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Ainsworth, Henry. An Animadversion to Mr. Richard Clifton's Advertisement. 4to. Amsterdam. 1613.

Ainsworth, Robert. Thesaurus Linguae Latinae Compendiarius: or, a Compendious Dictionary of the Latin Tongue. 4to. London. 1736.

English and Latin Dictionary: Abridged by Thomas Morell.

3d ed. 8vo. London. 1794.

Same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1808.

Same. 7th ed. 8vo. London. 1806.

Ainsworth, Samuel. Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Dorothy Hanbury, July 13, 1642. 4to. London. 1645.

Akerly, Samuel. Address at New York, May 30, 1826, before the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, with an account of the Exercises, Notes and Documents in relation to the Subject. 8vo. New York. 1826.

Observations and correspondence on the Nature and Cure of

Deafness. 8vo. New York. 1824.

Akenside, Mark. Pleasures of the Imagination. 8vo. Portland, Maine. 1805.

The Same. 5th ed. 8vo. London.

Alabama. Acts and Laws of, for 1819. 8vo.


Aladdin. Songs, Chorusses, &c. in the Melo Dramatic Romance of. 12mo. Boston. 1818.

Alardus, Lampertus. Pathologia Sacra in Nov. Test. 16mo. Lipsiae. 1635. Alarm. Or a Plan of Pacification with America.

Freeholder.] 18mo.

Albany Library. Catalogue of, in July 1828. 12mo.

[Containing the New York

Albany, N. Y.

Institute, Transactions of, No. 1, Vol. 2. 8vo. Albany, N. Y. 1833.


Vol. 1. 8vo. Albany. 1830.

Albaspinus, Gabriel. De Veteribus Ecclesiae Ritibus, etc. 4to. Lut. Par. 1623. Alberoni. Modest Apology for Parson Alberoni, Governor to King Philip, a minor, and Universal Curate of the whole Spanish Monarchy. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1719.

The same. 2d ed. 8vo. 1724. Alberti, Julius Gustav. Sammlung einiger Predigten. 8vo. Hamburg. 1762. Alcoran, tr. from the Arabic by the Sieur De Ryer. 8vo. Springfield, Mass. 1806.

Alcott, William A. ton. 1832.

Essay on the Construction of School houses. 8vo. Bos-
On Teaching Penmanship. 8vo. Boston. 1833.
Observations on Infant Instruction. 8vo. Boston. 1830.

Alden, Timothy. (Pres.) Collection of American Epitaphs and Inscriptions, with occasional Notes. 5 vols. 12mo. New York. 1814.

Address to those migrating to the West. 8vo. 1813.
Historical Notes, in reference to the Crawford County

[Penn.] Sabbath School Union. 12mo. 1826. Letter addressed to the Germans of Pennsylvania, inviting them to aid in founding a Professorship of German Literature in Alleghany College. 12mo.





Speech at the Execution of David Lamphear. 12mo.
Alleghany Magazine. Vol. 1. 8vo. Meadville.

Memoirs of Rev. Jonathan French. 8vo. New York.

Memoirs of Rev. Charles William Colson. 12mo.
See Seaman, G.
Sermon at Portsmouth N. H. Jan. 5, 1800, on the

Death of George Washington. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1800.


Century Sermon at Portsmouth Jan. 4, 1801. 8vo.

Portsmouth. 1801.

Discourse before the Portsmouth Female Asylum,

Sept. 16, 1804. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1804.

Valedictory Discourse at Portsmouth, Aug. 11, 1805. Alden, Timothy. (Pres.) Affection for the House of God Recommended. Ded-
ication Sermon at Yarmouth, [Mass.] Jan. 1, 1795. 8vo. Boston. 1795.
Account of the several Religious Societies in Ports-

8vo. Portsmouth. 1805.

Memoirs of Edward Tyng, Esq. of Boston, and of the

Account of the several Religious Societies in Ports-

mouth, N. H. 8vo. Boston. 1808. [Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 10.]

Alexander, Archibald. Inaugural Discourse before the Theological Seminary at
Princeton, N. J. Aug. 12, 1812. 8vo. New York. 1812.

Hon. William Tyng, of Gorham. 8vo. Boston. 1808.

Sermon at Albany N. Y. Oct. 7, 1829, at the Twentieth

Annual Meeting of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.

8vo. Boston. 1830.

Alexander, Caleb. Grammatical System of the Grecian Language. 12mo.

Worcester. 1796.


cester. 1795.

New Introduction to the Latin Language. 12mo. Worces-

Grammatical System of the Latin Language. 12mo. Wor-
English Grammar abridged. 12mo. Boston. 1793.
Sermon [at Mendon, Mass.] on the Death of George Wash-

ington. 8vo. Boston. 1800.

Same. 16mo. 1767.

Same. 12mo. Elizabethtown. 1802.

Divers Practical Cases of Conscience Satisfactorily Resolved.

Allen, Paul. Oration on the Necessity of Political Union; delivered at Providence. 8vo. Providence, R. I. 1797.

Allen, Thomas. The way of the Spirit in bringing Souls to Christ, in Ten Sermons. 16mo. London. 1676.

Allen, Thomas. Sermon at Pittsfield, [Mass.] April 22, 1798, on the death of Elizabeth, wife of William P. White, who died at London, Feb. 2, 1798. 8vo. Pittsfield. 1798.

The same. 2d ed. 8vo. Pittsfield. 1799.

Sermon at Sheffield, [Mass.] Oct. 24, 1801, on the death of Moses

Allen. 8vo. Pittsfield. 1801.

Mass. Election Sermon. Svo. Boston. 1808.
Discourse occasioned by the death of Thomas Allen, Jr. Esq. at

Boston, delivered at Pittsfield, March 30, 1806. 8vo. Boston. 1806.

Historical Sketch of the County of Berkshire, and Town of Pitts

field, [Mass.] written in May, 1808. 8vo. Boston. 1808. Allen, Thomas, Jun. Oration at Pittsfield, Mass. July 4, 1803. 8vo. Pittsfield. Allen, Timothy. Salvation for All Men, Put out of all Dispute. Svo. Hartford, Conn.

Answer to Pilate's Question. (What is Truth?) 8vo. Provi

dence, R. I. 1765.

Allen, William. A Doubt resolved; or Satisfaction for Seekers. 4to. London. 1655.

Allen, William. (Pres.) 8vo. Cambridge, Mass.

American Biographical and Historical Dictionary.
Same, 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1832.
Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1813.
Sermon at Farmington. (Me.) June 26, 1822, before

the Maine Missionary Society. 8vo. Hallowell. 1822.
Wiscasset [Me.] April 18, 1832. 8vo. Brunswick. 1832.
Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 8vo. Boston.

Sermon at the Installation of Rev. Seneca White, at
Sermon at New York, Oct. 3, 1832, before the Amer.
Account of the Separation in the Church and Town of
Sermon at Williamstown, Mass. June 7, 1815. 8vo.

Pittsfield, Mass. &c. 8vo. Pittsfield. 1809.


of Mrs. Fanny Lame

Rev. Samuel Eaton.

Sermon at Pittsfield, Mass. April 3, 1814, on the death Fleury, wife of Thomas Melville, Jun. Esq. 8vo. 1814. Sermon at Harpswell, Me. Nov. 1822, on the death of 8vo. Brunswick. 1823.

Sermon at Topsham, Me. Dec. 8, 1824, at the OrdinaAccounts of Shipwrecks and other Disasters at Sea. By a Friend of Seamen. 12mo. Brunswick, Me. 1823. A Decade of Addresses from 1820 to 1829, to the Senior Classes at Bowdoin College, with an Inaugural Address, and Dudleian Lecture in Harvard University. 12mo. Boston. 1830.

tion of Jacob C. Goss. 8vo. Brunswick. 1825.

[Maine, Hist. Coll. Vol. 1.]


Account of Arnold's Expedition to Quebec in 1775.-
New Hampshire Election Sermon. 8vo. Concord.

Allen, William S. Oration at Newburyport, [Mass.) July 4, 1830. 8vo. Newburyport. 1830.

Allen, James. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1744. Allen, James. Poem on the Boston Massacre of 4th March, 1770. 12mo. Allen, James. Petition to the Massachusetts Legislature. 8vo. 1829. Allen, James. The Poem which the Committee of the Town of Boston had vot ed unanimously to be published with the late Oration; with Observations relating thereto, &c. 4to. Boston. 1772.

Allen, Ethan. Narration of his Captivity from Sept. 1775 to May 1778. 8vo. Boston. 1779.


The Same. 8vo. Norwich, Conn. 1780.

Allen, Ethan. Same. 12mo. Walpole. 1807.

and Jonas Fay. Concise Refutation of the Claims of New Hampshire and Massachusetts Bay to the Territory of Vermont, &c. 8vo. Hartford, Conn.

Allen, Ira. Statements applicable to the case of the Olive Branch, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1807.

A Concise Summary of the second volume of the Olive Branch, a Book containing an account of Governor Chittenden's giving written instructions to Gen. Ira Allen in 1795, to purchase Military Stores in Europe, for the Militia of Vermont, &c. &c. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1807.

Allen, Ira M. Triennial Baptist Register. 2 vols. 8vo. Phil. 1833. 1836.
Allen, Israel. Treatise on Scarlatina Anginosa and Dysentery and Febrile
Spasm. 12mo. Leominster, 1796.

Allen, Jonathan. Poem on the existence of God. An Ode on Creation. To
which are added several Hymns. 12mo. Haverhill, Mass. 1803.
Allen, Joseph. History of Northborough, [Mass.] See Worcester Magazine.-
Vol. 2.

,一 Fast Sermon at Northborough, April 9, 1829. 8vo. Worcester. 1829. Discourse New Year's Day at Shrewsbury, Mass. 8vo. Wor


cester. 1822.

Allen, Wilkes. History of Chelmsford, Mass. to which is added a memoir of the Pawtuckett Tribe of Indians. 8vo. Haverhill. 1820.


Divine favors gratefully recollected. Thanksgiving Discourse

at Chelmsford, Nov. 29, 1810. Svo. Cambridge. 1811. Allen, Joseph, Jun. Oration at Worcester, Mass. July 4, 1795. 4to. Worcester. 1795.

Oration at Western, Mass. Feb. 22, 1800, on the Death of

George Washington. 12mo. Brookfield. Allen, George. The Moral Providence of God. A Sermon at Shrewsbury, [Mass.] Jan. 4, 1829. 8vo. Worcester. 1829.

cester. 1832.

Address to the Freemen of Mass. By a Freeman. 8vo. Wor

Thoughts on "The Excitement," in reply to a Letter to Hon. Edward Everett. [From the Ægis & Yeoman.] 8vo. Worcester, 1833.

Allen, Samuel. Address on Intemperance, at Northfield, [Mass.] Fast Day, April
1833. 8vo. Greenfield. 1833.
Allen, Samuel C. Oration at Petersham, Mass. July 4, 1806. 8vo. Boston.
Eulogy on the Hon. John Wheelock, at Hanover, N. H. Aug.

[ocr errors]

27, 1817. 8vo. Hanover.

Allen, Benjamin. Letter to Rt. Rev. John H. Hobart. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. Aleus, Gulielmus. Vide Aley, W.

Allin, James. Thunder and Earthquake. A Loud and Awful Call to Reformation. Fast Sermon at Brooklyn, [Mass.] Nov. 1, 1727. 2d ed. 16mo. Boston. 1727.

Two Practical Discourses. 16mo. Bost. 1727.

Allen, Silas. Letter to Prof. Stuart in answer to his Letter to Dr. Channing. Svo. Boston. 1819.

Allestrey, Richard. Sermon before the King. 4to. London. 1662.

Alley, John Jun. and others. Review of the Trial of, on the Charges of Riot, &c. 8vo. 1823.

Allin, John, and Thomas Shepherd. Defence of the Answer made unto the nine Questions or Positions sent from New England. 4to. London. 1648.

—-, .


The Spouse of Christ coming out of Affliction. 4to. Cambridge.

Alline, Henry. Sermon at Fort Midway, Feb. 19, 1783. 8vo. Dover, N. H. 1797.

Allyn, John. Anniversary Sermon at Plymouth, [Mass.] Dec. 22, 1801. 8vo.
Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1805.


Almoran and Hamet. An Oriental Tale. 2 vols in one. 12mo. Litchfield, Conn. 1789.

Alphabeticum Arabicum et Syrorum Elementa. 4to. Romae. 1592.
Alsop, Richard. Poem, Sacred to the memory of George Washington.. Svo.
Hartford. 1800.

[blocks in formation]

Altenstaig, Joannes. Lexicon Theologicum. 4to. Coloniae Agrip. 1619. Althamenis, Andreas. Conciliationes Locorum Scripturae. 12mo. Virtebergae. 1582.

Althusius, Johannes. Politica, cum Oratione Panegyrica. ed. 4to. Herb. Nass. 1625.

Alting, Henricus. Scriptorum Theologicorum. 3 Tom. in 1 vol. 4to. Freistadii. 1646.

Methodus Theologiae Didacticae. 24mo. Amst. 1650.,

Alvarez, Nicasio, de Cienfuegos. Poesias de. 12mo. Valencia. 1816.
Amama, Sixtinus. Anti-barbarus Biblicus. 4to. Franequerae. 1656.
Amaranth, or Masonic Garland. Vol. 1. Svo. Boston. 1828-9.

Ambrosius, Sanctus. Opera. A Erasmo. 3 Tom. in one vol. fol. Basiliae. 1538.

Same. A Erasmo. Tom. 4 & 5. fol. Basiliae. 1567.

Ambrose and Eleanor. Tr. from the French by H. M. Williams. 12mo. Baltimore. 1799.

Ambrose, Isaac. Sermon at the funeral of Lady Margaret Houghton. 4to. London. 1658.

America. Strictures on a pamphlet entitled a friendly Address to the People of. 8vo. Boston. 1775.

America. Account of European settlements in. See Burke, Edmund.

-, North. Account of the French settlements in. By a Gentleman. 8vo

Boston. 1746.

American Anecdotes, Original and Select. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1830. America. The Glory of America; or Peace Triumphant over War: Poem. 4to. Philadelphia. 1783.

American Monitor, or the Republican Magazine for Oct. 1785. Vol. 1. No. 1. 4to. Boston.

America, North. Memoir of the Principle Transactions between the English and French in, from 1744 to the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle. Svo. Boston. 1758.

Beginning, Progress and Conclusion of the late War, with oth

er interesting matters considered. 4to. London. 1770.

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