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of, i. 153. Ancient amusements of,
ii. 174, 175, note
Ephrem, St., his charity, ii. 81
Epictetus, his disbelief in a future

state, i. 183. His life and
works, 184, and note. On the
frame of mind in which a man
should approach death, 195. His
views of the natural virtue
of man, 198. On suicide, 214,
note, 220. On universal brother-
hood, 254. His stoicism tempered
by a milder and more religious
spirit, 245, 246. His remarks on
national religious beliefs, 405
Epicureans, their faith preserved
unchanged at Athens, i. 128, and
note. Their scepticism, 162. Ro-
man Epicureans, 162, 163. Epi-
cureanism the expression of a
type of character different from
Stoicism, 171, 172. But never
became a school of virtue in
Rome, 175. Destructive nature
of its functions, 176. Esteemed
pleasure as the ultimate end of
our actions, 186. Encouraged
physical science, 193. Their
doctrine as to suicide, 214, 215,

Epicurus, the four canons of, i. 14.

Vast place occupied by his system
in the moral history of man, 171.
His character, 175, 176, note.
Lucretius' praise of him, 197.
His view of death, 205. Dis-
covery of one of his treatises at
Herculaneum, 205, note
Epidemics, theological notions re-
specting, i. 356
Epiphanius, St., his miraculous

stories, i. 378. His charges
against the Gnostics, 417. Legend
of him and St. Hilarius, ii. 159
Epponina, story of her conjugal
fidelity, ii. 342

Error, the notion of the guilt of,
ii. 190-193


Essenes, virginity their ideal of
sanctity, i. 109, ii. 102
Euhemerus, his explanation of the
legends, i. 163

Euphrates the Stoic, his answer to
Pliny the Younger, i. 202. Has
permission from Hadrian to com-
mit suicide, 218, note
Euphraxia, St., ii. 110
Euripides, beauty of the gentler
virtues inculcated in the plays of,
i. 228

Eusebius, on the allegorical and
mythical interpretations of pagan-
ism, i. 163, note. His account
of the Christian persecutions, i.

Eusebius, St., his penances, ii.


Eustathius, condemnation of, by
the council of Gangra, ii. 131
Evagrius, his inhumanity to his
parents, ii. 125

Evil, views of Hobbes and the Utili-
tarians of the essence and origin
of, i. 8-10

Excellence, supreme, how far it is
conducive to happiness, i. 56-
Excommunication, penalties of, ii. 7
Executioners, always regarded as
unholy, i. 41

Exorcism, among the early Christ-
ians, i. 378, 380. Origin of the
notions of possession and exor-
cism, 380. Jews the principal
exorcists, 380. Belief of the early
Christians in, 382. Contempt of
the pagans for it, 384. Ulpian's
law against exorcists, 384. Prob-
able explanation of possession
and exorcism, 385. Speedy decline
of exorcism, 385. The practice
probably had no appreciable in-
fluence in provoking persecution
of the Christians, 420
Experience, general statement of
the doctrine which bases morals
upon, i. 5


FABIANUS, martyrdom of, i. 446

Fabiola, founded the first public
hospital, ii. 80

Fabius, his self-sacrifice, i. 185
Fabius Pictor, his works written in
Greek, i. 230

Faculty, moral, the term, i. 75
Fairies, belief in, i. 348, 349
Fatalism, Eschylus the poet of, i.

Felicitas, St., her martyrdom, i. 444.
In prison, ii. 9

Fénelon, on the unselfish love we
should bear to God, i. 18, note
Fetichism, latent, the root of a
great part of our opinions, i. 350
Fidenæ, accident at the amphi-
theatre at, i. 275

Fights, sham, in Italy in the middle
ages, ii. 37, 38

Fire, regarded by the ancients as an
emblem of virginity, i. 108, note
Fish, symbol of the early Christians,
i. 376

Flamens of Jupiter, ii. 298
Flora, games of, i. 276
Forethought, brought into a new

position by industrial habits, i. 140
Foundlings, hospitals for, ii. 23,
note, 32. In ancient times, 28,
29. Adversaries of, 98, and note
France, condition of, under the
Merovingian kings, ii. 236, note
Francis of Assisi, St., story of his
death from asceticism, ii. 49. His
kindness to animals, 172
Franks, cause of their conversion, i.

