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America on the Brink

This book reveals a nation starting out as a Christian nation, prospering beyond all expectations and then descending into a divisive anti-Christian nation. It is presently on the brink of destruction.

Bittersweet Diary

Lane’s bittersweet diary begins on her 21st birthday. Her saga started at the age of five when she moved into the boiler room of her school… alone. Could you handle it?

The Mirrour of True Nobility & Gentility Being the Life of Peiresc

This book is a reprint of the biography of Nicolas Peiresc, known as Vita Peireskii, written by Pierre Gassendi in 1641, and excellently translated in English by William Rand, in 1657, for Sir John Evelyn.

Dante's Destiny III: Millennial Reign

The country conducts the largest withdrawal in military history. Then over two-billion people vanish from off the face of the earth. In an instant, the world plunges back into darkness.

Help I'm Living with a Tweenager!

Survive your child’s tweenage years! In this quick read, two middle school counselors share their experiences, tell you what tweens are thinking, and empower you to help your tween thrive.


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams