PRICE, Lev. 25. 16. Deut 23. 18. Job 28. 13. man knoweth not the p. of it Acts 5. 2. kept back part of the p. Ps. 10. 2 wicked in his p. doth persecute 16. 49. iniquity of Sodom, p. and ful ness 1 Cor. 2. 6. wisdom of p. of this world 8. none of the p. of this world knew Pr. 4. 7. wisdom is the principal thing Heb. 5. 12. principles, 6. 1. Is. 42. 7. bring ont prisoners from the p. 53. 8. he was taken from p. and judgment 61. 1. open of p. to them that are bound Mat. 5. 25. and thou be cast into p. 18. 30. cast into p. till he should pay all 25. 36. I was in p. and ye came to me 1 Pet. 3. 19. preached unto spirits in p. 102. 20. to hear the groaning of the p. Job 3. 18. there the prisoners rest together 146. 7. the Lord looseth the p. Dan. 4. 37. those that walk in p. he can Obad. 3. p. of thy heart deceived thee 1 Tim. 3. 6. lest lifted up with p. he fall 1 John 2. 16. lust of eyes and p. of life PRIEST, Gen. 14. 18. Ex. 2. 16. Lev. 6. 20, 26. & 5. 6. & 6. 7. & 12. 8. Is. 24. 2. as with the people, so with the p. 28. 7. p. and prophet have erred Jer. 23. 11. prophet and p. are profane Ezek. 7. 26. law shall perish from p. Hos. 4. 4. like those that strive with p. 9. like people, like p. Mal. 2. 7. p. lips should keep knowledge Lev. 21. 10. high priest, Heb. 2. 17. & 3. 1. & Ps. 132. 9. let thy priests be clothed 16. I will clothe her p. with salvation Is. 61. 6. ye shall be named p. of the Lord Jer. 5. 31. p. bear rule by their means 31. 14. satisfy soul of p. with fatness Ezek. 22. 26. p. have violated my law Joel 1. 9. p. Lord's ministers mourn, 2. 17. Mic. 3. 11. the p. teach for hire Mat. 12. 5. p. in the temple profane the sab Acts 6. 7. great company of p. obedient Heb. 7. 24. he hath an unchangeable p. Gen. 32. 28. as a p. hast power with God Ezek. 34. 21. my servant David, a p. among Dan. 10. 21. Michael your p. 12. 1. great p. 14. 30. p. of world cometh and hath no- Acts 3. 15. ye killed the p. of life 5. 31. to be a p. and a Saviour Eph. 2. 2. according to p. of the power of Rev. 1. 5. Jesus p. of kings of the earth 21. pours contempt on p. Ps. 107. 40. 34. 18. is it fit to say to p. ye are ungodly 19. to him that accepteth not person of p. Ps. 45. 16. whom thou makest p. in all earth 161. p. persecuted me without cause 17. 26. not good to strike p. for equity 28. 2. for transgressions of land, many are p. of it 31. 4. not for p. to drink strong drink Ps. 10. 8. privily, 11. 2. & 101.5. Acts 16. 37. PRIZE, 1 Cor. 9. 24. Phil. 3. 14. Mat. 15. 19. out of heart p. evil thoughts 2 Tim. 3. 9. they shall p. no further John 8. 42. I p. forth and came from God John 15. 26. Spirit of truth which p. from the Father. Jam. 3. 10. out of same mouth p. blessing 34. 6. Prov. 20. 6. most men will p. their own good ness Is. 61. 1. to p. liberty to the captives 2. to p. the acceptable year of Lord PROCURED, Jer. 2. 17. & 4. 18. Amos 2. 7. to p. my holy name 4. 7. refuse p. and old wives' fables 11. Judah hath p. the holiness of Lord PROFESS, Deut. 26. 3. Tit. 1. 16. 1 Tim. 6. 12. profession, 13. Heb. 3. 1. & 4. 14. PROFIT, Pr. 11. 