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I have used the ordinary symbols for the Greek and Latin MSS. To those usually quoted add

Ox = A papyrus fragment, containing Mt 11-9. 12. 14-20 published in Oxyrhynchus Papyri, i.

The Syriac versions are quoted thus:

S1 the Sinaitic MS.

S2 the Curetonian.


S3 the Peshitta.

S4 the Harclean.

S5 the Jerusalem Lectionary.

The Old Latin (pre-Vulgate) MSS. are quoted under the ordinary letters (a b c, etc.), or in cases where several agree as latt.

No attempt has been made to give the whole of the evidence for textual readings. The syllable al means "with other uncial MSS.," e.g. E F al means that a reading is attested by E F and other uncials.


ABBOTT, E. A., The Corrections of Mark. London, 1901.
Johannine Vocabulary. London, 1905.
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ABRAHAM, Die Apokalypse Abrahams. Herausgegeben von C. N.
Bonwetsch. Leipzig, 1897.

ADENEY, W. F., The Gospel according to the Hebrews (Hibbert
Journal, Oct. 1904).

Ascension of Isaiah. See Charles.
Assumption of Moses. See Charles.

BACHER, W., Die Agada der Tannaiten. Strassburg, 1884-1902. Die Exegetische Terminologie der Jüdischen Traditionsliteratur. Leipzig, 1905.

BACON, B. W., Jesus' Voice from Heaven (American Journal of Theology, ix. 458).


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BIGG, C., The Church's Task under the Roman Empire. Oxford,


BISCHOFF, E., Jesu und die Rabbinen. Leipzig, 1905.

BLASS, F., Textkritische Bemerkungen zu Matthäus. Gütersloh,


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BOUSSET, W., Die Religion des Judentums. Berlin, 1903.

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The Messiah of the Gospels. Edinburgh, 1894.
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CHARLES, R. H., The Book of Enoch. Oxford, 1893.
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The Apocalypse of Baruch. London, 1896.
The Assumption of Moses. London, 1897.
The Ascension of Isaiah. London, 1900.
The Book of Jubilees. London, 1902.

Eschatology, Hebrew-Jewish and Christian. London, 1899.
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April 1905.

CHASE, F. H., The Lord's Prayer in the Early Church (Texts and
Studies, vol. i.).

The Lord's Command to Baptize (Journal of Theological
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CHWOLSON, D., Das Letzte Passamahl Christi und der Tag Seines
Todes. St. Petersburg, 1892.

Ueber das Datum im Evangelium Matthäi, 2617 (Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums, lxxiii. 537 ff.).

Concordance to the Septuagint (Hatch and Redpath). Oxford, 1897-1906.

Concordance to the New Testament (Moulton and Geden). Edinburgh, 1897.

CONYBEARE, F. C., Article in the Guardian. April 29, 1903.

Article in the Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, 1901, 275 ff.

Cook, S. A.. The Laws of Moses and the Code of Hammurabi. London, 1903.

DALMAN, G., The Words of Jesus. Authorised English Version by D. M. Kay. Edinburgh, 1902.

Grammatik des Jüdisch-Palästinischen Aramäisch. Leipzig,


Aramäisch-Neuhebräisches Wörterbuch.

Frankfurt, 1897.

DEISSMANN, G. A., Bible Studies. Authorised translation by A. Grieve. Edinburgh, 1903.

Dictionary of the Bible. Edited by J.


Dictionary of Christ and of the Gospels. vol. i. Edinburgh, 1906.

DITTENBERGER, G., Sylloge Inscriptionum


DITTMAR, W., Vetus Testamentum in Novo.
DRIVER, S. R., A Critical and Exegetical
nomy. Edinburgh, 1895.
The Book of Daniel (Camb. Bib.).

Hastings. Edinburgh,

Edited by J. Hastings,

Græcarum. Lipsiæ,

Göttingen, 1899-1903. Commentary on Deutero

Cambridge, 1900.

