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nian, when it was subverted by the conquests of Bellisarius and Narses, whose arms delivered Rome and Italy from the yoke of the barbarians, and united them once more to the empire. The events, by which so great a revolution was effected, succeeded each other in the following order. Bellisarius, the celebrated lieutenant of Justinian, began his career of victory by recovering from the Goths the African province in the year 533 and 534. His next exploit was the invasion and conquest of Sicily, in the year 535. Shortly after, in the year 536, he made himself master of Rome, which the Goths vainly attempted to take from him. In 537, he recovered many of the Italian cities. In 539, he subdued the Gothic kingdom of Italy, and took Vitiges, its sovereign, prisoner. Afterwards, during his absence, Rome was again occupied by the Goths; but, in 547, it was once more recovered by him. A third time it was taken by the Goths, in 549: and a third time, in 552, it was regained by the eastern Romans, under the eunuch Narses. The defeat and death of the last Gothic sovereign of Italy speedily followed: but it was not long ere Narses had to contend with a fresh swarm of northern barbarians. In 553, Italy was invaded by the Franks and Alemans: in 554, they were totally defeated by Narses: and the period which elapsed between the years 554 and 568, was occupied in the final settlement of Italy. That country, thus restored to its original mas


ters*, was henceforth administered as a province of the Eastern empire, by an imperial officer, styled, the Exarch of Ravenna: "the remains "of the Gothic nation evacuated the country, or mingled with the people: and the Franks "abandoned, without a struggle, their Italian conquests t."

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All these events took place during the time that the beast lay dead, or, as it is otherwise expressed, was not. Consequently, since he revived under the same sixth head that had been mortally wounded, we shall find it a fruitless labour to look during this period for the rise of any power that answers to the description given of the last head.

The Exarchate of Ravenna, though engaged in perpetual struggles with the Lombards, lasted about 170 years, in the course of which time, as we have seen, the beast revived, and the papal little horn began its tyrannical reign of 1260 prophetic days.

The extinction of the Exarchate of Ravenna by the Lombards, and the ambitious views of their king Aistulphus, were not beheld by the Pope with indifference. Though he had thrown off his allegiance to the Constantinopolitan Emperor, he soon

*That part of Italy however, which has since borne the name of Lombardy, was almost immediately wrested from the Eastern Emperors by Alboin and his Lombards. The history of this event has been stated in a preceding chapter. See Chap, iv. § III. 1. (2.) ii, iii.

+ Hist. of Decline and Fall. vol. vii. p. 399.

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found that he was but ill adapted to cope with the arms of a victorious prince. In this emergency, he applied for help to Pipin king of France; who speedily poured into Italy at the head of a large army, dispossessed the Lombard, and conferred the Exarchate of Ravenna upon the Pope. Still the Bishop of Rome found himself too weak to be an absolutely independent prince. After the grant of the Exarchate by Pipin, he received from his son and successor Charlemagne the investiture of a considerable part of Lombardy and of the Dukedom of Rome, which he held as fiefs under that monarch, though fiefs of the most honourable nature * and in the following reign of Louis the

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* The Popes 66 were compelled to chuse between the rival "nations" of the East and the West: "religion was not the "sole motive of their choice; and, while they dissembled the failings of their friends, they beheld with reluctance and suspicion, the catholic virtues of their foes. The difference "of language and manners had perpetuated the enmity of the "two capitals; and they were alienated from each other by "the hostile opposition of seventy years. In that schism the "Romans had tasted of freedom, and the Popes of sovereignty: "their submission would have exposed them to the revenge of "a jealous tyrant; and the revolution of Italy had betrayed "the impotence, as well as the tyranny of the Byzantine "court;" while, by reviving the western empire, "the Roman "church would acquire a zealous and respectable advocate; "and, under the shadow of the Carlovingian power, the Bishop might exercise, with honour, and safety, the government of the city" (Hist. of Decline and Fall. vol. ix. p. 169, 170, 171.). According to Mosheim, the Popes held Rome under the Empire as the most honourable species of fief or benefice.


pious, he obtained a grant of those countries to hold them" in his own right, principality, and "dominion *."

In return for the various benefits which the Romans had received from the Carlovingian princes, "the decrees of the senate and people successively "invested Charles Martel and his posterity with "the honours of Patrician of Rome." This appellation had formerly been borne by the Exarchs of Ravenna, who were the mere lieutenants of the Eastern Emperor. "The leaders therefore of

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a powerful nation would have disdained a servile "title and subordinate office: but the reign of the "Greek Emperors was suspended; and, in the




vacancy of the Empire, they derived a more glorious commission from the Pope, and the

Republic. The Roman ambassadors presented "these Patricians with the keys of the shrine of "St. Peter, as a pledge and symbol of sovereignty; "and with a holy banner, which it was their right "and duty to unfurl in the defence of the church "and city. In the time of Charles Martel and "of Pipin, the interposition of the Lombard king"dom covered the freedom, while it threatened "the safety, of Rome; and the Patriciate repre"sented only the title, the service, the alliance, "of these distant protectors. The power and po"licy of Charlemagne annihilated an enemy, and "imposed a master. In his first visit to the capi

*Bp. Newton's Dissert. xiv.
Q 3


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"tal, he was received with all the honours which "had formerly been paid to the Exarch, the representative of the Emperor; and these honours "obtained some new decorations from the joy and gratitude of Pope Adrian the first-In the por"tico, Adrian expected him at the head of his clergy they embraced, as friends and equals: "but, in their march to the altar, the king, or Patrician, assumed the right hand of the Pope. "Nor was the Frank content with these vain and empty demonstrations of respect. In the 26 years that elapsed between the conquest of Lombardy and his imperial coronation, Rome, which "had been delivered by the sword, was subject

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as his own, to the sceptre of Charlemagne. "The people swore allegiance to his person and family in his name money was coined, and justice was administered: and the election of "the Popes was examined and confirmed by his "authority. Except an original and self-inherent "claim of sovereignty, there was not any prerogative remaining, which the title of Emperor "could add to the Patrician of Rome *."

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Thus it was, that, by the conquest of Lombardy in the year 774, Charlemagne acquired the undisputed sovereignty of Italy. The Patriciate of the Exarchs was a subordinate dignity emanating from the Constantinopolitan Emperors; the Patriciate of Charles Martel and Pipin was a mere title so

* Ilist. of Decline and Fall. vol. ix. p. 153–156.


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