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PRICE, Lev. 25. 16. Deut 23. 18.

Job 28. 13. man knoweth not the p. of it
Ps. 44. 12. not increase wealth, by their p.
Pr. 17. 16. why is a p. in hand of a fool
Is. 55. 1. buy wine and milk without p.
Mat. 13. 46. pearl of great p.

Acts 5. 2. kept back part of the p.
1 Cor. 6. 20. bought with a p. 7. 23.
1 Pet. 3. 4. in sight of God of great p.
PRICKS, kick against, Acts 9. 5. & 26. 14.
Ps. 73. 21. pricked, Acts 2. 37.
PRIDE of heart, 2 Chr. 32. 26. Ps. 10. 4.
Job 33. 17. he may hide p. from man

Ps. 10. 2 wicked in his p. doth persecute
31. 20. hide them from the p. of man
73. 6. p. compasseth them about
Pr. 8. 13. p. and arrogance do I hate
11. 2. when p. cometh, then cometh
13. 10. by p. cometh contention
16. 18. p. goeth before destruction
29. 23. man's p. shall bring him low
Is. 23.9. Lord purposed it, to stain p. of glory
Jer. 13. 17. weep in secret for your p.
Ezek. 7. 10. rod hath blossomed, p. budded

16. 49. iniquity of Sodom, p. and ful


1 Cor. 2. 6. wisdom of p. of this world

8. none of the p. of this world knew

Pr. 4. 7. wisdom is the principal thing
Eph. 1. 21. principality and power, Col. 2. 10.
Jer. 13. 18. Rom. 8.38. Eph. 6. 12 Col. 2.
15. Tit. 3. 1.

Heb. 5. 12. principles, 6. 1.
PRISON, Gen. 39. 20. Eccl. 4. 14.

Is. 42. 7. bring ont prisoners from the p.

53. 8. he was taken from p. and judgment 61. 1. open of p. to them that are bound Mat. 5. 25. and thou be cast into p.

18. 30. cast into p. till he should pay all

25. 36. I was in p. and ye came to me

1 Pet. 3. 19. preached unto spirits in p.
Rev. 2. 10. devil cast some of you into p.
Luke 21. 12. prisons, 2 Cor. 11. 23.
Ps. 79. 11. let the sighing of prisoner come

102. 20. to hear the groaning of the p.
Eph. 4. 1. I the p. of the Lord beseech you,
3. 1.

Job 3. 18. there the prisoners rest together
Ps. 69. 33. Lord despiseth not his p.

146. 7. the Lord looseth the p.
Zech. 9. 11. sent forth thy p. out of the pit
12. turn to strong hold ye p. of hope
PRIVATE, 2 Pet. 1. 20. Gal. 2. 2.

Dan. 4. 37. those that walk in p. he can
Hos. 5. 5. p. of Israel testify to his face, 7. 10. PRIVY, Deut. 23. 1. Acts 5. 2.

Obad. 3. p. of thy heart deceived thee
Mark 7. 22. blasphemy, p. foolishness

1 Tim. 3. 6. lest lifted up with p. he fall

1 John 2. 16. lust of eyes and p. of life PRIEST, Gen. 14. 18. Ex. 2. 16. Lev. 6. 20, 26. & 5. 6. & 6. 7. & 12. 8.

Is. 24. 2. as with the people, so with the p.

28. 7. p. and prophet have erred Jer. 23. 11. prophet and p. are profane Ezek. 7. 26. law shall perish from p.

Hos. 4. 4. like those that strive with p.

9. like people, like p.

Mal. 2. 7. p. lips should keep knowledge
Heb. 5. 6. a p. for ever, 7. 17, 21.

Lev. 21. 10. high priest, Heb. 2. 17. & 3. 1. &
4. 14, 15. & 5. 1, 10. & 6. 20. & 7. 26. & 8.1,
3. & 9. 11. & 10. 21.

Ps. 132. 9. let thy priests be clothed

16. I will clothe her p. with salvation Is. 61. 6. ye shall be named p. of the Lord Jer. 5. 31. p. bear rule by their means

31. 14. satisfy soul of p. with fatness Ezek. 22. 26. p. have violated my law Joel 1. 9. p. Lord's ministers mourn, 2. 17. Mic. 3. 11. the p. teach for hire

Mat. 12. 5. p. in the temple profane the sab

Acts 6. 7. great company of p. obedient
Rev. 1. 6. kings and p. to God, 5. 10. & 20. 6.
Ex. 40. 15. everlasting priesthood

Heb. 7. 24. he hath an unchangeable p.
1 Pet. 2. 5. ye are a holy p. 9. royal p.
PRINCE, Gen. 23. 6. & 34. 2.

Gen. 32. 28. as a p. hast power with God
Ex. 2. 14. who made thee a p. over us
2 Sam. 3. 38. a p. and great man fallen
Job 31. 47. as a p. would I go near to him
Is. 9. 6. everlasting Father, p. of peace

Ezek. 34. 21. my servant David, a p. among
them, 37. 24, 25. & 44. 3. & 45. 7. & 46. 10,
16. Dan. 9. 25.

Dan. 10. 21. Michael your p. 12. 1. great p.
Hos. 3. 4. abide many days without a p.
John 12. 31. now shall p. of world be cast

14. 30. p. of world cometh and hath no-
16. 11. because p. of this world judged

Acts 3. 15. ye killed the p. of life

5. 31. to be a p. and a Saviour

Eph. 2. 2. according to p. of the power of
the air

Rev. 1. 5. Jesus p. of kings of the earth
Job 12. 19. leads princes away spoiled

21. pours contempt on p. Ps. 107. 40. 34. 18. is it fit to say to p. ye are ungodly 19. to him that accepteth not person of p.

Ps. 45. 16. whom thou makest p. in all earth
76. 12. he will cut off spirit of p.
82. 7. ye shall fall like one of the p.
118. 9. than to put confidence in p.
119. 23. p. did speak against me

161. p. persecuted me without cause
146. 3. put not trust in p. nor in man
Pr. 8. 15. by me p. decree justice, 16.

17. 26. not good to strike p. for equity 28. 2. for transgressions of land, many

are p. of it

31. 4. not for p. to drink strong drink
Eccl. 10. 7. I have seen p. walk on earth
Is. 3. 4. give children to be their p.
Hos. 7. 5. p. made the king sick with wine

Ps. 10. 8. privily, 11. 2. & 101.5. Acts 16. 37.
Gal. 2. 4. 2 Pet. 2. 1.

PRIZE, 1 Cor. 9. 24. Phil. 3. 14.
PROCEED, 2 Sam. 7. 12. Jer. 30. 21.
Job 40. 5. twice spoken; I will p. no further
Is. 29. 14. I will p. to do a marvellous work
51. 4. a law shall p. from me
Jer. 9. 3. they p. from evil to evil

Mat. 15. 19. out of heart p. evil thoughts
Eph. 4. 29. no corrupt communication p.
out of

2 Tim. 3. 9. they shall p. no further
Luke 4. 22. gracious words that proceeded out
of his mouth

John 8. 42. I p. forth and came from God
Gen. 24. 50. thing proceedeth from the Lord
Deut. 8. 3. by every word that p. out of
1 Sam. 24. 13. wickedness p. from the wicked
Lam. 3. 38. out of the mouth of the Lord p.
not evil

John 15. 26. Spirit of truth which p. from the


Jam. 3. 10. out of same mouth p. blessing
Rev. 11. 5. fire p. out of their mouth
PROCLAIM, Lev. 23. 2. Deut. 20. 10.
Exod. 33. 19. I will p. the naine of the Lord,

34. 6.

Prov. 20. 6. most men will p. their own good


Is. 61. 1. to p. liberty to the captives

2. to p. the acceptable year of Lord
Pr. 12. 23. the heart of fools proclaimeth fool-

PROCURED, Jer. 2. 17. & 4. 18.
PROFANE not the name of the Lord, Lev.
18. 21. & 19. 12. & 20. 3. & 21. 6. & 22. 9, 15.
Neh. 13. 17. p. sabbath, Mat. 12. 5.
Ezek. 22. 26. put no difference between holy
and p.

Amos 2. 7. to p. my holy name
1 Tim. 1. 9. law is for unholy and p.

4. 7. refuse p. and old wives' fables
6. 20. avoiding p. and vain babblings
Heb. 12. 16. fornicator or p. person as Esau
Ps. 89. 39. thou hast profaned his crown
Ezek. 22. 8. thou hast p. my sabbaths
Mal. 1. 12. ye have p. it, in that ye say

11. Judah hath p. the holiness of Lord
2. 10. by profaning the covenant of our

PROFESS, Deut. 26. 3. Tit. 1. 16.

1 Tim. 6. 12. profession, 13. Heb. 3. 1. & 4. 14.
& 10. 23.

PROFIT, Pr. 11. 23. Eccl. 7. 11. Jer. 16. 19.
2 Tim. 2. 14. Heb. 12. 10.

1 Sam. 12. 21. not profit, Job 33. 27. & 34. 9.
Pr. 10. 2. & 11. 4. Is. 30. 5. & 44.9, 10. & 57.
12. Jer. 2. 8, 11. & 7. 8. & 23.32. John 6.
63. 1 Cor. 13.3. Gal. 5. 2. Heb. 4. 2. James
2. 14.

