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you profane the Sabbath, and spend those hours, which were set apart for the service of God, in loose company, vain amusements, and vile pleasures Do you boldly utter such wanton or indecent language, as must make a modest and good man blush? Do you give yourselves to cheating and fraud, lewdness and drunkenness ?

then you are profligates. Sins of ignorance are less heinous; but these things are not only condemned by the law of God, but also contrary to the laws of men. If you practise wickedness in open daylight, against counsels, warnings, and reproofs; if you go on in your forbidden ways, wilfully and obstinately, then, you are presumptuous sinners. You can neither plead ignorance nor surprise, and therefore are left without excuse.

Heaven from above, and conscience from within,
Cry in your startled cars-Abstain from sin!


And yet you rush upon those rocks, against which so many have made shipwreck before your eyes! O, think what would be you condition, if you were instantly seized by the strong hand of death! How could you appear before your Maker and Judge Know you not, that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not

deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind; nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Cor. vi. 9, 10. Is it possible to be guilty of such things, and not know it? And can you bear any of these black marks upon your characters, and not shudder at the sight of them?

Perhaps you boast, that you never pretended to any religion. "Whatever we be, we are not canting hypocrites. We scorn the pitiful tricks of base cowards. Away with all weak scruples; we can bravely despise them; and, dashing through difficulties, enjoy our frolics, in spite of death and destruction." Let me tell you, the difference between a hypocrite and a reprobate is only like that which there is between a thief and a robber: they are both detestable. According to the striking words of Boston, a conscience seared as with a hot iron, is a sure presage of everlasting burnings. Who hath hardened himself against God, and prospered? Who can raise a defence that will shield him from the flaming bolts of the Almighty? If we sin wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin; but a fearful looking for of judgment, and fiery in

dignation, which shall devour the adversaries. Heb. x. 26. Who made Cain a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth? Gen. iv. 14. Who made Pashur a terror to himself and to all his friends? Jer. xx. 4. Who struck Belshazzar with horror, while he was feasting with his thousand lords ?-That GOD, to whom vengeance belongeth; who reserveth wrath for his enemies. I have read of a wicked man, who, when warned of hell, said, I will believe it when I come thither! But to what use will it be to believe there is a hell, when it is too late to escape from it? A daring and hectoring spirit cannot save you. Though you should imagine you have made a covenant with death, and with hell an agreement, so that the one shall not seize, nor the other claim you, what security can they afford ?-the same that you would have of an estate, held by a lease written upon the sands of the sea shore, till the coming of the next tide! When the overflowing scourge shall come, your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand. Isa. xxviii. 15.

Many persons, while they are full of health and spirits, make light of religion, who yet, in a time of sickness, find all their confidence fail. Mr. Hervey went to visit, on his death-bed, a

man who had been given up to all the gaieties and pleasures of a worldly life. "I found him (says he) no more that sprightly son of joy, which he used to be; but languishing, pining away-withering under the chastening hand of God! His limbs feeble and trembling; his countenance forlorn and ghastly; and the little breath he had left, sobbed out in sorrowful sighs. When I was seated beside him, he first cast a most wishful look at me, and then began, as well as he was able, to speak as follows:-0 that I had been wise; that I had known this; that I had considered my latter end! Ah! Mr. Hervey, death is knocking at my door: in a few hours more, I shall draw my last gasp; and then, judgment! tremendous judgment! How shall I appear, unprepared as I am, before the all-knowing and omnipotent God? How shall I endure the day of his coming? The day in which I should have worked is over and gone; and I see a sad, horrible night approaching, bringing with it the blackness of darkness forever! Wo is me! when God called, I refused; when he invited, I was one of them that made excuse. Now, therefore, I receive the reward of my deeds: I smart, and am in sore anguish; and yet this is but the beginning of sorrows. It doth not yet appear what I shall be; but I am sure I shall be ruined, un

done, and destroyed with an everlasting destruetion." It would be easy to mention many such instances. If you tread in the steps of such men, how can you expect any other than their end? I tell you nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

2. I address myself to the negligent and careless.

Is it asked, whom do I mean? I mean you, who lull yourselves into a false sleep; you, who glory in a settled indifference; you, who are given up to sloth, as if you had no souls to be either saved or lost.

The prophet speaks of some in his day, who cried peace! peace! when there was no peace. The trumpet sounded an alarm; but they did not arouse, to prepare for the battle. The storm gathered black and heavy; but they persuaded themselves it would blow away, and not reach them. And do you see yourselves here described ? How loud, how earnest, how frequent, how solemn have been the calls of God to you? and yet you are as senseless as the stones! How many awful events and judgments have passed before your eyes? and yet you remain hardened in impenitence! How many showers of goodness has God caused to descend upon you? and stil! you are ungrateful! Time glides away; and you

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