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Our Missions.


cants have increased from eighteen to A REVIEW of the mission year presents, thirty-one thousand; and the nominal on the whole, many favourable aspects, Christians, persons who have broken caste notwithstanding the falling off of the re and separated themselves from idols, have ceipts. A deficiency was, indeed, to be leaped from one hundred and twelve to expected; but it is not so large as was one hundred and fifty-three thousand. Of feared three months ago. The balance the additions which have been made to the due to the Treasurer is £1,176 10s. 5d.; Church of Christ in Northern India, onebut there is every hope that before the fourth belong to our own communion ; annual services shall have closed, the con. while, connected with the stations of the tributions of liberal friends will have pro Baptist mission, in the same districts of vided for it. It is now nearly ten years since the country, one-fourth of the entire body the Society was encumbered with debt, and of converts is found. During the last year it would be a very great pressure on its more than two hundred baptisms show energies should debt again make its ap that our brethren have not laboured in pearance in the Society's balance-sheets. vain, But to ensure this immunity from debt, The itineracies which have been carried the income of the Society must be in on throughout the year have covered a preased. Its operations have been largely wide extent of country, both in the Northaugmented. Thirteen years ago forty-five west and in Bengal. The journals of the missionaries were employed; there are missionaries contain very numerous in. 20w sixty-five; and a new field, China, has stances showing how widely shaken is the been added to the work. Last year the fabric of Indian idolatry, and the expectancome was £33,151 4s. 10d. ; this, it is tion of the people that, ere long, Chris. Only £27,189 3s. Od.: so that if the labours tianity will supplant it. This may not take of the Society are not to be contracted, a place by any sudden changes, by any revovery considerable addition must be made lution or great movement among the o the funds.

people. It may go on, as the remarks Five new missionaries have entered this above indicate, by a gradual but certain ear on the work of God, and two more advance, each year accumulating on its tre preparing to proceed to India and predecessors. The branches of the fig-tree China. “Two brethren-the Rev. C. J. are yet tender; it is putting forth leaves, Tall and Mr. Alexander Gunning-have and thereby we know that the suinmer is leparted into rest, after but brief periods nigh. So may the Gospel subdue India to of service. Five brethren, who had re our Lord, just as the summer fruits burst urned to Europe for their health, have forth gently from the slowly evolving buds 'eturned to their posts; but five others of spring. lave either come this year, or are on the In many parts of the country the mis. way, broken down by their exhausting sionaries have met with indications that labours in a tropical clime.

not a few serve the Saviour in secret. If, now, we glance at the state of things Thus, Mr. Bion relates that a Brahmin In India, there is very much to encourage one day, from the north division of Dacca, as. Looking over the entire work of all returned with him to his boat from the Christians in this great field, the advance bazaar. “There are many Christians," he Fluring the last ten years has been very said, "at Bickrampore who mind only great. Not only have new spots been your Shastres." Said Mr. Bion, “I know planted with the Gospel of peace, but of no Christians but a few at Munshigunge. Targe additions have been made to the What do you mean ?” He replied, “Oh, Church of God. Sixty new stations have they do not openly say that they are Deen opened, and one hundred and twenty Christians, but they are Christians ; for Tour missionaries added to the number they always read your Bible together, and Formerly employed. Then the native argue with Pundits against the Hindoo helpers have been multiplied by nearly Shastres.” Thus often the missionaries seven hundred persone. The communi. I meet individuals who display a thorough

knowledge of the Gospel, are convinced of Scriptures. There are in the native Chris. its truth, but through want of courage fail tian boarding-school, seventeen lads, many to confess it.

