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time we find him crying, “My God, my | And many a tear from human eyes has God, why hast thou forsaken me!" and started, anon he sings, "Bless the Lord, O my soul : Since angel-touch has calmed a mortal and all that is within me, bless his holy

brow. name." One hour we hear him sigh forth, “I sink in deep mire, where there is no

| No; earth has angels, though their forms standing," and then we find him exulting, are moulded “ The Lord is my light and my salvation:

But of such clay as fashions all below : whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength

Though harps are wanting, and bright of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"

pinions folded, How wondrously he rises to heaven, and

We know them by the love-light on how awfully he dives into the deeps. Surely,

their brow. brethren, we who have known anything of

I have seen angels by the sick one's pillow, the spiritual and inner life do not marvel at

Theirs was the soft tone and the soundthis, for we also change. Alas! what a

less tread: contrast between the sin that doth so easily beset us, and the grace which gives us to

Where smitten hearts were drooping like

the willow, reign in heavenly places. How different

They stood « between the weeping and the sorrow of an abject distrust which breaketh us in pieces as with a strong east

the dead." wind, and the joy of a holy confidence which! And if my sich

And if my sight, by earthly dimness hin. bears us on to heaven as with a propitious

dered, gale! What changes between walking

Beheld no hov'ring cherubim in air, with God to-day, and falling into the mire

| I doubted not, for spirits know their kin. to-morrow; triumphing over sin, death, and hell, yesterday, and to-day led captive by the

They smile upon the wingless watchers lusts of the flesh and of the mind! Verily,

there. we cannot understand ourselves, and a description which would suit us yesterday | There have been angels in the gloomy would be ill-adapted for to-day, and quite prison, out of place for to-morrow. Scarcely ever In crowded halls, by the lone widow's are we in the same mind an hour. Great hearth; God, how infinitely glorious art thou in And where they passed, the fallen have thine immutability, when contrasted with uprisen, thy fickle, frail, unstable creature-man! The giddy paused, the mourner's hope Rev. O. H. Spurgeon.

had birth Oh! many a spirit walks the earth un.


That, when its veil of sadness is laid Why come not spirits from the realms of |


Shall soar aloft with pinions unimpeded, To visit earth, as in the days of old

And wear its glory like a starry crown. The times of sacred writ and ancient story?

-- Lyra Domestiça Is heaven more distant ? or has earth

grown cold? To Bethlehem's air was their last anthem


TO-DAY shalt thou be with me in para. When other stars before the One grow

| *dise.”. What a day to that dying man! dim?

How strange the contrast between its openWas their last presence known in Peter's ing and its close, its morning and its night! prison,

Its morning saw him a culprit condemned Or where exulting martyrs raised their before the bar of earthly judgment: before hymn ?

evening shadowed the hill of Zion, he stood

accepted at the bar of heaven! The mornAnd are they all within the veil departed ? ing saw him led out through an earthly There gleams no wing along the empy. city's gates in company with one who was rean now;

hooted at by the crowd that gathered round


him: before night fell upon Jerusalem, the | relieve the horses of the coach in which he gates of another city, even the heavenly, 1 was travelling, distributed several tracts to were listed up, and he went up through such persons as he chanced to meet. One them in company with One around whom was received and torn in two, and thrown all the hosts of heaven were bowing down, upon the ground. A fellow-traveller smiled as he passed on to take his place beside the and said, Father on his everlasting throne. Hum “See how your tract is treated ; there is blest believer in the Saviour, a like marvel one, at least, quite lost !”. lous contrast is in store for you! This “I am not so sure of that,” said Mr. hour, it may be, weak and burdened, togs.' Richmond ; "at any rate, the husbandman ing on the bed of agony, in that darkened sows not the less that some of the seeds chamber of stifled sobs and dropping tears : may be trodden down.” the next hour, up and away in the paradise Reaching the top of the hill, and turning of God, mingling with the spirits of the round to view the scenery, they saw that just made perfect, renewing death-broken the wind had carried the torn tract over friendships, gazing on the unveiled glories into the field among the haymakers, and of the Lamb. Be thou, then, but faithful that one of them was reading it to the unto death; struggle on for a few more of others. The 'devil had done his work im. those numbered days, or months, or years; perfectly, as the two parts of the tract were and of that day of your departure hence, held together by a thread ; and in hinderin his name I have to say it to you, Verily ing one man from reading it, he had introthou shalt be with him in paradise. -- Rev. duced it to a whole company. The reader Dr. Hanna.

of the tract was led to reflection and prayer,

and became an earnest Christian and tract THE TORN TRACT.

distributor. Three others soon became " LEGH RICHMOND, in walking up a hill to diligent labourers in the Master's vineyard.