Job 22. 2. profitable, Eccl. 10. 10. Acts 20. 20.
1 Tim. 4. 8. 2 Tim. 3. 16. Tit. 3.8. Phi-
lem. 11.

1 Tim. 4. 15. thy profiting appear
PROLONG thy days, Deut. 4. 26, 40. & 5. 16,
33. & 6. 2. & 11. 9. & 17. 20. & 22. 7. & 30.
18. & 32. 47. Pr. 10. 27. & 28. 16. Eccl. 8.
13. Is. 53. 10.

PROMISE, Num. 14. 34. Neh. 5. 12.
Ps. 77. 8. doth his p. fail for ever

Rom. 4. 16. that the p. might be sure to all 9. 8. children of p. 9. Gal. 4. 28.

Eph. 1. 13. sealed with that holy Spirit of p.
2. 12. covenant of p. having no hope
6.2. which is first commandment with

1 Tim. 4. 8. p. of the life, 2 Tim. 1. 1.
Heb. 4. 1. lest a p. being left us of his rest

6. 17. heirs of his p. 11. 9.

9. 15. might receive p. of eternal life 2 Pet. 3. 4. where is the p. of his coming 1 John 2. 25. p. he promised eternal life, Luk 1.72. Rom. 1. 2. & 4. 21. Tit. 1. 2. Heb 10. 23. & 11. 11. & 12. 26.

Rom. 9. 4. to whom pertain the promises

15. 8. to confirm p. made to the fathers 2 Cor. 1. 20. all the p. of God are, yea and


7. 1. having these p. let us cleanse our-
selves from all filthiness

Gal. 3. 21. is the law against the p.
Heb. 6. 12. inherit p. 8. 6. better p.

11. 17. he that had received p.
2 Pet. 1 4. exceeding great and precious p.
PROMOTION, Ps. 75. 6. Pr. 3. 35.
PROOF, Acts 1.3.2 Cor. 2. 9. & 8. 24.
PROPER, 1 Chr. 20.3. Heb. 11. 23.
PROPHECY, 1 Cor. 12. 10. 1 Tim. 4. 14. & 1.
18. 2 Pet. 1. 19, 20. Rev. 1. 3. & 11. 6. &
19. 10. & 22. 7, 10, 18, 19.

1 Kings 22. 8. doth not prophesy good, 18.
Is. 30. 10. speak smooth things, p. deceits
Jer. 14. 14. prophets p. lies in my name
Joel 2. 28. thy sons and thy daughters shall

Amos 2. 12. p. not, 3. 8. who can but p.
1 Cor. 13. 9. we p. in part

14. 1. but rather that ye may p.
31. for ye may all p. one by one
39. covet to p. and forbid not to

Rev. 10. 11. thou must p. again before many

Num. 11. 25. they prophesied and did not cease
Jer. 23. 21. not spoken to them yet they p.
Mat. 7. 22. we have p. in thy name

11. 13. law and the prophets p. until


John 11. 51. he p. that Jesus should die
1 Pet. 1. 10. prophets p. of the grace
Jude 14. Enoch also p. of these, saying, Be-
hold the Lord

Ezra 6. 14. prophesying, 1 Cor. 11. 4. & 14. 6,
22. 1 Thess. 5. 20.

Gen. 20. 7. he is a prophet, and shall pray
Ex. 7. 1. Aaron thy brother shall be thy p.
Deut. 18. 15. will raise up unto thee a p.

18. raise them up a p. from among

2 Kings 5. 13. if the p. had bid thee do some great thing

Ps. 74. 9. there is no more any p.

Ezek. 33. 33. then shall they know that a p.
hath been among them

Hos. 9. 7. p. is a fool, spiritual man mad
12. 13. by a p. was he preserved
Amos 7. 14. I was no p. neither a p.'s son
Mat. 10. 41. he that receiveth a p. in name
of a p. shall receive a p.'s re-

11. 9. see a p and more than a p.
13. 57. a p. is not without honour, save
in his own country, and in his own

Luke 7. 28. there is not a greater p.

13. 33. a p. perish out of Jerusalem 24. 19. p. mighty in deed and in word

John 7. 40. this is the p. 1. 21. & 6. 14. 52. out of Galilee ariseth no p. Acts 3. 22. a p. shall the Lord raise

23. will not hear that p. shall be de-

Tit. 1. 12. even a p. of their own, said
2 Pet. 2. 16. dumb ass, speaking with man's

voice, forbade the madness of the p.
Num. 11. 29. all the Lord's people prophets
1 Sam. 10. 12. is Saul among the p. 19. 24.
Ps. 105. 15. do my p. no harm
Jer. 5. 13. the p. shall become wind


23. 26. they are p. of the deceit of their
Lam. 2. 14. thy p. have seen vain things
Hos. 6. 5. I hewed them by the p.
Mic. 3. 11. p. divine for money

Zeph. 3. 4. her p. are treacherous persons
Zech. 1. 5. the p. do they live for ever
Mat. 5. 17. not come to destroy law, or p.

7. 12. this is the law and the p.
13. 17. many p. have desired to see this


8. 4. they made p. and I knew it not Mat. 20. 25. p. of the Gentiles exercise author.

105. 42. he remembered his holy p. Luke 24. 49. I send the p. of my Father Acts 1. 4. wait for the p. of the Father

2. 39. p. is to you, and to your children

22. 40. on these hang all the law and
23. 34. I send you p. and wise men

Luke 1. 70. spake by mouth of holy p. Acts Ps. 95. 9. they p. me, and saw, Heb. 3. 9.

5. 18. 2 Pet. 1. 20.

6. 23. so did their fathers to the p. 16. 29. they have Moses and the p.

31. if they hear not Moses and the


24. 25. to believe all that the p. 27. 44. John 8. 52. Abraham is dead, and p. are Acts 3. 25. ye are the children of the p.

10. 43. to him give all the p. witness
13. 27. knew not the voices of the p.
26. 27. believest thou the p.

22. things which the p. and Moses Rom. 1. 2. which he had promised afore by his p. in the holy scriptures

3. 21. righteousness being witnessed by the law, and the p.

1 Cor. 12. 28. God hath set some in the church, first apostles; secondarily p. 29. Eph. 2. 20. are built upon the foundation of

the apostles and p.

4. 11. he gave some apostles and some p. 1 Cor. 14.32. spirit of p. are subject to p. 1 Thess. 2. 15. who killed their own p. Heb. 1. 1. God spake to the fathers by p. James 5. 10. take p. for example of suffering 1 Pet. 1. 10. of which salvation the p. have inquired and searched diligently

Rev. 18. 20. rejoice over her, ye apostles and


22. 6. Lord God of holy p. sent his angel 9. fellow servants and of brethren the p.

PROPITIATION, Rom. 3.25. 1 John 2. 2. & PROPORTION of faith, Rom. 12. 6.

4. 10.

Acts 9. 2. proving, Eph. 5. 10.

PROVERB and a by word, Deut. 28. 37. Lam. 3. 11. pull in pieces, Acts 23. 10.
1 Kings 9. 7. Jer. 24. 9. Ezek. 14. 8.
Ps. 69. 11. I became a p. to them
Eccl. 12. 9. he set in order many p. 1 Kings
4.32. Pr. 1. 1. & 10. 1. & 25. 1.

Is. 14. 4. thou shalt take up this p. against,
Luke 4. 23.

John 16. 25. spoken in p. 29. no p.
2 Pet. 2. 22. happened according to true p.
PROVIDE, Ex. 18. 21. Acts 23. 24.
Gen. 22. 8. God will p. himself a lamb

30. 30. when shall I p. for my own house

Ps. 78. 20. can be p. flesh for his people
Mat. 10. 9. p. neither gold nor silver
Luke 12. 33. p. bags which wax not old
Rom. 12. 17. p. things honest in sight of all Gen. 4. 13. my punishment is greater than
Job 38. 41. who provideth raven his food
Pr. 6. 8. which p. her meat in suminer
1 Tim. 5. 8. if any p. not for his own
Ps. 132. 15. provision, Rom. 13. 14.
PROVOKE him not, Ex. 23. 21.
Num. 14. 11. how long will ye p. me
Deut. 31. 20. p. me, and break my covenant
Job 12. 6. they that p. God, are secure
Ps. 78. 40. how oft did they p. him
1s. 3. 8. to p. the eyes of his glory

65. 3. a people that p. me to anger
Jer. 7. 19. do they p. me to anger; do they

not p. themselves

44. 8. ye p. me to wrath with your works Luke 11. 53. to p. him to speak of many Rom. 10. 19. p. you to jealousy, 11. 11, 14. 1 Cor. 10. 22. do we p. the Lord to jealousy Eph. 6. 4. fathers p. not your children

PROSELYTE, Mat. 23. 15. Acts 2. 10. & 6.5. Heb. 3. 16. when they had heard, did p.
& 13. 43.

PROSPER, Gen. 24. 40. Neh. 1. 11.
Gen. 39. 3. Lord made all to p. in his hand, 23.
Deut. 29. 9. may p. in all ye do, Josh. 1. 7.
2 Chr. 20. 20. believe prophets, so shall ye p.
Job 12. 6. the tabernacles of robbers p.
Ps. 1. 3. whatsoever he doeth, it shall p.

