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There sat near him two angelic beings, How low and sad, how full of a divine and they were communicating one with the sorrow, were the angelic tones that spoke other on the subject of the quality of his this dooming answer! life, as to its being good or evil. It seemed, “Am I sleeping or awake-in the body as they explored his mind, as if they were l or out of the body ?" exclaimed Mr. Bradturning the leaves of a volume, and reading ford, as he started from the brief slumber each recurring page ; and as they did so, in which had come the visitation of this his thought saw the page also, and read appalling dream. the writing thereon. They began at the *** In the body, and awake," he answered, period of free rational life, and traced down, at length, to his own question. “The sun day by day, the record which he had made of life is yet above the horizon; the night, in the book of his life; and what was in which no man worketh, has not yet strange and startling to him, the ends and fallen ; I may yet live to a higher purpose, purposes for which he had acted were more and God being my helper, I will." clearly seen in the record than the acts

And so, in the history of this man's life, themselves. Indeed, the actions seemed there came the points of time, in which, by only as a kind of framework on which to providential means specially adapted to his exhibit the motives which had governed his case, he was led to pause, consider the way conduct. No attention was paid by the

| in which he was going, and elect to walk, angels to the deeds of his life, but only to through the strength of Him who alone his ruling motives. Sometimes the same can give strength, in the way that leadeth acts would appear good, and sometimes to eternal felicities. He had obtained a evil, according to the purpose from which view of his own quality never before realized. they had been done. “Alas, on how few He saw, when he looked down into his pages was anything seen, as to ends, but motives, that they were so full of selfishness selfishness! The tones of the exploring that he was ever seeking to gain his own angels grew sad, as they turned page after ends through a disregard of others' rights, page, and talked together of the writing and that, in consequence, he had been they found.

growing into the inner, distorted form of At last they came to the final leaf, an evil spirit, instead of into the beauty of fresh with the record of a refusal to con an angel. So vividly remained with him, gummate an evil purpose. On it was that for a long time, the impression of his warning passage, shining in the light of dream, that he sometimes questioned if his celestial truth, “The night cometh, in which natural life had not really been suspended, no man can work ;" and they saw all and again, in God's mercy, restored. When around it faces of childhood in a glory of in his after-conflicts with evil inclinations, innocence; and the tenderness of child he was at times in danger of yielding, there hood, with its good impressions and sweet ever came, like the whisper of a guardian aspirings towards heaven, were pulsing presence in his thought, the words, “The through the closing words:

night cometh, in which no man can work.” “ There is a germ of life here; remains Mr. Bradford is leading the life of heaven. of good which were stored up in the earlier But how is it with you, reader? Shall we times. By these, with God's help, he

press the question home? That is hardly would have had power to overcome evil." needed. And so, we leave you to gather,

" And by them he did overcome in that if you will, the moral of our lesson, and last temptation," said the companion apply it to yourself. If you would enter angel.

the way to heaveu, it must be through the Then there came a pause and silence. gate of a resistance, in Divine strength, to At last, the doubtful questions were your evil inclinations. There must be a asked,

period when this resistance begins. Has it « In that resistance to evil, was any true begun with you? If not, take care! The life born? Will not the accumulated | night is at hand, in which no man worketh! selfish purposes of years extinguish this feeble living principle, and bear him down to the abodes of darkness ?”

THE SHORT OF A LONG STORY. There was silence again ; a long silence, in which the conscious soul of Mr. Brad. THERE was a certain king, who, like ford shuddered in fearful suspense.

many Eastern kings, was very fond of “The life is too feeble !"

hearing stories told. To this amusement he gave up all his time; but he was never another grain of corn, and then another satisfied. The exertions of his courtiera | locust went in and carried off another were in vain. He, at last, made a pro grain of corn, and then another locust went clamation, that if any man should tell him a in and carried off another grain of corn, story that should last for ever, he would and then another locust went in and car. make him his heir, and give him the prin ried off another grain of corn." cess, his daughter, in marriage; but if He had gone on thus from morning till any one should pretend he had such a night (except while he was engaged at his story, and should fail—that is, if the story meals), when the king, though a very did come to an end-he was to have his patient king, began to be rather tired of head chopped off.

