A SERMON Preach'd at CHESTER, AGAINST MARRIAGES IN Different Communions. By Charles Leflie, Chancellor of the Cathedral And the fame Subject farther profecuted, LONDON, Printed by W. B. for Char. Brome at the Gun at the Weft End PREFACE. T HE Subftance of the ensuing Difcourfe was deliver'd twelve Years ago in a Sermon at Chefter; in which and the neighbouring County it is more common than elsewhere in England to match with Diffenters, at least of one Sort, from our Church. And cross the Water in Ireland, the Examples are many of English Families, who, by marrying with the Natives, have lost their Nation as well as Religion, and are turn'd mere Irifhmen, as well as Papists. Before I adventur'd to commit this to the Prefs, I fent it to the most learned and judicious Mr. Dodwell; who return'd the following Letter, with his Leave to make it Publick, and to go along with this; which will make this Valuable, as being the Occafion of fhewing fo learned a Treatise to the World: And fo necessary, at this time, to revive the true Notion of the Peculium, the Holy Seed, or City of God, which He has diftinguished from the rest of the World, by particular and moft glorious Privileges and A 2 Promises, |