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Lord Jesus Christ by whom also he receives the reconcilation." He also experiences a pleasure more refined, more substantial, and satisfying in revolving the promises, in contemplating his Saviour's love, or looking forward to that glory which is to be revealed, than the children of this world enjoy in the very height of their prosperity and mirth: He can assert from his own experience, "great peace have they who love thy law: thy loving kindness is better than life: Thou, Lord, art a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter up of mine head."

The tenth verse which I have now exexplained secures the believer's privileges in time, the next exhibits his triumph in death, and through eternity.

"For so an entrance shall be ministered to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."

Heaven, in this, and many other instances, is called a kingdom. "Fear not, little flock, ti is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." There the King eternal and immortal sits enthroned in full-orbed majesty; there his holy subjects, restored men and elect, unsinning angels constantly attend him; they behold his glory; they enjoy the fullest assurances of his love, and are employed in performing his pleasure: John, speaking of the heavenly world, mentions that "the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and his servants shall serve him: And they shall see his face, and his

name shall be in their foreheads." These expressions point out those princely honors to which his loyal subjects will be raised, the intimacy of their fellowship with Jehovah the fountain of life, and their perfect blessedness in that fellowship. They are represented again as "kings and priests unto God even the Father, as before the throne of God, and serving him day and night in his temple." No doubt there will be eternally the most intimate interchange of every expression of mutual confifidence and affection between the eternal King and the inhabitants of the heavenly city. He, on the one hand, will exhibit himself under the endearing relation of their God and Father; he will afford transporting manifestations of his good will towards them, and delight in them; he will disclose to them all the mysteries of his providence and grace, by which they were conducted through this world and brought safe to their mansions in heaven; he will also give them the elevating assurance that as their felicity is complete, it shall be without end; that as they have a "fulness of joy," their " pleasures" shall" continue for evermore." The redeemed, in return, will offer him the most ardent, undivided affection of their hearts, and the most pure, lofty ascriptions of praise with their lips. They will adore him for ever for his creating goodness; that he formed them after his image, and assigned them a rank so honorable among the VOL. 3.

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works of his hands; they will adore him in strains still more exalted for redeeming love; that in the immensity of his condescension and grace he restored them from the wretchedness of their fallen state, promoted them to sit upon thrones, and accomplished all this by a scheme so astonishing as the substitution of his own, and only Son.

They sing a new song before the throne;" this song commenced at the translation of Abel from earth to heaven; it has been gradually swelling at the entrance of each heir of adoption into the kingdom of their Father for nearly six thousand years, and with it the arches of heaven will be resounding through eternity to come; and what is this song?"worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and strength, and glory, and blessing."

This kingdom is called an everlasting kingdom. This epithet is intended to distinguish it from the dominions, and principalities of this world which are perpetually changing; which are overthrown sometimes by internal faction, and sometimes by outward opposition. But this kingdom of Messiah will be endangered by no shock either from within, or from without. "He who sits enthroned in it is the Lord God omnipotent; whose smile cheers and gladdens every part of his dominions, and whose mere frown would sink into perdition the first opposer of his reign. Besides, all the inhabitants of heaven are

perfectly loyal to Jesus Jehovah as their sovereign; their hearts glow with love to his person, with gratitude for his grace, and with zeal for his honor; and his implacable enemies will be bound in everlasting chains, and driven from his presence. This complete triumph over all opposition was secured by Messiah upon his cross, and will be consummated at the end of this world. "Death itself, the last enemy of him and his ransomed, will then be swallowed up in victory. He shall then sit undisturbed" upon his throne, and he shall be a priest upon his throne: Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end to order it, and to establish it with justice and with judgment from henceforth even for ever.How splendid beyond conception is this kingdom! The monarch who occupies the throne is the King eternal, immortal, and invisible: The subjects are a great multitude which no man can number, even ten thousand, thousand saints, and ten thousand, thousand angels; where no jar shall ever be noticed, nor jealousy ever felt, but harinony uninterrupted shall reign for ever; where every citizen shall be perfectly loyal to his prince, and friendly to all around him. "Peace," to use the elevated language of a prophet, "peace will for ever run down like a river, and righteousness as a flowing stream."

The apostle designates heaven as the everlasting kingdom of "our Lord and

Saviour Jesus Christ." That portion of the human family who inherit it were the redeemed of his blood, and brought back to their allegiance by the sanctifying influences of his grace; that innumerable company of angels who retained their first estate were established in holiness, and happiness by him as Mediator: It is proper therefore that as he had the expense and toil of founding this kingdom he should have the honor of dispensing its privileges. This glory was conferred upon the Redeemer at his resurrection, and more fully after his ascension on high. "The Father loveth the Son and hath committed all things into his hand." In him, as their common centre, men and angels are united, and to him they will be everlastingly subordinate. "Be

cause he became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross, God also hath highly exalted him, and before him every knee shall bow of things in heaven, and things on earth: Thrones and dominions, and principalities and powers are made subject unto him" in his mediatorial capacity; and "he is head over all things unto the church, which is his body." The peculiar manner in which this kingdom of Messiah will be administered in the heavenly state we cannot conceive at present. It will not be by ordinances, by the reading, or preaching of the word, or by visible seals of the covenant, as in this elementary state: The righteous will then have attained the stature of perfect

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