Advertisements. On misleading, 235.
Adversity blessed, 350.
Aerolite discovered in Washington Co., Pa. Account
of, 382.
Africa. Account of the establishment of the "Free
State of Congo" in, 73. 81. 89. 97. 105.
Notice of Bishop Taylor's missionary efforts in
The unhealthiness of the climate of, experienced
by Europeans engaged in a mission in, 182.
Agents for "The Friend." List of, 38. 55. 62. 71. 149.
279. 416.
Agriculture. Observations on deep and shallow sowing
of wheat, 69.
in California. Notice of, 316. 324.
On the beneficial effects of tillage in drought, 407.
Alarm sounded in time of danger, 346.
Alaska. Notice of explorations in, in 1883, by F.
Schwatka, 355. 363.
Notice of a recent expedition to, under Lieut.
Schwatka, 407.
Aluminum. On a new process for obtaining, 109. 270.
Amusement when it becomes the business of life, utterly
wearisome, 134.
Aqueducts. Notice of three Roman, near Lyons, 46.
Are you a stranger." Incident entitled, 349.
cold. On the endurance of, by Luman beings, 37.
regions. On the Eskimo caches in the, zob.
Arsenic eating. On the effects of, 78.
Assyrians. Notice of the carying of prisoners into cap-
tivity by the, 285.
Assyrian inscriptions. Account of slabs containing,
sent to Philadelphia, 3.
Illustrations of the historical accuracy of the
Scriptures from, 12. 285.
Autumn walk. An, 122.
Bank notes. On the paper and printing of, 86.
Baptism. The doctrine of Friends respecting, 325. 330.
An advocate of water, answered, 405.
Baptists. A woman ordained as a pastor by,
Barbecue method of cooking described, 394.
Barclay's Apology. Testimony of a military officer
concerning, 149.
Notice of a new edition of, published in Scotland,
214. 246. 255.
Barclay John. Remarks of, on obedience to appre
Acts relating to marriage in force in Penna., 87.
The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 95.
Poems by Mary M. Miller, 95. 135.
The Antidote, 119.
Letters from a mother to a mother on childrens'
teeth, 119.
Pocket almanac for 1886, 175.
The Tract Repository, 190.
Early Friends and outward ordinances, by
Thomas Kimber, 191.
A Brief Exposition and Vindication of some of
the most important of the original Doctrines,
Principles, and Practices of the Religious So-
ciety of Friends. By Charles Perry, 191.
A new edition of Barclay's Apology, published
in Scotland, 214. 246. 255.
Religious Tests in Provincial Pennsylvania, by
C. J. Stillé, 215.
Selections from the writings of William Penn,
The Position of London and Dublin Yearly!
meetings, by Geo. A. Milne, (3rd edition), 215.
Vicks' Floral Guide, for 1886, 215.
Two years in the jungle, 234.
The Confession of Non-belief, &c., by Charles
Elcock, 239.
Report of the Penna. Society for prevention of
cruelty to animals, 254.
The Baptism and the Supper of our Lord, 263.
Early Physicians of Philadelphia and its vicinity,
by Dr. J. J. Levick, 271.
Memoir of Mary Anna Longstreth, 279.
A History of Education in Pennsylvania, by
James P. Wickersham, 303.
Annual Report of Friends' Free Library at Ger-
mantown, 319.
hended duty in little and in all things, 260. Books. Remarks on misapplied time in reading, 69.
Remarks of, on the weighty exercises attending Description of the, of the ancients, 188.
the business of a Yearly Meeting, and com-Boston. Notice of the imprisonment of H. L. Hastings
ments, 275.
Battey Hannah H. Biographical sketch of, 243.
Beacon marks. Remarks on preparing obituary notices,
entitled, 307.
Bee. Filial fidelity in the, 318.
Benezet Anthony. Biographical notice of, with special
reference to his early tract against ardent
spirits, 92.
Letter of, to Mary Robinson of Newport, R. I.,
Bermudas. Notice of the great numbers of rats in the,
about 1616, 134.
Bible Association of Friends. Circular of, 93. 100.
Society. Notice of the proceedings of the Ameri-
can, 367.
Billy Bray. Anecdote of, 413.
Biographical Notes and Anecdotes of Valentine Mea-
der, 2.
Bird. A canary, dying of remorse, 94.
Birds. On the business in the feathers and skins of,
as ornaments. On the impropriety of the fashion
of wearing, 246.
Notice of our winter songsters, 194. 213. 219.
Botanical excursion to an upland swamp, 332.
Botanizing among the Pine-barrens and Cranberry
bogs, 66.
Botanist. A shoemaker in Vermont becomes a learned,
by improving leisure hours, 398.
Boy. Anecdote of a truthful, 283.
The best recommendation of a, 309.
A talk with, 291.
Boys and girls in their teens.
Boys. Incident showing the kindness of the Earl of
Shaftesbury for poor, 237.
Bowly Daniel Jr. Advices of, on a preparation for
death, 268.
Brahmin lady. Notice of Pundita Ramabai a distin-
guished, 262.
Brantingham Mary. Incident connected with the min-
istry of, 43.
Business habits. Illustration of the importance of
forming good, 404.
California. Notice of the export of fruit from, to China
and Australia, 37.
Notice of the production of raisins in, 134.
Observations on the climate, &c., of Santa Bar-
bara, 203.
Notice of certain trees and shrubs of Southern,
Reminiscences of postal arrangements in San
Francisco 20 years ago, 397.
Notice of large farming operations in, 310. 324.
Card playing very dangerous to good morals, 29.
Experience of a woman in mounting and dis-
mounting from a, 285.
Candle of the Lord. What is it? Essay entitled, The
Capital punishment in Switzerland. Notice of recent
action respecting, 143.
Capper Mary. Remarks of, on her exercise on behalf
of the Society of Friends, 123.
Captive birds. Extract entitled, The, 260.
Carbonic acid gas. Notice of the manufacture of liqui-
fied, as a business, 262.
Cathedral at Rome. Account of the hooping of the
great, 21.
Celluloid. On the composition and uses of, 126.
Charity balls. Remarks on ungodly character of,
Address to parents on the training and proper
restraint of, 139.
On the importance of a steady, circumspect ex-
ample of parents in the training of, 146.
On the necessity of a proper restraint of, 146.
On the importance of the supervision of, after
dark in cities, by parents, 162.
should be taught to avoid sin because it is dis-
pleasing to God, 163.
Why parents so often fail in the management of,
Be careful to keep a promise to, 317.
On the duty of, to acknowledge their obligation
to the mother, 357.
On the practical benevolence of giving to city,
the enjoyments of country air, &c., 407.
Childrens' Aid Society of New York. Notice of the
work of, 182.
China. Notice of remonstrance of missionaries against
the opium traffic in, 54.
Account of the work performed by W. Gamble
in, 365.
Chinese. Observations of George Pitt on the, in Hong
Kong and San Francisco, 100.
Account of the recent massacre of, in Wyoming,
and comments, 108.
The identification of individuals among, by
thumb markings proposed, 110.
Notice of Presbyterians among the, 198.
Observations on the hostility against the, by
other foreigners on the Pacific slope, 203. 286.
hospital patients in China. Notice of the grati-
tude of, 204.
Remarks on the unreasoning violence lately
manifested against the, in this country, 247.