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More Than a Memoir

More than a Memoir is indeed more—more adventure, more danger and more dare than an ordinary American’s journey through life and history starting with WWII.

God, Sex and the Bible

Christianity=s negative attitude toward sex developed from the need for ancient Judaean and Christian families to flourish. A thorough scientific evaluation of human cultures will be required to replace it.

James and John

When two ten year old boys who are best friends disobey their parents, they learn a valuable lesson. But is it enough to change their way of thinking and behavior.

Litty Kitter is Kitty Litter Spelled Backwards

Litty Kitter the Cat was purchased at a pet shop, as a surprise birthday gift, for a young boy named Ronnie.

Danny's Workin' the Crowd

"...Danny's Workin' The Crowd is one of Dan's many written collections of, shall we say, mind-bending reflections. His one-liners are so off-the-wall that you have to smile and ask, "Where is this guy coming from?" Stuff like ...The reason I wear Dockers is because I want to be a longshoreman ... When hockey players get some teeth knocked out, do they get a partial salary? ... Did Evel Knievel ever jump to conclusions?"


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams