While daily, some mid those pale bands, Droop, sicken, pine, and die. Good God ! to think upon a child That has no childish days, No careless play, no frolics wild, No words of prayer and praise ! Man from the cradle — 'tis too soon To earn their daily... Poetical Works Complete - Page 229by Letitia Elizabeth Landon - 1838 - 345 pagesFull view - About this book
 | Mary Botham Howitt - 1854 - 564 pages
...from the snowy north; The child is pale and cold. I And wearily the little hands Their task accustomed ply; While daily, some 'mid those pale bands, Droop,...wild, No words of prayer and praise! Man from the cradle—'tis too soon To earn their daily bread, And heap the heat and toil of noon To labor ere their... | |
 | Five Points Mission - City missions - 1854 - 338 pages
...FOISTS." " AJas ! to think upon a child That has no childish days, Wo happy home, no counsel mild ; No words of prayer and praise ! " Man from the cradle— 'tis too soon To earn their daily bread, And heap the heat and toil of noon Upon an infant's head. " To labor ere their strength be come,... | |
 | Beautiful poetry - 1854 - 432 pages
...Breaks their gentle course to music, as the stones break summer rills. ALEXANDER SMITH. CHILDHOOD. Good God ! to think upon a child That has no childish days ; No careless play, no frolies wild, No words of prayer or praise. Miss LAMID.V MANLY NOEILITY. See, what a grace was seated... | |
 | Maria Susanna Cummins - Abused children - 1854 - 530 pages
...of the District of Mouachusctfci. StereotTped DT BGRART .1 110RRINS, 3 THE LAMPLIGHTEH. CHAPTER I. Good God ! to think upon a child That has no childish days, No careless piay, no frolics wild, No words of prayer and praise! LAKDGK. IT was growing dark m the city. Out in... | |
 | Maria Susanna Cummins - American fiction - 1854 - 516 pages
...of the District Court of the District of MnssnchusctU Stereotyped by Cv THE LAMPLIGHTER. CHAPTEK I. Good God ! to think upon a child That has no childish days, No eareless play, no frolies wild, No words of prayer and praise! LANDGX. IT was growing dark in the city.... | |
 | Maria Susanna Cummins - 1855 - 542 pages
...Massachusetts. HODAKT * RODB1HB. EOSTOS. Pnn rf 0«. 0. lud, I OnUIL THE LAMPLIGHTER. CHAPTER I. Good Ood ! to think upon a child That has no childish days, No...play, no frolics wild, No words of prayer and praise! LJUTDOX. IT was growing dark in the city. Out in the open country it would be light for half an hour... | |
 | Mary Louise Redd Cook - Southern States - 1868 - 336 pages
...XXII 280 CHAPTER XXIII 288 CHAPTER XXIV 298 CHAPTER XXV 309 (vii) ANTE BELLUM. CHAPTER I. Good Ood ! to think upon a child That has no childish days, No...play, no frolics wild, No words of prayer and praise ! IN the beautiful South, on the eastern bank of the Chattahoochee, where the tall pines like stalwart... | |
 | Mary Louise Redd Cook - Southern States - 1868 - 336 pages
...XXIV 298 CHAPTER XXV... 309 (Vii) I ANTE BELLTJM. CHAPTER I. Good God ! to think upon a child That hag no childish days, No careless play, no frolics wild, No words of prayer and praise ! IN the beautiful South, on the eastern bank of the Chattahoochee, where the tall pines like stalwart... | |
 | Maria Susanna Cummins - 1879 - 396 pages
...'that are Told. Eose Porter. PER VOLUMS. THE LAMPLIGHTER. CHAPTER I. Good God! to think npon s chfld That has no childish days, No careless play, no frolics wild, No words of prayer and praise ! — LAHDOS. IT was growing dark in the city. Out in the open country it would be light for half an... | |
 | Maria Susanna Cummins - 1879 - 432 pages
...Douglas. Mary Bailun. The Year, that are Told. Uose Porter. PER VOLUME. THE LAMPLIGHTER. CHAPTER I. Good God ! to think upon a child That has no childish days, No careless play, no frolics mid, No words of prayer and praise ! — LAKDOH. IT was growing dark in the city. Out in the open country... | |
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