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queen, and so declared "at the crosse, be opin proclamatione and sound of trumpet." Shortly after, he was appointed jeweller and goldsmith to the king, with a right to the lucrative privileges of that


Heriot rose to opulence, and lost his wife; he afterwards married Alison, eldest daughter of James Primrose, clerk to the privy-council, and grandfather of the first earl of Roseberry. On the accession of James to the throne of England, he followed the court to London, where he continued to reside almost constantly. He obtained eminence and wealth, and died there on the twelfth of February, 1624, in the sixtieth year of his age, and was buried at St. Martin's in the Fields.

Queen Ann of Denmark's Jewels.

In a volume of original accounts and vouchers relative to Heriot's transactions with the queen, there are several charges which illustrate the fashion of the times in these expensive decorations, viz.

For making a brilliant in form of a ship.

For gold and making of a Valentine.. A ring with a heart and a serpent, all set about with diamonds;

Two pendants made like moore's heads, and all sett with diamonds;

A ring with a single diamond, set in a heart betwixt two hands.

Two flies with diamonds.

A great ring in the form of a perssed eye and a perssed heart, all sett with diamonds.

One great ring, in forme of a frog, all set with diamonds, price two hundreth poundis.

A jewell in forme of a butterfly.

A pair of pendentis of two handis, and two serpentis hanging at them. A parrate of diamondis.

A ring of a love trophe set with diamondis.

Two rings, lyke black flowers, with a table diamond in each.

A daissie ring sett with a table diamond.

A jewell in fashione of a bay leaf, open-.. ing for a pictur, and set with diamondis on the one syde.

A pair of lizard pendantis, set with diamondis.

A jewell for a hatt, in forme of a bay leafe, all set with diamonds.

A little watch set all over with diamonds, 170l.

A ryng sett all over with diamondis, made in fashion of a lizard, 120l.

A ring set with 9 diamonds, and opening on the head with the king's picture in that.


In an account of "jewells and other furnishings," which were "sould and deliuered to the Queene's most excellent matie. from the xth. of April, 1607, to the xth. of February followinge, by George Heriote, her Highnes' jewellor," there is the following

"Item, deliuered to Margarett Hartsyde a ring sett all about with diamonds, and a table diamond on the head, which she gaue me to understand was by her Mats. direction, price

xxx li."

This item in reference to Margaret Hartsyde is remarkable, because it appears that this fen female female, who had been in the royal household, was tried in Edinburgh on the 31st of May, 1608, for stealing a pearl, worth 110l. sterling belonging to the queen. She pretended

A jewell in forme of a lillye, sett of that she retained these pearls to adorn


An anker sett with diamonds.

A jewell in form of a honey-suckle.
A pair of pendants, made lyke two

drums, sett with diamondis.

A jewel, in forme of a jolley flower, sett with diamonds.

A jewell in forme of a horne of aboundance, set with 6 rose diamondis, and 12 table diamondis.

A ring of a burning heart set with diamondis.

A ring, in forme of a scallope shell, set with a table diamond, and opening on the


dolls for the amusement of the royal infants, and believed that the queen would never demand them; but it appeared that she used "great cunning and deceit in it," and disguised the jewels so as not to be easily known, and offered them to her majesty in sale. The king by special warrant declared her infamous, sentenced her to pay 4001. sterling as the value of the jewels, and condemned her to be imprisoned in Blackness castle till it was paid, and to confinement in Orkney during her life. In December, 1619, eleven years afterwards, "compeared the king's advocate, and produced a letter

[subsumed][merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed]

of rehabilitation and restitution of Mar- Surrey, and St. Martin's in the Fields, garet Hartsyde to her fame."

There is a memorial of queen Anne of Denmark's fondness for dogs in a large whole-length portrait of her, surrounded by those animals, which she holds in leashes. In Heriot's accounts there are charges for their furniture: e. g. "Item, for the garnishing of vj doge collers, weighing in silver xix ounces

"Item, for the workmanshipe of the said collers

"Item, boght to the said collers ij ounces iij quarters of silver lace, at vs. vjd. ounce.

iiij li. xvs.

ij li. xs.

"Item, for making wp of the said collers at ijs. the peice xijs."

