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The Jews understood our Lord to affirm, that he was God, and equal with the Father, 344, a, 30. In 2 Cor. 13. 14. Chrift is put before God, i. e. the Father. The Father is in him, and he in the Father, 425. a, 2. Compare Joh. 5. 18. and Joh. 10. 33,34, 35, 36. and confider whether thefe Expreffions, equal with God, and Son of God, are hot equivalent.

His Body ftyled the Tabernacle of God, Rev. 13. 6.

The Style ufed by the Prophets was, Thus faith the Lord; but the Style ufed by our Lord Chrift was, I fay unto you, Mat. 5. 22, 28, &c. Chrift had a Glory with the Father before the World was, 344, a, 1. 421,a, 17 Joh. 6. 62.

Chrift is ftyled Lord and God, 4, b,13. 227,b,12.419,b,1.862,a,16.He takes to himself the Name I AM, by which God made himself known to Mofes. Compare Exod. 3. 14. and Joh. 8. 58. The Throne of Christ is for ever and ever, 902, b, 17.

Titles given to Christ: The Image of God, 424, b, 22. King of kings, and Lord of Lords, 511, b, 8. The moft Holy, 465, b, 30. The holy One, 999, a, 12. The Prince of Life, Acts 3. 15 The Lord from Heaven, Cor. 15. 47. Lord of Glory, 1 Cor. 2. 8. Lord of all, and Lord over all, 631, b, 16. The great God, Tit. 2. 1o, 13. Christ knew the Hearts and Thoughts of Men, which God claims as peculiar to himself, 45, b, 19. 460, b, 4.

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fpake of himself as in Heaven while he was upon Earth, Joh.. 18. Joh. 3. 13. Omnifcience, 456, a, 1. He is Unchangeable, Heb. 1. 11, 12.

An Angel refuses worship, Rev. 19. 10. but Jefus Christ was wor fhipped by Angels, and by Met By Angels, 902, b, 6. on Rev. 4.4. en Rev. 53.

Chrift was worshipped by Men, who are commanded to honour him as they honour the Father, 656,b, 13.

Chrift was worshipped by the A. poftles and Apoftolical Men, 343, b, 19. Here the Greek Word tran flated Worship, is the fame that is fo rendered, Mat. 4. 10. St. Paul prays to him, 2 Cor. 12. 8, 9. ! Thef. 3. 11, &c. 2 Thef. 2. 16,17. 2 Thef. 3.5. So does St. John,Rev. 22. 20. and St. Stephen, A&s 59, 60. Alfo the Apostles affembled together, Acts 1. 24. Hence Chri ftians are defcribed as Perfons cal ling upon the Name of Jefus Chrifi, 496, a, 32. The Apoftle charges or adjures the Theffalonians by the Lord, I Thef. 5. 27. Chrift is the Object of our Praife, Glory, &c. both now and for ever, being a fcribed to him, Rev. 5. 12, 13.

We are baptized in the Name of Chrift, by an Authority derived from him, and dedicated to his Service, Mat. 28. 19.

Chrift took our Nature upon him, and was born of a Woman, and really Man, 4, b, 13. 266, a, 6. 346, b, 9, 24. 781, b, 3. The Son of A braham and David, 1, a, 6. 319,b,|| 14. 346, b, 24 473, a, 8.


He had a real Body, Mat. 25, 12. Mat. 27. 58. Luk. 24. 39. An hu mane Soul, Understanding, and Will, Mat. II. 27. Mat. 26.38. Luk, 2. 52, Luk. 22. 42. Luk, 46. Joh. 5.21. He was weary, Joh 4. 6. Hungry, Mat. 4. 2. He wep, Joh. 11. 35. He had humane Pa ons, 913, a, 6.

The Scriptures fpeak of the tw

d Coming of Chrift; his coming the Flefh in a State of Humiliion, Pfal. 22. 7, &c. Ifa. 53.2, c. Mat. 8. 20. Joh. 6. 51. Heb. 5. 5. and of his fecond Coming ith great Glory and Power to dge the World. See Judgment. The Defign of the Coming of rift, 249, b, 10. Mat. 1. 21. Luk. 56. Joh. 6. 40. Acts 3. 26. Tit. 14. 1 Joh. 3. 8.

Chrift came in the Fulnefs of ime, 160, a, 17. on Gal. 4. 4. Chrift ftyled the first born, on

Com. 8. 29.

Jefus Chrift the Life and Light of he World, 345, a, I, &c. Of the ulnefs that is in him, on Joh. 1. 6. 347, b, 3. 795, b, 12. In him re all the Treafures of Wisdom nd Knowledge, 834, a, 10.

Chrift is our Head, 646, a, 28, b, . Our Lord, 419, b, 1. 511, a, 41. All muft fubmit to him, 656, b, 8. All Power given to him by the Fa her, 65, b, 6. 157, a, 2. Different Opinions concerning Chrift, 49, b, 1. 59, a, 1. 265, b, 8. 82, a, 19, b, 5.

How the Followers of Chrift proeffed their Faith in him, which Profeffion included the Belief of he whole Gospel, 92, a, 1.

Proofs that Jefus is the Chrift. See Miracles, Prophefies, Refurrection. The Father bore witnefs of him, 374,a,26. The Apoftles witneffes of his Glory and Majesty, 986, a, 6. Why our Lord forbid his Difciples to fay that he was Chrift, on

Mat. 8. 4.

Of the Diftinction between the Divine and Humane Nature in the Perfon of Chrift, on Mar. 13, 32. on

Joh. 1. 14.

The Jews watch to infnare him, 121, b, 11. They enter into Confultations to kill him, 69, a, 13.

The Innocency of Chrift, 331, b, 11. 749, b, 21. His Death contrived by the Jews, 119, a, 9. Betrayed by Judas, 145, b, 24. His Death a Sacrifice. See Sacrifice, Satisfaction.

Offices of Chrift. See Prophet, Prieft, and King.

See more concerning Chrift under the following Heads, Anointed, Afcenfion, Exaltation, Refurrection, Son. Cautions againft falfe Chrifts,

131, a, 17.


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Styled a Way, and the Way of the Lord, 554, a, 13. Alfo a Seat, and Herefie much spoken against, 587, b, 12. The neceffity of Confeffing, and the Danger of being afhamed of Chrift and his Religion, 58, a 1, 24.

The fincere Piety, and univerfal Holiness which the Chriftian Religion teaches will generally prevail, and be practifed in the World, Pfal.72.7. Ifa.9.7. Ifa.11.1,&c. Ifa. 60.21.Mich.4 3.Hab.2.14. Mat.6.10. See Gofpel, Religion.


Styled Difciples, from their learn ing of Chrift, Mat. 5. 1. Believers, becaufe of their Belief, or Faith in him, Mat. 18. 6. 1 Tim. 4. 12. Brethren, from their brotherly Love, A&ts 17. 14. Acts 21. 17. Saints, and Faithful, for their holy and good Converfation, 735, a, 1. Chriftians, for their open Profeffion of Christ, Acts 11. 26. and for their having or being anointed with his Spirit, 623, a, II,

Chriftians must not conform themfelves to the World, 645, a, 34. but feparate themselves from the Wicked, 752, a, 36. Their conformity to the Image of Chrift, 628, a, 13.

True Chriftians the Habitation or Temple of God, through the Spirit, 622, a, 15. 751, b, 27.

We cannot judge our felves to be true Chriftians by external Privileges, Rom. 2. 28, 29, nor from any extraordinary or even fupernatural Gifts, Mat. 7. 22, &c. nor becaufe we have forfaken fome great nor becaufe we Sins, 2 Pet. 2. 21. have fuffered for Chrift, Gal. 3. 4.


But the Evidence hereofis our be ing Regenerate and born again, and living a new and fpiritual Life, forfaking all known fin, and fincerely Endeavouring to obey and pleafe God, loving him, and being influenced by his Spirit, Joh. . ž. 3, 5. 1 Joh. 3. 9, 10. 1 Joh. 4. 13. See Holiness, Obedience, Regeneration. In true Chriftians the Body is dead because of fin, and the Spirit is life because of Righteoufnefs, Rom. 8. 9, 10.

We must expect to go through Difficulties, in order to our being true Chriftians; the Life of a Chriftian is compared to a Race, I Cor. 9. 24. Heb. 12. 1. He muft ftrive and ufe much Diligence, 37, a, 1. 702, a, 8. Heb. 11. He has many Enemies to encounter, Eph. 6. 11, &c. See Watchfulness, Armour.


