| Samuel Cole, Freemasons. Grand Lodge of Maryland - Freemasonry - 1817 - 462 pages
...with me in the dish, the same shall betray me. The son of man goeth, as is written of him: but woe unto that man by whom the son of man is betrayed! It had been good for that man if he hud not been born. Then Judas, which betrayed him, answered and said; Master is it I; He... | |
| Adam Clarke - 1817 - 746 pages
...searches the heart. What renders his case most desperate, are the words of our Lord, Matt. xxvi. 21. Woe unto that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It had been good for thai man if he had not been born ! I have considered this saying in a general point of view, in my... | |
| William Barlass, Peter Wilson - Sermons, English - 1818 - 688 pages
...him. Thus in verse 24 he addressed him in the following alarming language, «' The Son of man goeth, as it is written of him : but wo unto that man by...Son of man is betrayed : it had been good for that man if he had not been born." This stripped Judas of every excuse, and rendered his wickedness still... | |
| Thomas Smith Webb - Freemasonry - 1818 - 336 pages
...said, He that dippeth his baud with me in the dish, the same shall betray me. The son of man goeth, as it is written of him : but wo unto that man by...son of man is betrayed ! It had been good for that man if he had not been born. Then Judas, which betrayed him, answered and said, Master, is it I? He... | |
| Thomas Smith Webb - Freemasonry - 1818 - 318 pages
...faid, He that dippeth his hand with me in the difh, the fame fhall betray me. The fon of man goeth, as it is written of him : but wo unto that man by whom the fon of man is betrayed ! It had been good for that man if he had not been born. Then Judas, which betrayed... | |
| E. J. Burrow - 1822 - 546 pages
...with me in the dish, the same shall betray me. The Son of man goeth, as it is written of him : but woe unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed : it had been good for that man if he had not been born. Then Judas, which betrayed him, answered and said, Master, is it I ? He... | |
| Hervey Wilbur - Catechisms, English - 1823 - 144 pages
...advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away ?- The Son of man goeth, as it is written of him: but wo unto that man by whom...Son of man is betrayed! IT HAD BEEN GOOD FOR THAT MAN IF HE HAD HOT BEEN BORN.- And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels... | |
| Congregational churches - 1832 - 590 pages
...went to hell, the place of complete and endless destruction. Matt. xxvi. 24. " The Son of man gotill as it is written of him ; but wo unto that man by...Son of man is betrayed ! it had been good for that man if he had not been born." When Christ spake these words, lie must hare known that it was the purpose... | |
| Christian life - 1875 - 350 pages
...his own place. Oh, ho\r awful ! especially when we think of what the Lord Jesus said before : " Woe unto that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed ! It had been good for that man if he had not been born." No one can doubt where this wretched man's place was ; it was among the... | |
| Andrew Fuller - Baptists - 1824 - 418 pages
...What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away ? — Woe unto that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed : it had been good for that man if he had Dot been born. — Their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.* — Between us... | |
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