a man is rather assisted than indisposed to be a good Christian. The first part; to which are subjoined, 1. A Discourse about the Distinction that represents some things as above Reason, but not contrary to Reason; 2. The first chapters of a Discourse, entitled, Greatness of Mind promoted by Christianity, 1690.-In the advertisement prefixed to this work, he speaks of a " second part" of the " Christian Virtuoso," as already begun; and which was afterwards published in the last edition of his works, with an appendix to the first part. 40. An Account of some Observations made in the great Congregation of Waters, by lowering Bottles down into the Sea, six hundred feet deep from the Surface, 1690. 41. The last work published in his life-time was, Experimata et Observationes Physica, wherein are briefly treated of several subjects relating to natural philosophy, in an experimental way. To which is added, a small Collection of Strange Reports. This was called in the title page, the first part; and among his papers were found the second and third parts, though it is doubtful whether these were complete, 1691. The following works were published after his death. 1. The General History of the Air, designed and begun. 2. Medicinal Experiments; or, a Collection of Choice Remedies, for the most part simple, and easily prepared. 3. General Heads for the Natural History of a Country, great or small, drawn out for the Use of Travellers and Navigators. To which are added, other Directions for Navigators, &c. with particular Observations of the most noted Countries in the World. By another hand. 4. A Paper of the honourable Robert Boyle's, deposited with the Secretaries of the Royal Society, and opened since his death; being an account of his making the Phosphorus, &c. printed in the Philosophical Transactions. 5. An Account of a Way of examining Waters as to Freshness and Saltness, to be subjoined as an Appendix to a lately printed letter, about sweetened water; Philosophical Transactions. 6. A Free Discourse against Customary Swearing, and a Dissuasive from Cursing. 7. Medicinal Experiments; or, a Collection of Choice Remedies, chiefly simple, and easily prepared, useful in Families, and fit for the Service of Country People. The third and last volume, published from the author's original MSS. Whereunto is added several other useful notes explicatory of the same. Boyle's works complete, were published by Dr. Birch, in five volumes folio, 1744, with his life prefixed; and reprinted in 1772, in six volumes 4to. An abridgment, however, in three volumes 4to. was published before this, and of which the second edition appeared in 1738, by Dr. Shaw; with a character of the author, and his philosophy; the whole digested under proper heads, and illustrated with notes. Boyle has been styled the author of the "New or Experimental Philosophy." But it should always be recollected, that Bacon pointed out the way; and that the merit of Boyle consists in his having the judgment to adopt those principles of enquiry before laid down by his illustrious predecessor, and in the extent and unwonted ardour of his researches. It is remarkable, that he was born the same year in which Bacon died; and as Hughs (Spectator, No. 554) remarks, was the person designed by nature to succeed to the labours, and enquiries of that extraordinary genius." BARROW. DR. ISAAC BARROW, an eminent divine and mathematician, was born at London in 1630. He received the early part of his education at the Charter-House, and afterwards at Felstead in Essex, whence, in 1643, at the age of fourteen, he was removed to Cambridge, where he became a pensioner at Peter-House. Here he was placed under the tuition of his uncle, Mr. Isaac Barrow, then fellow of that college, and afterwards bishop of St. Asaph. Two years after he entered a pensioner of Trinity College; and in 1647 was chosen scholar of the house. At this period, though he was by no means negligent of general literature, his most ardent attention was paid to the physical sciences. Disgusted, however, with the perplexing and |