Our Missions.

THE WORSHIP OF JUGGERNAUT. / and we avail ourselves of a commu

In the early records of our mission may nication from the Rev. Thomas Samps | be found many descriptions of the scenes son to revive impressions of the nature witnessed by the Serampore missionaries of this idol's worship. Some perhaps mas at the celebrated temple of Juggernaut, have thought that Juggernaut has ceased to which stands near to the town of Seram reign, since they have of late so seldom pore. Many years have passed since then, heard of him; but India to a very great during which time considerable changes extent indeed still needs to be evangelized, have taken place ; but Juggernaut's wor and this picture will show how much is ship still continues to be celebrated by mul required to be done to win its people unto titudes at the annual season devoted to it. Christ. The numbers attending are indeed less, the “ The Snan Jatra, or bathing festival," munificence of his worshippers has greatly says Mr. Sampson, “ was held on the 19th declined, the devotion of the people is June. The morning was very threatening more frequently given to amusement than and about 10 o'clock very heavy rain began to prayer, while no little difficulty is often to fall, and at intervals throughout the experienced in obtaining voluntary aid today the showers were very copious. We draw his ponderous car. Nevertheless, the went out soon after ten and found : idol still holds sway over multitudes, and considerable number already assembled. the spread of Divine truth has not yet Our first preaching-station is at the corner availed to destroy its power.

of the road leading to the Johnnngger It is long since à description of the village, where the boys' Vernacular School annual revelry attending his worship has was formerly held. Two or three of our been placed before the eyes of our readers, 1 native brethren were there, and Mr. Ro

binson. The house, or rather shed, stands, of hell. Licentiousness and profanity, just at the junction of three roads, along that we can scarcely imagine, reign there. the principal one of which all the people. We pass by one of the great temples, and who come from that quarter must pass; and soon are at the entrance of the Christian as it stands a little back from the main village. In the distance stands the chapel, road, apart from the great noise and confu- and close by a plain shed, where there sion prevailing through the whole of is another body of native preachers, lifting the day, it is a favourite preaching-place, up their voices in the midst of the uniand crowds gather round it all day. One versal wickedness, on behalf of righteousof the native brethren is preaching as we ness, temperance, and the judgment to come. enter. We listen to him for some time, “Let us go inside and listen. The crowd and then, leaving Mr. Page behind, go on. | stands outside, listening very patiently and The crowd is evidently thickening. Special attentively. They are not at all angry as trains have just arrived, bringing with they hear the evils of their system exposed. them their living cargo to swell the multi They laugh at the exposure of the vices tude of the worshippers of Juggernaut. and follies of their gods. They devour All ages, and apparently all classes, join every word that is said, and apparently in the festival. Young children, and men quite agree with all the preacher says. He and women tottering with age, are there. finishes, and then Mr. Martin speaks. As Let us walk along the road with the multi- he is speaking, the crowd in the road tude, and observe the scene as we go. thickens more and more; the excitement

"On both sides rude sheds have been run increases ; and there rushes along the road up, in which almost every conceivable a body of lattials, or club-men, preceding thing is sold. Fruit, fish, vegetables of all one of the great men for whose arrival the kinds, brushes, combs, rings, toys, pictures priests wait. In a moment the throng of the very rudest description, uncouth around the preaching-station joins them, shapes of animals fashioned in mud and and not a man is left. The excitement painted in blue, green, red, yellow, or any is so great that the preaching must stop for gaudy colour to catch the eye-all these a time. So we go out too, to observe what things abound. Here is a blind man is going on. We push on with the stream. whom we recognise as having been a The shops still continue. Here is a batch regular visitor for years. Sitting down by of what we call “ups-and-downs," so the road-side, he holds out his hand and common to an English fair. They are sings some mournful ditty, and calls on the all still now, though they have been and passers-by to pity his state, and for the will be busy enough. How dense the sake of Juggernaut to help him. Some crowd is! We can scarco push our way put down a little rice before him, others a through. A drizzling rain is falling, but few cowries, and some few throw him a | there is no room to keep an umbrella up. pice or two. Here is an image, another of “To our left is Juggernaut's car : all their gods, set upon a small impromptu around are men, women, and children, altar, and covered overhead with a screen packed as closely as men, women, and of calico. A Brahmin stands by the side children can be. Look down the road, beating a gong and calling for offerings : to the left and right. As far as you can the multitude pass by scarcely heeding, see, nothing but a waving sea of heads. and some few only seem to have piety Every tree is filled with human beings, or care enough to offer a little. And and every house-top is covered. Perched though by the end of the day a rather on the top of the cocoa-nut trees, whose large heap of rice may be seen, and several branchless trunks out-top the trees around, pice be counted before the images, yet it is you will see one or two venturesome by no means so much as a stranger would beings. Right before you is the plain, suppose would be given to the deities. heaving with sweating, steaming men and

Here is a group of singing men and women. On the far-off side of the plain singing women, with cymbals and tam stands the temple. Look; they have bourines, playing and dancing, while every brought out the god. How carefully he is now and then between the trees and a wrapped up. He is hoisted on the top little off from the roads we catch a glimpse of the reservoir, so that he can be seen of temporary places erected, and hear the by all around. What an ugly monster he sounds of music and dancing. All seem is! His goggle eyes stare fiercely; huis glad and joyous, but it is with the revelry grinning mouth stretches all across his

ace; his stunted arms are fixed close / “Oh, you want to see a scene like that to his side ; and he looks altogether a to know what Paul meant when his spirit hideous, helpless, mis-shapen monster. was stirred within him as he saw the city See, they fasten on the stumps of his arms was wholly given to idolatry. Without a pair of silver hands; and now, lest the exaggeration there must have been at sun should smite him, or the rain hurt least 40,000 persons gathered together, him, they hold over him a large umbrella ; and gathered together not for the purand lest the heat should overcome him, poses of the fair, but to do honour to one stands behind with a large fan, made Juggernaut. Do you ask when this was ? from the palm leaf, and fans him gently. In this present month and year-June,

“And now what do they wait for ? For | 1862. Do you ask where? Within fifteen the great man to come to give the order to | minutes' walk of the place where Carey, proceed. Ah, here he is. A larger crowd | Marshman, and Ward laboured for years, of lattials—a fiercer rush-the dense mul- l of the place which was for so long a time titude opens—the great man passes-the the head-quarters of the mission; on the gaps close up, and all wait in expectation as very spot where the Gospel has been before. Flowers and fruit are thrown up preached week after week for many a year ; as offerings to the god, Suddenly there is within eyesight of the Christian village the stir amongst the multitude just around of Johnnugger, where a congregation asthe reservoir; and now the officiating sembles every Sunday, and where services priest gets up by the side of the god, are regularly conducted. and pours over him water, milk, ghee, &c., "It has struck me that a plain statement and as the liquid runs down the face of the of facts like the above might remind some hideous grinning monster, the whole crowd of our friends at home, that notwithstandbend with their hands to their face, and l, ing all that has been done, and all the shout out, 'Hurree Bol! Hurree Bol! | blessings that have been given, the work in Victory to Juggernaut! Victory to Jugger- | India is as yet only begun." naut!