122. 6. they shall p. that love thee
Pr. 28. 13. he that covereth sins, shall not p.
Is. 53. 10. the pleasure of the Lord shall p.
54. 17. no weapon formed against thee
shall p.

55. 11. shall p. in the thing whereto I Jer. 12. 1. wherefore doth the way of wicked


23. 5. a King shall reign and p. 1 Cor. 16. 2. as God hath prospered him 3 John 2. p. even as thy soul prospereth Job 36. 11. spend their days in prosperity 1 Kings 10. 7. thy wisdom and p. exceedeth Ps. 30. 6. in my p. I shall never be moved

73. 3. when I saw the p. of the wicked 118. 25. save now, O Lord, send now p. 122. 7. p. be within thy palaces, 35. 27. Pr. 1. 32. p. of fools shall destroy them Eccl. 7. 14. in day of p. be joyful

Jer. 22. 21. I spake to thee in thy p.

Gen. 24. 21. journey prosperous, Josh. 1. 8. Ps. 45. 4. Rom. 1. 10.

PROTEST, Gen. 43. 3. 1 Sam. 8. 9. Jer. 11. 7. Zech. 3. 6. 1 Cor. 15. 31.

PROUD, Job 9. 13. & 26. 12. & 38. 11. & 40. 11, 12. Ps. 12. 3.

Ps. 40. 4. respecting not the p. nor such as

101. 5. a p. heart I will not suffer 138. 6. the p. he knoweth afar off Pr. 6. 17. a p. look and lying tongue

21. 4. high look and p. heart, 28. 25. Eccl. 7. 8. patient is better than p. in spirit Mal. 3. 15. we call the p. happy

Luke 1. 51. scattered the p. in imagination
1 Tim. 6. 4. he is p. knowing nothing
James 4. 6. God resisteth the p. 1 Pet. 5. 5.
Ex. 18. 11. wherein they dealt proudly
1 Sam. 2. 3. talk no more so exceeding p.
Neh. 9. 10. knewest they dealt p. 16.
Ps. 17. 10. they spake p. 31. 18.
Is. 3. 5. child shall behave p. against ancient
PROVE them, Ex. 16. 4. Deut. 8. 16.
Ex. 20. 20. God is come up to p. you
Deut. 13. 3. the Lord p. you, 8. 2, 16.

33. 8. Holy One, thou didst p. at Mas


10. 24. to p. unto love and good works Num. 16. 30. these have provoked the Lord 14. 23. neither any which p. me Deut. 9. 8. ye p. the Lord to wrath, 22. 1 Sam. 1. 6. her adversary p. her sore 1 Kings 14. 22. p. him to jealousy with sins 2 Kings 23. 26. because Manasseh had p. 1 Chr. 21. 1. Satan p. David to number Ezra 5. 12. our fathers had p. God to wrath Ps. 78. 56. tempted, and p. the Most High

106. 7. p. him at Red Sea, 43. they p. him 33. because they p. his Spirit Zech. 8. 14. when your fathers p. me to 1 Cor. 13. 5. not easily p. thinketh no evil 2 Cor. 9. 2. your zeal hath p. very many Deut. 32. 19. provoking, 1 Kings 14. 15. & 16. 7. Ps. 78. 17. Gal. 5. 26. PRUDENT in matters, 1 Sam. 16. 18. Pr. 12. 16. a p. man covereth shame

23. a p. man concealeth knowledge 13. 16. every p. man dealeth with know. ledge

14. 18. wisdom of the p. is to understand
15. the p. man looketh well to his
18. p. are crowned with knowledge

79. 9. p. away our sins for thy name's sake Mal. 3. 3. shall purify and p. them as goid Mat. 3. 12. thoroughly p. his floor 1 Cor. 5. 7. p. the old leaven

15. 5. he that regardeth reproof is p. 16. 21. the wise in heart shall be called p. 2 Tim. 2. 21. if a man p. himself from these 18. 15. heart of p. getteth knowledge

19. 14. a p. wife is from the Lord

22. 3. a p. man forseeth the evil, 27. 12. Is. 5. 21. wo to them that are p. in own Jer. 49. 7. is counsel perished from the p. Hos. 14. 9. who is p. and he shall know Amos 5. 13. p. shall keep silent in evil time Mat. 11. 25. hid these things from wise and p. 1 Cor. 1. 19. I will bring to nothing the understanding of the p

Is. 52. 13. my servant shall deal prudently 2 Chr. 2. 12. endued with prudence and understanding, Pr. 8. 12. Eph. 1. 8.

PSALM, 1 Chr. 16. 7. Ps. 81. 2. & 98.5. Acts 13. 33. 1 Cor. 14. 26.

1 Chr. 16. 9. sing psalms unto him, Ps. 105. 2.
Ps. 95. 2. make a joyful noise with p.
Eph. 5. 19. speaking to yourselves in p.
Col. 3. 16. admonishing one another in p.
James 5. 13. is any merry, let him sing p.
PUBLICAN, Mat. 18. 17. Luke 18. 13.
Mat. 5. 46. do not even the p. the same, 47.

11. 19. friend of p. and sinners 21. 31. p. go into kingdom of God before 32. p. and harlots believed him Luke 3. 12. came also publicans to be baptized

Is. 22. 19. pull down, Jer. 1. 10. & 18.7 &
6. & 42. 10. Luke 12. 18. 2 Cor. 10.4.

Ezek. 17. 9. pull up. Amos 9. 15.
Zech. 7. 11. they palled away the shoulder
PULPIT of wood, Neh. 8. 4.
PUNISH, seven times, Lev. 25. 18. 24.
Pr. 17. 26. to p. the just is not good
Is. 10. 12. p. the fruit of the stout heart

13. 11. I will p. the world for their evd Jer. 9. 25. p. all circumcised with uncircum


Hos. 4. 14. I will not p. your daughters

12. 2. will p. Jacob according to his Ezra 9. 13. hast p. us less than we deserve 2 Thess. 1. 9. shall be p. with destruction 2 Pet. 2. 9. reserve the unjust to be p.

1 Kings 10. 1. she came to p. him with
Job 9. 20. my mouth shall p. me perverse
Ps. 26. 2. examine me, O Lord, and p. me
Mal. 3. 10. p. me now herewith

Rom. 12. 2. may p. what is the will of God
2 Cor. 8. 8. to p. the sincerity of your love
13. 5. p. your own selves, know ye
Gal. 6. 4. let every man p. his own work
1 Thess. 5. 21. p. all things; hold fast that
which is good

Ps. 17. 3. thou hast proved my heart

66. 10. thou, O God, hast p. us as silver

Lev. 26. 41. accept the p. of their iniquity
Job 31. 3. a strange p. to workers of iniquity
Lam. 3. 39. complain for the p. of his sins
Amos 1. 3. not turn away the p. thereof, 13
Mat. 25. 46. go away into everlasting p.
2 Cor. 2. 6. sufficient to such is this p.
Heb. 10. 29. of how much sorer p. shall
1 Pet. 2. 14. sent by him for the p. of evil
PURCHASED, Ps. 74. 2. Acts 8.20 430

28. Eph. 1. 14. 1 Tim. 3. 13.
PURE, Ex. 27. 20. & 30. 23, 34.

2 Sam. 22.27. with the p. thou wilt shew thyself p. Ps. 22. 27.

Job 4. 17. can man be more p. than his Maker

25. 5. stars are not p. in his sight
Ps. 12. 6. words of the Lord are p. words
19. 8. commandment of Lord is p. 119. 18
24. 4. that hath clean hands and p. heart

Pr. 15. 26. words of the p. are pleasant
20. 9. who can say I am p. from my sin
30. 5. every word of God is p. Ps. 119.

12. a generation p. in their own eyes
Zeph. 3. 9. turn to the people a p. language
Acts 20. 26. I am p. from blood of ali men
Rom. 14. 20. all things indeed are p.
Phil. 4. 8. whatsoever things are p.

1 Tim. 3. 9. mystery of faith in p. conscience
5. 22. of other men's sins keep thy
self p.

Tit. 1. 15. to the p. all things are p.
Heb. 10. 22. bodies washed with p. water
James 1. 27. p. religion and undefiled is this

3. 17. wisdom from above is first p
2 Pet. 3. 1. stir up your p. minds by way of
Is. 1. 25. purely purge away thy dross
Job 22. 30. by pureness, 2 Cor. 6. 6.
1 Tim. 4. 12. purity, 5. 2
Hab. 1. 13. of purer eyes than to behold evil
PURGE me with hyssop, Ps. 51. 7.

65. 3. our transgressions, thou shalt p. them


7. 29. the p. justified God
PUBLISH name of the Lord, Deut. 32. 3.
2 Sam. 1. 20. p. it not in the streets
Ps. 26. 7. p. with voice of thanksgiving
Is. 52. 7. feet of him that publisheth peace
Jer. 4. 15. a voice p. affliction

Mark 13. 10. gospel must first be published
Acts 13. 49. word of the Lord was p. through
PUFFED up, 1 Cor. 4. 6, 19. & 5. 2. & 8. 1. &

13. 4. Col. 2. 18.