23. Eccl. 7. 11. Jer. 16. 19. 1 Sam. 12. 21. not profit, Job 33. 27. & 34. 9. Job 22. 2. profitable, Eccl. 10. 10. Acts 20. 20. 1 Tim. 4. 15. thy profiting appear PROMISE, Num. 14. 34. Neh. 5. 12. Rom. 4. 16. that the p. might be sure to all 9. 8. children of p. 9. Gal. 4. 28. Eph. 1. 13. sealed with that holy Spirit of p. 1 Tim. 4. 8. p. of the life, 2 Tim. 1. 1. 6. 17. heirs of his p. 11. 9. 9. 15. might receive p. of eternal life 2 Pet. 3. 4. where is the p. of his coming 1 John 2. 25. p. he promised eternal life, Luk 1.72. Rom. 1. 2. & 4. 21. Tit. 1. 2. Heb 10. 23. & 11. 11. & 12. 26. Rom. 9. 4. to whom pertain the promises 15. 8. to confirm p. made to the fathers 2 Cor. 1. 20. all the p. of God are, yea and amen 7. 1. having these p. let us cleanse our- Gal. 3. 21. is the law against the p. 11. 17. he that had received p. 1 Kings 22. 8. doth not prophesy good, 18. Amos 2. 12. p. not, 3. 8. who can but p. 14. 1. but rather that ye may p. Rev. 10. 11. thou must p. again before many Num. 11. 25. they prophesied and did not cease 11. 13. law and the prophets p. until John John 11. 51. he p. that Jesus should die Ezra 6. 14. prophesying, 1 Cor. 11. 4. & 14. 6, Gen. 20. 7. he is a prophet, and shall pray 18. raise them up a p. from among 2 Kings 5. 13. if the p. had bid thee do some great thing Ps. 74. 9. there is no more any p. Ezek. 33. 33. then shall they know that a p. Hos. 9. 7. p. is a fool, spiritual man mad 11. 9. see a p and more than a p. Luke 7. 28. there is not a greater p. 13. 33. a p. perish out of Jerusalem 24. 19. p. mighty in deed and in word John 7. 40. this is the p. 1. 21. & 6. 14. 52. out of Galilee ariseth no p. Acts 3. 22. a p. shall the Lord raise 23. will not hear that p. shall be de- Tit. 1. 12. even a p. of their own, said voice, forbade the madness of the p. P 23. 26. they are p. of the deceit of their Zeph. 3. 4. her p. are treacherous persons 7. 12. this is the law and the p. day 8. 4. they made p. and I knew it not Mat. 20. 25. p. of the Gentiles exercise author. 105. 42. he remembered his holy p. Luke 24. 49. I send the p. of my Father Acts 1. 4. wait for the p. of the Father 2. 39. p. is to you, and to your children 22. 40. on these hang all the law and Luke 1. 70. spake by mouth of holy p. Acts Ps. 95. 9. they p. me, and saw, Heb. 3. 9. 5. 18. 2 Pet. 1. 20. 6. 23. so did their fathers to the p. 16. 29. they have Moses and the p. 31. if they hear not Moses and the prophets 24. 25. to believe all that the p. 27. 44. John 8. 52. Abraham is dead, and p. are Acts 3. 25. ye are the children of the p. 10. 43. to him give all the p. witness 22. things which the p. and Moses Rom. 1. 2. which he had promised afore by his p. in the holy scriptures 3. 21. righteousness being witnessed by the law, and the p. 1 Cor. 12. 28. God hath set some in the church, first apostles; secondarily p. 29. Eph. 2. 20. are built upon the foundation of the apostles and p. 4. 11. he gave some apostles and some p. 1 Cor. 14.32. spirit of p. are subject to p. 1 Thess. 2. 15. who killed their own p. Heb. 1. 