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" As then to me he seem'd to fly, And then new tears came in my eye, And I felt troubled — and would fain I had not left my recent chain ; And when I did descend again, The darkness of my dim abode Fell on me as a heavy load... "
Lord Byron - Page 109
by Louise Swanton-Belloc - 1824
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English Poetry: Volume 2

English poetry - 1910 - 524 pages
...flew so fast As then to me he seem'd to fly; And then new tears came in my eye, And I felt troubled and would fain I had not left my recent chain. And...dim abode Fell on me as a heavy load; It was as is a new-dug grave, Closing o'er one we sought to save; And yet my glance, too much opprest, Had almost...
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Twelve Centuries of English Poetry and Prose

Alphonso Gerald Newcomer, Alice Ebba Andrews - English literature - 1910 - 778 pages fly; And then new tears came in my eye. And I felt troubled — and would fain LOftD 360 370 380 l, informs our mortal part, As full, as perfect, in...perfect, in vile man that mourns, As the rapt seraph new-dug grave, Closing o 'er one we sought to save, — And yet my glance, too much opprest, Had almost...
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British Poets of the Nineteenth Century: Poems by Wordsworth, Coleridge ...

Curtis Hidden Page - English poetry - 1910 - 980 pages
...tears came in my eye, And I felt troubled — and would fain I had not left my recent chain ; Anil and, Who are to judge of danger which they fear, And new-dug grave. Closing o'er one we sought to save, — And yet my glance, too much opprest, Had almost...
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Twelve Centuries of English Poetry and Prose

Alphonso Gerald Newcomer - English literature - 1910 - 776 pages me he seemed to fly; And then new tears came in my eye, And I felt troubled — and would fain T 360 Fell on me as a heavy load; It was as is a new-dug grave, Closing o 'er one we sought to save,...
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Byron's Childe Harold (canto IV): Prisoner of Chillon and Other Selections

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1911 - 184 pages As then to me he seemed to fly ; 355 And then new tears came in my eye, And I felt troubled — and would fain I had not left my recent chain ; And...I did descend again, The darkness of my dim abode 360 Fell on me as a heavy load ; did and as Byron did, to view the scene here described. The poet tells...
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Selections from Byron: Childe Harold, Canto IV, The Prisoner of Chillon ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1911 - 252 pages
...1 Villeneuve. CASTLE OF CHILLON Interior And then new tears came in my eye, And I felt troubled — and would fain I had not left my recent chain ; And...I did descend again, The darkness of my dim abode 360 Fell on me as a heavy load ; It was as is a new-dug grave, Closing o'er one we sought to save,...
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The English Parnassus: An Anthology Chiefly of Longer Poems

William Macneile Dixon, Sir Herbert John Clifford Grierson - English poetry - 1911 - 792 pages fast As then to me he seem'd to fly ; And then new tears came in my eye, And I felt troubled — and would fain I had not left my recent chain ; And...I did descend again, The darkness of my dim abode 360 Fell on me as a heavy load ; It was as is a new-dug grave, Closing o'er one we sought to save,...
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Poems, Narrative and Lyrical: Required for College Entrance

Robert Porter St. John - American poetry - 1911 - 268 pages As then to me he seemed to fly ; 355 And then new tears0 came in my eye, And I felt troubled — and would fain I had not left my recent chain ; And...I did descend again, The darkness of my dim abode 360 Fell on me as a heavy load ; It was as is a new-dug grave, Closing o'er one we sought to save,...
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The English Parnassus: An Anthology, Chiefly of Longer Poems

William Macneile Dixon - English poetry - 1911 - 792 pages
...fain I had not left my recent chain ; 'And when I did descend again, The darkness of my dim abode 360 Fell on me as a heavy load ; It was as is a new-dug grave, Closing o'er one we sought to save, — And yet my glance, too much opprest, Had almost...
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In Praise of Switzerland: Being the Alps in Prose and Verse

Harold Spender - Alps - 1912 - 316 pages fast As then to me he seem'd to fly; And then new tears came in my eye, And I felt troubled—and would fain I had not left my recent chain. And when...abode Fell on me as a heavy load ; It was as is a new-dug grave, Closing o'er one we sought to save; And yet my glance, too much opprest, Had almost...
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