of wbom are members of the church, and Many pleasing cases are given in the others are seeking baptism. Three young reports of the missionaries of true conver- | men are preparing for missionary labour, sions to God. Among them is mentioned one of them being the grandson of our late the baptism of a nephew of the late King estimable and aged missionary, 0. C. of Delhi, the only surviving member of Aratoon. the great house of Timour in that seat of In the island of Ceylon, twenty-five their ancient magnificence and power. persons have made a confession of Christ. Mavy very interesting examples of the But the most noticeable thing is the adoppower of God's grace have occurred in tion, by two of the native churches, of the Backergunge; but we select the following principle of supporting their own pastors. from the journal of Mr. Bion. Near Jan. These churches are found in Kandy and galia lives a mahant, or a man who is the Matelle. Mr. Carter has also completed head of a kind of college. One day, a and issued from the press a new version devotee, with hair reaching to his knees, of the entire New Testament Scriptures, bells on his feet, and a long necklace with a very suitable commemoration of the his Brahmin's thread around his neck, fiftieth year of the mission in Ceylon. came to the mahant, who gave him a very The decease of Mr. Hall, in Chefoo, led hearty welcome, thinking, from the estima. the Committee to send out the Rev. F. tion in which he was held by the people, Laughton, who is now on his way. Mr. he might attract to himself many fol. Kloekers, who happily arrived just before lowers. He gave the devotee five houses, Mr. Hall's death, has carried on the work to induce him to rimain. Curiosity one 80 gorrowfully interrupted, and, through the day brought the devotee into contact with blessing of God, has baptized three Chinathe native preacher. He then began to men as the fruit of his labours. He has visit the servant of Christ by night, and opened two stations in the interior, and though he argued against the Gospel, it with his three native assistants, fifteen was evident that the word of God had places are regularly visited with the message touched his heart. He soon began to of salvation. In the West Indies, the bless. share the gifts of the people--the milk and ing of God continues to attend his word. sweetmeats presented him—with the Chris. Large accessions to the churches have been tian, and at length openly professed his made in the Bahamas and in Jamaica. adhesion to Christ. After sufficient proof Also others have found Christ in Hayti and of his sincerity, ho was baptized. Many | Trinidad. Next year will be the jubilee of were the spectators on the day of his bap the mission in Jamaica, and the Committee tism, to witness the sacrifice of his long are making arrangements for its due celehair, his ornamente, and his sacred thread. bration. We would hope that the churches He has some hundreds of disciples spread of this country will join in the observance over the district. Being intelligent and in and in the expression of gratitude to God the prime of life, we hope that the Lord will for what his grace has wrought in that mako him an instrument of blessing to his beautiful island. Nor has Africa been former friends. We are glad to add, that left without some tokens of Divine mercy. shortly after, the mabant, too, forsook his Nine persons have been rescued from baridols, and was baptized into Christ. barism and Pagan rites, and set in the

The college at Serampore continues in a kingdom of God. most eflicient stato, a still larger attendance Thus throughout the mission field the of scholars filling its halls than last year. i Society has reason for gratitude, and the The number on the books is 560, with blessing of God in the past is the sure a daily average attendance of 411. The pledge of yet greater triumphs in the years college, classes have thirty youths, all of' to come. whom receive daily instruction in the


have Filobtain doubaised with


that a very handsome and appropriate testimonial

is in preparation for the doctor, to mark the high PARLIAVRYThag re.opened after the Easter holi.

sense of the committee, and of his friends gene. days. One of its first acts after resuming its sit rally, of the ability with which, for so many years, tings was to reject, by a large majority, Sir Morton he has conducted the affairs of the institution. At Peto's Nonconformists' Burial Bill. The bill was

a meeting of the committee, which was held last not Sir Morton's own, but was adopted by him month, the Rev. S. G. Green, B.A., the classical after it had been altered by the select committee,

tutor, was unanimously and very cordially invited to which it was referred last session. As the hill

to accept the office of president. We are pleased of the select committee, it need not be said that it

to announce that Mr. Green has consented to was moderate enough. Probably it was too mode occupy the responsible but highly honourable post. rate, to obtain the support even of Noncon.

We are glad to see that our Welsh brethren are formists and Liberals themselves; and we know

actively engaged in the formation of # Chapel that the Tories are at present determined to refuse

Building Loan Fund, to be managed on the principle every concession, even the slightest, that might

of the Baptist Building Fund in London. They seem to be a concession to the hated “Liberation

have raised already nearly £7,000, but they purSociety.” The Chancellor of the Exchequer has

pose to obtain double that amount; and the move. introduced his Budget, and it appears to be gene.

ment has been received with so much zeal and rally satisfactory. We much regret to announce

enthusiasm in many of the counties at any rate, the death of Sir G. C. Lewis, the Secretary of

that there does not seem to be room for doubt that War, which took place almost suddenly at his

the object will be ultimately accomplished. We do house in Radnorshire, on Monday, the 13th ult.

not think it would be possible for our Welsh For news this month is almost limited to

brethren to have undertaken any more important the news from Poland. The insurrection has con enterprise. It will be a blessing to the principality tinued to spread, and the troops of the Emperor for generations to come. We need not say that we appear to have little success anywhere in subduing heartily wish them every success. it. The Emperor has offered an amnesty, which

