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then, and preach Jefus Chrift, | fets to do it, furely you will not. and him crucified. For the raif- object. In your closet and praying up of fuch men, we fhall ar- er meeting, you may, as it were, dently pray, if we truly defire preach the gofpel to the Otaheitthat the fulnefs of the Gentiles ean and to the African. In thefe may come into the gospel church. humble retirements, you may do If the day is now approaching, as much towards fupplying the fome fuppofe, when the refidue Chickefaws and Chippeways and of men are to feek the Lord, when other favage tribes on our borthe ends of the earth are to re-ders, with the preaching of the men ber and turn unto the Lord, unfearchable riches of Chrift. then there is a peculiar call to us For it is written, "Afk and ye in Providence, to pray that the fhall receive :" "The effectual angel may fly through the midft fervent prayer of a righteous man of heaven, who has the everlafting availeth much :" "Pray the gofpel to preach. Lord of the harvest, that he will fend forth laborers into his har veft:" And he hath never said unto the feed of Jacob, seek ye me in vain.

All have not a call to go forth and preach the gofpel; but all have a call to pray to God to fend forth gospel preachers. Here is no distinction between male and female. Chrift has feen fit, for wife reasons, to command that

This fubject, my praying friends, furnishes you, with much work, which you will love to do. You love Jefus. You love the fouls for whom he died. You long to fee him formed in them the hope of glory. How often have you wished that you could proclaim to every creature the beauties and excellencies of your Saviour. It has been mufic in your ears to fit women keep filence in the and hear the bleffed gofpel. "Oh," churches." "It is not permitted faid you then, "that all could unto them" publicly "to speak," hear this joyful found! Had I and preach the gofpel. But wothe wings of a dove, I could fly men may pray to God to fupply to the ends of the earth to prohis churches with able teachers, claim the glories of Immannuel. and to raise up fuitable miffionaOh, how I pity thofe poor, be- ries to fend into the heathen nighted, wicked Pagans, who are world. Sifters in Chrift! here is row bowing before their fenfe- a way by which you may do lefs idols, while I worship Jeho- much, and not go out of your vah, through the mediation of his own fphere, to help forward the Son!" Have you had these feel- beft of caufes, the caufe, which, ings, my Chriftian friends-then of all others, lies nearest your you will not object to the duty hearts. Enter into your inner now urged. It is not immediate- chambers, and bow yourfelves ly a demand upon you to go abefore the moft high God, and mong the heathen to preach the plead for Zion. Be followers of gofpel; but to pray that the your amiable fifter, Sufanna AnLord of the harvell would fupply thony, who eminently lived a life them and others with laborers. of prayer. By her frequent, arPrayer is a duty, which you dear-dent and importunate prayers for ly love. Now if you can do the minifters of Chrift, for the fomething to benefit immortal people of God and for a world fouls, and not go out of your clo. lying in wickednefs, the probably

did more towards advancing the | us." The minifters of the gofgood caufe than many of the pel fhould never be forgotten in other fex, who have been piouf-the prayers of the faints. Thofe minifters, who love their Mafter and his caufe, need your prayers for them, that their love may be increased more and more-that they may be divinely affifted in their study of the scriptures-that they may be directed, from time to time, to the choice of thofe particular texts and fubjects, which will be moft fuitable and edify

take care of the church of God, and that they may be kept from falling into fin, and be diftin, guifhed examples of piety to their fellow men.

ly devoted to the work of preaching the gospel, all their days. You have no call, in Providence, to leave your homes to travel in the new fettlements, and among the heathen tribes to preach the gofpel of your Saviour; but if you prefer Jerufalem above your chief joy, your prayers will travel into these remote corners of the earth: And wherever your pray-ing-that they may know how to ers travel among the children of Adam, you will moft ardently cry, "Lord, here let thy gofpel be preached!" My mothers! my fifters there is an urgent call for your affiftance in building the tabernacle of the Lord. Let me afk, could you not redeem a little more time from your domeftic bu-experimental part of religion (and finefs for the devotion of the clofet? Could you not alfo redeem fome time from fashionable vifits, in which you commonly find but little food for grace, to vifit the mercy feat to pray for this, among other things, that God would raise up thofe ministers, which the church and world seem so much to need? This is not meant as a reflection, but is defigned to "ftir up your pure minds, by way of remembrance."

