Should I attempt, my Lord, to express the feelings which the experience of your virtues has excited in my mind, I am convinced that, to those who have not enjoyed the same advantage, I might seem to adopt the language of flattery;. while such as have formed their judgments acCording to the same standard, would acknowledge that my expressions fall short of the truth. But, as I know that your own merit is that alone of which the mention is disagreeable to you, I shall say nothing more on this subject. Permit me only to observe, that your Grace is one of those consolitary instances, presented in the course of Providence, of unassuming Wisdom, and of unaffected Piety exalted to the highest sphere of life, and preserving, in pre-eminent station, their genuine simplicity. Iregret that the performance, which I have the honour of offering to your Grace, is not more worthy of your acceptance. Such as it is, I flatter myself that you will have the goodness to esteem it, at least, as a testimony of veneration and attachment! I I rejoice in the public opportunity now afforded me, of expressing that lively gratitude which the most disinterested and shining instances of your Grace's favour have produced in my mind. That the Almighty may long preserve your Grace; that he may bestow on you his most precious blessings, both in your public and private sphere; and that, after a life of exemplary virtue, and distinguished utility, he may admit you to the enjoyment of those glorious rewards which our Saviour prepares for all his faithful servants—is the fervent prayer of him who has the honour to be, with the highest respect, the most sincere gra titude, and the warmest attachment, MY LORD, Your Grace's most obedient, Greatly obliged, and very humble Servant, W. L. BROWN. |