PULL out, Ps. 31. 4. Jer. 12. 3. Mat. 7. 4.
Luke 14. 5. Jude 23.

Heb. 9. 14. p. your conscience from dead

Pr. 16. 6. by mercy iniquity is purged
Is. 6. 7. iniquity is taken, and thy sin p

27. 9. by this shall iniquity of Jacob be p. Ezek. 24. 13. because I p. thee, and thou wast

not p. thou shalt not be p. from thy
Heb. 1. 3. had by himself p. our sins
2 Pet. 1. 9. forgot he was p. from sins
John 15.2. he purgeth, that it may bring forth
PURIFY sons of Levi, Mal. 3. 3.

James 4. 8. p. your hearts ye double-minded
Ps. 12. 6. silver purified seven times
Dan. 12. 10. many shall be p

1 Pet. 1. 22. have p. your souls in obeying
Mal. 3. 3. sit as purifier of silver

1 John 3. 3. purificth himself as he is p
Acts 15. 9. purifying their hearts by faith
Tit. 2. 14. p. to himself a peculiar people
Heb. 9. 13. sanctifieth to p. of the flesh
PURPOSE, Jer. 6. 20. & 49. 30.

Job 33. 17. withdrawn man from his p.
Pr. 20. 18. every p. is established by counsel
Eccl. 3. 17. a time to every p. 8. 6.
Is. 14. 26. this is the p. that is purposed
Jer. 51. 29. every p. of Lord shall stand
Acts 11. 23. with p. of heart cleave to Lond
Rom. 8. 28. called according to his p.
Eph. 1. 11. according to the p. of him who

9. mystery which he p. in himself 3. 11. the eternal p. which he p. in Christ

2 Tim. 1. 9. according to his own p
1 John 3. 8. for this p. he was manifested
PURSE, Pr. 1. 14. Mat. 10. 9.
PURSUE, Gen. 35. 5. Deut. 28. 22.
Ex. 15. 9. the enemy said, I will p.
Job 13. 25. wilt thou p. the dry stubble
Ps. 34. 14. seek peace and p. it

Pr. 11. 19. he that pursueth evil, p. it to
28. 1. wicked flee when none p.

PUT, Gen. 2. 8. & 3. 15, 22.

Neh. 2. 12. what God p. in my heart, 7.5.
Ezra 7. 27. Rev. 17. 17.
Neh. 3. 5. nobles p. not their necks to work
Job 4. 18. he p. no trust in his servants

38. 36. hath p. wisdom in the inward

Ps. 4. 7. hast p. gladness in my heart
8. 6. p. all things under his feet

9. 20. p. them in fear that they may
Eccl. 10. 10. must p. to more strength
Song 5. 3. p. off my coat, how shall I p. it on
Is. 5. 20. wo to them that p. darkness for light
42. 1. I will p. my spirit upon him
43. 26. p. me in remembrance
53. 10. the Lord hath p. him to grief
63. 11. who p. his holy Spirit to him
Jer. 31. 33. p. law in their inward parts

Rom. 8. 11. q. your mortal bodies by the
Eph. 2. 5. q. us together with Christ, Col. 2. 13.
Ps. 119. 50. for thy word hath quickened me
Eph. 2. 1. you he q. who were dead in
1 Pet. 3. 18. but q. by the Spirit
John 5. 21. Son quickeneth whom he will
6. 63. it is the Spirit that q.
1 Cor. 15. 45. last Adam made a quickening

QUICKLY, Ex. 32. 8. Deut. 11. 17.
Eccl. 4. 12. threefold cord not q. broken
Mat. 5. 25. agree with thine adversary q.
Rev. 3. 11. behold I come q. 22. 7, 12. 20.
QUIET, Judges 18. 27. Job 3. 13, 26.
Eccl. 9. 17. words of wise are heard in q.
Is. 7. 4. take heed and be q. fear not neither
33. 20. shall see Jerusalem a q. habitation
1 Thess. 4. 11. study to be q. and to work
1 Tim. 2. 2. lead a q. and peaccable life
1 Pet. 3. 4. ornament of meek and q. spirit
1 Chr. 22. 9. quietness, Job 20. 20.

32. 40. I will p. my fear in their hearts
Ezek. 11. 19. p. a new spirit within you
22. 26. they have p. no difference
36. 27. I will p. my Spirit within you, Pr. 17. 1. better is a dry morsel and q.


Mic. 7. 5. p. not confidence in a guide
Mat. 5. 15. p. it under a bushel

Job 34. 29. when he giveth q. who then

Eccl. 4. 6. better is a handful with q.
Is. 30. 15. in q. shall be your strength

32. 17. effect of righteousness shall be q.

19. 6. what God joined, let no man p. 2 Thess. 3. 12. exhort with q. they work

Luke 1. 52. p. down mighty from their
Acts 1. 7. which Father p. in his own power

13. 46. seeing you p. the gospel from you
15. 9. p. no difference between us and

Eph. 4. 22. p. off the old man, Col. 3. 9.
2 Pet. 1. 14. I must p. off this my tabernacle
Gen. 28. 20. God will give raiment to put on
Job 29. 14. I-righteousness and it clothed
Is. 51. 9. awake, arm of Lord, strength

59. 17. he-righteousness as a breast-plate
Mat. 6. 25. nor for your body, what ye-
Rom. 13. 12.-armour of light, 14.-L. Jesus


Gal. 3. 27. baptized into Christ have-Christ
Eph. 4. 24.-the new man, Col. 3. 10.

6. 11. the whole armour of God

Col. 3. 12.-bowels of mercies, 14.-charity,
1 Chr. 5. 20. put trust in, Ps. 4. 5. & 7. 1. &
9. 10. & 56. 4. & 146. 3. Pr. 28. 25. & 29. 25.
Is. 57. 13. Jer. 39. 18. Hab. 2. 13.

Num. 22. 38. word that God putteth in mouth
Job 15. 15. he p. no trust in his saints

Ps. 15. 5. that p. not out money to usury

QUIT you like men, 1 Sam. 4. 9. 1 Cor. 16.


QUIVER full of them, Ps. 127. 5.
Is. 49. 2. in his q hath he hid me
Jer. 5. 16. their q. is an open sepulchre


RABBI, Mat. 23. 7, 8. John 20. 16.

Is. 44. 26. r. up decayed places thereof

58. 12. r. up the foundations of many
Hos. 6. 2. third day he will r. us up
Amos 9. 11. I will r. up tabernacle of David
Luke 1. 69. r. up a horn of salvation
John 6. 40. I will r. him up at the last day
Ex. 9. 16. I raised thee up to shew my power
Mat. 11. 5. deaf hear, dead are r. up
Rom. 4. 25. r. again for our justification
6. 4. as Christ was r. by glory of Fa-
ther, 8. 11.

1 Cor. 6. 14. God hath r. up the Lord, and will

r. up us

2 Cor. 4. 14. he that r. up the L. Jesus, shall
r. up us also by Jesus
Eph. 2. 6. hath r. us up together

1 Sam. 2. 8. he raiseth up the poor out of
Ps. 113. 7. he r. up poor out of dunghill

145. 14. r. up those that he bowed down
RANSOM of life, Ex. 21. 30.
Ex. 30. 12. give every man a r. for his
Job 33. 24. deliver him, I have found a r.

36. 18. great r. cannot deliver thee
Ps. 49. 7. nor give to God a 'r. for him
Pr. 6. 35. he will not regard any r.

13. 8. r. of man's life are his riches
21. 18. wicked are a r. for righteous
Is. 43. 3. I gave Egypt for thy r.
Hos. 13. 14. r. them from power of grave
Mat. 20. 28. to give his life a r. for many
1 Tim. 2. 6. gave himself a r. for all
Is. 35. 10. ransomed, 51. 10. Jer. 31. 11.
RASH, Eccl. 5. 2. Is. 32. 4.
RAVISHED, Pr. 5. 19. Song 4. 9.
REACH, Gen. 11. 4. John 20. 27.

Ps. 36. 5. faithfulness reacheth to clouds

RACE, Ps. 19. 5. Eccl. 9. 11. 1 Cor. 9. 24. Phil. 3. 13. reaching forth to those things
Heb. 12. 1.

RAGE, 2 Kings 5. 12. 2 Chr. 16. 10.
2 Chr. 28. 9. ye have slain them in a r.
Ps. 2. 1. why do the heathen r.

Pr. 6. 34. jealousy is the r. of a man

29. 9. whether he r. or laugh is no rest
Ps. 46. 6. the heathen raged, kingdoms were

Pr. 14. 16. the fool rageth, is confident
Ps. 89. 9. thou rulest the raging of the sea
Pr. 20. 1. wine is a mocker, strong drink isr.
Jude 13. r. waves of sea, foaming out shame
RAGS, Pr. 23. 21. Is. 64. 6.

RAILER, or drunkard, 1 Cor. 5. 11.

1 Tim. 6. 4. railing, 1 Pet. 3. 9.

75. 7. God p. down one, and setteth up 2 Pet. 2. 11. r. accusation, Jude 9.

Song 2. 13. p. forth green figs

Lam. 3. 29. he p. his mouth in the dust

Mic. 3. 5. that p. not into their mouths

Mal. 2. 16. he hateth putting away

RAIMENT to put on, Gen. 28. 20.
Ex. 21. 10. her food and r. not diminished
Deut. 8. 4. thy r. waxed not old upon thee
24. 17. not take widow's r. to pledge
Zech. 3. 4. clothe thee with change of r.