1. God spake to the fathers by p. James 5. 10. take p. for example of suffering 1 Pet. 1. 10. of which salvation the p. have inquired and searched diligently Rev. 18. 20. rejoice over her, ye apostles and prophets 22. 6. Lord God of holy p. sent his angel 9. fellow servants and of brethren the p. PROPITIATION, Rom. 3.25. 1 John 2. 2. & PROPORTION of faith, Rom. 12. 6. 4. 10. Acts 9. 2. proving, Eph. 5. 10. PROVERB and a by word, Deut. 28. 37. Lam. 3. 11. pull in pieces, Acts 23. 10. Is. 14. 4. thou shalt take up this p. against, John 16. 25. spoken in p. 29. no p. 30. 30. when shall I p. for my own house Ps. 78. 20. can be p. flesh for his people 65. 3. a people that p. me to anger not p. themselves 44. 8. ye p. me to wrath with your works Luke 11. 53. to p. him to speak of many Rom. 10. 19. p. you to jealousy, 11. 11, 14. 1 Cor. 10. 22. do we p. the Lord to jealousy Eph. 6. 4. fathers p. not your children PROSELYTE, Mat. 23. 15. Acts 2. 10. & 6.5. Heb. 3. 16. when they had heard, did p. PROSPER, Gen. 24. 40. Neh. 1. 11. 122. 6. they shall p. that love thee 55. 11. shall p. in the thing whereto I Jer. 12. 1. wherefore doth the way of wicked prosper 23. 5. a King shall reign and p. 1 Cor. 16. 2. as God hath prospered him 3 John 2. p. even as thy soul prospereth Job 36. 11. spend their days in prosperity 1 Kings 10. 7. thy wisdom and p. exceedeth Ps. 30. 6. in my p. I shall never be moved 73. 3. when I saw the p. of the wicked 118. 25. save now, O Lord, send now p. 122. 7. p. be within thy palaces, 35. 27. Pr. 1. 32. p. of fools shall destroy them Eccl. 7. 14. in day of p. be joyful Jer. 22. 21. I spake to thee in thy p. Gen. 24. 21. journey prosperous, Josh. 1. 8. Ps. 45. 4. Rom. 1. 10. PROTEST, Gen. 43. 3. 1 Sam. 8. 9. Jer. 11. 7. Zech. 3. 6. 1 Cor. 15. 31. PROUD, Job 9. 13. & 26. 12. & 38. 11. & 40. 11, 12. Ps. 12. 3. Ps. 40. 4. respecting not the p. nor such as 101. 5. a p. heart I will not suffer 138. 6. the p. he knoweth afar off Pr. 6. 17. a p. look and lying tongue 21. 4. high look and p. heart, 28. 25. Eccl. 7. 8. patient is better than p. in spirit Mal. 3. 15. we call the p. happy Luke 1. 51. scattered the p. in imagination 33. 8. Holy One, thou didst p. at Mas sah 10. 24. to p. unto love and good works Num. 16. 30. these have provoked the Lord 14. 23. neither any which p. me Deut. 9. 8. ye p. the Lord to wrath, 22. 1 Sam. 1. 6. her adversary p. her sore 1 Kings 14. 22. p. him to jealousy with sins 2 Kings 23. 26. because Manasseh had p. 1 Chr. 21. 1. Satan p. David to number Ezra 5. 12. our fathers had p. God to wrath Ps. 78. 56. tempted, and p. the Most High 106. 7. p. him at Red Sea, 43. they p. him 33. because they p. his Spirit Zech. 8. 14. when your fathers p. me to 1 Cor. 13. 5. not easily p. thinketh no evil 2 Cor. 9. 2. your zeal hath p. very many Deut. 32. 19. provoking, 1 Kings 14. 15. & 16. 7. Ps. 78. 17. Gal. 5. 26. PRUDENT in matters, 1 Sam. 16. 18. Pr. 12. 16. a p. man covereth shame 23. a p. man concealeth knowledge 13. 16. every p. man dealeth with know. ledge 14. 18. wisdom of the p. is to understand 79. 