Before this page appears, the Annual Meetings we are told, however, has been “universally re

will have been held in the metropolis. It would be jected." England, France, and Austria bave ad.

useless for us here to say anything respecting dressed " notes” to the Government at St. Peters.

them, for anything that we could say at the time burgh, but we have not yet been informed of their

we write would be only by anticipation; and, by contents, still less of the reply which has been

the time this magazine reaches the hands of its made to them.

readers, the details of the meetings will be all beThe case of Matamoros and the other Spanish fore them. We may state, what is already known prisoners remains yet undecided. It is expected, to us, that the societies have all of them suffered however, that sentence will be pronounced in the

more or less seriously through the Lancashire discase in a very short time. An endeavour will be tress. The income of the Raptist Missionary made to arrest even yet, if it be possible, the cruel

Society is less this year tban last by several arm of the law. We are glad to hear that the thousand pounds, though this decrease is to a great Emperor of France has addressed a letter to the extent accounted for by several exceptionally Queen of Spain requesting the release of the

large receipts last year. There is a balance this prisoners. Meantime Matamoros still writes

year, against the Society, of more than £1,100. cheerfully, and reports an improvement in his We trust that our brethren will do all in their health. "I await,” he says, “ with the utmost power during the year that is now commencing to tranquillity the issue of my cause. It is not my sustain all our societies in their full efficiency, and liberty, it is not my health, nor the galleys, which to render them still more extensively useful in the trouble me; oh no! the cause of my Christian

great work of Christian evaugelization. anxiety is how the interest of the holy cause of the Gospel may be best promoted, and the greatest honour and glory redound to the holy name of

DOMESTIC. Jesus. My strength is weak, my power less than

ALCESTER.-For several years past it has been nothing, and worth nothing. Whatever I may do

customary to have a tex-meeting in aid of the new is no work of mine, no! it is God who grants me

Baptist Chapel Building Fund. The meeting strepetb in Jesus-in Jesus, who is my life, and even death for his name's sake is true gain. Let

which took place on Thursday, April 9th, was one

of a more than usually interesting character, as it the Divine will of our heavenly Father be done!

was in celebration of the entire liquidation of the To fulfil it faithfully is all my desire."

debt upon the chapel. The Baptist church at Mr. Ellis has been instructed to commence the

Alcester had its origin in the times of the early building of the memorial churches in Madagascar.

Puritan fathers; the exact date of its formation is The London Society proposes to send out four

not known, but it can be distinctly traced as far additional labourers during the coming summer, to

back as 1640. It was from Alcester, through help to gather in the harvest that seems ripening

Bromsgrove, that the Baptist cause was first introover the land. Mr. Ellis reports a steady advance.

duced into the now important town of Birmingment in the number of converts. “Thirty were

ham. The congregation here having of late years received into the church at one of our places of

much increased, it had been for a considerable worship last Sunday, and nineteen on the previous

period deemed desirable that a larger place of Sunday. .... The Christians in the capital are

worship should be erected. Strenuous efforts were originating and applying new organizations of use.

made, and a sufficient amount was at length colfulness, and the Gospel is spreading rapidly and

lected, so as to justify the commencement of the effectively in moral and elevating influences among

work, and the new chapel was opened on March the villages far and near.”

7th, 1860. The present occasion was deemed by The Rev. Dr. Acworth has resigned the presi. the church and congregation a fitting opportunity dency of the Baptist College at Rawdon. We hear | for making some slight acknowledgment to their