Eph. 4. 25. p. away lying, speak every man Mat. 6. 26. body more than r. 28.

Col. 2. 11. in p. off the body of sins

1 Thess. 5. 8. p. on the breast-plate of faith
2 Tim. 1. 6. gift given thee by p. on of my

1 Pet. 3. 3. wearing of gold or p. on of ap-

21. not p. away of the filth of the


11. 8. man clothed in soft r.

READ in audience of, Ex. 24. 27.
Deut. 17. 19. shall r. therein all his life
Neh. 13. 1. r. in the book of Moses
Luke 4. 16. as his custom was, stood up to r.
Acts 15. 21. r. in synagogue every sabbath
2 Cor. 3. 2. known and r. of all men

1 Thess. 5. 27. that this epistle be r. Col. 4. 16
Acts 8. 30. understandest thou what readest
Rev. 1. 3. blessed is he that readeth

Neh. 8. 8. reading, 1 Tim. 4. 13.
READY to pardon, God, Neh. 9. 17.
Ps. 45. 1. tongue is as a pen of a r. writer

86. 5. thou Lord art good, and r. to forgive
Eccl. 5. 1. be more r. to hear, than give
Mat. 24. 44. be ye also r. Luke 12. 40.
Mark 14. 38. spirit is r. but the flesh weak
Acts 21. 13. r. not to be bound only, but to
1 Tim. 6. 18. do good, r. to distribute
2 Tim. 4. 6. I am now r. to be offered
Tit. 3. 1. r. to every good work
1 Pet. 5. 2. willingly of a r. mind
Rev. 3. 2. strengthen things r. to die
Acts 17. 11. readiness, 2 Cor. 10. 6.
REAP, Lev. 19. 9. SOW

17. 2. his r. was white as the light
1 Tim. 6. 8. having food and r. let us be
Rev. 3. 5. clothed in white r. 18. & 4. 4.
RAIN in due season, Lev. 26.4. Deut. 11. 14. Gal. 6. 9. in season shall r. if we faint not
& 28. 12.

Hos. 10. 13. ploughed wickedness r. iniquity
1 Cor. 9. 11. a great thing if we r. your carnal

Deut. 32. 2. my doctrine drop as the r.
2 Sam. 23. 4. clear shining after r.

1 Kings 8. 35. no r. because they sinned
2 Chr. 7. 13. that there be no r.

Job 5. 10. who giveth r. on the earth

Rev. 14. 16. the earth was reaped, 15.
Mat. 13. 39. reapers are angels, 30.
John 4. 36. he that reapeth receiveth wages
REASON, Pr. 26. 16. Dan. 4. 36.

Is. 41. 21. bring forth your strong r.

QUAILS, Ex. 16. 13. Num. 11. 31.
QUAKE, Ex. 19. 18. Mat. 27. 51.
Ezek. 12. 18. quaking, Dan. 10. 7.
QUARREL, Lev. 26. 25. Col. 3. 13.
QUEEN, 1 Kings 10. 1. & 15. 13. Ps. 45. 9.

Song 6. 8. Jer. 44. 17, 24. Rev. 18. 7.
Mat. 12. 42. q. of the south rise in judgment
Is. 49. 23. their q. their nursing mother
QUENCH my coal, 2 Sam. 14. 7.

21. 17. that thou q. not light of Israel
Song 8. 7. many waters cannot q. love
Is. 42. 3. smoking flax he will not q.
Eph. 6. 15. to q. fiery darts of the devil
1 Thess. 5. 19. q. not the Spirit; despise not
Mark 9. 43. fire that never shall be quenched,
44. 46, 48.

QUESTION, Mark 12. 34. 1 Cor. 10. 25.
1 Kings 10. 1. questions, Luke 2. 46. 1 Tim. 1.

4. & 6. 4. 2 Tim. 2. 23.
QUICK, Num. 16. 30. Ps. 55. 15.
Ps. 124. 3. had swallowed us up q.
Is. 11. 3. of q. understanding in fear
Acts 10. 42. to be Judge of q. and dead
2 Tim. 4. 1. who shall judge the q. and
Ps. 71. 20. quicken me again and bring me

80. 18. q. us and we will call on thy name
119. 25. q. me according to thy word

37. q. me in thy way, 40.-thy righ-

28. 26. he made a decree for the r.
38. 28. hath the r. a father
Ps. 68. 9. didst send a plentiful r.

72. 6. he shall come down like r.

147. 8. who prepareth r. for the earth
Pr. 16. 15. king's favour is like latter r.
Ecel. 12. 2. nor clouds return after the r.
Song 2. 11. winter is past; r. is over and gone
Is. 4. 6. covert from storm and from r.

5. 6. clouds that they r. no r. upon it
30. 23. shall give thee r. of thy seed, that
55. 10. as r. cometh down from heaven

Jer. 5. 24. fear the Lord who giveth r.

14. 22. vanities of Gentiles that can r.
Amos 4. 7. witholden r. from you, I caused
it to r. on one city, and not to r. on another

Zech. 10. 1. ask of the Lord r. in time of lat-
ter r. Lord shall give showers

of r.

14. 17. upon them shall be no r.

1 Pet. 3. 15. asketh a r. of the hope in you
Acts 24. 25. as he reasoned of righteousness
Rom. 12. 1. which is your reasonable service
REBEL not against Lord, Num. 14.9. Josh.
22. 19.

Job 24. 13. of those that r. against light
Is. 1. 20. if ye refuse and r. ye shall be
Neh. 9. 26. they rebelled against thee, Ps. 5. 10.

63. 10. they r. and vexed his holy Spirit
1 Sam. 15. 23. rebellion, the sin of witchcraft
Nura. 20. 10. hear now, ye rebels
Ezek. 20. 38. I will purge out the r. from
Deut. 9. 7. been rebellious against Lord, 24.
Ps. 68. 18. received gifts for men, for the r.


Is. 30. 9. this a r. people, lying children

50. 5. I was not r. nor turned away back
65. 2. spread my hands to a r. people, 1.23.
Jer. 4. 17. hath been r. 5. 23. hath a r. heart
Ezek. 2. 3, 5, 8. r. house, 3. 9, 26. & 12. 2, 3. &
17. 12. & 24. 3. & 44. 6.

REBUKE thy neighbour, Lev. 19. 17.

Mat. 5. 45. sendeth r. on the just and on the 2 Kings 19. 3. a day of r. and blasphemy

Heb. 6. 7. earth which drinketh in the r.
James 5. 18. he prayed, and heaven gave r.
Job 38. 26. cause it to r. on the earth

Ps. 11. 6. on the wicked he shall r. snares
Hos. 10. 12. till he r. righteousness on you
Ps. 78. 27. had rained upon them

Ezek. 22. 24. land not cleansed nor r. upon
Pr. 27. 15. continual dropping in a rainy day

88. q. me after thy loving kindness
149. q. me according to thy judginent | RAISE, Deut. 18. 15, 18. 2 Sam. 12. 11.

Ps. 6. 1. r. me not in anger, nor chasten
39. 11. when thou with r. dost correct
Prov. 9. 8. r. a wise man, he will love thee
13. 1. scorner heareth not r.

27. 5. open r. is better than secret love
Zech. 3. 2. the Lord said to Satan, Lord r.

Mat. 16. 22. Peter began to r. him
Luke 17. 3. if thy brother trespass, r. him
Phil. 2. 15. may be sons of God without r.

1 Tim. 5. 1. r. not an elder, but entreat 20. them that sin r. before all

Tit. 1. 13. r. them sharply, that they may

3. 15. exhort and r. with all authority
Heb. 12. 5. not faint, when rebuked of him
Pr. 28. 23. he that rebuked, shall tind favour
Amos 5. 10. they hate him that r. in gate
RECEIVE good and not evil, Job 2. 10.
Job 22. 22. r. the law from his month
Ps. 6. 9. Lord heard, the Lord will r. my

49. 15. God will redeem; he shall r. me 73. 24. guide me and after r. me to glory 75. 2. when I shall r. the congregation Hos. 14. 2. take away iniquity, r. us gracrously

Mat. 10. 41. shall r. a prophet's reward

18. 5. r. one such little child in my name 19. 11. all men cannot r. this saying 21. 22. what ye ask, believing, ye shall


Mark 4. 16. hear word, and r. it with glad


11. 24. believe that ye r. and ye shall f. Luke 16. 9. may r. into everlasting habıta


John 3. 27. man can r. nothing except it

5. 44. which r. honour one of another 16. 24. ask and ye shall r. that your joy Acts 2.3. ye shall r. gift of the Holy Ghost | 7. 59. Lord Jesus r. my spirit

13. 43. he that believeth shall r. remis


20. 35. more blessed to give than to r. 26. 18. may r. forgiveness of sins

Rom. 14. 1. him that is weak in faith r. 1 Cor. 3. 8. every man r. his own reward 2 Cor. 5. 10. may r. things done in the

Prov. 11. 31. the righteous shall be r.
Jer. 18. 20. shall evil be r. for good
Rom. 11. 35. it shall be r to him again
RECONCILE with blood, Lev. 6. 30.
2 Cor. 5. 18. he hath r. us to himself

Jer. 31. 15. Rachel r. to be comforted Hos. 11. 5. because they r. to return 1 Tim. 4. 4. is good, and nothing to be r. Jer. 3. 3. thon refusedst to be ashamed 15. 18. refuseth to be healed 19. God in Christ r. world, 20. be ye Heb. 12. 25. r. not him that speaketh

r. to God

Eph. 2. 16. r. both to God into one body
Col. 1. 20. to r. all things to himself
Mat. 5. 24. first be reconciled to thy brother
Rom. 5. 10. when enemies, we were r.
Lev. 8. 15. to make reconciliation, 2 Chr. 29.
24. Ezek. 45. 15, 17. Dan. 8. 24. Heb. 2. 17.
2 Cor. 5. 18. given to us the ministry of r.