Thofe, who have entered into the ministerial work, without a perfonal acquaintance with the

it cannot be thought uncharitable to fuppofe fuch cafes exift) claim the tendereft and devoutest prayers of the family of Chrift. They have this claim, whether their good, or the good of the Chriflian Church is the object in view. To go into outer darkness from the communion table must be dreadful; but to go from the pulpit must be fill more diftreffing. To preach the way of life to others, and then be caft away himself is a thought inexpreffibly dreadful! Pray then, fervently pray, that those who have undertaken to point out the road to heaven, without themfelves being acquaint

Let men and women in every rank and condition in life look around, and fee what a great and plenteous harveft there is, and how few laborers-then let them hear the command of Chrift addreffeded with it, may be faved from the to them, "Pray ye therefore the most awful punishment, and be Lord of the barveft, that he will made the molt fignal trophies of Jend forth laborers into his har- grace. You are alfo invited to veft." Agreeable to the fpirit of pray for fuch minifters from love this command, you will feel the to fouls. As they now be, they importance of praying for a blef-are a great injury to fouls. They, fing on thofe laborers, whom the generally, corrupt the word of Lord of the harvest has already God, fpeak fmooth things and fent forth. "Brethren, pray for caufe the Holy One of Irael to

ceafe from before their hearers. Were their eyes fpiritually opened, they would probably make the moft ufeful minifters. Read the life of the Rev. Thomas Scott of London-fee what he was-fee what he is. Who can calculate the difference of usefulness between the former and latter part of this man's life! Whence this difference? The folution is plain to thofe who have read his narrative, entitled "the Force of

Truth."-Through infinite grace, the blind guide had his eyes opened! And now he preacheth the faith which he once deftroyed; though even then he claimed to be called a minifter of Christ. Other inftances of the like kind are not

wanting, and could be produced. Infinite grace can convert unconverted minifters, and make them

minifters indeed! While, therefore, Chriftians are exhorted to pray to God to raise up new minifters, let them not forget to pray that fuch as are old in office, but ignorant of heart religion, may be made new to their own joy, and to the great benefit of immortal fouls.

While we feel the importance of praying to God to fupply his churches with paflors, and the world with evangelifls, we fhould by no means forget to cry to him to fhed down his Spirit abundantly upon our colleges and feminaries of learning. If these are vifited with copious influences from on high, the profpect will be very agreeable, that Zion will not want of her fons to lead her by the hand. Let us alfo pray that pious youth, poffeffed of natural abilities and gifts, may be inchined to take pains to get fuch an education, as will qualify them to be able to teach others. If any of us have fons of this defcription,

let us, if it is in our power, help them forward into this diftinguished fphere of ufefulness. If we have no fons, let us help forward other youths of our connections, or acquaintance, who promife fair to make excellent gospel minifters. Perhaps, there are few ways, in which we may do more towards advancing the kingdom of Chrift in this fallen world.

Miffionary Society of Connecticut. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Miffionary Society of Connecticut, at Hartford, January 6th, A. D. 1803.

the Connecticut Evangelical MagVoted, That the Editors of the Magazine the Act of the azine be requested to publish in incorporating the Board of TrufGeneral Affembly of the State,

tees; the Addrefs of the Board to the Minifters and People of the State; and the Narrative on the

fubject of miffions, together with
a statement of the Funds of the
Society: Part to be published in
the February, and the remainder
in the March Magazine: And
that this Vote be prefixed to the

A true Copy of Record,


An Act to incorporate the TRUSTEES of the MISSIONARY SOCIETY of CONNECTICUT, passed by the General Affembly of the State of CONNECTICUT, at their feffion bolden at New-HAVEN, in faid State, the fecond Thurfday of October A. D. 1802.

[blocks in formation]

Miffionary Society under a conftitution, containing the following articles :

Article 1. This Society fhall be known by the name of the Miffionary Society of Connecticut.

Art. 2. The General Affociation of the State of Connecticut, fhall be the faid Miffionary Society.

Art. 3. The General Affociation fhall annually by ballot, appoint twelve Trustees, whereof fix fhall be clergymen and fix shall be brethren of the churches, who fhall conduct the business of the Society in the manner hereafter defcribed.

fhall keep a fair account of their proceedings. They fhall alfo appoint a Chairman, who, with four of the Truftees, fhall be a quorum to tranfact bufinefs, or if the ftated Chairman shall not be prefent, any feven of the Trustees fhall be a quorum.

Art. 8. The Chairman fhall have power to call a meeting of the Trustees at his difcretion, by letters left with them, or at the houfes of their refidence ; and it shall be his duty to call fuch meeting whenever requested by two of the Trustees; and in cafe of the death of the Chairman, or of his abfence from the State, any two Trustees are hereby impowered to call a meeting.

