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ART. I. Memoirs, illustrative of the Life and Writings of John
Evelyn, Esq. F. R.S. Author of the 'Sylva,' &c. &c.
Comprising his Diary, from the Year 1641 to 1705-6,
and a Selection of his familiar Letters. To which is
subjoined, the private Correspondence between King
Charles I. and his Secretary of State, Sir Edward
Nicholas, whilst his Majesty was in Scotland, 1641,
and at other Times during the Civil War; also between
Sir Edward Hyde, afterwards Earl of Clarendon, and
Sir Richard Browne, Ambassador to the Court of
France, in the Time of Charles I. and the Usurpa-
tion. The whole now first published, from the ori-
ginal MSS. in two vols. Edited by William Bray,
Esq. Fellow and Treasurer of the Society of Anti-
quaries of London.
II. Notes on a Journey in America, from the Coast of Virginia
to the Territory of Illinois. By Morris Birkbeck, Au-
thor of Notes on a Tour in France.'
III. 1. A Treatise upon the Poor Laws. By T. P. Courtenay,
- 1
2. Remarks on a Course of Education designed to pre-
pare the Youthful Mind for a Career of Honour,
Patriotism, and Philanthropy. By Thomas Myers,
A. M. of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich,
3. A Summary View of the Report and Evidence relative
to the Poor Laws, published by Order of the House of
Commons, with Observations and Suggestions. By S.
W. Nicoll.
4. A Letter to the Common Council and Livery of the
City of London on the Abuses existing in Newgate,
&c. By the Hon. H. G. Bennet, M. P.
IV. Letters from the Hon. Horace Walpole to George Mon-
tagu, Esq. from the Year 1736 to 1770.
V. A Sketch of the Military and Political Power of Russia, in
the Year 1817. Fourth Edition.
VI. Travels in Egypt, Nubia, Holy Land, Mount Libanon, and
Cyprus, in the Year 1814. By Henry Light, Captain
in the Royal Artillery
Addendum to Light's Travels.'
VII. Endymion: A Poetic Romance. By John Keats.
- 131
- 178
VIII. Greenland, the adjacent Seas, and the North-West Pas-
sage to the Pacific Ocean; illustrated in a Voyage to
Davis's Strait during the Summer of 1817. By Ber-
nard O'Reilly, Esq.
IX. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Canto IV. By Lord Byron. 215
X. Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey.
Edited from Manuscript Journals, by Robert Walpole,
M. A.
XI. Woman: a Poem. By the Author of The Heroine.' 246
XII. The Holy Bible, newly translated from the original He-
brew; with Notes critical and explanatory.
John Bellamy, Author of 'The History of all Re-
Quarterly List of New Publications.
· 250
· 282
ART. I. Iceland; or the Journal of a Residence in that Island, during
the Years 1814 and 1815, containing Observations on the Natural
Phenomena, History, Literature, and Antiquities of the Island; and
the Religion, Character, Manners, and Customs of its Inhabitants.
By Ebenezer Henderson, Doctor in Philosophy, Member of the
Royal Society of Gottenburgh, &c. 291
II. Women; or, Pour et Contre. A Tale. By the Author of Ber-
III. Samor, Lord of the Bright City. An Heroic Poem. By the Rev.
H. H. Milman, M.A. - 328
IV. The Life of Robert Fulton. By his friend Cadwallader D. Col-
den. Comprising some Account of the Invention, Progress, and
Establishment of Steam-Boats; of Improvements in the Construction
and Navigation of Canals, &c.
- 347
V. 1. The History of Small-Pox. By James Moore, Member of the
Royal College of Surgeons, &c.
2. The History and Practice of Vaccination. By James Moore 357
VI. Essays on the Proximate Mechanical Causes of the General Phe-
nomena of the Universe. By Sir Richard Phillips
VII. The Northern Courts; containing Original Memoirs of the So-
vereigns of Sweden and Denmark, since 1766. By Mr. John
Brown - 379
VIII. Observations relating to some of the Antiquities of Egypt, from
the Papers of the late Mr. Davison. Published in Walpole's Me-
moirs - 391
IX. Lectures on the English Poets. Delivered at the Surrey Institu-
tion. By William Hazlitt
X. 1. Considerations respecting Cambridge, more particularly re-
lating to its Botanical Professorship. By Sir James Edward Smith,
M. D. F. R. S. &c. President of the Linnæan Society.
2. A Vindication of the University of Cambridge from the Reflections
of Sir James Edward Smith, President of the Linnæan Society, &c.
By the Rev. James Henry Monk, B.D. Fellow and Tutor of Trinity
College, and Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Cam-
XI. A Reply to the Quarterly Review on the New Translation of the
Bible from the original Hebrew. By John Bellamy, Author of the
History of all Religions'
- 446
XII. 1. Abrégé