9. p. away our sins for thy name's sake Mal. 3. 3. shall purify and p. them as goid Mat. 3. 12. thoroughly p. his floor 1 Cor. 5. 7. p. the old leaven 15. 5. he that regardeth reproof is p. 16. 21. the wise in heart shall be called p. 2 Tim. 2. 21. if a man p. himself from these 18. 15. heart of p. getteth knowledge 19. 14. a p. wife is from the Lord 22. 3. a p. man forseeth the evil, 27. 12. Is. 5. 21. wo to them that are p. in own Jer. 49. 7. is counsel perished from the p. Hos. 14. 9. who is p. and he shall know Amos 5. 13. p. shall keep silent in evil time Mat. 11. 25. hid these things from wise and p. 1 Cor. 1. 19. I will bring to nothing the understanding of the p Is. 52. 13. my servant shall deal prudently 2 Chr. 2. 12. endued with prudence and understanding, Pr. 8. 12. Eph. 1. 8. PSALM, 1 Chr. 16. 7. Ps. 81. 2. & 98.5. Acts 13. 33. 1 Cor. 14. 26. 1 Chr. 16. 9. sing psalms unto him, Ps. 105. 2. 11. 19. friend of p. and sinners 21. 31. p. go into kingdom of God before 32. p. and harlots believed him Luke 3. 12. came also publicans to be baptized Is. 22. 19. pull down, Jer. 1. 10. & 18.7 & Ezek. 17. 9. pull up. Amos 9. 15. 13. 11. I will p. the world for their evd Jer. 9. 25. p. all circumcised with uncircum cised Hos. 4. 14. I will not p. your daughters 12. 2. will p. Jacob according to his Ezra 9. 13. hast p. us less than we deserve 2 Thess. 1. 9. shall be p. with destruction 2 Pet. 2. 9. reserve the unjust to be p. 1 Kings 10. 1. she came to p. him with Rom. 12. 2. may p. what is the will of God Ps. 17. 3. thou hast proved my heart 66. 10. thou, O God, hast p. us as silver Lev. 26. 41. accept the p. of their iniquity 28. Eph. 1. 14. 1 Tim. 3. 13. 2 Sam. 22.27. with the p. thou wilt shew thyself p. Ps. 22. 27. Job 4. 17. can man be more p. than his Maker 25. 5. stars are not p. in his sight Pr. 15. 26. words of the p. are pleasant 12. a generation p. in their own eyes 1 Tim. 3. 9. mystery of faith in p. conscience Tit. 1. 15. to the p. all things are p. 3. 17. wisdom from above is first p 65. 3. our transgressions, thou shalt p. them away 7. 29. the p. justified God Mark 13. 10. gospel must first be published 13. 4. Col. 2. 18. PULL out, Ps. 31. 4. Jer. 12. 3. Mat. 7. 4. Heb. 9. 14. p. your conscience from dead Pr. 16. 6. by mercy iniquity is purged 27. 9. by this shall iniquity of Jacob be p. Ezek. 24. 13. because I p. thee, and thou wast not p. thou shalt not be p. from thy James 4. 8. p. your hearts ye double-minded 1 Pet. 1. 22. have p. your souls in obeying 1 John 3. 3. purificth himself as he is p Job 33. 17. withdrawn man from his p. 9. mystery which he p. in himself 3. 11. the eternal p. which he p. in Christ 2 Tim. 1. 9. according to his own p Pr. 11. 19. he that pursueth evil, p. it to PUT, Gen. 2. 8. & 3. 15, 22. Neh. 2. 12. what God p. in my heart, 7.5. 38. 36. hath p. wisdom in the inward Ps. 4. 7. hast p. gladness in my heart 9. 20. p. them in fear that they may Rom. 8. 11. q. your mortal bodies by the QUICKLY, Ex. 32. 8. Deut. 11. 17. 32. 40. I will p. my fear in their hearts 26. Mic. 7. 5. p. not confidence in a guide Job 34. 