Privileges of true Chriftians; they are Members of Christ, 646, a, 28, b, 4. Children of God, 624, a, 24. Chrift efteems what is done to his Members as done to himself, 501, b, 6. They are known and approv. ed by God and Chrift, 886, b, 20.


This Word is ufed in feveral Senfes; for the Place of publick Worship, 1 Cor. 11. 18, 22. For the lawful Governours of the Church in any particular Place, Mat. 18 17; For the People, as diftinguished from their Governours and Teachers, Acts 20. 28. 1 Tim. 3. 5, 15. For the People met together in any Place to worship God, 664, a, i. For the whole Body of Chriftians in any City or Country, Acts 8. 1. A&s 9. 31. Acts 13. 1. Acts 18. 22. Gal. 1. 22. 1 Thef. 1. 1. For the whole Body of Chriftians throughout the World, of whom Chrift is the Head, Eph. 1. 22, 23. Eph. 5. 23, 25. Col. 1. 18. The Catholic or Univerfal Church is one, Joh, 10. 16. 689, a, 3. 780, b, to. The faved were by Baptifm added, or admitted into the Church, Acts 4' 47.

Prophecies of the Increase of the Church, 79, b, 8.

Church compared to a Vineyard, 118, a, 7, ftyled God's Heritage, r Pet. 5. 3.

Church built upon the Foundati on of the Apoftles and Prophets, 678, b, 4. Chrift reprefented as the Bridegroom of his Charch, 135, b, 18.

Chrift the Head of the Church, and true Chriftians Members of his Body the Church, 646, a, 28, b, 4

Chrift will be always prefent with his Church, 102, b, 28.


There were Churches or Places of publick Worship in the Days of the Apoftles, 475, a, 15. On Acts 2. 46. on Rom. 16. 5. on 1 Cor. 11. 22.

Places of publick Worship to be ufed with reverence, Lev. 26. 2. Pfal. 89. 7. Pfal. 93. 5. All the Evangelifts record our Lord's Zeal a gainst the Profaners of the Temple, Mat. 21. 12. Mar. 11. 15. Luk. 19. 45. Joh. 2. 14. And I do not remember that the meek and humble Jefus on any other Occafion inflitted corporal Punishment, as he did in this Cafe, Joh. 2. 15. did in this Cafe, Joh. 2. 15.

The Temple was an House of Prayer, 200, a, 10. See Temple.

the Poor in Churches at the Expence Provifion ought to be made for of the Rich, on Jam. 2. 2. of the Rich, on Jam. 2. 2.


Was adminiftred on the eighth Day, 229, b, 18. A token of the Covenant God made with Abra ham, 486, b, 14.

The Jews often called upon to circumcife and cleanse their Hearts, of which the outward Circumcifion was a Sign, and without which it did not profit, which holds true of Baptifm now, 495, a, 29. 693, 4, 5. Rom. 2, 25, 28, 29. 1 Pet..


Circumcifion abolished and fet a fide, 537, a, 1. The Gentiles were not circumcifed, though the Apostles.

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Against whom none lies, Rom.



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- Confcience one Rule of Action, Rom. 14. 23. But the following Confcience does not always excufe; the Jews probably did fo in Cruci fying Chrift; they are notwithftanding called Murderers, A&ts 7. 52. See the Cafe of St. Paul, who perfecuted the Church, 497, b, 17. Acts 26. 9, &c.


A weak Confcience, 1 Cor. 8. 7, &c.
A doubting Confcience, Rom. 14.

A feared Confcience, 1 Tim. 4. 2. To keep a good Confcience a Duty, 569, a, 7. The happinets thereof, 658, b, 12. A ground of rejoicing, 569, a, 21.

Confcience one Rule to judge our felves by, 1 Joh. 3. 19.

Peace of Confcience, how to be obtained, Job 22. 21. Ifa. 32. 17. Rom. 8. 1.


Our Lord proves a Refurre&ion by Confequences drawn from Sci

To own and confefs Chrift, a Du- pture, Mat. 22. 31, &c.

58, a, 1.

Motives, 58, a, 25.


Of Sin to God a Duty, 715, a, I.

am. 24. 10.

The Confeffion which entitles to don, must be made with fhame, 9.6. With Hatred, Ezek. 20. With Sorrow, Pfal. 38. 18. t. 26. 75. with Refolution to fake fin, King.8. 47, &c. Prov.



