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tents and the style of execution. We wish some of our correspondents, having a wider acquaintance than we ourselves have with such works, would send us for publication a list of books for children, fit for the nursery and the Sunday School of those, who hold the religion, not of creeds, but the New Testament. A low price, pure morality, simplicity of style, an affectionate manner, are the essential requisites; and the works will be more acceptable, if neatly got up, and furnished with pictorial illustrations.

The Necessity and Importance of Free Enquiry, and the Right of
Private Judgment in Matters of Religion, Stated and Enforced;
by Dr. Disney Alexander.-Hunter, London; Forrest and Fogg,

THE author of this useful discourse employs a part of the leisure which retirement from the duties of the medical profession affords him, in the benevolent work of making the pulpit a means of good to his fellowcreatures. So apt are some to fancy that the professed ministers of Christ have an interest in the upholding of religion apart from that of their fellow-men, and go through their duties mainly, if not merely, because of their professional obligations, that we feel the sincerest gratification at the exertions of Dr. Alexander; and both on this account, and because we know the goodness of his heart, and his ability in setting forth the unsearchable riches of Christ, we feel a very strong desire to find him called out repeatedly into the vineyard of Christian benevolence. The lecture is an introduction to a course on the evidences of the truth of Christianity, which, we are glad to inform our readers, are preparing for publication, having been delivered, among other places, at Leeds, Birmingham, and Salford.

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We insert the following exposure of Orthodox misrepresentations, already alluded to in our review of Drs. Reed and Matheson's work; (vide Christian Teacher, No. 7, p. 405) at the request of the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Massachusett's Bible Society.

Rev. Drs. REED AND MATHESON.-While these gentlemen were in this country, our attention was called, on some occasions, to very extraordinary mistatements of theirs respecting Unitarianism, founded either in unpardonable ignorance on their part, when they set out to inform the public upon these matters, or in an equally unpardonable and dishonest presumption, which induced them to impose upon the imagined ignorance of our countrymen. We have always thought it a good rule, in respect to the statistics of different sects, and to the proceedings of religious and benevolent associations, to procure information as far as possible from official sources, or at any rate to procure it from those who are most likely to know and tell the truth concerning them. This is the rule which we have prescribed to ourselves in our editorial labors, and if it should ever be our fortune to travel in foreign lands, we can think of no better; and if in such case we should publish our travels, we should feel very insecure in setting down random reports for the truth

of facts, and should be apt to feel (if we know ourselves) some compunetious visitings of conscience, if we were betrayed into essential errors. If the Rev. travellers whom our correspondent exposes in the following communication, had thought any truths of much importance that did not tend to advance the glory of their sect, they might have taken a little pains to inform themselves, and thus they would have saved themselves from many blunders which go far to impair the credibility of their narrative. No one can feel confidence in the statements of tourists, be their mission secular or religious, when they make such blunders in literary matters as this;-that the North American Review is conducted under the direction of Harvard University: or such political blunders as this;-that the last war of America with England was occasioned by the burning of the public edifices in Washington.'


'In a narrative of the visit to the American Churches, by the Rev. Drs. Reed and Matheson, in the character of Delegates from the Congregational Union of England and Wales, I find the following sentences in relation to Unitarian infiuence, and the "Massachusetts Bible Society."

"Of its (i. e. Unitarian) feebleness two little incidents may assist you to a confirmed opinion. When this system was in its power and progress, it managed to get the Massachusetts Bible Society under its control. The consequence was, that the ORTHODOX QUIETLY RETIRED, and formed a society for themselves. The original society, in the hands of the Unitarians, actually disposed, last year, of twenty-one Bibles!"

If any notice can be thought necessary of such extraordinary misrepresentations, it will be sufficient to state;

That of the eighteen Trustees of the Massachusetts Bible Society, elected at the last annual meeting, most of whom have held their offices for many years-nine are Orthodox, viz. Rev. Drs. Holmes, Jenks, Codman, Sharp, and Rev. Mr. Hague, with four laymen.

That the Recording Secretary of the Society is the Rev. William Jenks, D. D. That of three individuals composing the executive committee two are orthodox. That agreeably to the report of that committee, presented at the last annual meeting, the distribution of Bibles and Testaments for the year ending May 25th, 1835, was three thousand eight hundred and eight.

That during that same year one thousand dollars were voted by the trustees, to aid in printing a New Testament with raised letters, for the benefit of the New England Institution for the blind.