REGARD not works of Lord, Ps. 5
Ps. 66. 18. if I r. iniquity in my heart

102. 17. he will r. prayer of the destitute
Is. 5. 12. that r. not the work of the Lord
Prov. 1. 24. no man regarded
Ps. 106. 44. he r. their affliction and cry
Luke 1. 48. r. low estate of his handmaid
Heb. 8. 9. not in my covenant Ir. them not
Dent. 10. 17. God regardeth not persons
Job 34. 19. nor r. rich more than the poor

19. committed to us the word of r.
RECORD my name, Ex. 20. 24.
Deut. 30. 19. I call heaven and earth to r. Prov. 12. 10. righteous r. life of his beast
against, 31.2.

Job 16. 19. my witness and my r. is on
John 1. 32. bare r. 8. 13, 14. & 12. 17. & 19.35.
Rom. 10. 2. Gal. 4. 15.

2 Cor. 1. 23. I call God for a r. Phil. 1. 8.
2 John 5. 7. three that bear r. in heaven

13. 18. he that r. reproof shall be honoured

15. 5. he that r. reproof is prudent
Eccl. 5. 8. he that is higher than highest r.
Rom. 14. 6. he that r. the day, r. it to Lond
Mat. 22. 16. thou regardest not the person
11. this is the r. God hath given, 10. REGENERATION, Mat. 19. 28. Tit. 3. 5
Rev. 1. 2. bare r. of the word of God
RECOVER strength, Ps. 39. 13.
Hos. 2. 9. I will r. my wool and my flax
2 Tim. 2. 26. may r. themselves out of snare
Jer. 8. 22. is not health of my people recovered
Lake 4. 18. recovering of sight to the blind
RED, Ps. 75. 8. Isa. 1. 1. & 27. 2. & 63. 2.
Zech. 1. 8 & 6. 2. Rev. 6. 4. & 12. 3.
REDEEM with outstretched arm, Ex. 6. 6
2 Sam. 7. 23. Israel whom God went to r.
Job 5. 20. in famine he shall r. thee
Ps. 44. 26. r. us for thy mercies' sake

REJECT, Mark 6. 26. Gal. 4. 14.

Mark 7. 9. ye r. the commandment of God Tit. 3. 10. after first and second admonitionr. 1 Sam. 8. 7. have not rejected thee; but have

[blocks in formation]

6. 1. r. not the grace of God in vain Gal. 3. 14. r. promise of Spirit through faith 4. 5. we might r. the adoption of sons Eph. 6. 8. same shall he r. of the Lord Col. 3. 24. r. the reward of inheritance Jam. 1. 21. r. with meekness, engrafted word 2 Sam. 4. 9. hath r. my soul out of all adversity

3. 1. r. greater condemnation

1 Pet. 5 4. ye shall r. a crown of glory
1 John 3. 22. whatsoever we ask, we r.
2 John 8. look that we r. a full reward
Job 4. 12. mine ear received a little of it
Ps. 68. 18. thou hast r. gifts for men
Jer. 2. 30. they r. no correction, Zeph. 3. 2.
Mat. 10. 8. freely ye have r. freely give
Luke 6. 24. ye have r. your consolation

16. 25. hast r. thy good things and John 1. 11. own r. him not, 12. many r. 16. of his fulness have we all r.

Acts 8. 17. they r. the Holy Ghost, 17. 11. r. word

20. 24. which I r. of Lord, 1 Cor. 11. 23. Rom. 5. 11. Christ by whom have r. atone


8. 15. have r. the Spirit of adoption
14. 3. judge him not for God hath r. him
15. 7. r. ye one another, as Christ r. us

1 Tim. 3. 16. r. up into glory, Mark 16. 19.
4. 3. meats created to be r. with

Heb. 11. 13. not having r. the promises
Jer. 7. 28. obeyeth not, nor receiveth correc-

Mat. 7. 8. every one that asketh, r.

10. 40. he that r. you, r. me; and he that r. me, r. him that sent me

13. 20. hears the word, and anon r. it with joy

John 3. 32. no man r. his testimony

12. 48. rejecteth me, r. not my words 1 Cor. 2. 14. natural man r. not things of Phil. 4. 15. in giving and receiring, but ye Heb. 12. 28. we r. a kingdom whereby

1 Pet. 1. 9. r. the end of your faith, salvation RECKONED, Ps. 40. 5. Is. 38. 13. Luke 22. 37. Rom. 4. 4, 9, 10. & 6. 11. & 8. 18. RECOMPENCE, Prov. 12. 14. Is. 35. 4.

[blocks in formation]

Ps. 136. 24. hath r. us from our enemies, 31.5.
Is. 1. 27. Zion shall be r. with judgment

51. 11. the r. of the Lord shall return
52. 3. ye shall be r. without money, 9.
63. 9. in his love and pity, he r. them, 4.
Luke 1. 68. hath visited and r. his people
24. 21. he that should have r. Israel
Gal. 3. 13. Christ hath r. us from the curse
1 Pet. 1. 18. not r. with corruptible things
Rev. 5 9. hast r. us to God, by the blood

14. 4. these were r. from among men
Ps. 34. 22. Lord redeemeth soul of his servant
103. 4. who r. thy life from destruction,

Eph. 5. 16. redeeming the time, Col. 4. 5.
Job 19. 25. I know that my Redeemer liveth
Ps. 19. 14. my strength and my R.

78. 35. the high God was their R.

Prov. 23. 11. their R. is mighty
Is. 63. 16. our Father and our R. 48. 17.
Jer. 50. 34. their R. is strong, Is. 49. 26.
Lev. 25. 24. redemption, Num. 3. 49.
Ps. 49. 8. the r. of their soul is precious

111. 9. he sent r. unto his people
130. 7. with him is plenteous r.

Luke 2. 38. that looked for r. in Jerusalem
21. 28. your r. draweth nigh
Rom. 3. 24. through r. in Christ Jesus

8. 23. waiting for the r. of our body
1 Cor. 1. 30. made unto us wisdom and righ-

teousness r.

Eph. 1. 7. in whom we have r. Col. 1. 14.

14. until r. of the purchased possession
4. 30. sealed unto the day of r.

Heb. 9. 12. having obtained eternal r. for us
REFINE, Isa. 25. 6. & 48. 10. Zech. 13. 9.
Mal. 3.2, 3.

REFORMATION, Heb. 9. 10.
REFRAIN, Prov. 1. 15. 1 Pet. 3. 10.
Pr. 10. 29. he that refraineth his lips is wise
REFRESHING, Is. 28. 12. Acts 3. 19.
REFUGE, Num. 35. 13. Josh. 20.3.

Jer. 25. 14. I will r. your iniquities, 16. 18. Deut. 33. 27. eternal God is thy r.

Нов. 12. 2.

Rom. 12. 17. r. to no man evil for evil

Is. 34. 8. it is the year of r. for Zion

66. 6. render r. to his enemies, 59. 18.
Jer. 51. 56. Lord God of r. shall surely requite
Hos. 9. 7. the days of r. are come
Luke 14. 12. lest a r. be made thee, 14.
Heb. 2. 2. disobedience received just r. o re-


10. 25. confidence hath great r.of reward
11. 26. he had respect unto r. of reward

Num. 5. 8. trespass be recompensed to L.
2 Sam. 22. 21. according to righteousness he

г. ще

Ps. 9. 9. the Lord will be r. for the oppressed,
14. 6. Is. 4. 6. & 25. 4.

57. 1. God is my r. and, 59. 16. & 62. 7. &
71. 7. & 142. 5. Jer. 16. 19,

46. 1. God is our r. 7. 11. & 62. 8.
Is. 28. 15. we have made lies our r.
Heb. 6 18. fled for r. to lay hold on hope
REFUSE, Lam. 3. 45. Amos 8.6.
1 Tim. 4. 7. r. profane and old wives' fables
Neh. 9. 17. refused to obey, neither mindful
Ps. 77. 2. my soul r. to be comforted

118. 22. the stone which the builders r.
Prov. 1. 24. I have called and ye r.

5. 3. they have r. to receive correction
8. 5. r. to return, 11. 10. r. to hear

r. me

Is. 53. 3. he is despised and r. of men
Jer. 2. 37. Lord bath r. thy confidences

6. 19. r. my law, 8. 9. r. word of the Lond
30. L. r. them, 7. 21. & 14. 19. 2 Kings
17. 15, 20. Lam. 5. 2

Hos. 4. 6. hast r. knowledge, I will r. thee
Luke 7. 30. r. the counsel of God
Heb. 12. 17. was r. for he found no place
John 12. 48. he that rejecterh me
REIGN, Gen. 37. 8. Lev. 26. 17.