Frédégonde, Queen, her crimes, ii.
236, 237

Freedmen, influence of, at Rome, i.
233. Condition of the freedmen of
the Romans, 236

Frenchmen, the chief national vir-
tues and causes of their influence
in Europe, i. 152. Compared
with Anglo-Saxon nations, 153
Friendship, Utilitarian view of, i. 10




ALERIUS, his persecution of the
Christians, i. 458, 461. His
illness, 462. Relents towards the
Christians, 462

Galilæans, their indifference to
death, i. 392, note

Gall, St., legend of, ii. 182. His
missionary labours, 247
Gallienus, proclaims toleration to
the Christians, i. 455, 457
Gallus, the Emperor, persecutions of
the Christians under, i. 454
Gambling-table, moral influence of
the, i. 148

Gaul, introduction of Christianity
into, i. 442. Foundation of the
monastic system in, ii. 106. Long
continuance of polygamy among
the kings of, 343

Gay, his view of the origin of human
actions, quoted, i. 8, note. His
suggestion of the theory of associ-
ation, 23, 24

Genseric, effect of his conquest of
Africa upon Italy, ii. 82. His cap-
ture of Rome, 83

George of Cappadocia, his barbarity,

[blocks in formation]

Germanus, St., his charity, ii. 245
Germany, conversion of, to Chris-
tianity, ii. 246. Marriage customs
of the early Germans, 278. Their
chastity, 340, 341
Gervasius, St., recovery of his re-
mains, i. 379.

Girdles of chastity, ii. 319, note
Gladiatorial shows, influence of
Christianity on the suppression of,
i. 34. Reasons why the Romans
saw nothing criminal in them, 101.
History and effect on the Romans
of, 271-283. How regarded by
moralists and historians, 284.
The passion for them not incon-


sistent with humanity in other
spheres, 288.
Gnostics, accusations against the, by
the early Fathers, i. 417. Their
tenets, ii. 102

God, the Utilitarian view of the
goodness of, i. 9, and note. Ques-
tion of the disinterestedness of
the love we should bear to, 18.
Our knowledge of Him derived
from our own moral nature, 55.
Early traces of an all-pervading
soul of nature in Greece, 161, 162,
170. Philosophic definitions of the
Deity, 162, note. Pantheistic
conception of, by the Stoics and
Platonists, 163. Recognition of
Providence by the Roman moral-
ists, 196. Two aspects under
which the Stoics worshipped the
Divinity-providence and moral
goodness, 198

Gods, the, of the ancients, i. 161, et
seq. Euhemerus' theory of the
explanation of the prevailing
legends of the gods, 163. Views
of Cicero of the popular beliefs,
165. Opinions of the Stoics, of
Ovid, and of Horace, 166. Na-
ture of the gods of the Romans,
167. Decline of Roman reverence
for the gods, 168, 169
Good, pleasure equivalent to, accord-
ing to the Utilitarians, i. 8,
note, 9

Gracchi, colonial policy of the, i. 233
Grazers, sect of, ii. 109
Greeks, ancient, their callous murder
of children, i. 45, 46. Low state

of female morality among them.
Their enforcement of monogamy,
104. Celibacy of some of their
priests and priestesses, 105. Early
traces of a religion of nature, 161.
Universal providence attributed
to Zeus, 161. Scepticism of the
philosophers, 161, 162. Import-
ance of biography in the moral


teaching of the, i. 74. Difference
between the teaching of the Roman
moralists and the Greek poets, 195.
On death, and future punishment,
205, 206. Greek suicides, 212.
Gentleness and humanity of the
Greek character, 227. İnfluence
on Roman character, 227, 228.
The Greek spirit at first as far
removed from cosmopolitanism
as that of Rome, 228. Causes of
Greek cosmopolitanism, 229. Ex-
tent of Greek influence at Rome,
Gladiatorial shows among
them, 276. Spirit of their reli-
gion contrasted with that of the
Egyptians, 324. Their intolerance
of foreign religions, 406. Con-
dition and fall of their empire of
the East, ii. 12-14. Their prac-
tice of infanticide, 25-27. Their
treatment of animals, 164. Their
treatment of prisoners taken in
war, 257, 258. Their marriage

customs, 277.

Women in the

poetic age, 278. Peculiarity of
Greek feelings on the position
of women, 280, 281. Unnatural
forms assumed by vice amongst
them, 294

Gregory the Great, his contempt for

Pagan literature, ii. 201, note.
His attitude towards Phocas, 264
Gregory of Nyssa, St., his eulogy of
virginity, ii. 322

Gregory of Tours, manner in which
he regarded events, ii. 240-242,
261, 277

Grotesque, or eccentric, pleasure de-
rived from the, compared with
that from beauty, i. 85
Gundebald, his murders approved
of by his bishop, ii. 237
Gunpowder, importance of the in-
vention of, i. 126

Guy, Brother, his society for pro-
tection and education of children,
ii. 33, and note


ADRIAN, the Emperor, his view


of suicide, i. 219. Gives Eu-
phrates permission to destroy
himself, 218, note. His laws re-
specting slaves, 307. His leniency
towards Christianity, 438. His
benevolence, ii. 77

Hair, false, opinions of the Fathers
on, ii. 149

Hall, Robert, on theological Utilita-
rianism, i. 15 note
'Happiness, the greatest, for the
greatest number,' theory of the,
i. 3. The sole end of human
actions, according to the Utilita-
rians, 8, note. The best man
seldom the happiest, 69. Mental
compared with physical happiness,
87. Influence of health and
temperament on happiness, 88,
and note

Hartley, his doctrine of association,
i. 22. Coleridge's admiration for
him, 28, note. On animal food,
48, note. His attempt to evade
the conclusion to which his view
leads, quoted, 67, note. His defi-
nition of conscience, 82
Hegesias, the orator of death, i.