29. when he giveth q. who then Eccl. 4. 6. better is a handful with q. 32. 17. effect of righteousness shall be q. 19. 6. what God joined, let no man p. 2 Thess. 3. 12. exhort with q. they work Luke 1. 52. p. down mighty from their 13. 46. seeing you p. the gospel from you Eph. 4. 22. p. off the old man, Col. 3. 9. 59. 17. he-righteousness as a breast-plate Christ Gal. 3. 27. baptized into Christ have-Christ 6. 11. the whole armour of God Col. 3. 12.-bowels of mercies, 14.-charity, Num. 22. 38. word that God putteth in mouth Ps. 15. 5. that p. not out money to usury QUIT you like men, 1 Sam. 4. 9. 1 Cor. 16. 13. QUIVER full of them, Ps. 127. 5. R. RABBI, Mat. 23. 7, 8. John 20. 16. Is. 44. 26. r. up decayed places thereof 58. 12. r. up the foundations of many 1 Cor. 6. 14. God hath r. up the Lord, and will r. up us 2 Cor. 4. 14. he that r. up the L. Jesus, shall 1 Sam. 2. 8. he raiseth up the poor out of 145. 14. r. up those that he bowed down 36. 18. great r. cannot deliver thee 13. 8. r. of man's life are his riches Ps. 36. 5. faithfulness reacheth to clouds RACE, Ps. 19. 5. Eccl. 9. 11. 1 Cor. 9. 24. Phil. 3. 13. reaching forth to those things RAGE, 2 Kings 5. 12. 2 Chr. 16. 10. Pr. 6. 34. jealousy is the r. of a man 29. 9. whether he r. or laugh is no rest Pr. 14. 16. the fool rageth, is confident RAILER, or drunkard, 1 Cor. 5. 11. 1 Tim. 6. 4. railing, 1 Pet. 3. 9. 75. 7. God p. down one, and setteth up 2 Pet. 2. 11. r. accusation, Jude 9. Song 2. 13. p. forth green figs Lam. 3. 29. he p. his mouth in the dust Mic. 3. 5. that p. not into their mouths Mal. 2. 16. he hateth putting away RAIMENT to put on, Gen. 28. 20. Eph. 4. 25. p. away lying, speak every man Mat. 6. 26. body more than r. 28. Col. 2. 11. in p. off the body of sins 1 Thess. 5. 8. p. on the breast-plate of faith 1 Pet. 3. 3. wearing of gold or p. on of ap- 21. not p. away of the filth of the Q. 11. 8. man clothed in soft r. READ in audience of, Ex. 24. 27. 1 Thess. 5. 27. that this epistle be r. Col. 4. 16 Neh. 8. 8. reading, 1 Tim. 4. 13. 86. 5. thou Lord art good, and r. to forgive 17. 2. his r. was white as the light Hos. 10. 13. ploughed wickedness r. iniquity Deut. 32. 2. my doctrine drop as the r. 1 Kings 8. 35. no r. because they sinned Job 5. 10. who giveth r. on the earth Rev. 14. 16. the earth was reaped, 15. Is. 41. 21. bring forth your strong r. QUAILS, Ex. 16. 13. Num. 11. 31. Song 6. 8. Jer. 44. 17, 24. Rev. 18. 7. 21. 17. that thou q. not light of Israel QUESTION, Mark 12. 34. 1 Cor. 10. 25. 4. & 6. 4. 2 Tim. 2. 23. 80. 18. q. us and we will call on thy name 37. q. me in thy way, 40.-thy righ- 28. 26. he made a decree for the r. 72. 6. he shall come down like r. 147. 8. who prepareth r. for the earth 5. 6. clouds that they r. no r. upon it Jer. 5. 24. fear the Lord who giveth r. 14. 22. vanities of Gentiles that can r. Zech. 10. 1. ask of the Lord r. in time of lat- of r. 14. 17. upon them shall be no r. 1 Pet. 3. 15. asketh a r. of the hope in you Job 24. 13. of those that r. against light 63. 10. they r. and vexed his holy Spirit also Is. 30. 