| Theology - 1852 - 432 pages
...for the Survey of the rivers Tigris and Euphrates, carried on by order of the British Government, in 1835, 1836 and 1837, preceded by geographical and...regions situated between the rivers Nile and Indus. In four volumes, large 8vo, with fourteen maps atid charts, ninety-seven plates, besides numerous wood-cuts,... | |
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...Frontispiece; uniform with Harry Hieover's Practical Horsmanskip. Fcp. 8ro. 5s. half-bound. CHESNEY.—THE EXPEDITION FOR THE SURVEY OF THE RIVERS EUPHRATES...carried on by order of the British Government, in the Yrars 1835, 1836, and 1837. By Li«nt.-Col. CHESNEY, RA, FRS, Commander of tbc Expedition. Vols. I.... | |
| Charles Francis Trower - English fiction - 1852 - 486 pages
...uniform with Harry Hieover'a Practical Hortemanship. Fcap'. 8vo. ;,,,. half-bound. CHESNEY.— THE EXPEDITION FOR THE SURVEY OF THE RIVERS EUPHRATES...TIGRIS, carried on by order of the British Government, ln the Years 1835, 1836, and 1837. By Lieut. -Col. Chesney, RA F RS, Commander of the Expedition. Vols.... | |
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...Frontispiece; uniform with Harry tiieover'i Practical llornuauUp. Fcp. S'o. 5s. half-bound. CnESNEY.—THE EXPEDITION FOR THE SURVEY OF THE RIVERS EUPHRATES and TIGRIS, carried on by order of the British Сотсглпм-п. in the Years 1839, 1836, and 1837. By Lieut.-Col. CHBS.VKY, HA, FRS, Commander... | |
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...312 Woodcuts, 10s. 6d. cloth. CIIESNEY.— THE EXPEDITION FOR THE SURVEY OF THE RIVERS EUPHRATES anil TIGRIS, carried on by order of the British Government, in the Years 1835, 1836, and 1837. By Lieut.-Col. CHESXKY, RA, FR8., Commander of the Expedition. Vols. I. and II. in royal 8vo. with... | |
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...British expedition in the years 1835-7, for the survey of the rivers Euphrates and Tigris. They contain geographical and historical notices of the regions situated between the rivers Nile and Indus, and in the first volume, chapters xvii. to xxi. are devoted to Syria, Phoenicia, and Palestine, etc.... | |
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...Horictnanthip. Fcap. Sro. 5$. half-bonnd. CHESNEY.— THE EXPEDITION FOR THE SURVEY OF THE RIVERS EUPHKATKS AND TIGRIS, carried on by order of the British Government, in the Years IS35, IS36, and lS3?. By Lient.-Col. Chcsney, RA F US, Commander of tbe Expedition. Vols. I. nnd II.... | |
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...Practical HonemauskiF. Fcap. Svo. 6t. half-bonnd. CHESNEY.— THE EXPEDITION FOR THE SURVEY OF TIIE ItlVERS EUPHRATES AND TIGRIS, carried on by order of the British Government, In the Yean I8S5, 1836, and 1837. By Lient. -Col. Chesney, RA F RS, Commander of the Expedition. Volt. Land... | |
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...the Families and Genera. By AGNES CATLOW. Fcp. Svo. with 312 Woodcuts, 10s. 6d. cloth. CHESNEY.-THE EXPEDITION FOR THE SURVEY OF THE RIVERS EUPHRATES and TIGRIS, carried on hy order of the British Government, in the Years 1S35, 1S36, and 1S37. By Lieut.-Col. CHBSNEY, RA,... | |
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