Monthly Magazines have opened a way for every kind of inquiry and information. The intelligence and BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY MUNROE AND FRANCIS, No. 4, CORNHILL, Corner of Water-Street. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED ALSO BY THE FOLLOWING AGENTS :---HENRY WHIPPLE, SALEM Published half-monthly, at 85 per annum. ADVERTISEMENT. THE present number completes the second volume of the Atheneum, and the first year of its publication. Justice to our own feelings, not less than to the liberality of the public, demands our grateful acknowledgements for the encouragement, which prompted to the attempt, and has brightened our prospects with our success. The constant increase of patrons has gratified those views of interest, which we confess were not an inconsiderable motive to the undertaking; but we aspired to another satisfaction...that of finding our compilation approved by those, whose countenance might be considered as evidence that the selection was conducted with judgment, affording a pleasant repast to the literary reader, as well as to the greater number who are in quest of light amusement to refresh the mind after the toils of business. If we may judge of our fare, by the character of those who honour our table d'hôte, we need not fear the sneers of the fastidious critic. Thus we are not only flattered by the degree, but the kind, of success, which attends our efforts to please and be useful. Instead of exhausting our resources, and falling-off from a want of materials, our means are constantly accumulating,...affording, from month to month, a wider and richer field for selection. We trust, the tenor of our future numbers will prove our solicitude to procure and give prompt circulation to the latest and the best. Our supplies are not fortuitous; at a considerable expense, we are regularly furnished with every British work, which, from established reputation or satisfactory recommendation, we judge suited to the views of our readers, and calculated to enhance the value of the Atheneum. As to the style of the mechanical execution, we are willing this publication should be compared with the neatest of the kind. We promise no more than perseverance in critical attention to the typography, and in providing what may be necessary to the beauty and uniformity of the work. The plan of semi-monthly numbers has been much approved; we shall therefore continue it....and hope that the rigid punctuality we have hitherto observed will be considered a fair pledge for our future regularity. Boston, March 14, 1818. |