| E. Heine - Mathematics - 1861 - 430 pages
...Verhältnisse des Quadrats der Entfernung wirkenden Anziehung»- und AbstossungsKräfte , no. 3. **) An Essay on the Application of mathematical Analysis to the theories of Electricity and Magnetism. Diese Arbeit von Green, nach Thomson's Angabe J828 schon veröffentlicht, ist von Thomson im Bande... | |
| Rudolf Clausius - Potential theory (Mathematics) - 1867 - 160 pages
...Naturkräften gethanen mechanischen Arbeit in der mathemati« chen Physik eine grosse Rolle spielt. 1) An Essay on the Application of mathematical Analysis to the theories of Electricity and Magnetism; by GEORGE GHEEN. Nottingham 1828. — Wieder abgedruckt in CEELLE'S Journ. Bd. 44 und 47. Während... | |
| Bartholomew Price - Calculus - 1868 - 710 pages
...composed. The name of " Potentialfunction" was given to v by George Green, in his most remarkable " Essay on the Application of Mathematical Analysis to the Theories of Electricity and Magnetism," which was published at Nottingham in 1828. But the abridged name " Potential" was given by Gauss in... | |
| Mathematics - 1868 - 788 pages
...corps conducteurs. Mém. de la classe des se. miithem. et phys. de l'inst. Année 1811. lireen: An essay on the application of mathematical analysis to the theories of electricity and magnetism. Crcllc's Journal, lid. 3'J. 44. u. 47. Gauss: Untersuchungen über die im verkehrten Verhältnisse... | |
| Encyclopedias and dictionaries - 1869 - 508 pages
...begrünben unb ju erroeitern. (Sr begann mit feiner gei)altreid)en unb Sluffefyen erregenben ©djrift: A Essay on the application of mathematical analysis...theories of electricity and magnetism. Nottingham 1828. 4., unb führte bann feine 2lnftd)ten roeíter au« in einjelnen 8lbl)anblungen , bie er ben gelehrten... | |
| Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Zürich - Natural history - 1870 - 936 pages
...das zweite, weil es durch theilweise Integration aus dem ersten erhalten werden kann (s. Green: An Essay on the Application of mathematical Analysis to the theories of Electricity and Magnetism. Crelle's Journal, Bd. 44,] pag. 360; Riemann's Inaug.-Diss., Art. 7 bis 10). : b. Setzt man «' = 1,... | |
| Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Zürich - Natural history - 1870 - 460 pages
...das zweite, weil es durch theilweise Integration aus dem ersten erhalten werden kant (s. Gr ee n: An Essay on the Application of mathematical Analysis to the theories of Electricity and Magnetism. Crelle's Journal, Bd. 44, pag. 360; Riemann's Inaug.—Diss., Art. 7 bis 10). b. Setzt man u' = 1,... | |
| George Green - History - 1871 - 372 pages
...every form of the function V, as will be evident from what has been shewn in the third article of my Essay On the Application of Mathematical Analysis to the Theories of Electricity and Magnetism. [See pp. 2327-] are satisfied; and another denned by Moreover, for greater distinctness, we shall mark... | |
| George Green - Physical optics - 1871 - 358 pages
...every form of the function V, as will be evident from what has been shewn in the third article of my Essay On the Application of Mathematical Analysis to the Theories of Electricity and Magnetism. [See pp. 23—27.] are satisfied; and another defined by ^ + 3£ + ... + -!<l and « = 0. a, a, a.... | |
| George Green - Physical optics - 1871 - 353 pages
...every form of the function V, as will be evident from what has been shewn in the third article of my Essay On the Application of Mathematical Analysis to the Theories of Electricity and Magnetism. [See pp. 2327.] are satisfied ; and another denned by - J o + -^+... + - i o < l an -d u — 0Í »!... | |
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