"Thoughts on Baptism, as an Ordinance of Proselytism," has just appeared, under the signature of Agnostos; and from another pamphlet, entitled " A Letter to a Member of the Church meeting in Stafford Street, Dublin," by Vindex, we learn that the religious society here described, together with other affiliated societies in Ireland, are declared Anti-Baptists. The "New Evangelical Magazine", is looking after these novel heretics. Romish Index. In the Index Expurgatorius or list of prohibited books, by the Papal See, have been inserted two works of Mr. Gan dolphy's, a Catholic clergyman in London. The books were presented or informed against by Dr. Poynter, the vicar apostolic. Mr. Gandolphy is charged with various errors, approaching to heresy; one is, that "the souls of infants dying without baptism are not to be condemned to eternal punishment." Like a good Catholic, he promises to submit to the high spiritual authorities, and to suppress the objectionable passages. Proceedings of Catholics on Public Distress. DOCTOR MILNER, vicar apostolic for the midland district, has addressed a pastoral letter to his flock, exhorting them to peace and loyalty. He says that the poor are worse off every where else, and even in America than here; that our present evils are the unavoidable consequences of the late necessary war; and that "every revolutionary measure" would increase the sufferings of the poor in a tenfold degree. He maintains that corruption is inseparable from government, Ubi homo ibi culpa. And he reminds his people of the revolu tion in France, which led to war not only against the throne, but also against the ton, in a letter, dated October 21st, 1819 requests that, for the satisfaction of his friends, and in justice to himself, we would insert a positive denial of his having deserted the Unitarian Cause and the people whom he has been the means of collecting. Such a statement, he says, must have been sent to England by some one who deliberately strove to injure him in the opinion of his English friends. But to refute the calumny and to remove the injurious impressions which may have been made, he has been advised to send the following testimony, subscribed by ten of his friends, with some of whom we are personally acquainted. To Mr. John Wright's Unitarian Friends in England: "We, the undersigned, connected with Mr. John Wright in the Unitarian Cause, and witnesses of his unremitted exertions to spread the same by every public and private means in his power, learn with regret, that impressions have by some means been made on some of his friends in England; purporting that he had relinquished the great work in which he had been engaged, and given up his office as minister of the Unitarian Society in George Town. "We, therefore, deem it incumbent on us to contradict such unfounded report, and to vindicate Mr. W. against such unmerited aspersion, and to assure our brethren in England, from our own observation and knowledge, that no man can be more zealous or more ready to make every possible exertion to spread the knowledge of the One True God; or less disposed to desert his post than Mr. Wright; he having persevered under the most trying circumstances and against the bitterest opposition. FOREIGN. FRANCE. A CONSIDERABLE emotion has been exeited in France by a tumult occasioned at BREST, by the appearance of a company of Catholic missionaries. [The character of these missionaries is given p. 701.] The mob is said to have risen upon them, and to have used them very harshly. Irreligious cries are also said to have proceeded from the populace. The people of Brest are hence accused in the Paris papers of impiety. It is reported, as a further instance of their profaneness, that when Mademoiselle Georges appeared at the Theatre of that town, all covered and blazing with diamonds, some persons began to sing the Adoremus, and this being ended, the canticle of Sur cet autel, ah! que vois je paroître! A Paris correspondent of ours says in a letter of the 8th instant, "The Jesuits are busy here and throughout France. There have been some tumults at BREST, in con. sequence of the intolerant barbarism of the missionaries. Their friends are as a cipher against millions; but there is no miserable intrigue that is not at work for them. LLORENTı has been deprived of his privilege of saying mass at his parish church, because of his books on the Inquisition and the Concordat." The Abbé GREGOIRE continues to excite public attention. He has been prevented from taking his seat in the Chamber of Deputies. But he will not voluntarily betray his constituents. Before the decision for his exclusion, he addressed to them an interesting letter (Lettre aux Electeurs du Département de l'Isère) breathing the pure spirit of liberty and the gospel. He says he goes to take his seat beside the veteran of freedom, (La Fayette,) who has so gloriously defended it in both worlds. The following passage we translate as a specimen of this Election-Address : "Religious Hatred. This expression, taken literally, is an absurdity; for it connects ideas which are incapable of connexion. That hatred which murdered Catholics in Ireland, and Protestants in the South of France, and which, beyond the Rhine, is now persecuting the children of Israel, would seek in vain its justification in the gospel; would attempt in vain to render the gospel the accomplice of those crimes on which its malediction falls. Religion has no other arms than truth to convince the mind, and charity to subdue the heart: we are deceived if, in stead of contemplating religion in her own form, we are resolved to view her through the habits and conduct of some of her ministers."