9. this a r. people, lying children 50. 5. I was not r. nor turned away back REBUKE thy neighbour, Lev. 19. 17. Mat. 5. 45. sendeth r. on the just and on the 2 Kings 19. 3. a day of r. and blasphemy Heb. 6. 7. earth which drinketh in the r. Ps. 11. 6. on the wicked he shall r. snares Ezek. 22. 24. land not cleansed nor r. upon 88. q. me after thy loving kindness Ps. 6. 1. r. me not in anger, nor chasten 27. 5. open r. is better than secret love Mat. 16. 22. Peter began to r. him 1 Tim. 5. 1. r. not an elder, but entreat 20. them that sin r. before all Tit. 1. 13. r. them sharply, that they may 3. 15. exhort and r. with all authority 49. 15. God will redeem; he shall r. me 73. 24. guide me and after r. me to glory 75. 2. when I shall r. the congregation Hos. 14. 2. take away iniquity, r. us gracrously Mat. 10. 41. shall r. a prophet's reward 18. 5. r. one such little child in my name 19. 11. all men cannot r. this saying 21. 22. what ye ask, believing, ye shall receive Mark 4. 16. hear word, and r. it with glad ness 11. 24. believe that ye r. and ye shall f. Luke 16. 9. may r. into everlasting habıta tions John 3. 27. man can r. nothing except it 5. 44. which r. honour one of another 16. 24. ask and ye shall r. that your joy Acts 2.3. ye shall r. gift of the Holy Ghost | 7. 59. Lord Jesus r. my spirit 13. 43. he that believeth shall r. remis sion 20. 35. more blessed to give than to r. 26. 18. may r. forgiveness of sins Rom. 14. 1. him that is weak in faith r. 1 Cor. 3. 8. every man r. his own reward 2 Cor. 5. 10. may r. things done in the Prov. 11. 31. the righteous shall be r. Jer. 31. 15. Rachel r. to be comforted Hos. 11. 5. because they r. to return 1 Tim. 4. 4. is good, and nothing to be r. Jer. 3. 3. thon refusedst to be ashamed 15. 18. refuseth to be healed 19. God in Christ r. world, 20. be ye Heb. 12. 25. r. not him that speaketh r. to God Eph. 2. 16. r. both to God into one body REGARD not works of Lord, Ps. 5 102. 17. he will r. prayer of the destitute 19. committed to us the word of r. Job 16. 19. my witness and my r. is on 2 Cor. 1. 23. I call God for a r. Phil. 1. 8. 13. 18. he that r. reproof shall be honoured 15. 5. he that r. reproof is prudent REJECT, Mark 6. 26. Gal. 4. 14. Mark 7. 9. ye r. the commandment of God Tit. 3. 10. after first and second admonitionr. 1 Sam. 8. 7. have not rejected thee; but have 6. 1. r. not the grace of God in vain Gal. 3. 14. r. promise of Spirit through faith 4. 5. we might r. the adoption of sons Eph. 6. 8. same shall he r. of the Lord Col. 3. 24. r. the reward of inheritance Jam. 1. 21. r. with meekness, engrafted word 2 Sam. 4. 9. hath r. my soul out of all adversity 3. 1. r. greater condemnation 1 Pet. 5 4. ye shall r. a crown of glory 16. 25. hast r. thy good things and John 1. 11. own r. him not, 12. many r. 16. of his fulness have we all r. Acts 8. 17. they r. the Holy Ghost, 17. 11. r. word 20. 24. which I r. of Lord, 1 Cor. 11. 23. Rom. 5. 11. Christ by whom have r. atone ment 8. 15. have r. the Spirit of adoption 1 Tim. 3. 16. r. up into glory, Mark 16. 