Page images

Outcasts, distinct from savages, i. 43,


Owain, Sir, visit to Purgatory, ii. 56.

Pachacamac, ii. 337, 366.
Pandora, myth of, i. 408.
Panotii, i. 389.

Pantheism, ii. 332, 341, 354.
Papa, mamma, etc., i. 223.

Paper figures substitutes in sacrifice,
i. 461, 493, ii. 405.
Parables, i. 411.

Pars pro toto in sacrifice, ii. 399.
Parthenogenesis, ii. 190, 307.
Particles, affirmative and negative, i.
192; of distance, 220.
Passage de l'Enfer, ii 65.

Patrick, St., i. 372; his Purgatory, ii.
45, 55.

Patroklos, i. 444, 464.

Patron saints, ii. 120; patron spirits,

Pattern and matter, ii. 246.
Penny comequick, i. 396.
Periander, i. 491.

Perkun, Perun, ii. 266.
Persian race-genealogy, i. 403.
Persephone, myth of, i. 321.
Perseus and Andromeda, i. 339.
Personal names, in mythology, i. 303,
394, 396.

Personification :-natural phenomena,

i. 285, etc., 320, 477, ii. 205, 254;
disease, death, etc., i. 295; ideas,
300; tribes, cities, countries, etc,
329; Hades, i. 339, ii. 55.
Pestilence, personification and myths
of, i. 295.

Peter and Paul, Acts of, i. 372.
Petit bonhomme, game of, i. 77.
Petronius Arbiter, i. 75, ii. 261.
Philology, Generative, 198, 230.
Philosophical myths, i. 368.
Phrase-melody, i. 174.
Pillars of Hercules, i. 395.
Pipe, i. 208.

Pithecusa, i. 377.

Places, myths from names of, i. 395.
Planchette, i. 147.

Plants, souls of, i. 474.

Plath, Dr. on Chinese religion, ii. 352,

Plato, on transmigration, ii. 13; Pla-

tonic ideas, 244.

Pleiades, i. 291, 258.

Polytheism, ii. 247, etc.; based on
analogy of human society, ii. 248,
337,349,352; classification of deities
by attributes, 255; heaven-god, 255,
334, etc.; rain god, 259; thunder-
god, 262; wind-god, 266; earth-
god, 270; water-god, 274; sea-god,
275; fire-god, 277; sun-god, 286,
335, etc.; moon-god, 299; gods of
childbirth, agriculture, war, etc,
304; god and judge of dead, 308;
first man, divine ancestor, 311;
evil deity, 316; supreme deity,
332; relation of polytheism to
monotheism, 333.

Popular rhymes, etc., i. 86; sayings, i.
19, 83, 122, 313, ii. 268, 353.
Poseidon, i. 365, ii. 277, 378.
Possession and obsession, see Demons,

Pott, Prof., on reduplication, i. 219;
on numerals, 261.

Pottery, evidence from remains, i. 56;

absence of potter's wheel, 45, 63.
Pozzuoli, myth of subsidence of, i. 372.
Pragmatic or realized myths, i. 407.
Prayer-doctrine of, ii. 364, etc.; re-
lation to nationality, 371; intro-
duction of inoral element, 373;
prayers, i. 98, ii. 136, 208, 261, 280,
292, 329, 338, 364, etc., 435; rosary,
ii. 372; prayer-mill and prayer-
wheel, 372.

Prehistoric archæology, i. 55, etc.; ii.

Priests consume sacrifices, ii. 379.
Prithivi, i. 327, ii. 258, 272.

Procopius, voyage of souls to Britain,
ii. 64.

Progression in culture. i. 14, 32; in-
ventions, 62, etc.; language, 236;
arithmetic, 270; philosophy of re-
ligion, see Animism.

Prometheus, i. 365, ii. 400.

Proverbs, i. 84, etc.; see Popular

Psychology, i. 428.

Pupil of eye, related to soul, i. 431.
Purgatory, ii. 68, 92; St. Patrick's,

Purification, see Lustration.
Puss, i. 178.

Pygmies, myths of, i. 385; connected
with dolmens, 387; monkeys as,

Pliny on magic, i. 133; on eclipses, Pythagoras, ii. 13, 137, 187.


Plurality of souls, i. 433.

Plutarch, visits to spirit-world, ii. 53.
Pneuma, psyche, i. 433, 437.
Pointer-facts, i. 62.

Quaternary period, i. 58.
Quetelet, M., on social laws, i. 11.
Quinary numeration and notation, i.

261; in Roman numeral letters, 263.

Races:-distribution of culture among,

i. 49; culture of mixed races, Gau-
chos, etc., 46, 52; ethnology in
eponymic genealogies, 401; moral
condition of low races, 26; con-
sidered as magicians, 113; as mon-
sters, 380.

Rahu and Ketu, eclipse-monsters, i.

Rain-god, ii. 254, 259.

Rainbow, myths of, i. vii. 293, ii. 239.
Ralston, Mr., i. vii., 342, ii. 245, etc.
Rangi and Papa, i. 322, ii. 345.
Rapping, omens and communications
by, i. 144, ii. 221.

Rationalization of myths, i. 278.
Red Swan, myth of, i. 345.
Reduplication, i. 219.
Reid, Dr., on ideas, i. 499.
Relics, ii. 150.

Religion, i. 22, ii. 357, 419; whether

any tribes without, i. 417; accounts
misleading among low tribes, 419;
rudimentary definition of, 424;
adoption from foreign religions, fu-
ture life, ii. 91; ideas and names
of deities, 254, 309, 331, 344;
dualism, 316, 322; supreme deity,
333; natural religion, i. 427, ii.
103, 356.

Resurrection, ii. 5, 18.
Retribution-theory of future life, ii.
83; not conception of lower cul-
ture, 83.

Return and restoration of soul, i. 436.
Revival, in culture, i. 136, 141.
Revivals, morbid symptoms in re-
ligious, ii. 421.
Reynard the Fox, i. 412.
Riddles, i. 90.

Ring, divination by swinging, i. 126.
Rising in air, supernatural, i. 149, ii.


Rites, religious, ii. 362, etc.

River of death, i. 473, 480, ii. 23, 29,
51, 94.

River-gods and river-worship, ii. 209.
River-spirits, i. 109, ii. 209, 407.
Rock, spirit of, ii. 207.
Roman mythology and religion
funeral rites, ii. 42; future life,
45, 67, 81; nature-spirits, 220, 227;
polytheism, 251; Jupiter, 253, 265;
Neptune, 277; Vesta, 285; Lucina,
302, 305, etc.

Roman numeral letters, i. 263.
Romulus, patron deity of children, ii.
121; and Remus, i. 281.

Rosary, ii. 372.

Sabæism, ii. 296.

Sacred springs, streams, etc., ii., 209;
trees and groves, 222; animals, 234,

Sacrifice :-origin and theory of, ii.
375, etc., 207, 269; manner of con-
sumption or reception by deity, 216,
376, etc., see 39; motive of sacri-
ficer, 393, etc.; substitution, 399;
survival, i. 76, ii. 214, 228, 406.
Saint-Foix, i. 474, ii. 35.
Saints, worship of, ii. 120.
Samson's riddle, i. 93.
Sanchoniathon, ii. 221.
Sand-pillar, myths of, i. 293.
Sanskrit roots, i. 197, 224.
Savage, man of woods, i. 382.
Savage culture as representative of
primitive culture:-i. 21, ii. 443;
magic, witchcraft, and spiritual
ism, i. 112, etc.; language, i. 236,
ii. 445; numerals, i. 242; myth,
284, 321; doctrine of souls, 499;
future life, ii. 102; animistic theory
of nature, i. 285, ii. 180, 356; poly.
theism, 248; dualism, 317; supre-
macy, 334; rites and ceremonies,
363, 375, 411, 421, 429.
Savitar, ii. 292.

Scalp, i. 460.

[blocks in formation]

Serpent, emblem of immortality and
eternity, ii. 241.

Serpent-worship, ii. 8, 239, 310, 347.
Sex distinguished by phonetic modi-
fication, i. 222.

Shadow related to soul, i. 430, 435;
shadowless men, 85, 430.
Shell-mounds, i. 61.

Sheol, ii. 68, 81; gates of, i. 347.
Shingles, disease, i. 307.
Shoulder-blade, divination by, i. 124.
Sieve and shears, oracle by, i. 128.
Silver at new moon, ii. 302.
Sing-bonga, ii. 291, 350.
Skylla and Charybdis, ii. 208.
Slaves sacrificed to serve dead, i. 458.
Sling, i. 73.

Snakes, destroyed in Ireland, etc., i.

Sneezing, salutation on, i. 97; con-

nected with spiritual influence, 97.
Social rank retained in future life, ii.
22, 84.

Sokrates, ii. 137, 294; demon of, 202;
prayer of, 373.

Soma, Haoma, ii, 418.

Soul, doctrine of, definition and general
course in history, i. 428, 499; cause
of life, 428; qualities as conceived
by lower races, 428; conception of,
related to dreams and visions, i. 429,
ii. 24, 410; related to shadow, heart,
blood, pupil of eye, breath, i. 430;
plurality or division of, 434; exit of,
i. 309, 438, etc., 448, ii. 50; resto-
ration of, i. 436,475; trance, ecstasy,
439; dreams, 440; visions, 445:
soul not visible to all, 446; likeness
to body, i. 450; mutilated with
body, 451; voice, a whisper, chirp,
etc., 452; material substance of
soul, i. 453, ii. 198; ethereality not
immateriality of, in lower culture,
i. 456; human souls transmitted by
funeral sacrifice to future life, i.
458, ii. 31; souls of animals, i. 467,
ii. 41; their future life and trans-
mission by funeral sacrifice, i. 469;
souls of plants, trees, etc., i. 474, ii.
10; souls of objects, i. 476, ii. 9, 75,
153, etc.; transmission by funeral
sacrifice, i. 481; conveyed or con-
sumed in sacrifice to deities, ii. 216,
389; object-souls related to ideas,
i. 497; existence of soul after death
of body, i, 428, etc., ii. 1, etc.;
transmigration or metempsychosis,
ii. 2; new birth in human body, 3;
in animal body, plant, inert object,
9, etc.; souls remain on earth
among survivors, near dwelling,
corpse, or tomb, i. 148, 447, ii.
25, etc, 150; souls called up by
necromancer or medium, i. 143,312,
446, ii. 136, etc.; food set out for,
ii. 30, etc.; region of departed souls,
ii. 59, etc., 73, 244; future life of, i.
458, etc., ii. 74, etc.; relation of
soul to spirit in general, ii. 109;
souls pass into demons, patron-
spirits, deities, 111, 124, 192, 200,
364, 375; manes-worship, 112, etc.;
souls embodied in men, animals,
plants, objects, 147, 153, 192, 232;
mystic meaning of word soul, 359.
Soul of world, ii. 335, etc., 355, 366.
Soul-mass cake, ii. 43.
Sound-words, i. 231.
Speaking machine, i. 170.
Spear-thrower, i. 66.
Species-deities, ii. 242.

Spencer, Mr. Herbert, i. vii., ii. 236.
Sphinx, i. 90.

Spirit-course of meaning of word, i.

433, ii. 181, 206, 359; animism,
doctrine of spirits, i. 424, ii. 108,
356; doctrine of spirit founded on
that of soul, ii. 109; spirits con-
nected and confounded with souls,
ii. 109, 363; spirits seen in dreams
and visions, i. 306, 440, ii. 154, 189,
194, 411; action of spirits, i. 125,
ii. 111, etc.; embodiment of spirits,
ii. 123; disease by attack of, 126;
oracular inspiration by, 130; whist-
ling, etc., voice of, i. 453, ii. 135;
act through fetishes, ii. 143, etc.;
through idols, 167; spirits causes
of nature, 185, 204, etc., 250; good
and evil spirits, 186, 319; spirits
swarm in dark, fire drives off,
194; seen by animals, 196; foot-
prints of, i. 455, ii. 197; ethereal-
material substance of, ii. 198; ex-
clusion, expulsion, exorcism of, 125,
199; patron, guardian, and fainiliar
spirits, 199; nature-spirits of vol-
canos, whirlpools, rocks, etc., 207;
water-spirits and deities, 209, 407;
tree-spirits and deities, 215; spirits
subordinate to great polytheistic
deities, 248, etc.; spirits receive
prayer, 363; sacrifice, 375; see
Animism, etc.

Spirit, Great, ii. 256, 325, 335, etc.,
353, 365, 395.
Spirit-footprints, i. 455, ii. 197.
Spiritualism, modern:-its origin in
savage culture, i. 141, 155, 426, ii.
25, 39; spirit-rapping, i. 144, ii.
193, 221, 407; spirit-writing, 147;
rising in air, 149; supernatural
unbinding. 153; moving objects,
etc., i. 439, ii. 156, 319, 441; me-
diums, i. 146, 312, ii, 132, 410;
oracular possession, i. 148, ii. 135,


Spirit-world, journey or visit to, by
soul, i. 439, 481, ii. 44, etc.
Spitting, i. 103; lustration with
spittle, ii. 439, 441.
Standing-stones, objects of worship, ii.


Stanley, Dean, ii. 387.

Stars, myths of, i. 288, 356; souls of,
i. 291.

