| John Bunyan - 1725 - 180 pages
...hinder, wherefore Faith^erfcverance, and Prayer are made difficult things to us : But if any man fm, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jefus Chrift the righteous. And, God-i Jhatl fight fortou, and you fliall hold your peace, was Once'a good Word to me, when I could... | |
| Daniel Whitby - Bible - 1727 - 204 pages
...fame fupreme God, that our Faith and Hope might be in the fame God. Thirteenthly, i Job. ii. 2. If we fin we have an Advocate with the Father, Jefus Chrift the Righteous, and he is the 'Propitiation for our Sins; that is, with the fame fupreme God: And he, the fame fupreme God, is the Propitiation... | |
| Samuel Fuller - Society of Friends - 1728 - 162 pages
...tccordini to the Riches of his Grace. My liule Children, thefe thing! write I unto you, I John i. I, a. that ye fin not. and if any Man fin. we have an Advocate with the FATHER, Jelus Chrift. the "Righteous, and he it the Propitiation for our Sins, and not for ours only, tut alfo... | |
| Benjamin Jenks - Bible - 1732 - 240 pages
...yea and when old Reckonings, and Pan: Sins, Regurgitate, and make new Head againft; thee j Thou haft an Advocate "with the Father, Jefus Chrift the Righteous, and he is the Propitiation for thy fins, z Joh. zz So thac the finful. evil fhall not be Charged upon thee ; When thou doft not... | |
| James Burroughs - 1733 - 296 pages
...in Chrift reconciling the world unto himfelf, not imputing their trejpajjes unto them; 2Cor.V. 19. We have an advocate with the father, Jefus Chrift the righteous: and whatfoever we ajk the Father in his name, he will give it us : i John II. i. compared with John XVI.... | |
| Hugh Binning - 1735 - 684 pages
...tender Affeftion, when it croflèth their own Inclinations and Ways. SER; SERMON XXII. \ i John i ii My little Children, thefe Things write I unto you, that ye fin not •' And if any Man ßn, we bave an jldvocate with the Father^ &c. f*HRISfJefus came by Water and b by ßlood, not by Water... | |
| Bible - 1737 - 470 pages
...Zealets vainly imagine) but Extends itfelf to all Sincere Chriftians, of what Denomination foever. AD 67. ye fin not. And if any man fin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jefus Chrift the righteous : 2 And he is the propitiation for our fins : and not for ours only, but alfo for the fins of the whole... | |
| Elisha Smith - Deism - 1737 - 492 pages
...his Name, that we/hould receive, and that our Joy may be full ||. And herein is Joy, if any Man Jin, we have an Advocate with the Father , Jefus Chrift the Righteous, and be is the Propitiation for our Sins 4.. And fee how the Apoftle afcends in his Argument ; Who {hall... | |
| Daniel Wilcox - Sermons, English - 1744 - 454 pages
...fay, There is no hope in their cafe, is to fay what they have no warrant for, from God or his word. If any man fin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jefus Chrift the righteous : Who hath been the propitiation for fin, and is exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give both... | |
| John Brine - Christianity - 1746 - 444 pages
...Perfections. And, therefore, our 'Advocate in pleading for US, qs, fully fupports his Character of righteous. If any Man 'fin, we have an Advocate 'with the Father ', Jefus Chrift the righteous (q). On the contrary, if any Circumjlances could be fuppofed, in which the fupreme Model of every Thing... | |
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