the locusts, and interrupted his story For such a prize as a beautiful princess with, and a kingdom many candidates appeared, “Well, well, we have heard enough of the and dreadfully long stories some of them locusts. We will suppose they have helped told. Some of them lasted a week, some a theruselves to all the corn they wanted. month, some six months. Poor fellows! | Tell us what happened afterwards." they all spun them out as long as they pos To which the story-teller answered very sibly could; but all in vain. Sooner or deliberately,– later they all came to an end, and, one “If it please your majesty, it is impossi. after another, the unlucky story-tellers had ble to tell you what happened afterwards, their heads chopped off.

before I have told you what happened At last came a man who said that he had | first." a story that would last for ever, if his And then he went on again :majesty would be pleased to give him a “And then another locust went in and trial.

carried off another grain of corn, and tben He was warned of his danger; they told another locust went in and carried off him how many others had tried, and lost another grain of corn, and then another their heads; but he said he was not afraid ; locust went in and carried off another grain and so he was brought before the king. of corn." He was a man of a very composed and The king listened with unconquerable deliberate way of speaking; and after making patience six months more, when he again all requisite stipulations for time for his interrupted him with, eating, drinking, and sleeping, he thus began “Oh, friend! I am weary with your his story :

locusts. How soon do you think they will “O king, there was once a king who have done?” was a great tyrant. And, desiring to To which the story-teller made answer, increase his riches, he seized upon all the “O king, who can tell ? At the time corn and grain in his kingdom and put it to which the story has come, the locusts in an immense granary which was built on have cleared away a small space, it may be purpose, as high as a mountain.

a cubit, each way round the inside of the "This be did for several years, till the hole, and the air is still dark with locusts granary was quite full up to the top. He on all sides. But let the king have patience, then stopped up doors and windows, and and, no doubt, we shall come to the end of closed it up fast on all sides.

them in time." “But the bricklayers had, by accident, Thus encouraged, the king listened on left a very small hole near the top of the for another full year, the story-teller still granary. And there came a flight of locusts, going on as before : “And then another and tried to get at the corn, but the hole locust went in and carried off another grain was so small, that only one locust could of corn, and then another locust went in pass through it at a time. So one locust and carried off another grain of corn, and went in and carried off one grain of corn, then another locust went in and carried off and then another locust went in and car. another grain of corn,” till, at last, the poor ried off another grain of corn, and then king could bear it no longer, and cried another locust went in and carried off

out, another grain of corn, and then another “Oh, man, that is enough! Take my locust went in and carried off another grain daughter! take my kingdom!. take any. of corn, and then another locust went in thing-everything; only let me hear no and carried off another grain of corn, and more of your abominable locusts!" then another locust went in and carried off And so the story-teller was married to

the king's daughter, and was declared heir we can get to him some time ;” and her to the throne; and nobody ever expressed sobs broke out afresh. a wish to hear the rest of his story, for he “Why don't you go to him now?” cried said it was impossible to come to the other Belle. part of it till he had done with the locusts. "I don't know the way," said Katie. “I The unreasonable caprice of the foolish was very sick when they took him away in king was thus overmatched by the inge the little coffin, and I don't know where nious device of this wise man.

they went."

« Are you sure he went to heaven ?” asked Beile eagerly.

"Oh, I know it,” said Katie. A LITTLE CHILD'S NOTION OF “Then,” said impulsive little Belle," then HEAVEN.

I can show you the way. I saw where they FOR THE YOUNG.

put your little brother.” The glad light

in Katie's tearful eyes was beautiful to The glowing sun of a midsummer after- i behold. , noon poured through the curtainless win “Will you show me, Belle ? will you show

dows of the little village school, and small me, this very afternoon ?". curly heads drooped like delicate flowers in “Yes, indeed,” cried Belle; and with the languid air. Among them all, little clasped hands, unmindful of the gathering

Katie's sunny ringlets fell the loweat; and if gloom, these little pilgrims set forth on - you had lifted the golden veil, you would their journey to what they were pleased to

have seen that the weary eyes had forgotten call heaven. to con tbe long line of hard words in the Once on the way, a doubt oppressed worn spelling-book, and that the silken little Belle. fringes of the drooping lids were resting “Oh,” said Katie with sweet assurance, upon the sweetest little cheeks in the “how Charley would run to open the world.

door!” and her cheek flushed with antici. * In the warm air, soothed by the drone of pation.