Staunton, William, his visit to Purga.
tory, ii. 58.

Stock-and-stone-worship, ii. 161, etc.,
254, 388.

Stone, myths of men turned to, i. 353;
stone-worship, ii. 160,etc., 254, 388.
Stone Age, i. 56, etc.; magic as be
longing to, 140; myths of giants
and dwarfs as belonging to, 385.

Storm, myths of, i. 322; storm-god, Tatar race, culture of, i. 51; race-

i. 323, ii. 266.

Strut, i. 62.

Substitutes in sacrifice, i. 106, 463, ii.
399, etc.

Succubi, see Incubi.

Sucking cure, ii. 146.

Suicide, body of, staked down, ii. 29,


San, myths of, i. 288, 319, 335, etc.,
ii. 48, 66, 323; sunset, myths of,
connected with death and future
life, i. 335, 345, ii. 48, etc., 311;
sun abode of departed souls, ii. 69.
Sun-god and sun-worship, i. 99, 288,
353, ii. 263, 285, 323, etc, 376,
etc., 408, 422, etc.; sun and moon
as good and evil deity, ii. 324, etc.
Superlative, triple, i. 265.

Superstition, case of survival, i. 16,
72, etc.

Supreme deity, ii. 332, 367; heaven.

god, etc., as, 255, 337, etc.; sun-god
as, 290, 337. etc.; conception of, in
manes-worship, 334; as chief of di-
vine hierarchy, 335, etc.; first cause,

Survival in culture, i. 16, etc., 70, etc,

ii. 403; children's games, i. 72;
games of chance, etc., 78; proverbs,
89; riddles, 91; sneezing-salutation,
98; foundation-sacrifice, 194; not
save drowning, 108; magic, witch-
craft, etc., 112; spiritualism, 141;
numeration, 262, 271; deodand, 287;
werewolves, 313; eclipse-monster,
330; animism, i. 500, ii. 356; fune-
ral sacrifice, i. 463, 474, 492; feasts
of dead, ii. 35, 41; possession, 140;
fetishism, 159; stone-worship, 168;
water-worship, 213; fire-worship,
285; sun-worship, 297; moon-wor-
ship, 302; heaven-worship, 353;
sacrifice, 406, etc.

Susurrus necromanticus, i. 453, ii. 135.
Suttee, i. 465.

Swedenborg, spiritualism of, i. 144,
450, ii. 18, 204.

Symbolic connexion in magic, etc., i.
116, etc., ii. 144; symbolism in reli-
gious ceremony, ii. 362, etc.
Symplegades, i. 350.

[blocks in formation]

genealogy of. 404.

Tattooing, mythic origin of, i. 393.
Taylor, Jeremy, on lots. i. 79.
Teeth-defacing, mythic origin of, i. 3: 3.
Temple, Jewish, ii. 426.
Tertullian, i. 456, ii. 188, 427.
Tezcatlipoca, ii. 197, 344, 391.
Theodorus, St., church of, ii. 121.
Theophrastus, ii. 165.

Theresa, St., her visions, ii. 415.
Thor, ii. 266.

Thought, conveyance of, by vocal
tone, i. 166; Epicurean theory of,
497; savage conception of, ii. 311.
Thousand and One Nights:-water-
spout and sand-pillar, i. 292; Mag-
netic Mountain, 374; Abdallah of
Sea and Abdallah of Land, ii. 106.
Thunder-bird, myths of, i. 363, ii.
262; thunder-bolt, ii. 262.
Thunder-god, ii. 262,305,312, 337, etc.
Tien and Tu, ii. 257, 272, 352.
Tlaloc, Tlalocan, ii. 61, 274, 309.
Tobacco smoked as sacrifice or in-
cense, ii. 287, 343, 383; to cause
morbid vision, etc,
Torngarsuk, ii. 340.
Tortoise, World-, i 364.
Totem-ancestors, i. 402, ii. 235; to-
tem-worship, ii. 235.

Traditions, credibility of, i. 275, 280,
370; of early culture, i. 39, 52.
Transformation-myths, i. 308, 377, ii.
10, 220.
Transmigration of souls, i. 379, 409,
469, 476, ii. 2, etc.; theory of, ii. 16.
Trapezus, i. 396.

Trees, objects suspended to, ii. 150, 223.
Tree-souls, i. 475, ii. 10, 215; tree-
spirits, i. 476, ii. 148, 215.

Tribe-names, mythic ancestors, i. 398;
tribe-deities, ii. 234.