This Duty expreffed by thinking, Pfal. 48. 9. By communing with our own Hearts, by remembring, meditating, Pfal. 77. 6, &c. By pondering, Luk, 2. 19. By mufing, Luk. 3. 15. By bethinking our felves, 1 King. 8. 47.

Confideration a Duty, Deut. 4. 39, 1 Tim. 4. 15. 2 Tim. 2. 7.

Of the manner how this Dury oughc

ought to be performed, Deut. 4. 39. Deut. 8. 5. Pfal. 64. 9. Prov. 21. 12. Prov. 23. 1. Jer. 23.20.

Subje&ts for Confideration, Jofh. 1. 8. 1 Sam. 12. 24. Job 37.14. Pfal. 1. 2. Pfal. 104. 33, 34. Pfal. 119. 15, 23, 48, 55. Pfal. 143. 5. Motives to Practice; Its neceffity, Luk. 14. 28, &c. It is a Means of Repentance and Reformation, Pfal. 119. 59. Ezek. 18. 28. Our Mifery occafion'd by the neglect of Confideration, Deut. 32. 29. Ecclef. 5. 1. Ifa. 1..2, 3. Hof. 7. 2. Luk. 15. 17, &c.


new and fpiritual Life, 368,1,7 726, a, 11. on Phil. 2. 13. Covenant.

The new Covenant took Place im mediately after the Fall, Gen. 3.15.

The Covenant made with Abr

ham, was the Gofpel Covenant, b, 5. 473, b, 4. God confirm'd by an Oath, 231,a, 19.

God remembers his CovENAN 230, b, 25.

One main Defign of the new C God in Holiness and Righteoufnels, venant was, that we might ferve 231, b, 10.

By the new Covenant, God's Laws

Some are Contentious and refift were to be in the Hearts of his Peo the Truth, 600, a, 4.


We fhould be content with fmall things, as Food and Raiment, 828,

a, 7.

Examples, 828, a, 7.

Motives. 829, a, 19. 879, b, 7.

Ought to be fuch as may edifie, 807, b, 7.

Corrupt and filthy Difcourfe and Converfation forbidden, 807, a, 21. Motives to avoid it. It is unmannerly, and highly offenfive to fober Perfons, 2 Pet. 2. 7, 8. It is a fign of an impure and corrupt Heart, 807, a, 22. It deprives the Guilty of the Influences of the holy Spirit, on Eph. 4 30.

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Converfion, See Regeneration. Corruption

Of humane Nature, 796, a, 7. on Eph. 2. 3. 913, b, 26. This ftyled evil Concupifcence, Col. 3. 5. The Luft of Concupifcence, i Thef. I 4.5. The old Man, 805, b, 26. The Flesh, Joh. 3. 6. Rom. 8. 5, 12, 13. Gal. 5. 17, 24. The carnal Mind, Rom. 8. 6, 7.

Man in his corrupt State is fpiritually Dead; but by the Grace and Affiftance offered in the Gofpel, all who do not refift it, but concur with it, may be raised to a

ple, 741, b, 3.

The great Conditions of the Covenant on God's part are, forgive nefs of Sins, 341, b, 23. The Affil ance of the holy Spirit, to enabi us to perform our Part of the Cre nant, Luk. 11. 13. See Affines and Eternal Life. See Heaven, S vation.

The Conditions of the new Co nant on Man's part are, Faith, Ro pentance, and fincere Obedienc See thefe Heads.

Covetoufnefs Forbidden, 283, a, 27. Exprefied by an evil Eye, 110, a, 6.

We fhould feek not only out own good, but the good of others 822, b, 13.

Evil Methods used to gratifie C vetousness, 283, b, 4, 21. 1 King. :14 5, &c. Mat. 26. 14, &c.

Men are in great Danger of th Sin, Luk. 12. 15.

Motives to fbun this Vice. T mischievous Effects of Coveron 477, a, 2. 826, a, 29. 880, a, b, Prov. 15. 27. Acts 24. 26. T 1. 6. It difpofes People to opp and refift the Truth, 54, b, Covetousness chokes the Word, hinders the Practice of Religi 302, a, 22. Luk. 14. 18, &c. R 8. 5. Demas an Example there 2 Tim, 4. 10. Othe

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