nothing, an of mine, no Jesus, whig true gai

esteemed pastor, the Rev. M. Philpin, for his un. | Missionary Society. In the evening, at seven remitting and untiring exertions for the erection of o'clock, a public meeting was held ; the chair was the new chapel, and in defraying the debt conse. | occupied by the minister of the place, the Rev. J. quent thereupon; and, likewise, as a mark of per. Kings. After prayer by the Rev. W. Doke, of sonal regard and esteem. The tea-meeting took Chudleigh, addresses were delivered by the followplace in the Corn Exchange. The public meeting ing brethren :---the Revs. F. Pearce, of Newton took place at seven o'clock; the chair was taken Abbott; E. Webb, of Tiverton; F. Trestrail, T. by J. H. Hopkins, Esq., of Birmingham ; a hymn Thomas (Independent), and the ministers of the was sung; the Rev. W. Radburn, of town connected with the Wesleyan, Primitive Arden, offered an appropriate prayer; and the Methodist, and Bible Christian congregations. chairman then in suitable terms addressed the The services were well attended, especially the meeting. The Rev. M. Philpin then read the evening one, when the chapel was literally financial statement, respecting which suitable con. crammed. On the following Lord's-day the Rev. gratulatory resolutions were passed; after which F. Trestrail preached, morning and evening, inter, Mr. H. F. Brown, on the part of the church and esting and profitable sermons. The collections at congregation, presented Mr. Philpin with a purse the opening services were £150, which, with dona. of thirty sovereigns as a token of esteem, and in tions previously promised and paid that day. acknowledgment of his arduous and persevering brought the sum up to £214. The chapel is a labours. Mr. Philpin, in appropriate terms, commodious and substantially built edifice. It acknowledged the gift. The other speakers during measures 90 feet by 50 within the walls, and will the evening were the Revs. J. Phillips, of Astwood seat 1,000 persons. Every attention hae been paid Bank; S. Dann, of Atch Lench; Mr. B. Bomford, to comfort and convenience, and nothing expended W. Morgan, Esq., and the Rev.'c. Vince, of Bir. on mere ornament. Connected with the chapel are mingham. The usual votes of thanks concluded a noble school-room and class-room, capable of the proceedings.

accommodating 600 children. The cost of the LEEDS.-On Monday, April 6th, the memorial.

whole is about £3,000, towards which nearly stone of a new chapel, which is being erected for

£2,000 has been collected, leaving a debt of the congregation of the Rev. Dr. Brewer, was luid

£1,000. in Woodhouse Lane, Leeds. The necessity for the NEWPORT, Mon.-On Tuesday, April 7th, the new building has arisen from the sale of the Rev, W. Landels preached (in connection with the chapel in Great George Street (hitherto occupied opening of Stow Hill Chapel) in the morning, at by the congregation to the trustees of the Leeds eleven o'clook, from Gal. vi, 14 ; and in the evening. Infirmary; and the sale of the old chapel has pro. at seven o'clock, from Matt. xxii, 1, 2. The devoduced enough (within seven or eight hundredtional exercises were conducted by Revs. F. Pol. pounds) for the erection of the new one. The lard (Independent), J. Bailey, G. Howe, J. W. proceedings commenced at the chapel at present Lance, and S. Young. On Wednesday even. occupied by the congregation in Great George ing the 8th, the Rev. E. Probert, of Bristol. Street, where, after singing and prayer, the Rev. preached from 1 Tim, iii. 15. On Thursday even. J. P. Chown, of Bradford, delivered an earnest ing, the 9th, the Rev. R. McMaster, of Brig. and appropriate address. The congregation then tol, preached from 1 Chron. xii. 32. On Friday proceeded to the site of the new chapel, when the evening, the 10th, after a sermon by Rev. E. proceedings were introduced in the usual way. Thomas, from John xv. 13, 14, seventeen persons Mr. Arton Binns, in the name of the congregation, were baptized by the pastor, Mr. Williams. On presented to the Mayor of Leeds (Mr. J. o. Lord's-day, the 12th, Lord Teynham preached March) a mallet, silver trowel, and an ornamental at eloven o'clock from Matt. xi. 28-30; and in level. Mr. Binns also read a short sketch of the the afternoon, at half past two o'clock, from Ps. history of the church and congregation, for whose xxxii. 11; and Mr. Williams preached in the use « Blenheim Chapel” is being erected. The evening, at six o'clock, from Luke xiv, 22. These Mayor placed in a cavity beneath the stone a most interesting services were brought to a close bottle, hermetically sealed, containing the coins on Monday, the 13th, when about 1,000 per. of 1862, a copy of The Leeds Mercury, a copy of sons sat down to tea; after which there was a The Freeman of the 1st of April, and an inscrip public meeting, when the pastor presided, and tion. The consecration prayer having been offered addresses were delivered by Revs. 8. Pryce, of up by the Rev. Eustace R. Conder, the stone was Abingdon; Dr. Thomas, of Pontypool; P. W. lowered into its proper place, and the Mayor de | Damton, J. W. Lance, J. H. Lochore, and H. clared it well and truly laid. The benediction was | Philips, Esq., of Newport; and D, H, Lusk, Esq., pronounced by the Rev. Dr. Brewer, and the pro. of Glasgow ceedings concluded. In the evening, & tea.