London. It does not appear that he had children by either of his wives, but he had two illegitimate daughters. To one of these, named in his will as "Elizabeth Band, now an infant of the age of ten years or therabout, and remaining with Mr. Starkey at his house at Windsor," he gave his copyholds in Roehampton. To the other, whom he mentions as "Margaret Scot, being an infant about the age of four years, now remaining with one Rigden, a waterman, at his house in the parish of Fulham," he left his two freehold messuages in St. George's in the Fields, which he had lately purchased of

xvs. id. ob. sir Nicholas Fortescue, knight, and William Fortescue, his son: his leasehold terms in certain garden plots in that parish, held of the earl of Bedford, he bequeathed to Margaret Scot; and he directed 2001. to be laid out at interest, and paid to them severally when of age or married. He gave 10l. to the poor of St. Martin's parish, 201. to the French church

Her majesty's perfumes seem to have derived additions from Heriot. He furnished her with "5 ounces and a half of fyne civett, at li. 4 the ounce:" also "Item, for fower ounces of fyne musk de Levant, at xxxviijs. the ounce "Item, for a glass of balsome, ij li. "Item, for a glass of whyte balsome, and a glasse of black balsome



jli. xs."

vij li. xijs. there, and 301. to Gilbert Primrose, preacher at that church; and after liberally providing for a great number of his relations, he bequeathed the residue of his estate to the provosts, bailiffs, ministers, and ordinary town-council of Edinburgh, for the time being, for and towards the founding and erecting of a hospital in the said town, and purchasing lands in perpetuity, to be employed in the main

There are no particulars of the private life of Heriot. From small beginnings, he died worth 50,000l., and acquired lands and houses at Roehampton, in

Heriot's Statue at his Hospital, Edinburgh.

"So stands the statue that adorns the gate."

[graphic][ocr errors][subsumed][subsumed]

made in his lifetime, or as should be formed and signed after his decease by Dr. Balcanquel, one of his executors.

tenance and education of so many poor freemen's sons of the town as the yearly value of the lands would afford means to provide for. He appointed the said town council perpetual governors of the institution, which he ordained should be The residue of Heriot's estate amounted governed by such orders or statutes as he to 23,6251. 108. 3d. which sum was paid





by his executors, on the 12th of May,
1627, to the town-council of Edinburgh.
He had directed a large messuage in
Edinburgh, between Gray's close and
Todrick's wynd, to be appropriated to the
hospital; but the governors, in conjunction
with Dr. Balcanquel, finding it unfit for
the purpose, purchased of the citizens of
Edinburgh, eight acres and a half of land
near the Grass Market, in a field called the
"High Riggs," and they commenced to
lay the foundation of the present structure
on the 1st of July, 1628, according to a
plan of Inigo Jones. The stones were
brought from Ravelstone, near Edin-
burgh; and the building was conducted by
William Aytoune, an eminent mason or
architect, with considerable deviations
from Inigo Jones's design, in accommo-
dation to the supervening taste of Heriot's
trustees. In 1639, the progress of the
work was interrupted by the troubles of
the period till 1642. When it was nearly
completed, in 1650, Cromwell's army
occupied it as an infirmary for the sick
and wounded. It remained in such pos-
session till general Monk, in 1658, on the
request of a committee of governors,
removed the soldiers to the new infirm-
ary in the Canongate, at the expense of
Heriot's trustees; and on the 11th of
April, 1659, the hospital being ready,
thirty boys were admitted. In the follow-
ing August they were increased to forty;
in 1661, to fifty-two; in 1753, to one hun-
dred and thirty; in 1763, to one hundred
and forty; and in 1822, the establishment
maintained one hundred and eighty.

The children of Heriot's eldest daugh-
ter, Elizabeth Band, were among the
early objects who benefited by the endow-
ment. She had married in England, but
being reduced to great difficulties, re-
sorted to Edinburgh for relief. The ma-
gistrates allowed her one thousand merks
Scots annually, till her sons were admitted
into their grandfather's hospital. She had
201. afterwards to support her journey to
London, and a present of one thousand


Heriot's hospital cost 30,0001. in the
erection. The first managers purchased
the barony of Broughton, a burgh of
regality, about a quarter of a mile north-
ward of the city, a property which, from
local circumstances, seemed likely to rise

in value. On this and other adjacent
land, the "new town" of Edinburgh now


stands. The greater part of the valuable
grounds from the bottom of Carlton-hill
eastward, reaching to Leith, and to the
east road to Edinburgh, is the property
of the hospital, which will derive great
additional revenue when the buildings on
these lands complete the connection of
Leith with Edinburgh. In 1779, Heriot's
hospital possessed a real income of 18001.
per annum: its annual income in 1822
was supposed to have amounted to up-
wards of 12,000l.

The statutes of the hospital ordain,
that the boys should be taught "to read
and write Scots distinctly, to cypher,
"the Latin rudiments, but no further."
and cast all manner of accounts," and
The governors, however, have wisely gone
so much "further," as to cause the boys
to be instructed in Greek, mathematics,
navigation, drawing, and other matters
suitable to the pursuits they are likely to
are apprenticed to trades in Edinburgh,
follow in life. The majority of the boys
with an allowance of 10l. a year for five
years, amounting to an apprentice fee
of 50l.; and to each, who on the expira-
tion of his servitude produces a certifi-
cate of good conduct from his master, 51.
is given to purchase a suit of clothes.
Those destined for the learned professions
are sent to the university for four years,
with an allowance of 301. annually. Six
or eight are generally at college, in addi-
tion to ten bursers selected by the govern-
each an annual allowance of 201.
ors from other seminaries, who have

George Heriot confided to his intimate
friend "Mr. Walter Balcanquel, doctor in
divinity and master of the Savoy," the
the government of his hospital; and ac-
framing and ordaining of the rules for
cordingly in 1627, Dr. Balcanquel, "after
consulting with the provosts, baillies,
ministers, and council of Edinburgh,"
compiled the statutes by which the insti-
tution continues to be governed. By
these it is directed that "this institution,
foundation, and hospital, shall for all time
to come, perpetually and unchangeably
be called by the name of George Heriot
his Hospital," and that "there shall be
one common seal for the said hospital
engraven with this device, Sigillum Hos-
pitalis Georgii Heriot, about the circle,
and in the middle the pattern of the hos


And "because no body can be well

governed without a head, there shall be one of good respect chosen master of the hospital, who shall have power to govern all the scholars and officers;" and therefore the governors are enjoined to have a special care, "that he be a man fearing God; of honest life and conversation; of so much learning as he be fit to teach the catechism; a man of that discretion, as he may be fit to govern and correct all that live within the house; and a man of that care and providence, that he may be fit to take the accounts of the same; a man of that worth and respect, as he may be fit to be an assessor with the governors, having a suffrage given unto him in all businesses concerning the hospital. He shall be an unmarried man, otherwise let him be altogether uncapable of being master. He shall have yearly given unto him a new gown. Within the precincts of the hospital he shall never go without his gown: in the hall he shall have his diet, he and the schoolmaster, in the upper end, at a little table by themselves."

The schoolmaster, whose duties in teaching are already expressed by the quality of the learning defined to the boys, also "must be unmarried."

It is charged on the consciences of the electors, "that they choose no burgess's children, if their parents be well and sufficiently able to maintain them, since the intention of the founder is only to relieve the poor; they must not be under seven years of age complete, and they shall not stay in the hospital after they are of the age of sixteen years complete: they shall be comely and decently apparelled, as becometh, both in their linens and clothes; and their apparel shall be of sad russet cloth, doublets, breeches, and stockings or hose, and gowns of the same colour, with black hats and strings, which they shall be bound to wear during their abode in the said hospital, and no other."

Further, it is provided, that "there shall be a pair of stocks placed at the end of the hall in the hospital, in which the master shall command to be laid any officer, for any such offences as in his discretion shall seem to deserve it; and the master likewise shall have authority to lay in the same stocks any vagrant stranger of mean quality, who, within the precincts of the hospital, shall commit any such offence as may deserve it: the officer for executing the master's com mand, in this point of justice, shall be

the porter of the hospital." The porter is to be "a man, unmarried, of honest report of good strength, able to keep out all sturdy beggars and vagrant persons; he shall have every year a new gown, which he must wear continually at the gate; and if, at any time, he dispose himself to marry, he shall demit his place, or else be deprived of the same."

The last of many officers ordained is "one chirurgeon-barber, who shall cut and poll the hair of all the scholars in the hospital; as also look to the cure of all those within the hospital, who any way shall stand in need of his art."

These extracts are rather curious than important; for it is presumed, that any who are interested in acquiring further knowledge, will consult the statutes " at large." They are set forth in "The Life of George Heriot," published at Edinburgh in 1822, from whence the preceding particulars of the hospital and its founder are derived. They especially provide for the strict religious instruction of the boys-" while in the hospital the greatest care is bestowed on them in regard to morals and health; they have certain hours allowed them daily for exercise; and their amusements generally partake of a manly character."

It may be quoted as an amusing incident in the annals of the establishment, that "a singular occurrence took place with the boys of Heriot's hospital ital in 1681-2, the year in which the earl of Argyle was tried, and convicted of high treason, for refusing the test oath without certain qualifications. We extract the following account of it from Lord Fountainhill's Chronological Notes of Scottish Affairs, just published: Argyle was much hated for oppressing his creditors, and neither paying his own nor father's debts, but lord Halifax told Charles II. he understood not the Scots law, but the English law would not have hanged a dog for such a crime.' Every lawyer of common sense, or ordinary conscience, will be of the same opinion. Lord Clarendon, when he heard the sentence, blessed God that he lived not in a country where there were such laws, but he ought to have said such judges. The very hospital children made a mockery of the reasoning of the crown lawyers. The boys of Heriot's hospital resolved among themselves, that the house-dog belonging

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