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County divided, and Lunenburg
formed 383.


Their wages to be paid in mo-
ney 172, 372, 404. Repre-
sentation of, against the pre-
rogative exercise by the king,
in repealing laws, by procla-
mation 432, note.

How convened, its power and
duty, in relation to criminals



Grant of money, for expedition
against 400.


No justice of peace to grant 37.

County, part of King & Queen
added to 185.

Of Middle Temple, London;
certain lands belonging to, in
Prince William, Fairfax, and
Frederick, vested in trustees
to be sold 300.

Drivers of, to produce manifests
and bills of sale, and make
oath before the next justice
176. Duty of justice 177.-
Like method to be observed
in every county, thro' which
the drove passes 177. Pen-
alty 177. Act concerning
further continued 247. To
be preserved for the heir 465.


How to be made between adja-
cent counties 32.


483. Not to be granted, to
remove a cause, not original-
ly cognizable in the general
court, 349. Suit remanded by
Certiorari, not afterwards
removed, 349. Notice and
affidavit, 549. False swear-
ing on, Perjury, 349.

Convicts entitled to benefit of,
26, 546. Of jurors, how to
be made 545. For the King,
must be upon good cause
shewn 545.

Certain slaves of Wm. Cham-
berlayne, dec'd vested in trus-
tees, for the benefit of a pos-
thumous child 117.

Days appointed for hearing
chancery causes, in the gene-
ral court 320. Rules of prac-
tice in 484.

Certain entailed lands, in King
William, vested in 114, 117.
Militia to go armed to 19. Not
attending, what an excuse for


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Writs of how obtained, 548, Of county courts, their fees 42.

47. 331. Office of, to be in-
spected annually 344. Το
tax attorneys fees 344.

Of duties, on skins and furs,
to be appointed 56. Power
and duty, in relation to li-
quors imported 313. How
appointed 317. Their salary
317. When to account, with
treasurer 317, 318.

Their fees 50, 540. May search
for red deer skins 62. To be
sworn to prevent offences a-
gainst the act against unlaw-
ful hunting 63.


See Deeds.

Deeds for lands, how to be ac-
knowledged, proved, and re-
corded 408, 409.

How to be tried for capital of-
fences 25. Challenges allow
ed them 26. Rules concern-
ing trials of 545.

Authorised to dispose of her
property, as a feme sole, not-
withstanding her husband
Isles Cooper, may happen to
be living 294.

Of pleadings, what taxable in
bill of costs, what not 46.


Their fees 50, 340.


Rules in taxing, for copies 46.
In assault and battery, and
slander, where plaintiff shall
not recover costs 240. At-
torney's fee, when taxed 344.
Of costs in frivolous and vex-

[blocks in formation]


Orange county divided, and all
that part westward of the
Blue Ridge, to the utmost li-
mits of Virginia, formed into
the counties of Frederick and
Augusta 78, 80. Part of
King and Queen added to Ca-
roline 185. Prince William
county divided, and Fairfax
formed 207. Hanover coun-
ty divided, and Louisa formed
208, 209. Goochland county
divided, and Albemarle form-
ed 266. Brunswick county
divided, and Lunenburg form-
ed 383.


May lay levies, for building
bridges, &c. and such con-
tracts shall bind their succes-
sors 175. Act establishing
Justices to hold them
Their oath as justices
generally 489. As justices in
chancery 490. Penalty for
acting without 490. Court
days 490. Adjournment of
491. Jurisdiction of court
What cases excepted
Warrants, for small
debts, determinable by a sin-
gle justice 491. But no exe-
cution against the body 491.
Attachments against abscond-
ing debtors 492. Proceedings


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on 492, 494. Process, how
issued, executed and returned
494. Bail, appearance, and
special rules, concerning 495.
Process where defendant not
found 496. Rules of practice
at common law 496, 498. Pe-
tition and summons, for debts
under 51. how proceeded on
498. Debt on bonds of more
than 51. penalty 499. Penal
actions, how prosecuted 500.
Rules of practice in chancery
501-504. Rules concerning
witnesses 504. How summon-
ed, and their allowance 504.
Penalty and privileges 505.
Appeals from, how granted
505. Bond and security 506.
Certiorari 506. No justice
to appear as attorney 507.
Court-houses, how erected
507.-Prisons for 507.

Of Accomack and Amelia alter-
ed 60. Of Frederick, Fair
fax and Louisa altered 265.—
Of Nansemond, Isle of Wight,
Princess Anne, Norfolk, King
William, Albemarle and Au-
gusta, altered $71.
the counties 490.

How erected 507.

Of all

How constituted, and when held
19. Power and duty of 20.
Rules in actions, for non-per
formance of 511.

