As then to me he seem'd to fly, And then new tears came in my eye, And I felt troubled — and would fain I had not left my recent chain ; And when I did descend again, The darkness of my dim abode Fell on me as a heavy load... Lord Byron - Page 109by Louise Swanton-Belloc - 1824Full view - About this book
 | Lucius Hudson Holt - Literary Criticism - 1915 - 952 pages
...flew so fast As then to me he seem'd to fly; And then new tears came in my eye, And I felt troubled nt Gilpin, out of breath, And sore ngainst his will,...Till at his friend the calender's His horse at last 360 Fell on me as a heavy load; It was as is a new-dug grave, Closing o'er one we sought to save; And... | |
 | Lucius Hudson Holt - English poetry - 1915 - 956 pages
...fain I had not left my recent chain. And when I did descend again, The darkness of my dim abode 360 w hath quite forgot to rave, While new-dug grave, Closing o'er one we sought to save; And yet my glance, too much oppress'd, Had almost... | |
 | Franklyn Bliss Snyder, Robert Grant Martin - English literature - 1916 - 530 pages As then to me he seemed to fly, 355 And then new tears came in my eye, And I felt troubled — and would fain I had not left my recent chain; And...I did descend again, The darkness of my dim abode 360 Fell on me as a heavy load; It was as is a new-dug grave, Closing o'er one we sought to save. And... | |
 | John Matthews Manly - English literature - 1916 - 828 pages fast As then to me he seem'd to fly, And then new tears*came in my eye. And I felt troubled — rung; 30 On Christmas eve the mass was sung; That...night, in all the year, Saw the stoled priest the c 360 Fell on me as a heavy load; It was as is a new-dug grave, Closing o'er one we sought to save. And... | |
 | John Matthews Manly - English literature - 1916 - 806 pages
...seem'd to fly, And then new tears came in my eye, And I felt troubled — and would fain 1 would have I had not left my recent chain ; And when I did descend again, The darkness of my dim abode 360 Fell on me as a heavy load ; It was as is a new-dug grave, Closing o'er one we sought to save.... | |
 | George Benjamin Woods - England - 1916 - 1610 pages 355 As then to me he seem'd to fly; And then new tears came in my eye. And I felt troubled— e the griesly texture grow! 10 360 The darkness of my dim abode Fell on me as a heavy load ; It was as in a new-dug grave, Closing... | |
 | American poetry - 1918 - 2062 pages
...flew so fast As then to me he seemed to fly; And then new tears came in my eye, And I felt troubled, nerable nothings. We decay Like corpses in a charncl; by day, And cold hopes swarm like worms within o new-dug grave, Closing o'er one we sought to save; And yet my glance, too much oppressed, Had almost... | |
 | George E. Teter - American poetry - 1918 - 456 pages fast As then to me he seemed to fly, And then new tears came in my eye, And I felt troubled — and would fain I had not left my recent chain; And...dim abode Fell on me as a heavy load; It was as is a new-dug grave, Closing o'er one we sought to save, — And yet my glance, too much oppressed, Had almost... | |
 | Franklin Thomas Baker, Ashley Horace Thorndike - Readers - 1918 - 424 pages tears came in my eye, And I felt troubled — and would fain I had not left my recent chain; 10 And when I did descend again, The darkness of my dim abode Fell on me as a heavy load; It was as is a new-dug grave, Closing o'er one we sought to save, — 15 And yet my glance, too much opprest, Had... | |
 | Franklin Thomas Baker, Ashley Horace Thorndike - Readers - 1918 - 424 pages tears came in my eye, And I felt troubled — and would fain I had not left my recent chain ; 10 And when I did descend again, The darkness of my dim...abode Fell on me as a heavy load ; It was as is a new-dug grave, Closing o'er one we sought to save, — 15 And yet my glance, too much opprest, Had... | |
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