DRIVER, S. R., Son of Man (Dictionary of the Bible, iv. 579 ff.). Poor (Dictionary of the Bible, iv. 19 ff.).

DRUMMOND, J., The Use and Meaning of the Phrase "Son of Man" in the Synoptic Gospels (Journal of Theological Studies, April, July 1901).

EDMUNDS, A. J., Buddhist and Christian Gospels. Tokyo, 1905. Enoch. See Charles.

Encyclopædia Biblica (Cheyne and Black). London, 1899-1903.

FIEBIG, P., Altjüdische Gleichnisse. Tübingen, 1904. FRIEDLÄNDER, M., Die Religiösen Bewegungen Innerhalb des Judentums im Zeitalter Jesu. Berlin, 1905.

GOULD, E. P., A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel according to St. Mark. Edinburgh, 1896.

GRENFELL and HUNT. See Papyri.

GRESSMANN, H., Der Ursprung der Israelitisch-jüdischen Eschatologie. Göttingen, 1905.

GUNKEL, H., Zum religionsgeschichtlichen Verständnis des Neuen Testaments. Göttingen, 1903.

HARNACK, A., Lukas der Arzt. Leipzig, 1906.

HARRIS, J. RENDEL, Fragments of the Commentary of Ephrem. Cambridge.

HATZIDAKIS, G. N., Einleitung in die Neugriechische Grammatik. Leipzig, 1902.

HAWKINS, Rev. Sir J. C., Bart., M.A., Hora Synoptica. Oxford, 1899.

HEITMÜLLER, W., Im Namen Jesu. Göttingen, 1903.

HENNECKE, E., Neutestamentliche Apokryphen. Tübingen, 1904. HERFORD, R. T., Christianity in Talmud and Midrash.



HERWERDEN, Lexicon Græcum Suppletorium et Dialecticum. Composuit H. van Herwerden. Lugduni Batavorum, 1902. HILGENFELD, A., Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Theologie, xxxviii. 447 ff.

JEREMIAS, A., Babylonisches Im Neuen Testament. Leipzig, 1905. JOHNS, The Oldest Code of Laws in the World. Edinburgh, 1903. JOSEPHI Opera. Ed. B. Niese. Berolini, 1887-1895.

Jubilees. See Charles.

KAIBEL, G., Epigrammata Græca. Berolini, 1878.

KENNEDY, H. A. A., Sources of New Testament Greek. Edinburgh, 1895.

KRAUSS, S., Das Leben Jesu nach Jüdischen Quellen. Berlin, 1902.

LAIBLE, H., Jesus Christus im Thalmud. Leipzig, 1900.

LAKE, K., The Influence of Textual Criticism on the Exegesis of the New Testamentt. Oxford, 1904.

LENDRUM, W. T., "Moth" and "Rust" (Classical Review, July


LETRONNE, Recueil des Inscriptions Grecques et Latines de l'Egypte. LEVY, J., Neuhebräisches und Chaldäisches Wörterbuch. Leipzig, 1876-1889.

LIETZMANN, H., Der Menschensohn. Leipzig, 1896.

LIGHTFOOT, J., Hora Hebraica et Talmudica. Lipsiæ, 1575. LIGHTFOOT, J. B., Saint Paul's Epistle to the Philippians. London,


AOFIA IHCOY, Sayings of our Lord. From an Early Greek
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Mechilta in Ugolini Thesaurus, xiv. Venice, 1752.
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MOULTON, J. H., A Grammar of New Testament Greek, vol. i., Prolegomena. Edinburgh, 1906.

MOULTON, W. F., and GEDEN, A., Concordance to the Greek Testament. Edinburgh, 1897.

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PAPE, W., Wörterbuch der Griechischen Eigennamen. Braunschweig, 1884.

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Pauli Acta. Herausgegeben von C. Schmidt. Leipzig, 1905.

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