In addition to which two hundred and fifty dollars were afterwards appropriated to the same object, being one half of a donation of 500 dollars to the society, by an anonymous friend, through the hands of the Rev. S. K. Lothrop.

For the year ending May 26, 1834, the society's distribution of Bibles and Testaments was 2 825. For the year preceding it was 3,584. A donation was also made in 1834, of five hundred dollars to the French and Foreign Bible Society, in addition to a similar sum voted and remitted in 1832.

'Such is a brief statement of the operations of the Massachusetts Bible Society for the two or three last years.

I know not on whom these Rev. Gentlemen may have relied for their information. But I must regret for their sakes, that they have permitted the misrepresentations of others, or their own prejudices, to betray them in this, and in other assertions which I omit to notice, into errors so palpable; and which the slightest impartiality of investigation might have enabled them to avoid.'


'BUT it is among the liberal class of divines of Boston and its vicinity, that we must look for the purest and most chaste specimens of classical pulpit eloquence, and the finest samples of American literatue. To this class belonged Everett, before he exchanged a clerical for a poli

cal career. In this class are Channing, Dewey, Pierpont, Greenwood, and a constellation of similar names. Besides other periodicals which these men have supported, they have established, and for some years maintained, the Christian Examiner-a review turning chiefly on the theological works which issue from the American press. Channing, Walker, and Dewey, have been among its principal contributors. Some of the most elaborate compositions in that line, which our country has produced, have appeared in that periodical. Were it not that it is too cold, and sometimes prolix, and, as may be remarked of the beau iedal of Boston writing in general, too stately and artificial, it would rank in style and manner, as it does in ability, with any periodical of its class in the English language. Among the first and proudest samples of American literature, we cannot fail to place the writings of Dr. Channing. With a mind full of the same rich and glorious conceptions with that of Chalmers, he is more elegant, more finished, than the Scotch divine. No American writer has drunk so deep from the wells of English literature of the period of Milton, and his periods are imbued with that same ancient cast, and have a Miltonian structure, which impart to them an air of originality, grandeur, ease, grace, beauty, nobleness of thought, and a certain turn of expression, which gives to common ideas an air of novelty; and, more than all, an enlarged Christian benevolence, thoughts burning with ardent aspirations for the improvement and happiness of his kind, and great liberality of spirit, stamp all his writings, which consist chiefly of sermons and reviews, and which are perhaps as well known in England as America. His reviews of the Life of Milton, Fenelon, and Bonaparte are his happiest productions, and among the best of their kind in our language. If we had many such writers, instead of being asked who reads an American book, the question would soon be, who reads any other?'-Athenæum, Sept. 19, 1835.



Presented at the Rev. R. Smethurst's, Stand, near Manchester, October 6th, 1835.


Dear Sir,-As your associates and brethren in the Christian ministry, we are desirous of expressing to you the great pleasure with which we welcome you back to your place among us.

We rejoice in the renewal of an intercourse which has contributed so much to the profit and charm of our social meetings. We rejoice that we have again with us so esteemed and valued a fellow-labourer in the common work of our ministry.

The time of your temporary retirement from us would have been well employed, if it had only effected the complete re-establishment of your health. But it has also, we doubt not, added largely to the means of your future usefulness. And we hope to be ourselves in the number of those who will derive benefit from the additional stores of a mind, which we have been in the habit of regarding as already not scantily endowed.

In return, we offer you whatever aid and encouragement you can find in the assurance of our cordial friendship, our high esteem, and our entire sympathy with what we know to be your desire for the intellectual, moral, and religious advancement of your fellow-beings.

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With earnest prayers, that you may long be spared to carry on your plans for the

promotion of that important object, and to receive your reward in their success, we subscribe ourselves your Friends and Brother Ministers,

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The Rev. T. W. Horsefield, F. A. S,, of Taunton, has received a unanimous invitation from the Presbyterian Congregation at Chowbent, as successor to the late Rev. B. R. Davis.

The Rev. W. Selby is about to relinquish his situation, as minister of the Unitarian Congregation at Lynn, in consequence of his appointment by the trustees, to succeed the late Rev. J. Tremlett, at Hapton, near Norwich; the Lynn Congregation is therefore in want of a minister.

The Unitarian Congregation, Greengate, Salford, having sold their present Chapel, in consequence of its being inadequate in size, are making arrangements for the erection of a new one.