Exod. 15. 16. Lord shall r. ever, P. 146. 10.
Prov. 8. 15. by me kings r. and princes
Is. 32. 1. a king shall r. in righteousness
Jer. 23. 5. a king shall r. and prosper

Luke 19. 14. not have this man to r. over
Rom. 5. 17. shall r. in life by one Christ our


1 Cor. 4. 8. would to God ye did r.
2 Tim. 2. 12. if we suffer, we shall also
Rev. 5. 10. we shall r. on the earth

22. 5. they shall r. for ever and ever Rom. 5. 14. death reigned from Adam to


21. that as sinr. unto death so might Rev. 20. 4. they lived and r. with Christ a thousand years

1 Chr. 20. 12. thou reignest over all
Ps. 93. 1. the Lord reigneth, 97. 1. & 99. 1.
Is. 52. 7. that saith unto Zion, thy God r.
Rev. 19. 6. Alleluia, Lord God omnipotent r.
REINS, Job 16. 13. & 19.27.

Ps. 7. 9. God trieth hearts and r. 296. 2. Jer
17. 10. & 20. 12. Rev. 2 23

16. 7. my r. instruct me in the night
73. 21. I was pricked in my r.
139. 13. thou hast possessed my r.

Pr. 23. 16. my r. shall rejoice
Jer. 12. 2. thou art far from their r.
REJOICE, Ex. 18. 9. Deut. 12. 7.
Dent, 28. 63. the Lord will r. over you
1 Sam. 2. 1. because I r. in thy salvation
2 Chr. 6. 41. let thy saints r. in goodness
20. 27. the Lord made them to r.
Neh. 12. 43. God made them r. with great
Ps. 2. 11. serve God and r. with trembling
5. 11. let all those that trust in thee r.
9. 14. I will r. in thy salvation, 13.5.
51. 8. the bones thou hast broken may r.
58. 10. the righteous will r. when be seeth
63. 7. in shadow of thy wings I will r.
65. 8. thou makest morning and evening

to r.

68. 3. let the righteous r. before God
85. 6. that thy people may r. in thee
86. 4. r. the soul of thy servant
104. 31. Lord shall r. in his works
105. 3. heart of them r. that seek the Lord


119. 162. I r. at thy word as one findeth Pr. 5. 18. r. with the wife of thy youth

21. 17. r. not when thine enemy falleth Eccl. 11. 9. r. O young man, in thy youth Is. 29. 19. the poor among men shall r.

62. 5. thy God shall r. over thee 65. 13. my servants shall r. but ye shall Jer. 32. 41. I will r. over them to do good Zeph. 3. 17. he will r. over thee with joy Luke 6. 23. r. ye in that day; leap for

10. 20. rather r. that your names are

John 5. 35. willing to r. in his light

14. 28. if ye loved me ye would r. Rom. 5. 2. r. in the hope of the glory of God 12. 15. r. with them that do r.

1 Cor. 7. 30. they that r. as though r. not
Phil. 3. 3. worship God and r. in Christ Jesus
Col. 1. 24. r. in my sufferings for you
1 Thess. 5. 16. r. evermore

James 1. 9. let the brother of low degree r.
1 Pet. 1. 8. ye r. with joy unspeakable

Ps. 33. 1. rejoice in the Lord, 97. 12. Is. 41. 16.
& 61. 10. Joel 2. 23. Hab. 3. 18. Zech. 10.
7. Phil. 3. 1. & 4. 4.

Ps. 119. 14. I have rejoiced in the way of
Luke 1. 47. my spirit r. in God my saviour
10. 21. Jesus r. in spirit, and said
John 8. 56. Abraham r. to see my day

1 Cor. 7. 30. as though they r. not
Ps. 16. 9. my heart is glad, my glory rejoiceth

28. 7. Lord, my heart greatly r.
Pr. 13. 9. the light of the righteous r.

15. 30. light of the eyes r. the heart

Is. 62. 5. as a bridegroom r. over his bride
64. 5. thou meetest him that r.

1 Cor. 13. 6. r. not in iniquity, but r. in truth
James 2. 13. mercy r. against judgment
Ps. 19. 8. statutes of the Lord rejoicing heart
119. 111. they are the r. of my heart
Pr. 8. 31. r. in the habitable parts of earth
Is. 65. 18. I create Jerusalem a r. and a joy
Jer. 13. 15, 16. thy word was the r. of my
Acts 5. 41. r. that they were counted worthy
8. 39. the eunuch went on his way r.
Rom 12. 12. r. in hope, patient, 5. 2, 3.
2 Cor. 1. 12. our r. is the testimony of
6. 10. as sorrowful, yet always r.
Gal. 6. 4. he shall have r. in himself alone
Heb. 3. 6. the r. of hope, firm to the end
RELIEVE, Lev. 25. 35. Is. 1. 17. Ps. 146.

Acts 11. 20. 1 Tim. 5. 16.
RELIGION, Acts 26.5. Gal. 1. 13, 14. James
1. 26, 27.

Acts 13. 43. religious, James 1. 26.
REMAINDER, 1 Thess. 4. 13. Rev. 3. 2.

Eccl. 2. 9. Lam. 5. 19. John 1.33.
John 9. 41. therefore your sin remaineth
2 Cor. 9. 9. his righteousness r. for ever
Heb. 4. 9. there r. a rest for people of God

10. 26. there r. no more sacrifice for sin
1 John 3. 9. his seed r. in him

Ps. 76. 10. remainder of wrath restrain
REMEDY, 2 Chr. 36. 16. Pr. 6. 15. & 29. 1.
REMEMBER, Gen. 40. 23. Neh. 1. 8.
Gen. 9. 16. look upon it that I may r.
Ex. 13. 3. r. this day ye came out of Egypt
Deut. 5. 15. r. that thou wast a servant

7. 18. shalt well r. what the Lord did
8. 18. thou shalt r. the Lord thy God
9. 7. r. and forget not how thou pro-

32. 7. r. days of old, consider the years

2 Kings 20. 3. r. how I walked before thee
Ps. 20. 7. we will r. the name of the Lord

22. 27. shall r. and turn to the Lord
25. 6. r. thy mercies, 7. r. not our sins
74. 2. r. thy congregation, 18.
79. 8. r. not against us former iniquities,
Is. 64. 9. Jer. 14. 10. Hos. 8. 13.
89. 47. r. how short my time is

119. 49. r. the word unto thy servant

132. 1. r. David and all his afflictions
Eccl. 12. 1. r. thy Creator in the days of
Song 1. 4. we will r. thy love more than
Is. 43. 25. I will not r. thy sins

46. 8. r. this, and shew yourselves men
Jer. 31. 20. I do earnestly r. him still
Ezek. 16. 61. shall r.thy ways and be ashamed
63. mayest r. and be confounded
36. 31. shall r. your own evil ways

Mic. 6. 5. r. what Balak consulted
Hab. 3. 2. in wrath r. mercy
Luke 1. 72. to r. bis holy covenant

16. 25. r. thou in thy life-time receivedst
17. 32. r. Lot's wife, Gen. 19. 26.

Gal. 2. 10. that we should r. the poor
Col. 4. 18. r. my bonds

Heb. 8. 12. iniquity I will r. no more

13. 3. r. them that are in bonds

Ps. 119. 52. I r. thy Judgments of old

55. I have r. thy name in the night

Mark 6. 19. preached that men should r.
Luke 13. 3. except ye r. ye shall all perish, 5.
16. 30. went from the dead, they will


136. 23. who r. us in our low estate
137. 1. we wept, when we r. Zion
Mat. 26. 35. Peter r. the words of Jesus
Luke 24. 8. they r. his words, and returned Acts 2.38. r. and be baptized every one

John 2. 17. his disciples r. that it was written
Rev. 18. 5. God hath r. her iniquities
Ps. 103. 14. he r. we are but dust
Lam. 1. 9. she r. not her last end

3. 19. remembering, 1 Thess. 1.3.
1 Kings 17. 18. call my sin to remembrance
Ps. 6. 5. in death there is no r. of thee
Is. 26. 8. r. of thee, 43. 26. put me in r.
Lam. 3. 20. my soul hath them in r.
Mal. 3. 16. in a book of r. was written

Luke 1. 54. he hath holpen Israel in r. of his

22. 19. this do in r. of me, 1 Cor. 11.
24, 25.

17. 3. if he r. forgive him, 4.

3. 19. r. and be converted, that your sins
8. 22. r. of this thy wickedness
17. 30. commandeth all men to r.
26. 20. should r. and turn to God
Rev. 2. 5. remember whence fallen and r.

16. r. or I will come unto thee quickly
21. I gave her space to r. of fornica-


3. 19. be zealous and r.

Gen. 6. 6. repented the Lord, Ex. 32. 14. Judg.
2. 18. 2 Sam. 24. 16. Joel 2. 13.
Jer. 8. 6. no man r. him of his wickedness
Mat. 21. 29. afterwards he r. and went

27. 3. Judas r. himself, and brought the
Luke 15. 7. over one sinner that repenteth
Jer. 15. 6. repenting, Hos. 11. 8.

