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William Dell,

MINISTER of the Gospel;
Sometimes Attending both the GE-
nerals in the Army


Now MASTER of Gonvil and Caus
Colledge in Cambridge.

Heretofore Published at Several Times, and
on Several Occafions; and now gathered in
One Volume, for the Benefit of the Faithful,
and Conviction of the World.


Printed in the Year 1652, and now Re-printed by
J. Sowle in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street,

100.9. 163.

Sarah Lowe Siourbridge

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Preface to the READER


E are almoft at the end of Books; these Paper Works are now preaching their own Funerals; whilft they are holding forth the Spirit, the letter is grown old and is dying into the newness of the fpirit, and there looks to be found, into which all things shall be refolved, being restored out of their enmity, as into their Original whence they came; even Preaching and Preachers, Apoftles, Prophets, Evangelifts, Paflors, and Teachers, given for the perfecting of Ephef. 40 the Saints, for the edifying of the body of Chrift, 11, 12, 13. till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the ftature of the fulness of Chrift; till we come into a fpiritual uniformity in Chrift, being all filled and cloathed with bim, beyond all external forms, which are the ru diments and elements of children, with which ftate there is no uniformity confiftent, there being in it So many feveral ftatures and ages; And the Defign of Uniformity upon that is from none but Satan. to kill Chrift whilft he is a Child, and ftifle him in his Swadling cloaths, though the pretence be with Herod togive him honour and worship. But how vain are thefe plots upon him, who shall fubdue all things to himself and fwallow up death, or the vail (a part whereof external forms are) into victory, and bring forth judgment with triumph? He shall Swallow up all, and rife up out of that which hath Swallowed him and been his Grave, and that have we been, and made every thing to be, who are now giving up our dead, expecting to live in the liber- Efai. 25. 76 ty of our prifoner, whom we fee at last to be our

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