When Learning's triumph o'er her barbarous foes A loose he gave to his unbounded soul, JOHNSON. And taught new lands to rise, new seas to roll; And, passing Nature's bounds, was something more. CHURCHILL. ADVERTISEMENT. IN presenting the first volume of this edition of the Works of Shakspeare to the notice of the Public, the Editor deems it expedient to point out the leading features by which it is distinguished. The text of Malone, as published in 1821, in twenty-one volumes, is scrupulously followed ; and a brief Historical Sketch and Argument are affixed to each Play. Dr. Johnson has observed in his excellent Preface, that'notes are often necessary, but a necessary evil:' such only are inserted as may serve to elucidate obscure passages, or to explain obsolete words and phrases; by which the Editor hopes to obtain for his work the 3925 1844 (RECAP) vi ADVERTISEMENT. appellation of 'a legible edition of Shakspeare,' uniform with the most popular productions of The attention of the youthful reader will be directed to the most striking and brilliant pas- sages by the Index, which is intended to form The Illustrations are drawn from the one The number and quality of the Illustrations, ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE FIRST VOLUME. 1. Portrait of Shakspeare. Frontispiece. PAGE. 2. Shakspeare nursed by Tragedy and Comedy, from a Painting by Romney. viii 3. Infant Shakspeare attended by Nature and the Passions. Romney. xiii xli lvii 4. The Monument of Shakspeare in Stratford Church. -Boydell. 5. Shakspeare between Poetry and Painting.-Banks. THE TEMPEST. 6. Prospero and Miranda before the cell of Prospero. -Romney. 7. Prospero, Miranda, and Ariel. Hamilton. 8. Prospero, Miranda, Caliban, and Ariel.-Fuseli. 9. Trinculo, Stephano, and Caliban.-Smirke. 10. Ferdinand and Miranda. Hamilton. 11. Prospero, Ferdinand, Miranda, Mask, &c.-Wright. 12. Ferdinand and Miranda playing at Chess. -Wheatley TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. 13. Valentine, Proteus, Silvia, and Julia.-Angelica Kauffman. 14. Valentine, Proteus, Silvia, and Julia.-Stothard. 1 13 19 45 51 70 87 190 192 • |