Heliogabalus, his blasphemous or-
gies, i. 260

Hell, monkish visions of, ii. 221 and
note. Glimpses of the infernal
regions furnished by the 'Dia-
logues' of St. Gregory, 221.
Modern publications on this sub-
ject, 223, note

Helvétius, on the origin of human
actions, i. 8, note. On customs of
the people of Congo and Siam,
102, note. Compared with Aulus
Gellius, 313

Herbert, of Cherbury, Lord, his
profession of the doctrine of innate
ideas, i. 123

Hercules, meaning of, according to
the Stoics, i. 163

[blocks in formation]

priestly marriage, ii. 322
Hippopotamus, legend of the, ii. 161
Historical literature, scantiness of,
after the fall of the Roman em-
pire, ii. 235

Hobbes, Thomas, his opinions con-
cerning the essence and origin of
virtue, i. 7, 8, note. His view of
the origin of human actions,
quoted, 8, note. His remarks on
the goodness which we apprehend
in God, quoted, 9, note. And on
reverence, 9, note. On charity, 9,
10, note. On pity, 10, note. Re-
view of the system of morals of
his school, 11. Gives the first
great impulse to moral philosophy
in England, 19, note. His denial
of the reality of pure benevolence,
20, 21. His definition of con-
science, 29, note. His theory of
compassion, 72, note

Holidays, importance of, to the ser-
vile classes, ii. 244

Homer, his views of human nature

and man's will, i. 196

Horace, his ridicule of idols, i. 166.
His description of the just man,
Hospitality enjoined by the Romans,
ii. 79
Hospitals, foundation of the first, ii.
80, 81
Human life, its sanctity recognised
by Christianity, ii. 18. Gradual
acquirement of this sense, 18


Human nature, false estimate of, by
the Stoics, i. 192
Hume, David, his theory of virtue,
i. 4. Misrepresented by many
writers, 4. His recognition of the
reality of benevolence in our
nature, 20, and note. His com-
ment on French licentiousness in
the eighteenth century, 50, note.
His analysis of the moral judg-
ments, 76. Lays the foundation
for a union of the schools of
Clarke and Shaftesbury, 77
Humility, new value placed upon it
by monachism, ii. 185, 187
Hutcheson, Francis, his doctrine of
a 'moral sense,' i. 4. Establishes
the reality of the existence of be-
nevolence in our nature, 20. His
analysis of moral judgments, 76
Hypatia, murder of, ii. 196


AMBLICHUS, his philosophy, i.

Ideas, confused association of.
Question whether our, are de-
rived exclusively from sensation
or whether they spring in part
from the mind itself, 122. The
latter theory represented by the
Platonic doctrine of pre-existence,
122. Doctrine of innate ideas,
Idols and idolatry, views of the
Roman philosophers of, i. 166.
Discussion between Apollonius of
Tyana and an Egyptian priest re-
specting, 166, note. Idols for-
bidden by Numa, 166, note. Plu-
tarch on the vanity of, 166, note
Ignatius, St., his martyrdom, i. 438
Ignis fatuus, legend of the, ii. 224,


Imagination, sins of, i. 44. Relation
of the benevolent feelings to it,
132, 133. Deficiency of imagina-
tion the cause of the great ma-


jority of uncharitable judgments,
134-136. Feebleness of the
imagination a source of legends
and myths, 347. Beneficial effects
of Christianity in supplying pure
images to the imagination, 299
Imperial system of the Romans, its

effect on their morals, i. 257.
Apotheosis of the emperors, 257
India, ancient, admiration for the
schools of, i. 229

Inductive, ambiguity of the term, as
applied to morals, i. 73
Industrial truth, characteristics of,
i. 137. Influence of the promo-
tion of industrial life upon morals,

Infanticide, history of the practice
of, ii. 24. Efforts of the Church
to suppress it, 29. Roman laws
relating to, 31. Causes of, in
England, 285
Infants, Augustinian doctrine of the
damnation of unbaptised, i. 96.
The Sacrament given to, in the
early Church, ii. 6
Insanity, alleged increase of, ii. 60.

Theological notions concerning,
86. The first lunatic asylums, 88
Insurance societies among the poor
of Greece and Rome, ii. 78
Intellectual progress, its relations to
moral progress, i. 149-151
Interest, self-, human actions go-
verned exclusively by, according
to the Utilitarians, i. 7, 8, note.
Summary of the relations of vir-
tue and public and private, 117
Intuition, rival claims of, and utility
to be regarded as the supreme
regulator of moral distinctions, i.
1, 2. Various names by which
the theory of intuition is known,
2, 3. Views of the moralists of
the school of, 3. Summary of
their objections to the Utilitarian
theory, i. 69. The intuitive school,
74,75. Doctrines of Butler, Adam

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