19. Heb. 11. 13. not having r. the promises Mat. 7. 8. every one that asketh, r. 10. 40. he that r. you, r. me; and he that r. me, r. him that sent me 13. 20. hears the word, and anon r. it with joy John 3. 32. no man r. his testimony 12. 48. rejecteth me, r. not my words 1 Cor. 2. 14. natural man r. not things of Phil. 4. 15. in giving and receiring, but ye Heb. 12. 28. we r. a kingdom whereby 1 Pet. 1. 9. r. the end of your faith, salvation RECKONED, Ps. 40. 5. Is. 38. 13. Luke 22. 37. Rom. 4. 4, 9, 10. & 6. 11. & 8. 18. RECOMPENCE, Prov. 12. 14. Is. 35. 4. Ps. 136. 24. hath r. us from our enemies, 31.5. 51. 11. the r. of the Lord shall return 14. 4. these were r. from among men Eph. 5. 16. redeeming the time, Col. 4. 5. 78. 35. the high God was their R. Prov. 23. 11. their R. is mighty 111. 9. he sent r. unto his people Luke 2. 38. that looked for r. in Jerusalem 8. 23. waiting for the r. of our body teousness r. Eph. 1. 7. in whom we have r. Col. 1. 14. 14. until r. of the purchased possession Heb. 9. 12. having obtained eternal r. for us REFORMATION, Heb. 9. 10. Jer. 25. 14. I will r. your iniquities, 16. 18. Deut. 33. 27. eternal God is thy r. Нов. 12. 2. Rom. 12. 17. r. to no man evil for evil Is. 34. 8. it is the year of r. for Zion 66. 6. render r. to his enemies, 59. 18. ward 10. 25. confidence hath great r.of reward Num. 5. 8. trespass be recompensed to L. г. ще Ps. 9. 9. the Lord will be r. for the oppressed, 57. 1. God is my r. and, 59. 16. & 62. 7. & 46. 1. God is our r. 7. 11. & 62. 8. 118. 22. the stone which the builders r. 5. 3. they have r. to receive correction r. me Is. 53. 3. he is despised and r. of men 6. 19. r. my law, 8. 9. r. word of the Lond Hos. 4. 6. hast r. knowledge, I will r. thee Exod. 15. 16. Lord shall r. ever, P. 146. 10. Luke 19. 14. not have this man to r. over Lord 1 Cor. 4. 8. would to God ye did r. 22. 5. they shall r. for ever and ever Rom. 5. 14. death reigned from Adam to Moses 21. that as sinr. unto death so might Rev. 20. 4. they lived and r. with Christ a thousand years 1 Chr. 20. 12. thou reignest over all Ps. 7. 9. God trieth hearts and r. 296. 2. Jer 16. 7. my r. instruct me in the night Pr. 23. 16. my r. shall rejoice to r. 68. 3. let the righteous r. before God 48.11. 119. 162. I r. at thy word as one findeth Pr. 5. 18. r. with the wife of thy youth 21. 17. r. not when thine enemy falleth Eccl. 11. 9. r. O young man, in thy youth Is. 29. 19. the poor among men shall r. 62. 5. thy God shall r. over thee 65. 13. my servants shall r. but ye shall Jer. 32. 41. I will r. over them to do good Zeph. 3. 17. he will r. over thee with joy Luke 6. 23. r. ye in that day; leap for 10. 20. rather r. that your names are John 5. 35. willing to r. in his light 14. 28. if ye loved me ye would r. Rom. 5. 2. r. in the hope of the glory of God 12. 15. r. with them that do r. 1 Cor. 7. 30. they that r. as though r. not James 1. 9. let the brother of low degree r. Ps. 33. 1. rejoice in the Lord, 97. 12. Is. 41. 16. Ps. 119. 14. I have rejoiced in the way of 1 Cor. 7. 30. as though they r. not 28. 