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2. sb. A dolt; an ass. Same as Dоke.

I call's-n a riglar zoke.

ZOO [zèo'], adj. Dry of milk-of cows.

We milks twenty cows, but you know they never baint all in milk to once, some be always zoo.

ZOOL [zoo'ul], sb. Sull (q. v.).

ZOONDER [zèo'ndur'], comp. adj. Rather; sooner.

This is

the commonest word to express preference; in this sense the literary rather is unknown.

I'd zoonder be 'angd 'vore I'd leeve way her. See RATHE. There! I'd zoonder work my vingers to bones 'n ever I'd be holdin to un.

ZOONY [zèo'nee], v. i. To swoon; to faint. See SOONY.

Her zoonéd right away in my arms; and the yeat and the galliment was enough to make her zoony, sure 'nough.


“Consummatum est," quaþ Crist, and comsede for to sounye Pitousliehe and Piers Plowman, XXI. 58. ZOWER-ZAPPED [zaaw'ur-zaapud], adj. Crabbed; sour in temper even to the sap or marrow. Usually applied to women. Her is a party old lade, her is! nif her idn the zower-zappédest [zaaw'ur-zaap'uds] old bitch ever I yeard snarly.

glumping, zowerzapped, yerring Trash!-Ex. Scold. 1. 40.

ZUMMER-LEARS [zuum'ur-lee'urz, or lai z], sb. Summer-leas or pasture land not mown for hay, but fed down with stock in summer only. I have a field thus named, written Summerleys in the Tithe terrier.

ZWAR [zwau'r], sb. 1. Swath. The row or line in which grass falls when mown with a scythe.

The hay idn a-drow'd abroad not eet, there 'tis now all in zwars.

2. A crop of grass to be mown for hay.

That there's a capical zwar o' grass in the Church field, I'll warn is two ton an acre.

A SWARTHE (Swathe, A.): orbita falcatoris (falcatorum) est.-Cath. Ang.

SWARTH of grasse newe mowen.
ZWER [zwuur'], v. i., sometimes v. t.
Lor! he no zoonder catch-n by the

round same's a pug tap (peg top).

To spin round; to whirl. collar-n he made-n zwer

Zwer thy Torn, else or tha tedst net carry whome thy Pad.

Ex. Scold. 1. 112.

See note.

ZWER [zwuur'], sb. A whizzing noise, as of the sudden rise of a covey of partridges.

ZWOP [zwaup'], sb. A whop; a blow, with hand or with some instrument. (Very com.)

Zee whe'er I don't gi' thee a zwop under the year, s'hear me, nif I catch thee agee-an-hot's think o' that, now !

and zich a swop as shall make tha veel ma, looks zee!
Ex. Scold. 1. 40. See also Ib. ll. 100, 517.

SWAP, or strok. Ictus. SWEYPE, or swappe.

Alapa.-Promp. Parv.

LIST OF THE COMMON LITERARY WORDS, used in West Somerset, which are not pronounced by dialect speakers as in Standard English.

Note that the bracket (before a final consonant shows that this consonant is not sounded unless followed by a vowel; following initial it shows the emphatic form. A turned period () shows the vowel or syllable preceding it to be long, or accented as the case may be. Where two or more pronunciations of the same word are given, the first is the most in use. For Key to Glossic Spelling, see p. xlvii.

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