John 14. 26. bring all things to your r.
Acts 10. 31. thy alms are had in r.
2 Tim. 1. 6. put in r. 2. 14. 2 Pet. 1. 12. & 3. Hos 13. 14. repentance hid from my eyes
1. Jude 5.

Rev. 16. 19. Babylon came in r. before God
REMIT sins, they shall, John 20. 23.
Mat. 26. 28. remission of sins, Mark 1. 4.
Luke 1. 77. & 3. 3. & 24. 47. Acts 2. 38. &
10. 43. Rom. 3. 25. Heb. 9. 22. & 10. 18.
REMNANT, Lev. 2. 3. Deut. 3. 11.
2 Kings 19. 4. lift up thy prayer for the r.
Ezra 9. 8. leave us a r. to escape
Is. 1. 9. except the Lord left us a small r.

10. 21. a r. shall return, 22.
Jer. 15. 11. it shall be well with thy r.

23. 3. I will gather the r. of my flock
Ezek. 6. 8. yet will I leave a r.
Rom. 9. 27. a r. shall be saved, 11. 5.
REMOVE thy stroke from me, Ps. 39. 10.
119. 22. r. from me reproach and contempt
29. r. from me the way of lying

Pr. 4. 27. r. thy foot from evil

23. 10. r. not the old land-mark
30. 8. r. far from me vanity and lies
Eccl. 11. 10. r. sorrow from thy heart
Mat. 17. 20. r. hence, and it shall r.
Luke 22. 42. if willing r, this cup from me
Rev. 2. 5. I will r. thy candlestick
Ps. 103. 12. so far he removed our iniquity
Pr. 10. 30. the righteous shall never be r.
Is. 30. 20. teachers not be r. into a corner
Ezek. 36. 17. as uncleanness of a r. woman
Gal. 1. 6. so soon r. from him that calleth you
RENDER vengeance, Deut. 32. 41, 43.
2 Chr. 6. 30. r. to every man according to his

Job 33. 26. he will r. to man bis righteousness
34. 11. work of a man shall he r. to him

Ps. 116. 12. what shall I r. to the Lord
Pr. 26. 16. than men that can r. a reason
Hos. 14. 2. r. the calves of our lips
Mat. 22. 21. r. to Cesar the things which
Rom. 13. 7. r. to all their dues

1 Thess. 5. 15. that none r. evil for evil, 3. 9.
2 Chr. 30. 25. Hezekiah rendered not again
RENEW right spirit within me, Ps. 51. 10.
Is. 40. 31. wait on Lord shall r. their strength
Heb. 6. 6. to r. them again to repentance
Ps. 103. 5. thy youth is renewed like eagles'
2 Cor. 4. 16. inward man is r. day by day
Eph. 4. 23. be r. in spirit of your mind
Col. 3. 10. r. in knowledge, image of him
Ps. 104. 30. thou renewest face of the earth
Rom. 12. 2. renewing, Tit. 3. 5.
RENOUNCED hidden things, 1 Cor. 4. 2.
RENOWN, Ezek. 34. 29. & 39. 13.
Is. 14. 20. renowned, Ezek. 23. 23.
REND heavens and come, Is. 64. 1.
Joel 2. 13. r. hearts and not your garments
Jer. 4. 30. though thou rendest thy face with
REPAIRER of breaches, Is. 58. 12.
REPAY, Job 21. 31. & 41. 11.

Deut. 7. 10. he will r. him to his face
Is. 59. 18. according to their deeds he r.

Neh. 13. 14. r. me, 22. 31. Ps. 25. 7. & 106. 4. Rom. 12. 19. vengeance is mine, I will r.
Luke 23. 43.

Ps. 63. 6. I remember, 143. 5.

Pr. 13. 21. to the righteous good be repaid
REPENT of this evil, Exod. 32. 12.

Num. 23. 19. not son of man that he should r.

Jer. 2. 2. for-the kindness of thy youth
Lev. 26. 43. I will remember my covenant, 45. Deut. 32. 36. Lord shall r. himself for ser-
Ezek. 16. 60.

Ps. 79. 11.-the works of the Lord

Jer. 31. 34.-their sin no more, 43. 25.

Gen. 8 1. God remembered Noah

19. 29. God r. Abraham, and sent Lot
30. 22. God r. Rachel, 1 Sam. 1. 19.

Exod. 2. 24. God r. his covenant with Abra
ham, 6. 5.

Num. 10. 9. shall be r. before the Lord
Ps. 77. 3. I r. God, and was troubled
78. 39. he r. they were but flesh
98. 3. he hath r. his mercy and truth
105. 8. he r. his covenant for ever


1 Sam. 15. 29. not a man, that he should r.
1 Kings 8. 47. r. and make supplication
Job 42. 6. I abhor, and r. in dust and ashes
Ps. 90. 13. let it r. thee, concerning thy ser-


135. 14. he will r. himself concerning
Jer. 18. 8. I will r. of evil I thought to do
Ezek. 14. 6. r. and return from, 18. 30.
Joel 2. 14. if he will r. and leave a blessing
Jonah 3. 9. can tell if God will turn and r.
Mat. 3. 2. r. for kingdom of heaven, 4. 17.
Mark 1. 15. r. and believe the gospel

Mat. 3. 8. fruits meet for r. Luke 3. 8.

11. I baptized you with water unto r.
9. 13. not to call righteous but sinners

to r.

Mark 1. 4. baptism of r. Luke 3. 3.
Luke 15. 7. just persons need no r.

24.47. that r. and remission be preached
Acts 5. 31. give r. to Israel and forgiveness
11. 18. hath God to Gentiles granted r.
13. 24. preached baptism of r. to all

20. 21. testifying r. towards God, and
Rom. 2. 4. goodness of God leadeth thee to r.
11. 29. gifts of God are without r.
2 Cor. 7. 10. godly sorrow worketh r. to
Heb. 6. 1. not laying foundation of r.

12. 17. found no place of r. though he
2 Pet. 3. 9. but that all should come to r.
REPETITIONS vain, Mat. 6. 7.
REPLIEST against God, Rom. 9. 20.
REPORT, evil, Gen. 37.2. Num. 13. 32. &
14.37. Neh. 6. 13.

Ex. 23. 1. should not raise a false r.
Pr. 15. 30. a good r. maketh bones fat

Is. 53. 1. who hath believed our r. John 12.
38. Rom. 10. 16.

2 Cor. 6. 8. by evil r. and good r.
1 Tim. 3. 7. a good r. of them, who are
Heb. 11. 2. obtained a good r.
REPROACH, Josh. 5. 9. Neh. 1.3. Ps. 60.7.
Prov. 18. 3. Is. 54. 4. Jer. 31. 19. Heb. 13.
13. Gen. 30. 23. Luke 1. 25.

Job 27. 6. my heart shall not r. me
Ps. 15. 3. taketh up a r. against neighbour

20. r. hath broken my heart, 119. 22.

Prov. 14. 34. sin is a r. to any people
Is. 51. 7. fear ye not the r. of men
Joel 2. 17. give not thine heritage to r.
Zeph. 3. 18. to whom r. of it was a burden
Heb. 11. 26. esteeming the r. of Christ
Ps. 69. 9. r. of them that reproached thee
2 Cor. 12. 10. I take pleasure in reproaches
Pr. 14. 31. reproacheth his Maker, 17. 5.
1 Pet. 4. 14. if reproached for name of Christ
REPROBATE, Jer. 6.30. Rom. 1. 28. 2 Cor.

13. 5, 6, 7. 2 Tim. 3. 8. Tit. 1. 16.
REPROOF, astonished at, Job 26. 11.
Prov. 1. 23. turn ye at my r. I will pour
25. would none of my r. 30.
10. 17. he that refuseth r. erreth
12. 1. he that hateth r. is brutish
13. 18. he that regardeth r. shall be ho-


15. 5. he that regardeth r. is prudent
10. he that hateth r. shall die

31. heareth rabideth among the wise
32. heareth r. getteth understanding
17. 10. r. entereth more into a wise man
29. 15. the rod and r. give wisdom
2 Tim. 3. 16. scripture is profitable for r.
Ps. 38. 14. reproofs, Prov. 6. 23.

50. 21. I will reprove thee, and set them
141. 5. let him r. me, and it shall be an
Pr. 9. 8. r. not a scorner, lest he hate thee
Hos. 4. 4. let no man strive, nor r. another
John 16. 8. r. world of sin, righteousness.

Eph. 5. 11. works of darkness but r. them
Ps. 105. 14, he reproved kings for their sakes
Prov. 29. 1. he that being often r. hardeneth
John 3. 20. lest his deeds should be r.
Eph. 5. 13. all things that are r. are manifest
Is. 29. 21. snare for him that reprovethin
Prov. 9. 7. he that r. a scorner, getteth shame,
15. 12. scorner loveth not one that r. him,
25. 12. тергоor, Ezek. 3. 26.

REPUTATION, Eccl. 10. 1. Acts 5.34. Gal.
2.2. Phil. 2. 7. 29.
REQUEST, Ps. 106. 15. Phil. 4. 6.

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