TAUNTON.-The Rev. H. Von-der-Heyde Cowell. meeting was held in the Stock Exchange. There

B.A.., was ordained pastor of the church and con. was a numerous attendance. The chair was occu.

gregation assembling at Silver Street Chapel, pied till nine o'clock by the Rev. Dr. Acworth, of

Taunton, on Tuesday, April 7th. In the afternoon Rawdon, and after that time by the Mayor, and

the service commenced at half past two, the Rev. the meeting was addressed by the Rev. Dr. Brewer,

R. James, of Yeovil, opening with reading and the Rev. 8. G. Green, Mr. Edward Baines. M.P..

prayer. The Rev. William Guest then read a Rev. W. Best, Rev. G. W. Conder, the Rev. s.

pointed and pithy paper on the nature of ordinaGreen, the Rev. W. T. Ratcliffe, the Rev. W.

tion services among Nonconformists, and the con. Goodman, &c. We understand that the building

stitution of their churches. The Rev. Charles will be an elegant and convenient one.

Stanford, of Camberwell, then asked the usual TORQUAY, Devon.-The new and commodious questions, which were satisfactorily answered by chapel, erected by the Baptist church in this town, Mr. Cowell, and by Mr. Maynard in behalf of the was opened for Divine service on Good Friday. An church. The Rev. Joseph Price, of Montacute, early prayer-meeting was held at seven o'clock, at then offered up the ordination prayer; after which there was a good gathering. At eleven which an able address was delivered by the Rev. o'clock the Rev. N. Haycroft, of Bristol, preached J. Angus, D.D., from Ephes. vi. 18, 19, emphasis an eloquent sermon from Mark xv. 39. In the being given to the words, “And for me." The afternoon an appropriate discourse was delivered Rev. Samuel Wilkinson then concluded with by the Rev. F. Trestrail, secretary of the Baptist prayer. In the evening another service was held.

Mayor placeatically sealed,

Mercury, a copyip

The Rev. John Harding (Wesleyan), read and prayed, and the Rev. Charles Stanford, of Camberwell, preached a beautiful and affectionate ser. mon, from the text, “ Unto him shall the gathering of the people be." The Rev. G. W. Humpbreys, B.A., concluded with prayer. The chapel was well filled in the afternoon, and crowded in the evening.

PINCHBECK, LINCOLNSHIRE.One of the largest and most interesting meetings ever held in this place was held on Wednesday, the 25th of March, The Rev. J. Staddon, late of Quorndon, Leicestershire, having accepted the invitation of the Baptist church here, his friends were anxious to give him & welcome. At five o'clook nearly 200 sat down to tea, which had been gratuitously provided by the members of the congregation. After tea a publio meeting was held, when the spacious chapel was filled in every part. Tbe engagements of the evening were introduced by the Rev. J. Cholerton, of Sutterton. The Rev. P. Strutt, of Spalding (Independent), delivered an address on the nature of a Christian Church. Mr. Staddon stated the circumstances which had led to the union between himself and the church at Pinchbeck. Special prayer was offered by Mr. T. Sharman, of Spalding. The Rev. J. O. Jones, M.A., of Spalding, addressed the meeting on the union, between ministers and people. The Rev. T. W. Mathews, of Boston, showed the duty of the church to the world. The addresses were of a high order, and were listened to with the deepest interest. The Rev. J. Beaven, of Pinchbeck (Independent), closed the engagements of the evening.

WINDSOR.-On Tuesday, March 24th, & teameeting was held at Windsor for the purpose of giving expression to the universal esteem felt for the Rev. 8, Lillycrop, who has been obliged, on account of failing health, to resign the pastorate. A large number of friends assembled on the occasion. After tea Mr. Morton, the senior deacon of the church, was voted to the chair, and after devo. tional exercises and the chairman's remarks, E.J. Oliver, Esq., of London, treasurer to the Baptist Tract Society, rose, and in an address replete with every expression of kindly esteem, presented Mr. Lillycrop, in the name of the church, the congregation, and the town of Windsor, with an elegant purse, containing £63, as a token of esteem and affection. Mr. Lillycrop, in a few sentences, suitably acknowledged this unexpected proof of regard, and assured his friends that the interest of the cause would lie as near his heart as ever. Addresses were subsequently delivered by R. Harris, Esq., one of the magistrates of the borough ; the Rev. S. Pearce, of London: the Rev. J. Teall, of Woolwich ; und the Rev. J. Gibson, of West Drayton.

