometia.

Præneste, a city in Latium; now Palestrina.

Prætutianus ager. This district was separated from Picenum proper by the river Truentus (Tronto), and extended on the south to the river Vomānus (Vomano); it corresponds to the modern Teramo.

Rhodanus, Rhone, river in France.


Ruscino, a city on a river of the same name in southern Gaul; now la Tour de Roussillon, not far from Perpignan.

Rutuli, a people on the coast of Latium; capital, Ardea.


Sabini, an Italian people, who dwelt originally about Amiternum in the Apennines; afterwards they occupied a territory bounded on the east by

the Apennines, on the west by the Tiber, on the north by the river

Nar, and on the south by the Anio.

Sacer (mons), a hill about three miles from Rome. on the right bank of the

Saguntum (neut.), and Saguntus (fem.), a city of Spain on the Sinus Sucro-
nensis, in the territory of the Edetani; its ruins are visible near the
modern town of Murviedro, which indeed derives its name from those
ruins (Muri veteres).

Salassi, a people of Cisalpine Gaul, who lived in the valley of the Duria (Doria Baltea), whose country corresponded to the mountain-region in the northwestern part of Piedmont.

Salyes, or Salluvii, a tribe of Gauls who lived on the Druentia and Rhodanus, in the country corresponding to the modern Provence.

Samnium, the territory of the Samnites in Central Italy, which extended from Campania northward as far as the Adriatic; divided into the cantons of the Frentanians, Hirpinians, Pentrians, and Caudines.

Satricum; see note, II. 39.

Scissis, or Cissa, a town in Lacetania (which word see).

Senones, a tribe of Transalpine Gauls, who afterwards settled in Umbria.
Sidicīni, an inconsiderable Ausonian tribe, who occupied the northern parts
of Mons Massicus. Their chief town was Teanum Sidicinum; now

Signia, a town about forty miles southwest of Rome, near the Via Latina;
now Segni.

Sinuessa, a town in Latium on the sea-coast; on the via Appia, between Min.
turnæ and Capua. Near it were hot baths, called Aqua Sinuessanæ.
Spolētum, or Spoletium, a city in Umbria; now Spoleto, in the Papal States.
Stellas Campus, a fruitful Campanian district, south of Cales.
Suessa; see Pometia.

Sulci, an old Carthaginian town on the southern coast of Sardinia.
Surrentum, a city in Campania; now Sorrento, in the Bay of Naples.
Syracuse, an important city on the east coast of Sicily; now Siracusa.


Tagus, the Tajo, river in Spain and Portugal.

Tannētum, first a village of the Boii, afterwards a city of Cisalpine Gaul, on the road between Parma and Mutina; according to Mannert, the modern village St. Illario, according to others, Taneto.

Tarentum, a celebrated city in Magna Græcia, on a gulf of the same name, which is now the Gulf of Taranto.

Tarquinii, a city of Etruria, on the Marta.

Tarracina, a city of the Volsci in Latium, called also Anxur, near the Pon tine marshes; now Terracina.

Tarraco, a town in the country of the Cosetani in Spain; from which the name Hispania Tarraconensis was derived; now Tarragona.

Taurini, a Ligurian tribe, south of the Salassi. Capital, Augusta Taurinorum, now Turin.

Telesia, a town in Samnium; now Telese.

Tellenæ, a Latin town south of Rome, taken by Ancus Marcius.

Tibur, one of the oldest cities of Latium, on the Anio; now Tivoli.

Ticinus, now Tessino, or Ticino, river in Cisalpine Gaui.

Trasimenus Lacus, lake in Etruria; now Lago di Perugia, in the Papal


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