Art. 9. The General Affocia.. tion fhall annually appoint a Trea

and the Treasurer shall exhibit both to the General Affociation, and to the Trustees, the ftate of the Treasury, whenever he fhall be called upon for that purpose.

Art. 4. The object of this Society fhall be to Chriftianize the Heathen in North America, and to fupport and promote Chriftian knowledge in the New Settle-furer and an Auditor of accounts: ments within the United States, and both shall be pursued as circumftances fhall point out, and as the Trustees under the fuperintendence of the General Affociation fhall direct. Art. 5. The General Affocia-nually exhibit to the General As tion and the Trustees fhall adopt fuch measures from time to time for railing funds as they fhall judge expedient.

Art. 10. The Trufees fhall an

fociation, a particular account of the Millionaries employed by them, of places to which they are fent; of the millions; of the fate of the funds, of the receipts and expenditures; and of whatever re

Art. 11. The Trustees and all the officers of this Society shall enter on their refpective offices on the first Wednesday of September annually; and fhall continue in office for one year.

Art. 6. The Trustees fhall have power to apply the funds of the Society according to their difcre-lating to this inftitution the Gention, in all cafes in which they eral Affociation fhall require. fhall not be limited by the General Affociation, or by the donors. They fhall correfpond with other Miffionary Societies, fhall have power to appoint and difmifs Miffionaries, to pay them, and generally to tranfact all bufinefs neceffary to attain the ends of the Society; and fhall be paid their neceffary expenfes, but nothing for their fervices.

Art. 7. The Trustees fhall annually appoint a Secretary, who

Art. 12. The Trustees shall hold their firft meeting at the State Houfe in Hartford on the firit Wednesday of September next at 11 o'clock A. M. and in every year thereafter, they fhall meet at the fame time and place,

unless otherwife ordered by the General Affociation.

Art. 13. If on experience, it fhall be found neceffary to alter this Conftitution, an alteration may be made by the General Af fociation at their stated feffion; but not without having been drawn up in writing and lying under confideration one year; nor unless at least two thirds of the General Affociation fhall adopt faid alteration.

And whereas by direction of the General Affociation, the faid Truftees have applied to this Af fembly for corporate powers, the

better to enable them to execute

the truft repofed in them, and efpecially in what regards the funds,

and intereft committed to their care:

Par. 1.

B E it enacted by the Go

vernor and Council and House of Reprefentatives in General Court affembled, That his honor John Treadwell and the honorable Roger Newberry, Jonathan Brace, Aaron Austin, John Davenport, jun. and Jedidiah Huntington, Efq'rs, and the Rev. Meffrs. Nathan Williams, D. D. Benjamin Trumbull, D. D. Levi Hart, D. D. Cyprian Strong, Nathan Strong, D. D. and Nathan Perkins, D. D. the prefent Trustees of faid Miffionary Society and their fucceflors for the time being, be and they hereby are conflituted a body politic and corporate by the name and title of the "Trustees of the Millionary Society of Connecticut," and by that name they are hereby made capable in law, to have, purchafe, receive, poffefs and enjoy to them and their fucceffors, lands, tenements, hereditaments, rents, monies, goods, chattels and effects, of what kind or quality foever, to

any amount not exceeding One Hundred Thousand Dollars in the whole, and the fame to fell, grant or alien in any manner confiftent with the true intent and meaning of the donors or grantors thereof, to fue and to be fued, to plead and be impleaded, to defend and to be defended in all courts within this ftate, or elsewhere, to fubmit any matter of difpute or controverfy concerning their rights or intereft to the award of arbitrators; to have a common feal and the fame to break and renew at

pleafure; also, to make and execute fuch by-laws and regulations, as they fhall deem neceffary or convenient for the well ordering the truft committed to them, purand difpofing of the concerns of

fuant to the conftitution under which they do or may act from time to time, provided they be not contrary to the laws of this State, or of the United States.

2. Be it further enaded, That if the General Affociation shall at any time neglect to appoint the Trustees or a Treasurer or Auditor of accounts within the proper time, fo as they may enter on their refpective offices on the first Wednesday of September annually; the Truftees and fuch other officers fhall continue in office until the General Association shall make a new choice; and in cafe of fuch neglect, and the death, refignation or removal out of this ftate of any fuch Trustee or officer, the board of Trustees fhall, if they think it effential to the intereft of the inftitution, fill fuch vacancy, the perfon fo appointed, to continue in office until the General Affociation fhall make a new choice as aforefaid-and if the office of Treafurer or Auditor fhall become vacant as aforefaid, within the year, the Trustees fhall forth

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