MIDDLETON-IN-TEESDALE.-On Friday, the 10th April, tbe members and friends of the Baptist church in this town met to present a testimonial of respect to their pastor, the Rev. W. J. Wilson, The chair was taken by R. W. Bainbridge, Esq., Middleton House. Mr. John Bainbridge, senior deacon, opened the meeting with prayer. The chairman presented the testimonial (a valuable French time-piece with suitable inscription), and expressed the great sorrow he felt that the pastor was retiring from the discharge of his duties through ill-health, and the great benefit he had derived from his ministry of the word. Mr. Wilson, in acknowledging the gift, gave a sketch of his life and labours in the ministry, referred to his sorrow in leaving many attached friends, and commended the church and congregation to the care of their great King and Head. On Mrs. Wilson's behalf he thanked the meeting for the handsome

testimonial with inscription presented to her. Mr. | Braban, Mr. Raine, Mr. P. Bainbridge, and Mr.

Moffatt afterwards addressed the meeting, in terms expressive of their esteem for the pastor, and regret at his departure from amongst them.

WOLVERHAMPTON, --The foundation-stone of a new chapel for the use of the Baptist congregation at Wolverhampton, under the pastoral care of the Rev. J. P. Carey, was laid on Monday, the 30th of March, by the Mayor, H. H. Fowler, Esq. The architecture of the building will be Romanesque in character, freely treated and adapted to modern requirements. The nave, measuring 60 feet by 44 feet 6 inches, will be furnished with open seats of neat design. The chapel will contain 550 sittings. The estimated cost, inclusive of land, is about £3,250. Of this nearly £1,000 are in hand, and a considerable sum is promised. An appropriate prayer was offered up at the stone-laying by the Rev. T. G. Horton, and the Rev. J. P. Carey then gave a short history of that branch of the Baptist church in this town, under whose auspices the chapel is now being built. Mr. W. M. Fuller, in the name of the church, presented to the Mayor a handsome silver trowel, and the stone was laid with the usual formalities. The Mayor then addressed the assemblage, as did also the Rev. J. J. Brown and the Rev. J. P. Palmer. In the evening a sermon was preached by the Rev. C. Vince, and the collection realized £90.

FOULSHAM, NORFOLK.-On Tuesday, April 7th, services were held in connection with the ordination of Mr. W.F. Gooch (son of the Rev. S. B. Gooch, of Fakenham), who has recently accepted a unanimous call to the pastorate of the Baptist church in the above place. In the afternoon, the Rev. J. T. Wigner, of Lynn, delivered a discourse on the nature of a Christian Church ; the Rev. W. Woods, of Swaffham, asked the usual questions ; the Rev. 8. B. Gooch offered the dedicatory prayer; and the Rev. T. A. Wheeler, of Norwich. gave a most solemn and faithful charge to the minister from 1 Tim. iv, 12. At six o'clock, about 350 sat down to tea in the chapel, and at half-past seven another public meeting was held, when the Rev. J. T. Wigner gave an excellent address to the church, founded on 1 Cor. xvi. 10. The services were felt to be of a most interesting and profitable nature, and were attended by large and attentive audiences,

LIMPSFIELD, SURREY.-On Wednesday, March 18th, services were held at Payn's Hill Chapel, Limpsfield, Surrey, in connection with the recognition of the Rev. F. Cockerton, late a student of the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon's college, as pastor of the church. At hall-past two o'clock the charge was given to the pastor by the Rev. J. Cubitt, one of the tutors of the college, followed by an address to the church by the Rev. J. Lord, of Hersham. At half-past five a tea-meeting was held, which was numerously attended by friends of the neighbour. bood. In the evening a public meeting was ad. dressed by the Revs. T. Zeucker, B. Dickens, G. Haigh, D. Russell, and several others. This in. terest is connected with the Surrey mission, and the present minister has entered upon his work with pleasing prospects of usefulness.

PAULTON, NEAR BRISTOL.-On Monday, March 23rd, a tea-meeting was held at the Baptist chapel in this village to take leave of the Rev. T. Davies prior to his removal to Cheddar, when a handsome silver tea and coffee service was presented to him and Mrs. Davies, accompanied by an affectionate address, which was read by the senior deacon, Mr. Batt, and feelingly responded to by Mr. Davies. The Rev. B. Davies, of Wells, presided over the

and in purse, co the town

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