On Friday, July 3rd, a social religious meeting was held in the open air, on the farm of Mr. John Buckland, Benenden, Kent. Tea was provided at five o'clock, when the company, which consisted of about sixty persons of both sexes, partook of this social repast, and spent an agreeable hour in miscellaneous conversation. A much greater

number might have been collected had due notice been given, and adequate arrangements made. After tea several friends addressed the meeting, chiefly on topics immediately relating to the peace and welfare of the Church of Christ, and the immortal interests of mankind. Singing and prayer formed an agreeable variety in the proceedings. Judging from the observations of friends, and the countenances of those assembled, it was evident that a right spirit was reigning in the breast, and that the great Master of assemblies was with us. What renders this meeting worthy of a record in the Christian Teacher, was its truly liberal and Christian character. It was composed of persons of various denominations. In our little assembly the Episcopalian might be seen sitting by the side of the Dissenter, the Methodist by the Unitarian, and the Baptist by the Independent; and then engaging in turn in the delightful exercises of the evening. One gave out a hymn, another engaged in prayer, and a third addressed the people. How applicable to such an assembly are the words of the psalmist, Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.' We cannot conclude this brief notice, without making one or two observations. Christianity is a social religion, friendly to the growth of the best and tenderest feelings of our nature. In proportion as its true spirit is perceived and felt, will men seek rather than avoid the society of one another. Pity it is that things of comparatively small importance-a mere external form-a speculative opinion-a phrase a sign, should keep asunder those who ought never to have been divided. When will the followers of a common Lord learn that it is his spirit which constitutes the true and lasting bond? It is by the mutual interchange of kind and generous feelings that this spirit will

be best promoted. Of one thing we are quite certain, that if Christians who differ in opinion would agree to meet together on religious occasions, they would learn that those virtues and dispositions, which go to the formation of a religious character, and which will ultimately decide our everlasting state at the bar of God, are not the exclusive growth of any one particular creed-are not confined to one religious communion, but that they are the natural, soul-refreshing fruits of a common practical Christianity. G. B.

The third Yaxley Anniversary of the worshippers of the One True God, the Father, was held on Tuesday, Sep. 29th, 1835; when the Rev. J. C. Meeke, of Northampton, preached in the afternoon, an excellent discourse, founded on Gal. v, 22, 23; exhibiting with great beauty of delineation, and faithfulness of appeal, a lovely, but just portraiture of the true Christian: perspicuously discriminating a practical from a fanatical faith; and strikingly demonstrating the availableness of the former, and the more than total inutility, the pernicious nature and fruits of the latter.

After the service, the ministers and friends took tea together at an Inn, near the Chapel. The tea being over, an interesting religious conversation commenced, in which Mr. Meeke, Mr. Fisher of St. Ives, and Mr. Chappell, the minister of the place, took part; every one having the liberty to propose a question for discussion, a doubt for solution, or a text for explanation. During the conversation, the interest taken in the meeting had brought together many persons outside from other villages, as well as Yaxley; this being observed, they were invited to come in, and seats were placed for their accommodation. Among these were some Wesleyans; one of whom proposed objections, such as have been repeatedly made and answered, which were ably and satisfactorily obviated by Mr. Meeke, who very clearly and happily elucidated the great doctrine of the Divine paternity, and showed the importance of examining all other points of faith in the light of this fundamentally essential verity. Mr. M. also illustrated, in a very pleasing manner, how Jesus Christ performs the office of Saviour; the absolute necessity of employing reason in the investigation of religious truth; the sole supremacy of the Divine Father; the derived and dependent glory of the Son; the final recovery of the entire human family from all sin and suffering, and other collateral points of Christian doctrine.

The attendance was encouraging; the attention of the auditors lively and eager, especially at the discussion; and the pleasure and satisfaction evinced by them, marked and memorable.

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On the Sunday previous to the meeting, the Vicar of Yaxley, as had been his practice on former occasions, entertained, (though more strictly speaking, with regard to many of them, disgusted) his hearers, with a bitter and furious, but futile tirade against Methodists, and all who are so wicked as not to conform to the all-perfect religion, established by the law of the land;' forgetful, one should imagine, that all who please may, by the law of the land, dissent from the state church; forgetful, also, that the same authority which establishes Protestant episcopacy in England and Ireland, recognizes as the established religion, Presbyterianism in Scotland, Papacy in Canada, and Hinduism in India.

The violent opposition made to liberal and rational views of Christian truth, at Yaxley, has evidently concurred, with the means employed

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