GENERAL. Tus chief American news of the month is that of the victory of the Democrats in the elections for Cop gress. Our readers have, no doubt, seen the details in the newspapers; but we may mention here the simple fact that in these elections constitutional slavery has undoubtedly gained a great triumph. We cannot tell yet what its effect may be upon the Presidential policy.-During the month, the Emperor of France has tried to get England and Russia to join him in an attempt at mediation. Both Governments have very properly declined.-The Italian Parliament was opened on the 18th. Garibaldi, who is somewhat better, has been removed to Pisa.-During the past month, interesting intelligence has been received from Madagascar. The work of refor. mation proceeds without hindrance. The King has already erected a spacious stone building for the purpose of education, and on the arrival of Mr. Stagg it will be placed under his charge, with a view to training suitable Christian natives for the office of schoolmasters in the metropolis and its vicinity. The pastors of native churches, although their returns are incomplete, report the number of communicants to be seven hundred and forty, and the number of Christians in the island to be seven thousand. Mr. Ellis is labouring indefatigably. He has addressed an appeal to English Christians. asking for ten thousand pounds for the building of

chapels ; and the committee of the London Mis: sionary Society sustain his appeal.

The distress of Lancashire and the liberality of the public appear to increase simultaneously. We are glad to know that all the religious bodies Dow are doing their part in the work of relieving the sufferings of their brethren ; and the general committees, both in London and in Manchester, ang receiving very large sums daily-sums so large as fully to show the extent and depth of the national sympathy. Yet do what we will, the relief will best but slowly mitigate so wide-spread a calamity. The appeal for clothing is now as urgent as that for food; and in London it is most nobly responde! to. The quantity of new bedding and clothing, a well as old, is so great as to keep six men 008stantly packing and sending it off, while it stil so cumulates. The Parcels' Delivery Company, private carriers, and railways, except the Great Northern, seem to delight in rendering their sid gratuitously. The Economist now calculates that we shall be in a position, at the end of the year, to find four days' work in the week for the operatives-the quantity of cotton in stock will so se cumulate, and the prices of the manufactured article so rise, as to enable manufacturers safely to do some work. If so, it may be hoped we have seen the worst. But there will be need for a long time of the utmost that can be done by cbaritable contribution to keep the operatives in life Aza health for work, come when it may,

of an Bank,mongstector bent of

We much regret to announce the death, which wished that the relation we sustained to each other took place on the 30th of October, of the Rev. should never be broken, but that as years passed it John Birt, of Oldham, Mr. Birt had been for some might be surrounded with richer associations and years in an enfeebled state of health, and had not memorials, and that, as our beautiful sanctuary for a long time taken part in public affairs; but his was erected for your ministry, so as long as you name will be long remembered, especially by the lived none other might occupy its pulpit. The senior members of the denomination, as that of an great Head of the Church has appointed otherable minister of Jesus Christ," and a man of large wise : be it ours to submit to His providence, and and very varied attainments.

bow to His authority, as we say, 'Thy will be We have much pleasure in giving a place in our

done.' And now, dear sir, we bid you farewell.

We bless you in the name of the Lord. May you, pages to the following address :-" It is now more

your beloved wife and children, bé enriched with than twelve months since the Rev. James Smith was laid aside from his ministry by a sudden and

all spiritual benediction and grace, and at last be unexpected stroke of paralysis. It was hoped for

gathered, an unbroken household, in our upper

and brighter home. As for ourselves, we will trust some time that he might so far recover as to as. sume in part his pastoral labours. That expecta

in the mercy of the Lord for ever, for in the Lord tion is now at an end-and in consequence he has

Jehovah is everlasting strength. We shall strive resigned his charge. It is therefore felt, that as

to follow the path in which you yourself have

walked with unfaltering step, and we rest assured Mr. Smith has, by his many valuable writings, even

that God will appear to us in his glory, and build more extensively than by his ministry, been useful, not only in connection with his own congregation

up Zion. We know full well we shall never forget or denomination, but among all sections of the

yon, and that you will never forget us ; that you Church of Christ, so the present time offers &

will not cease to pray for us, nor we to pray for

you. May we all in our different stations be special opportunity to numbers who love him as a

faithful unto death,' and receive from our gracious faithful minister of the Lord Jesus Christ, to ex

Master the 'crown of glory which never fades away."" press to him their respect and gratitude. The