the flies and the hum of young voices, Katie “Do you suppose Charley is very had fallen asleep. She was dreaming too. happy ? " urged Belle. She was dreaming of the little brother, * Very,” said Katie emphatically. Charley, who in the bright spring-time, “And what does he do all the time?" when the violets were just opening their "Plays with the angels,” cried Katie bright blue eyes after their long sleep, had with great animation. “And they pick up strayed away from earth, and passed stars that lie all over the floor of heaven. through those gates of glory always open for And the rainbows-I suppose they keep the entering of little feet; and she dreamed them up all the summer; and, oh! Charley that she clasped him to her little lonely used to love rainbows. He once cried heart, and begged him never to leave her because--" again. Amid the greatness of her joy, she “Dear me!” said Belle, interrupting sobbed aloud, and started to find Belle's her in great dismay, “it rains, Katie, and soft arm around her, and to hear her we are ever so far from home. What shall wbisper, “What is the matter, darling?"

“But we are very near to heaven, ain't Before poor Katie could well collect her we? Let us hurry and go in there." thoughts to answer, the school was dis “Yes," said Belle; “I see the door." missed, and she heard the teacher exclaim, "Where ? where ?” cried Katie breathas he pointed to the darkening west,“ Hurry lessly. home, children, or you will be caught in "Thero!” responded little Belle, pointthe shower.”

ing to the little rising ground and iron door Then Katie poured into the sympathizing in the village churchyard vault. ear of her little friend all her troubles, and “Oh!” faltered Katie, with disappointfinished by saying, “I could not bear to ment; “is that heaven? Oh, Belle, it is find it only a dream. I feel as if I must see like a great cave!” and her little lip Charley once more."

quivered sadly. “Where do you think he is ? "

“Why,” said Belle, “ that is where they “In heaven, I hope,” replied Katie; "and took your brother--the very place—and mother says he cannot come back to us, but ! you said he had gone to heaven. Besides,"

we do ?”


continued she, brightening, “when we get this outburst, “let us go home now, and through the little dark door, it may be all come again to morrow, and try.bright and beautiful on the other side." "No," said Katie with touching hope.

"Perhaps it is," said Katie more hope. lessness; “I sball never come again. Let fully.

| us go." But now the large rain-drops began to She rose without another sob, or fresh fall very fast, and a thunder-storm in all its tear even, upon the wet cheek ; but the Bublimity burst upon the little travellers. grieved expression of the sweet childish Still the little children, with clasped hands countenance was pitiful to behold. Back and pale lips, pressed on, and their angels, again over the dreary way went Katie and who“ do always behold the face of our Belle, little shoes wet, little dresses drip Father," watched over them as they ping, heads bent like dew-laden flowers,

little hearts very heavy. At last, the tiny pattering feet reached At Katie's door stood her anxious mother, the gloomy entrance, and Katie's sweet, peering through shadows for her darling. hopeful lips were pressed close to the cold The child sprang forward, and with one cry, door.

that spoke all the agony of bitter doubt “Knock," cried Belle; and with all her that had crept into her young confiding strength Katie did knock, and a hollow heart, exclaimed, echo was all her reply.

"Oh, mother! I have been knocking at the “ Charley! dear Charley! it is your sister door of heaven, and Charley would not let -your sister Katie : won't you open the me in." door?"

The mother soothed the poor child's sor. “He does not hear you, Katie: it thun. row, and comforted her with the assurance ders so,” said Belle. “Let us wait a little that one day they should meet in heaven, and wbile." And they waited. Soon there never part again. She told her that the was a lull in the storm, and again Katie, gate of heaven was not in the graveyard, strong in her affection, knocked at the but beyond the skies; that pilgrims to the dreary door, and her loving cry, “ Charley! | heavenly city must seek in prayer the guide dear Charley!" echoed sadly back.

which God alone could give to bring them “Do you hear anything ?" asked Belle, safely on their way to that blessed home; with parted lips. “Is he coming ?" that God's Holy Spirit was that guide, sent

"No," replied Katie; “I thought I once down by God to teach and comfort those heard his little feet, but it was only the who sought his face; and that all who asked rain."

received this holy guidence, and were at "Perhaps," suggested Belle, with large last brought safely home to heaven. and eager eyes—"perhaps he is playing with And Katie, to whom at first all this was the angels, a great way off, in a beautiful ( a great mystery, saw it at length, and cried garden."

out joyfully, “Oh!" sobbed Katie ; “I hope he will “Mother, I see my way! Charley is not not love the little angels more than the dark grave, but up yonder in the

“Knock once more-just once," whie bright sky; and there, when I am dead, pered Belle.