-Pp. 10, 11. A new periodical publication has sp. peared at Paris, entitled Annales Protestantes: A Miscellany specially devoted to the Defence of the Reformed Religion. By a Society of Protestants and of Men of Letters. The first Number, (for October, 1819,) has been sent to us, and we are happy to recommend this specimen of the work, on account both of its talents and spirit. The deluge of the French Revolution is succeeded by a freshness and sweetness which are grateful to the heart. The French have paid the price of liberty and know its value. GERMANY. A novelty appeared last year at Dessau, a Selection (in 8vo.) of Sermons for Israelites (Auswahl mehrerer predigten, &c.), by G. SALOMON. These Jewish Sermons, preached at Dessau, are on the following subjects: Concord, Causes of Unbelief, Reflections upon the new Year, Characters that distinguish the People of Israel, Vanity of earthly Good, Trust in Divine Providence. HANOVER. The Prince Regent of this kingdom "in consequence of the resolutions passed by the German Diet," has issued an ordinance subjecting the press to a rigorous censorship. princes, and especially German princes, to the press! There would, we fear, be sedition in the answer to the question, why they hate it. How uniform is this hatred of HOLLAND. M. VAN DER PALM, professor of oriental literature in the University of Leyden, and minister of a congregation there, well known by his volumes of excellent sermons and his translation of Isaiah, has announced a New Dutch Version of the Bible, and in less than six months has received more than two thousand subscriptions. The First Part is published and is well received. It consists of 276 pp. 4to. and contains the five Books of Moses. The Version is accompanied by short notes. M. Van der Palm adopts the hypothesis that Moses used in the composition of the Pentateuch, and especially of the book of Genesis, ancient original memoirs, preserved by songs or some other means in the patriarchal families. GENERAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS AND SIGNATURES. *** The Names and Signatures of Correspondents are distinguished by Small monument, 692 pleasures of, 325 Athanasian Creed, strictures on the, 435 Bennet's, (Hon. H. G.,) Letter to Vis- count Sidmouth, on the Transpor- 261 Smyrna, martyrdom of, 649 Bennett, Mrs. obituary of, Atkinson, Joseph, Esq., lines for the 118 194 Bennett's Sermon before the Southern Bey, Ali, obituary of, 366 270 Audran, M. Prosper-Gabriel, obituary 413, 475, 544, 615, 725 of, 704 BIBLICAL CRITICISM, 41, 109, 315 645 Esq, 192 687 Boston, new Unitarian chapel at, 199. in the case of Forgery, reviewed, Bretland, Rev. Joseph, obituary of, Brett's Narrative of the Proceedings 607 267 705 559 290 555 Baker's Chronicle, extract from, INDEX. viewed, 266. On the dedication of Channing's Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Jared Sparks, reviewed, 648 493 Chapels, best plans of, 545 372 Character of Dr. Doddridge in verse, 181 108 Buonaparte's Unitarian project, on, 225 Charles 11., Evelyn's description of Burchardt, Rev. Christopher, obituary James 11., anecdotes of, from Eve- 270 lyn, 156 Burdett's, Sir Francis, remarks on Charleston, in South Carolina, late irreligion and blasphemy, 714 religious proceedings at, 241 Burghers and Antiburghers, on the union of the, 366 Chester Guardian, lines from the, 47 Burke's letter on the repeal of the establishment of the, 302 penal laws affecting the Catholics, 439 Children's hymn, 118 Butchers and soldiers, 560 B. Y. on Dr. Walker and the Qua. Chimney-Sweepers' Bill, on the, 206 kers, 366 Byron, Lord, his Ode on Venice, 442 Christian and Pagan Trinities, on, 540 share in, 578 Christianity, argument in favour of, C. Calcutta, establishment of a Hindoo 259. On the design of, in its ap- 485 College at, 343 Christian religion, reasonableness of Calvin's notion of the Sabbath, 424, the, 259 665 Calvinists, on the moral system of, 404 Christians, lawfulness of defensive 409 Christian Tract Society Anniversary, 199 ness 206 Christie, Mr. William, on the lawful- Christians, 149 Cambridge, bigotry of several of its charge to the clergy of the county CAPPE, Mrs., on the review of Mr. Cappe's, Rev. Mr., Menoirs, recom- Christmas Day, observance of, in the Chronique Religieuse, translation 490 Carlite's trials, remarks on, 645. Sen- 727 CARPENTER, Dr., on divine influences Carpenter, Messrs. John and Thomas, Cartwright, Thomas, biography of, of exemption from toll on a Sunday, 58 thodists in Ireland, Catholics, the, on the division of the Catholic religion in Sweden, logue, 744 27 tural Christians, Clarke, William, Esq., legacies by the C. N. S's obituary of Mr. Samuel 399 Cogan, Dr, memoir of, 1, 74, 105. COGAN, Mr., on Mr. Stodhart's ana. 541 753 586 39 648 406 651 76 |