Tribes without religion, i. 417.
Tuckett, Mr., i. 373.

Tumuli, remains of funeral sacrifice
in, i. 486.

Tupan, ii. 263, 305, 333.

Turks, race-genealogy of, i. 403.
Turnskins, i. 308, etc.

Twin brethren, N. A. dualistic myth,
ii. 320, etc.

Two paths, allegory of, i. 409.

Uiracocha, ii. 338, 366.

Ukko, ii. 257, 261, 265.

Ulster, mythic etymology of, ii. 65.
Unbinding, supernatural, i. 153.
Under-world, sun and souls of dead
descend to, ii. 66; see Hades.
Unkulunkulu, ii. 116, 313, 347.


Vampires, ii. 191.

Vapour-bath, narcotic, of Scyths and
N. A. Indians, ii. 417.
Vasilissa the Feautiful, i, 342.
Vatnsdæla Saga, i. 439.

Veda, i. 55, 351, 362, 465, ii. 72, 265,

281, 354, 371, 386.
Vegetal, sensitive, and rational souls,
i. 435.

Ventriloquism, i. 453, ii. 132, 182.
Vergil, Polydore, ii. 409.
Versipelles, i. 308, etc.
Vesta, ii. 285.

Vigesimal notation, i. 261; survival
in French and English, 263.
Visions-mythic fancy in, i. 305;
are apparitions of spirits, 143, 445,
478, ii. 194, 410; as evidence of
future life, 24, 49; fasting for, 410;
use of drugs to cause, 416.
Visits to spirit-world, i. 436, 481, ii.
46, etc.

Vitruvius, on orientation, ii. 427.
Vocal tone, i. 166, etc.

Voice of ghosts and other spirits, whis-

per, twitter, murmur, i. 452, ii. 134.
Volcano, mouth of underworld, i. 344,
364, ii. 69; caused by spirits, 207.
Vowels, i. 168.

Vulcan, ii. 280, 284.

Wainamoinen, ii. 46, 93.

Waitz, Prof., Anthropologie der Natur-
völker, i. vi.; fetishism, ii. 157,176.
Walhalla, i. 491, ii. 77, 88.

War-god, ii. 306.

Warriors, fate of souls of, ii. 87.
Wassail, i. 97, 101.

Water, spirits not cross, i. 442.

Waterfalls and waterspouts, myths of,
i. 292, 291.

Water-gods and water-worship, ii.
209, 274, 376, 407.

Water-spirits and water-monsters, i.
110, ii. 208, etc.

Watling Street, Milky Way, i. 360.
Weapons, i. 64, etc.; personal names
given to, 303.

Wedgwood, Mr. Hensleigh, on imita-
tive language, i. 161.

Weight of soul, i. 455; of spirit, ii.

Well-worship, ii. 209, etc.

Werewolves, etc., doctrine of, i. 113,
308, etc. 435, ii. 193.

West, mythic conceptions of, as re-
gion of night and death, i. 337, 343,
ii. 48, 61, 66. 311, etc., 422, etc.;
see East and West.

Whately, Archbishop, on origin of
culture, i. 38, 42.

Wheatstone, Sir C., i. 170.
Wheel-lock, i. 15.

Whirlpool, spirit of, ii. 207.
Widow-sacrifice, i. 458.
Wild Hunt, i. 362, ii. 269.
Wilson, Dr. D., on dual and plural, i.

Wind gods, ii. 266.

Winds, myths of, i. 360.

Witchcraft, i. 116, etc.; origin in
savage culture, 138; mediæval re-
vival, 138; iron charm against, 140;.
ordeal by water, 140; rising in air,
152; doctrine of werewolves, 312;
incubi and succubi, ii. 190; witch-
ointment, 418.

Woden, see Odin.
Wolf of night, i. 341.
Wong, ii. 176, 205, 348.
World pervaded by spirits, ii. 137,.
180, 185, 205, 250.

Worship as related to belief, i. 427, ii.

Wraith or fetch, i. 448, 451.

Wright, Mr. T., ii. 56, 65.

Wuttke, Prof., i. 456, etc.

Xerxes, i. 286, ii. 378.

Yama, ii. 54, 314.

Yawning, possession, i. 102.
Yezidism, ii. 329.

Zend-Avesta, i. 116, 351, ii. 98, 293,-
328, 438.

Zeus, i. 328, 350, ii. 258, etc., 353.]
Zingani, myth of name, i. 400.
Zoroastrism, ii. 20, 98, 282, 319, 328,
354, 371, 400, 438.





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