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But Christianity is much more than a Republication of natural Religion. It contains a Difpenfation of Things not at all difcoverable by Reason; and in this View of the Matter we fee diftinct and particular Reasons for Miracles, to give Mankind Instruction additional to that of Nature, and to atteft the Truth of it. We experience in fact, that vicious Inclinations spring up very early, and take deep Root in our Minds, which often end in engrafted Habits of Wickedness. And Scripture reprefents this State of Mankind as a State of Ruin. Reason prompts this Truth dreadful to guilty Creatures, that God is of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity with Approbation. But Revelation teaches us, that the fupreme Being, who in his Wrath thinks on Mercy, will not be extreme to mark what is done amifs, but has appointed a new and gracious Difpenfation to be carried on by his Son and Spirit for the Recovery and Salvation of Mankind; that he has in his infinite


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Goodness condefcended to enter into a new Covenant with his fallen Creatures, by which he stipulates, that if we believe in Jefus Chrift as the Son of God, who gave his Life for the Propitiation of our Sins; if we believe, that the holy Spirit is our Guide and Sanctifier, and live in Obedience to that Revelation, which by his Inspiration he enabled holy Men to leave us in the Scriptures ;---upon thefe Terms God has promised to reward our patient Continuance in well-doing with immortal Happiness. And to teach us the Reverence and Love wé owe to the Son and Holy Ghoft as well as to God the Father Almighty, the Gratitude due to the Redeemer of our Souls from Death, and the awful Fear of grieving the Holy Spirit whereby we are fanctified and fealed to the Day of Redemption; for thefe Ends the bleffed

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Jefus, though the Brightness of his Father's Glory, and the exprefs Image of his Perfon, took upon him the Form of a Servant; and yet in this mean Difguife he afferted a Power fuperior to that of Nature, cured all Man



ner of Distempers with a Word, commanded the Wind and the Sea to be obedient to him, walked upon the Water, fed many thousands with a few Loaves and Fishes, caft out Devils, and raised the Dead. stupendous Exercise of a Power so far above and beyond the Courfe of Nature was a moft illuftrious Evidence that he was indeed the Son of God; an Evidence abundantly sufficient to fatisfy every well difpofed Mind that is a fincere Lover of Truth, and enough to leave the Unbeliever without Excufe.

And here then let us seriously confider to what Purpose, and for what End, God was manifeft in the Flesh by fuch a Series of Miracles, and the Christian Religion hath fuch evident Marks of Divinity upon it. It was to fhew us by this Expence of Wonders the infinite Importance of Chriftianity, and the unfpeakable Danger of neglecting it." It was to bring Life and Immortality to Light, and affure us of what Reason could give no Certainty at all, that the grand Distinction


between the righteous and the wicked fhall be made at the End of this World; that each shall then receive according to his Deferts. Reason did, as it well might, conclude that it should, finally and upon the whole, be well with the righteous, and ill with the wicked. But it is Matter of mere Revelation, that this Life only is the accepted Time and Day of Salvation, that if we do not here acquire thofe Virtues and Graces, which are to qualify us for Heaven, and be our Paffport to it, all after-attempts will have no Efficacy nor Succefs. After Death he that is filthy will be filthy fill, and he that is unrighteous will be unrighteous ftill, irrecoverably fixed in a State of moral Disorder, and doomed in natural Confequence to the Anguish of the Worm that never dies, and the Fire that never fhall be quenched. And let this have it's juft Weight upon our Minds. Let us reflect upon this amazing Mystery, that God, who at fundry Times and in divers Manners pake to us in Times past by the Prophets, fhould in the laft Days fpeak unto us by


bis Son. Afk now of the Days that are past, which were before us, fince the Day that God created Man upon the Earth, and afk from the one Side of Heaven unto the other, whether there hath been any fuch Thing as this great Thing is, or bath been heard like it, that God indeed appeared among Men, and was manifeft in the Flesh; as is evident by Signs and Wonders and mighty Deeds, by Voices from Heaven, by Christ's Refurrection from the Dead, and all the other Witneffes, which have teftified this Truth unto the World. Afk again, hath God ever affured Men of any Thing by fo many and fuch evident Testimonies as accompanied our bleffed Saviour. Unto us it was fhewn, that we might know, that Jefus is the Lord, and befide him there is no other. Out of Heaven he hath made us to hear bis Voice that he might inftruct us; (Deut. iv. 36.) and upon Earth he hath fhewed us his great Wonders, that every Tongue might confefs that Jefus is the Lord to the Glory of God the Father. Believe it therefore, that we muft obey the Commands of this wonder




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