Having read the address, Mr. Brock presented undersigned have, therefore, formed themselves

to Mr. Rosevear & purse containing twenty-five into a committee, for the purpose of appealing to

pounds. Mr. Rosevear then replied. He thankthe Christian public to present Mr. Smith with a

fully acknowledged the kindness of his friends, testimonial which shall place him in such circumstances as shall render calm and comfortable his

both now and during the whole period of his

ministry. “He had never received from the few remaining days or years. Donations will be

cburch of Christ over which it had been his privi. thankfully received by the secretary, the treasurers, or any members of the committee, as also at the

lege to preside one disrespectful or unkind word. Old Bank, Cheltenham." The above address is

Nothing had ever occurred to disturb them by signed, amongst others, by the Rev. Edward

discord or by anger. They had held together in Walker, M.A., Rector of Cheltenham; Rev. G.

harmony, and peace, and unbroken unity; and Calthrop, M.A., Incumbent of Trinity Church,

outside his congregation he had lived on terms of

no ordinary friendship with various families. He Cheltenham; Rev. T. Haynes, Cheltenham ; Rev. W.G. Lewis, minister of Salem Chapel, Chelten

felt greatly in being compelled to sever himself ham; and Rev. Dr. Brown, minister of the Con

from them." Mr. Rosevear also acknowledged the

kindness he had ever received from the ministers gregational Church, Cheltenham, who acts as

and members of other churches in the town, resecretary. We sincerely hope that many of our

ferring especially to the cordial friendship he had readers, who in past years have been so much in

ever enjoyed with the chairman, the Rev. E. P. debted to Mr. Smith, will join largely in this

Delf. The Revs. W. Shillitto, G. B. Johnson, J. J. testimonial,

Brown, T. A. Binns, and C. Vince, also addressed the meeting. We understand that, since the meet

ing, an address has been presented to Mr. Rosevear DOMESTIC.

by the members of the Coventry Working Men's COVENTRY.-On Monday evening, last week, a

Self-Improvement Association, over which Mr. R. tea-meeting was held in St. Mary's Hall, Coventry,

has presided for the last four years. on the occasion of the Rev. W. T. Rosevear leav NEWTON ABBOTT.-The foundation-stone of a new ing that town for Abingdon. Members of his con. Baptist chapel was laid here on the 7th ult. A gregation, and friends from other congregations, new chapel in this rapidly increasing town has met in large numbers to wish the rev. gentleman been long required, the present one used by the adieu, and to desire him success in his new sphere

Baptists being very small and inconvenient; but of labour. After tea the Rev. E. H. Delf engaged since the settlement of the Rev. F. Pearce as in prayer, and read letters from the Revg. P. pastor of the church, the demand for sittings Barker, M.A., of Coventry ; R. W. Dale, M.A., of has increased so greatly, that it is now found Birmingham, William Brock, and W. Landels, of absolutely necessary to build a larger chapel. It London, expressing the sorrow of each at being is intended to seat 620 persons in the body. Galunable to attend. Mr. Delf opened the meeting in leries will not be constructed at present, but the some kind and appropriate remarks. Mr. Booth, building is so designed as to admit of these being at the request of the chairman, read an address to added, should it at any future time be found necesMr. Rosevear from the members of his church and sary. The entire cost of the building will be congregation, gratefully acknowledging his pas £1,200. The stone was laid by W. Rouse, Esq.. toral and ministerial eervices during the past of Chudleigh; the Rev. Messrs. Peters, King, twelve years, and expressing deep regret at his de Keller, and Doke, and Messrs. Michelmore and parture from them. The address closed as follows. Branscombe, assisting at the ceremony. An ex. T. We had hoped that, as your public ministry cellent sermon was preached in the afternoon by commenced in Coventry, that here it would have the Rev. T. Peters, of Kingsbridge. There was a closed. We desired to live and die under your public tea at five o'clock, at which about 300 perpastoral care. We wished that, under the great sons sat down, and afterwards a public meeting, Shepherd, none but you should have directed our

when addresses were delivered by the abovespiritual course, and soothed our passage through named ministers, and also by the Rev. Mr. Dennithe dark entrance to the heavenly world. We son. The amount collected during the day, in

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