Act for relief of certain 220.
Foreign attachment 220. Ab-
sent defendant, how proceed-
ed against 220, 222. Defend-

[blocks in formation]

How convicts, to be tried 25.—
Jury of by standers, and not
of the vicinage 25. Qualifi
cation of jurors 25. Chal-
lenge allowed 26. Act for
trial of criminals continued
249. Method of trying, for
capital offences 541. Called
court 541. Commitment 541.
Sheriff may impress guards
542. Bail, when admitted
542. Witnesses, for and a-
gainst the prisoner 542.-
Goaler may impress guard
Prison fees how paid


543. Grand jury to pass upon
543. Venire, how summon-
ed 544. Qualification 544.
Prisoner may have counsel
544. Challenge of, how ta-
ken 544. For the King 545.
Rules, in trials of convicts
545. Benefit of clergy 546.
Who may, or may not be wit-
nesses 546.

Tobacco, weight of 133,154.-
How made up, from transfer


Act for destroying, on eastern

shore 203.

Parish of, in Lunenburg, form-

[blocks in formation]


For land, how and when to be
acknowledged, or proved and
recorded 408. In what courts
408. Within what time 409.
Number of witnesses 409.-
Livery of scisin, to be record-
ed with 409. Former deeds,
valid 409. When void as to
creditors, though binding be
tween the parties 410. Re
linquishmeut of dower, how
to be made 410. Effect of
410. Memorials of, to be
sent to Secretary's office, and
there recorded 411.

Within what periods deer may
be killed 61. May be killed,
at any time, in fields, or for
necessary food 61. Penalty

for buying red skins 62.-
Constables may search for
them 62. Hounds, not to run
at large 62. Penalty for fire
hunting 62. No person to

hunt on another's land 62.-
Constables to be sworn to pre-
vent 63.

Of witnesses, when and how ta-
ken 479.

How apprehended and punish-
ed 93,96,403,404.

Parish, in Prince William, form-
ed from Hamilton 259.

[blocks in formation]

testate's estates.
How estates of persons dying
intestate, to be distributed
444,448. When it shall be
made 448.

Relinquishment of, how to be
made, and effect of 410,411.
Widow's dower, in personal
estate and slaves 444,445.—
Permitting dower slaves to be
sent out of the colony, forfeits
them 446. Her dower in
lands 448.
Jointure, in bar
of 448.

On liquors exported 534 When,

not allowed 315.
Regulations concerning drivers
of cattle 176.

To be built 508.


Act, laying duty on liquors, fur-
ther continued 26. Further
allowance for leakage 27.-
Not to extend to certain ap-
propriated duty 27. Master

or owner may detain for duty
27. Liquors, when seizable
27. Act laying duty on slaves
further continued 28. Duty,
how collected and accounted
for 28,29. Penalty 30. Ad-
ditional duty on slaves 92.
How appropriated 93. Act
laying duty on slaves, contin-
ued 160. Act laying duty on
liquors, continued 161,236.
Drawbacks on 163. On hor-
ses, imported 178. Acts lay-
ing duties on liquors, reduced
into one, and amended 310.
Duty on spirits and wine 311.
On cyder, ale and beer 311.
Saving as to liquors, import-
ed from Great Britain 311.
Oath of master, &c. 311.-
Entry, how to be made 312.
Forfeiture 312. Permits 312.
Wines, how entered 312.—
Penalty for false entry 312.
Duty of collector 313. Bri-
bery 313. Power of collect-
ors 313. Onus probandi
314. Duties, how paid $14.
Drawback 314. Oath of im-
porter 314. When drawback
not allowed 315. Premium,
for importing money 316.-
Duty-bonds, how prosecuted
$16. Forfeitures, bow recov-
erable, and appropriated 316.
Collectors, how appointed,
their salary, and how to ac-
count 317. Duties appropri-
ated $17. In aid of the taxes
317. For relief of William
and Mary College 317.-
When accounted for 318.-
Governor's Madeira exempt
from duty $18.

[blocks in formation]

Arms of militia exempted from

Slaves not to be taken
in, for less than 101. if other
sufficient property be shewn
37.-Nor for levies, or offi-
fees 37. No justice to issue
a ca. sa. 37, 491. Writs of
execution, how tested, issued
and returned 526. Time be-
tween the teste and returned
527. Forms of 527,528.-
Forms of returns 528,529,
530. Debtor dying in prison,
new execution may issue 531.
May sell his lands, while in
execution, for the benefit of
his creditors 531. Rules in
issuing the writs 531. Rules
in extents 582. Officer to en-
dorse the time of receiving

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