I shall see him, and be with him for Again the little soft hand pleaded for ever!” entrance, and the tremulous voice cried Katie never again went to look for her piteously,

brother in the graveyard. She knew that “ Charley! darling, dear brother! please he was in heaven, and that thought was open the door to Katie. Don't love the always with her throughout a long, long little angels better than me. Oh, Charley! life. She never was heard to mention the Charley!"

visit to the grave until her own hour for She threw herself upon the wet ground, departure came; then, with a light not of and sobbed in an agony of grief and dis the world in her face, she cried out in her appointment.

childish words, “ Charley dear Charley! ** Katie,” said Belle, half frightened at 1 it is your sister: open the door!”

Gems from Golden Mimes.


weak, and for Christ's peculiar work, worthA CHURCH may be what the world calls less. And with all its glitter of gorgeous a strong church, in point of numbers and array, it is a dark church-it cannot shine. influence. A church may be made up of On the contrary, show me a church, men of wealth, men of intellect, fashion, poor, illiterate, obscure, unknown, but comand being so composed, may be, in the | posed of praying people. They shall be men worldly sense, a very strong church. There of neither power, nor wealth, nor influence ; are many things that such a church can do. they shall be families that do not know one It can launch ships, and endow seminaries. day where they are to get their bread for It can diffuse intelligence, can uphold the the next; but with them is the hiding of cause of benevolence, can maintain an im God's power, and their influence is felt for posing array of forms and religious activi eternity, and their light shines and is ties. It can build splendid temples, can

watched, and wherever they go there is a rear a magnificent pile, and adorn its front

fountain of light, and Christ in them is with sculptures, and lay stone upon stone, glorified, and his kingdom advanced. They and heap ornament upon ornament, till the are his chosen vessels of salvation, and his costliness of the ministration at the altar | luminaries to reflect his light.-Dr. Olin, shall keep any poor man from ever entering the portal. But, brethren, I will tell you one thing it cannot do : it cannot shine. It may. glitter and blaze, like an iceberg in the sun,

BELIEVE AND LOVE, but without inward holiness it cannot I BELIEVE, and you shall love. Believe shine. Of all that is formal and material much, and you shall love much. Labour in Christianity it may make a splendid for strong and deep persuasion of the manifestation, but it cannot shine. It may | glorious things which are spoken of Christ, turn almost everything into gold at its and this will command love. Certainly, touch ; but it cannot touch the heart. It did men indeed believe his worth, they may lift up its marble front, and pile tower would accordingly love him; for the reaupon tower, and mountain upon mountain; Bon cannot but love that which it firmly but it cannot touch the mountains, and believes to be worthiest of affection. they shall smoke; it cannot conquer souls Oh! this mischievous unbelief is that for Christ; it cannot awaken the sympa. which makes the heart cold and dead thies of faith and love; it cannot do Christ's towards God. Seek, then, to believe Christ's work in man's conversion. It is dark in excellency in himself, and his love to us, itself, and cannot infuse light. It is cold and our interest in him, and this will at heart, and has no overflowing and sub kindle such a fire in the heart as will make duing influences to pour out upon the lost. | it ascend in a sacrifice of love to him.And with all its strength, that church is | Jeremy Taylor.

Our Missions.


W. A. Hobbs. This originates in the con. The intelligence from Calcutta this month version of an indigo planter, who is now presents various incidents indicative of ac very solicitous for the conversion of the tivity in the missionary field. From hence our people about the property which he superinlate visitor, the Rev. J. Anderson, imme tends. He is a kind helper of the missionary, diately on his arrival, proceeded to Khoostia, / will acoompany him to the markets to preach, an important rising town on the Bengal and assist in the sale of books to the people. railway, to open a new station there, at Here two native preachers will be placed to which a valuable native brother will be proclaim the word of life to their countrylocated, of the name of Gogon. Midway men, between Khoostia and Jessore, a second new Then our estimable native brother Goolzar station will also be commenced by the Key. | Shah, the pastor of the Colingah church,

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