THE FAMILY EXPOSITOR: OR, A Paraphrafe and Version OF THE NEW TESTAMENT: WITH CRITICAL NOTES; AND A Practical IMPROVEMENT of each Section. VOL. II. Containing the LATTER PART of The History of our Lord JESUSCHRIST, As recorded by the FOUR EVANGELISTS, Disposed in the ORDER of an HARMONY. By P. DODDRIDGE, D. D. The SECOND EDITION. Sint Scripturæ tuæ Deliciæ meæ ! Nec decipiar in eis, nec decipiam ex eis ! Aug. LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. WAUGH, at the Turk's-head in Gracechurch-ftrect. T HE Publication of this Second Volume of the Family Expositor hath been delayed so long, beyond my own Expectation, and that of my Friends, that it may perhaps feem necessary to introduce it with an Apology for that Delay. But it would be tedious to enumerate a Variety of Circumstances, which have concurred to occafion it. It is generally known, that the unusual Severity of the late Winter laid a Kind of Embargo on the Press; and they that are at all acquainted with the Business of Printing, will easily apprehend, that, under the most faithful and careful Direction, a Work of confiderable Bulk is liable to many other Interruptions, even where the Manufcript is entirely finished before the Impression is begun. But after all, the chief Reason, why this hath been published no fooner, is (what I hope my Subscribers will eafily excufe,) the large Addition I have made to what was at first prepared and promised: Instead of an Hundred Sheets, they are here presented with an Hundred and Fifty-eight; so that all beyond the Page of this Second Volume is more than what I was by the Proposals obliged to deliver. On the Mention of this, I think myself obliged to renew my Thanks to those, who, by honouring me with their Names and Encouragement on this Occafion, have put it into my Power to publish the Work with fuch Improvements; and shall think myself happy, if those Improvements, however labopees and expensive to the Author, may render it more acceptable and usePl to them. The Tables prefixed to the First Volume are concluded in this, and repreSent the Disposition of the Harmony in so clear a View, that by comparing them together it would not be difficult to find any particular Text. But a Deference to the Request of some of the Subscribers, engaged me to a2 add. 1 iii |