7. Lord, my heart greatly r. 15. 30. light of the eyes r. the heart Is. 62. 5. as a bridegroom r. over his bride 1 Cor. 13. 6. r. not in iniquity, but r. in truth Acts 11. 20. 1 Tim. 5. 16. Acts 13. 43. religious, James 1. 26. Eccl. 2. 9. Lam. 5. 19. John 1.33. 10. 26. there r. no more sacrifice for sin Ps. 76. 10. remainder of wrath restrain 7. 18. shalt well r. what the Lord did 32. 7. r. days of old, consider the years 2 Kings 20. 3. r. how I walked before thee 22. 27. shall r. and turn to the Lord 119. 49. r. the word unto thy servant 132. 1. r. David and all his afflictions 46. 8. r. this, and shew yourselves men Mic. 6. 5. r. what Balak consulted 16. 25. r. thou in thy life-time receivedst Gal. 2. 10. that we should r. the poor Heb. 8. 12. iniquity I will r. no more 13. 3. r. them that are in bonds Ps. 119. 52. I r. thy Judgments of old 55. I have r. thy name in the night Mark 6. 19. preached that men should r. repent 136. 23. who r. us in our low estate John 2. 17. his disciples r. that it was written 3. 19. remembering, 1 Thess. 1.3. Luke 1. 54. he hath holpen Israel in r. of his 22. 19. this do in r. of me, 1 Cor. 11. 17. 3. if he r. forgive him, 4. 3. 19. r. and be converted, that your sins 16. r. or I will come unto thee quickly tions 3. 19. be zealous and r. Gen. 6. 6. repented the Lord, Ex. 32. 14. Judg. 27. 3. Judas r. himself, and brought the John 14. 26. bring all things to your r. Rev. 16. 19. Babylon came in r. before God 10. 21. a r. shall return, 22. 23. 3. I will gather the r. of my flock Pr. 4. 27. r. thy foot from evil 23. 10. r. not the old land-mark Job 33. 26. he will r. to man bis righteousness Ps. 116. 12. what shall I r. to the Lord 1 Thess. 5. 15. that none r. evil for evil, 3. 9. Deut. 7. 10. he will r. him to his face Neh. 13. 14. r. me, 22. 31. Ps. 25. 7. & 106. 4. Rom. 12. 19. vengeance is mine, I will r. Ps. 63. 6. I remember, 143. 5. Pr. 13. 21. to the righteous good be repaid Num. 23. 19. not son of man that he should r. Jer. 2. 2. for-the kindness of thy youth Ps. 79. 11.-the works of the Lord Jer. 31. 34.-their sin no more, 43. 25. Gen. 8 1. God remembered Noah 19. 29. God r. Abraham, and sent Lot Exod. 2. 24. God r. his covenant with Abra Num. 10. 9. shall be r. before the Lord vants 1 Sam. 15. 29. not a man, that he should r. vant 135. 14. he will r. himself concerning Mat. 3. 8. fruits meet for r. Luke 3. 8. 11. I baptized you with water unto r. to r. Mark 1. 4. baptism of r. Luke 3. 3. 24.47. that r. and remission be preached 20. 21. testifying r. towards God, and 12. 17. found no place of r. though he Ex. 23. 1. should not raise a false r. Is. 53. 1. who hath believed our r. John 12. 2 Cor. 6. 8. by evil r. and good r. Job 27. 6. my heart shall not r. me 20. r. hath broken my heart, 119. 22. Prov. 14. 34. sin is a r. to any people 13. 5, 6, 7. 2 Tim. 3. 8. Tit. 1. 16. noured 15. 5. he that regardeth r. is prudent 31. heareth rabideth among the wise 50. 21. I will reprove thee, and set them Eph. 5. 11. works of darkness but r. them REPUTATION, Eccl. 10. 1. Acts 5.34. Gal. |